The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 16: Things Nobody Knows

Chapter 16: Things Nobody Knows

The alarm beep at seven in the morning, I slammed my hand angrily at it. I couldn't get enough sleep

last night. I was thinking about Mia Walker and Michael, he shows me a side of him that makes me

want to protect him and stand by his side always.

I threw the cover away as I stood up and went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for work.

Remembering the interview I was to have with Austin, I quickly dressed up in a black peplum gown and

make my way out of the apartment with my car key in my hand.

Opening the door to my car, I saw Deborah Melton rushing to meet me, she was clad in a red bareback

gown and fully caked with makeup. She walked up to me and smiled.

“Can I get a lift to my dad's company? ” She asked batting her eyelashes at me. I was surprised, was

she not the same person who asks me to stay away from Michael yesterday? Why is she here this


“Why?” I ask her after resolving not to trust or believe anything she say anymore.

“I heard that Austin will be having an interview today. I just want to watch it. It's been a long I've seen a

handsome face” She replied smiling at me.

“You knew Austin?” I laugh nervously “ Pardon my forgetful memory, I've forgotten that you met him at

the masquerade ball.

“Duh… I know Austin much more than you would ever imagine ” I was shocked, well it not possible for

her not to know him, I mean they are both socialite and rich. I insert the key into the ignition and pull out

of the driveway.

“Why are you here, Deborah?. Cuz right now, I know you hate me more than anyone in the world ” I

said as I glance at her briefly before focusing on the road.

“Yes. I do hate you more than anyone in the world right now and I meant every word I said last night ”

She replied as her face harden.

“And what if I don't,” I ask, cos as at last night I've decided to give love a second chance. And that

chance at love won't happen if I stay away from Michael. Whatever happens, I will fight for the one I


My subconscious shriek and scream and she jumped up and down happily. I smile as I drove to the


“Then get ready for battle. I'm not going to back down so easily " Deborah said as she chews her

bottom lip thoughtfully.

I ignore her as I continue driving to the office“ If you and Austin knew each other more than I could ever

imagine” I turned to face her as I maneuvered the car into the company's driveway and off it.

“ Then perhaps you may know what happened to his sister ” I continue facing her.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and looks at me briefly smiling “ Of course. That was in the news, very

popular back then ”

“Really?” I asked my interest spike as I wait on her to tell me what happened to Austin's sister. I can't

believe I will finally be getting answers today.

“Do you want to know who killed her? ” She asked me about getting ready to leave.

“She was killed?” I asked shocked.

“Yes. And guess who killed her” I sat there waiting for her to supply me with the name but I didn't

expect her to turn and catwalk into the building.

I sat there gasping at her retreating back. That lying bitch only putting me in suspense, I guess I will

have to find out by myself.

I pull out the key and walk out of the car into the building, greeting the receptionist before taking the

elevator to the second floor where my office is. I walk into my office to see Divine, waiting for me.

“Yes, Divine,” I dropped my bag on my desk and sat down before turning to look at her.

“Good morning, Mr. Austin is here for his interview with Mr. Melton,” She said as she went through her

tablet for any important message.

“Really?” I stood up quickly, grabbing my notepad and pen, I walk out of the door to the media room

where the interview will be conducted.

Immediately, I walk into the media room, I met Mr. Melton and Mrs. Crowsby going through the

questions one last time before the interview. Austin acknowledges me with a smile and wave excitedly

at me. I wave back at him, as I felt guilty that I couldn't bring justice to his sister's death.

“We are ready to start at the county of two ” The director calls out to Mr. Melton, he nodded and turned

to look at me“ Miss Miller, will you please come over here?” I walk to him just as Deborah walk in and

sat down on one of the chairs. She smiled at me.

“Miss Miller, I want you to conduct the interview,” He said as he handed the tablet containing the

questions to me. I was shocked, I didn't prepare for this and I've never done this. I'm more of a

detective than casting news. I walk slowly to the stage and sat down on the couch opposite Austin.

“Miss Miller, I want you to do your best and keep in mind that, this is live coverage, there will be no

editing whatsoever. And that goes to you too, Mr. Walker ” He said, Austin and I both nodded.

“Ok. One, two, action ” He calls.

“ Good morning and welcome to the morning show at Melton's Media. I'm Nina Miller and with me in

the studio today, we have our very own songwriter, producer, and sensational music artist. Our very

own Austin Walker” I said smiling as the camera pointed to Austin, he smile and wave to the audience.

Mr. Melton nodded at me, giving me the “Ok” sign. I smile sadly.

“ Today, we are having an exclusive interview with Mr. Austin, who will be telling us things nobody

knows about him ” I smile and turn to face Austin, smiling as I cross my legs and placed the tablet on

the table.

“Mr. Austin, can we know you?”

“I'm Austin Walker, a songwriter, a producer, and just as you said “A sensational music artist,” He said,

we both laugh as well continue.

“This is no big deal, Nina you are doing very well ” My subconscious praises me as I smile proudly, she

sure knows how to say that right thing at the right time. Though sometimes she could be so annoying.

“Mr. Austin,” I said politely “ The aim of this interview is for you to tell us things no one knows about

you. Can you do that? I ask him. He nodded.

“ OK. So can you tell us what those things are?”

“Well the very first thing will be that I am French,” He said smiling. I was shocked, I mean the signs

were there but……

“Wow!. That is so shocking, I never expected that and I know everyone will be shocked as I am ” I

replied as he laughs nervously.

“That was good. What is the second thing?”

“The second thing will be that I once had a sister whom I was so fond of ..” He said sadly.

Wow! I guess this is my chance to find out what happened to his sister. My heart starts beating fast as I

subtly glance at the next question.

“Mr. Austin, you said “ had”, why is that?” I ask as I turn to face him.

“Yes. She died four years ago”

“Really? That's so sad. Please accept my condolences. Can you tell us how she died?”.

“Of course ” He replied, “ She died after losing too much blood, she did abortion ”.

“What? Abortion? Why? How?

“ Yes. She found out that she was pregnant for Mr. Thompson when she told him, he took her for an

abortion cos he didn't want to tarnish his image, she was working as his assistant then.

“Michael Thompson?” I asked unsurely, maybe it was his father.

“Yes,” He replied just as the tears pour down heavily from my eyes. Why is that when I decided to take

one step closer to him, something or someone is always there to block me?.

I dab my eyes with the handkerchief, as I smile sadly at him “I'm sorry that was so heartbreaking ” Mr.

Melton signal to me to pause the program.

“Viewers in the house, thank you for being with us still now. I'm sorry we need to go on a short break

and when we're back, Mr. Austin will tell us more of the things nobody knows about him”.

The director nods to me that I could stand up, I rush to the washroom, to wash my face.

Mr. Melton was shouting and screaming about how this is not good for his business. Michael was his

soon to be son in law and they were a family friend.

I walk out of the washroom feeling refreshed but still annoyed. Mr. Melton walks up to me

“ Miss Miller, that was a very good interview. You were a natural out there” He compliments me as I

smiled“ But I need you to wrap it up as soon as you get back on the air. This is not good for his

reputation ” He continues as he ran his hands tiredly through his short black hair, his brown eyes

glittering with annoyance. I nodded at him as I walk back to the stage and sat down.

“Who set that fucking questions?. I want to see that person in my office now!”He voices below loudly

through the media house, he walks out of the media room while everyone scrambled out of his way. I

turn to look at Deborah, she frowns and walks out.

“Miss Miller?” The director called to me, I turn to look at him “ We'll be on air at the count of one, two,

action ” He called.

“Welcome back viewers in the house ” I smile as I turn to face Austin, I avoided his eyes, I couldn't look

him in the face without feeling guilty. How can I be in love with someone who killed his sister?.

“Mr. Austin Walker, we are sorry for your loss. In the meantime, an investigation will be conducted, the

culprit will be caught and justice will be brought for your sister” I said to him as he smiled sadly.

I turn to face the camera “ I would give anything to sit down here with you, the viewers, and Mr.Austin

here but I'm afraid our time is up. Join us next time, at Melton's Media for another episode of “Things

Nobody Knows” until then, thank you for watching and thank you Mr. Austin for coming ” I shake his

hands smiling.

“ I remain your host for today, Nina Miller”

“ It's a wrap” The director called smiling as I stood up and ran to my office without glancing back at


I walk into my office to meet my phone ringing I pick it up; © 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

“What's going on?” Lilian called into the phone without preamble.

“I don't know ” I reply as fight back tears that threatened to fall.

“I watch the news. Do you think it's true” Lilian asks softly?

“I don't know ” I reply as I will the tears from my eyes “I need to see Michael, can you send me his


“Ok,” She replied and hang up. A minute later my ding, I open the message and dial the number Lilian

has sent to me. It rang continuously before he picks it.

“Hello!” He said with his deep baritone voice, which causes a butterfly in my stomach. I hold back tears“

I need to see you, Michael. Where are you?”.

He pauses for a minute before he finally replies “I'm at the office ”.

“I'll see you in an hour” I reply and hang up as I gather my stuff into my bag and grab my car key.

“Cancel all my schedules for today, Divine" I called to her as I rode the elevator to the parking lot. I

open my car door and turn to see Austin and Deborah looking at me from the fifth floor. I ignore them

as I enter into the car and back out then drove to meet Michael at the Thompson's Empire.

I make a turn at my place to change out of my dress before going to see him. Knowing the media,

every reporter in New York will be camping outside his company right now to get a comment or two

from him. I don't want to be featured in the news with him, I have enough to deal with right now.

I was going through my closet when I saw the floral short gown, Michael bought for me that morning he

left. I put it on, it was a bit shorter but it will do. I want to show him that I'm ready to fight for us because

I was in love with him then and I'm still in love with him now. I walk out of my apartment with my car

key, I pull out of my driveway, and drove to his office.

Immediately I drove into Thompson's Empire, I couldn't imagine the number of reporters gathered here.

I parked my car and use my disguise which is my scarf and glasses and walks out. I saw a lady and a

man walking out to meet me, they took me past the staff door to Michael's office.

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