The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 37: Nina

Chapter 37: Nina

I still can't believe what I saw and heard even right now that I'm in my parents' house, I'm wondering if I

heard right.

Michael is in love with Deborah Melton? When? How?. “To think that I allow that animal to touch me, I

feel like killing him with my bare hands” I clenched my fists annoyed as I sat down in the sitting room at

my parents'.

I'm so happy right now that I followed my instincts to come here, I wouldn't know what I will be doing at

home now

“You will probably be crying at home right now,” my subconscious said, looking up what she was doing.

I glared at her, must she state the obvious. She rolled her eyes at me and went back to whatever she

was doing.

I raise my head up as I turn to force back the tears that threatened to fall, I wouldn't want mom to be

worried, which she seems to do those days.

Looking around the sitting room, I was glad to see that my parents have fully unpacked even though I

didn't help them one bit. The room was strewn with family pictures, there was a portrait of dad and I

during my graduation and more of Shane and I.

Speaking of Shane, I look up to see him descending the stairs with his tablet in one hand as he uses

his other hand to remove his hair from his eyes. Even at seven, everyone could clearly see that he was

handsome, with his deep brown eyes and very intelligent look. I just hope he won't grow up to break

many women's hearts like Michael. I snorted when I said that name again, why am I still thinking about

that man?

“Because you love him, obviously ” My subconscious snapped at me annoyed that I was interrupting

her siesta. I huff and roll my eyes at her, she is the one invading my privacy without asking for

permission from me.

“Earth to Ina, earth to Ina ” Shane chanted as he moved around the room laughing while I watched him


“Though I was lost in thoughts but I'm very much still on the earth ” I replied to him with my hands

folded across my chest.

“Really?” He asks me tilting his head to stare at me giving me the ”I don't believe you” look “ then did

you hear what I said?”.

“Hmmm___I______” I tried to look for a reasonable thing to say but soon gave up when I had no idea

about what he could have say“ I didn't hear anything. What did you say?”

He walked closer to where I was and occupied the couch opposite me shrugging, his eyes focused on

his tablet “ Well, I didn't say anything,” He finally said after a few minutes.

I scoff at him as I turn back to pick the book which was lying face down on the couch, I have completely

abandoned it with Michael's thought in my mind.

I was getting so engrossed in the story when my poor excuse of a brother decided to spoil my mood “

what's going on between Michael and you?” He asks me, barely glancing up at me. I look at him

shocked, of all the questions to ask me, why that? Didn't he know that I don't want to talk about it?.

“Nothing, ” I replied, shrugging uninterestedly in wherever this conversation was going.

“But_______'' He protested furiously while I held up a finger silencing him. He shut his mouth and went

back to his phone while I was allowed to get engrossed in my book once again. I was glad that he

listens to me, most times he behaves like he's my elder brother and not the other way around.

I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't see my dad and mom were getting the stairs with their bags

ready for their trip.

“Ina darling,” Mom called out to me as she walked closer to where I was seated and tapped me lightly

on my shoulder. I blink twice scared before I could finally recognize the person in front of me “Mom?” I

questioned softly while she looked at me shocked with her hands folded across her chest.

“I'm so sorry, I was so engrossed in the book that I was reading” I laugh nervously as she still regards

me with the same expression.

“Are you guys ready?” I ask them as my eyes landed on the suitcases in the hands of Linda, my

parents' housekeeper.

“Yes and as a matter of fact, we are running late” Dad said hurriedly as he grabs mom's hand guiding

her to the door.

“But dad_________” I postested angrily. Truth is, I don't want them to leave me even if it's only for a

week. I've been having this weird feeling that something is about to happen and call it me being

paranoid but I just want my dad by my side especially now that Michael is no longer on my side.

“Ina darling,” Dad called softly as he came over to hug me tight, tears stream down my face as I weep

softly onto his shoulder“ Shush! Baby hush! You can do this, I know you are strong”


“Your father is right Ina ” Mom said softly as she slowly walked up to me too, I looked at her surprised

this is the first time she's taking dad's side and not mine.

“You need this alone time to sort out your life and most especially you get to be the CEO of Pandora for

a week” She continues, winking at me when she said the last part laughing. I laugh back while she

helps me to wipe my tears. I love her so much, she knows how to restore my mood.

“Moreover, Shane is here to protect you” Dad said smiling as we both watched Shane flex his tiny


“Don't worry dad, I will protect big sis”

We laughed at his antics, Shane and I escorted mom and dad to their car while we stood at the

driveway and watched them drive to the airport while waving at them until they disappeared.

I guide Shane back into the house with my arms around his back oblivion to the shadow that stood

watching us under the shades of the tree.

On getting to the sitting room, I sent Shane back to his room to prepare for his school tomorrow while I

took out my laptop to get the presentation ready, my vampire book completely abandoned though I was

tempted to keep on reading but this was more important.

Since my parents are going to Greece to set up another branch of The Millers Enterprises. I was left to

head dad's company here in New_ York. Being my first time going there, I wanted to prepare ahead

before facing them. I spent an hour later going through the presentation, when I was satisfied I decided

to retire for the night.


“Shane you need to get your ass down here right now” I shouted as I stood at the bottom of the stairs

looking at the tiny gold watch at the back of my hand “ Gosh! This boy is going to make me late on my

first day in the office” I mumbles as I turn back to the dining glaring.

“Language Ina, language. He's still a child” Linda scolded me gently as I nod at her smiling. Thanks to

Lilian for teaching me all those curse words and to Michael for approving. My hands stilled on the fork

as I suck in breath and slowly turn to look out of the window but no one was there. I thought I saw

someone there just now. Why did I have this feelings that someone is watching me?.

Shane soon came down and all my paranoid was forgotten as we both rushed our breakfast of

scramble eggs and tea. I dropped him off at school and told him that Mr. Clinton will be here to pick him

up when he closes since I may be late. He waves at me as I walk back into the car and drives to the


Dad's office was located in one of the busiest routes in New York city, due to the traffic I finally arrived

at the office, though I was thankful that it was not in the same neighbourhood as Michael's. I don't think

I will be able to face him yet after yesterday.

Opening the car door, I was surprised to see a young man standing there with a notepad waiting

patiently for me, closing the door . I watched him curiously as he fumbled with his glasses, pushing it to

his face. He looks cute but young.

“Good morning, Miss Miller. I am Mr. Miller's personal assistant, I will guide you to his office ” He said

as he walked me through the double glass door into the elevator that will take us to my dad's office.

“Thank you, Mr. Uh_____” I said scratching my head embarrassed that I didn't even know his name as

soon as he showed me to my dad's office.

“Samuel Hounsa” He replies, bowing down slightly. Another French man, I sigh heavily. What is it with

the French and I?.

“Thank you, Mr. Hounsa. I trust the potential investors are in the meeting room. Yes?” I ask him sitting Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

down on my dad's chair as I got to work immediately pulling out my laptop from my bag.

“Yes ma'am. They have been here for the past thirty minutes now” He replies slowly still bowing down.

“What!” I exclaim as I stand up grabbing my bag and random files on the table. I beckon to him to take

me to the conference room.

On getting to the conference room, I was surprised to see just two men sitting and waiting patiently for

me. The first was was quite elderly maybe around sixty years with gray hairs on his head and beards,

he was thick while the younger version of him was tall with short brown hairs and dark eyes, his

chiseled chin and sturdy body shows resemblance to his dad with also giving off the dangerous vibes.

“I apologised for my lateness, gentlemen ” I said walking into the room to the head of the table to sit

making them glance at me. The elderly man smiled at me while his younger version regarded me with

a bored expression.

“Apology accepted, Miss Miller”

“Thank you, that out of the way let's get down to the business at hand” I replied nonchalantly, opening

my laptop as I stood up and walked to the projector to explain the drawings on them.

One hour later, I was through with my presentation. Mr. Feller was quite impressed with it that he won't

stop praising me for that but as for his son, he was quiet and still bored. He looks like he couldn't wait

to get out of here, well that makes the two of us.

“Miss em_______” Mr. Feller Jr said looking at the file opened in front of him, trying to read my name

on it. I was quite bored with his antics. I know his types, arrogant and cocky. And so far, I hate them all.

“Miss Miller” I said with a forced smile while I looked at him waiting for the nonsense that would come

out of his mouth.

“Miss Miller ” He called uninterestedly with my name but for formality sake“ I don't think you know what

we are talking about here?” He asked, looking at me. I gulped nervously as I tensed under his gaze.

Mr. Feller Jr isn't an easy going man but dangerous.

“Federick, the young lady has explained everything. I'm sure they will love all of these products ” Mr.

Feller said, coming to my rescue as he pointed to the shoes on the screen. Shoes that I've spent night

designing just for this egomaniac nycompo to rubbish it within seconds.

“Okay, papa” He replied defeatedly. I scoff at him so Mr high and mighty sure feared his father.

“Thank you, Miss Miller, '' Mr. Feller said, getting up from his chair as he shook my hands “ I really love

all of these designs, my lawyer will get in touch with you to sign the contract. In the meantime, you can

start the production ” He said walking out with his son beside him.

“Thank you sir” I called after him but his faint laughter was the only response I got. I sat down tired and

drained out on the chair. Thank God, I was able to secure the contract for dad, he will be so happy

when he comes back.

“Congratulations ma'am ” Sam's voice broke me out of my thoughts as I turned to look at him standing

in front of the door. I nod my head at him as I gather my stuff into my bag. A quick glance at the clock

took me flying out of the office into the elevator that will take me to the ground floor where my car was

parked after saying goodnight to Mr. Hounsa

I didn't know the time was so fast. It's past 7pm, Shane will be at home and probably worried. I got into

the car and drove all the way home.

Immediately, I opened the door and walked in, I stopped short as I felt biles rise up my throat. The one

person I expected not to see was sitting comfortably on the couch with a glass of coffee on his left

hand. Shane was standing beside him as they both watched me. I gulped when I saw blood on his shirt

and ran to check him up scared, even though I hate him.

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