The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret)

Chapter 27

The Billionaire’s Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband’s Regret) Chapter 27

Chapter 27 


I slowly open my eyes. Then I look at the unfamiliar surroundings. 

“Where am I?’ I ask myself. 

I don’t hear beeping sounds, so I know I’m not in the hospital. Pais, the bed I’m on is extremely comfortable, which immediately made me think that I’m in a hotel room. 

“Why am I here? What happened to me?” 

I remember that I was arguing with Cassie about her son, and one divorce. Then all of a sudden, I felt hot and cold at the same time. And then I started feeling dizzy, until everything fades to darkness. 

Did I faint? Then how did I get to bed?”. 

I notice that I’m topless. And the dressing on 

shoulder has been replaced. 

“Welcome back,” a tiny voice says beside me, startling me out of my thoughts. 

I turn to see Kai sitting beside my bed. 

“Am I still in your hotel room?” I ask. 

nt a nurse and a doctor up” 

He nods. “My mother called the clinic. They sent a 

“So, what’s the diagnosis?” 

“Post-operative fever and pain,” he replies. “In other words, you walked out of the hospital too soon, Mister.” 

I raise a brow at him. “Are you sure you’re just four?” 

aking to an 

This has got to be the smartest kid I’ve ever met. If it weren’t for his cute voice, I would really think I was speaking adult. 

“Yes, I am. Although my IQ is way above that of a four-year-old, or anyone I’ve met,” he replies smugly. 

I cannot help snorting. “Perhaps you have not met many people in your life. You’re not the only one who has a genius IQ. you know.” 

His eyes widen in surprise. “YOU have a genius IQ?” 

“Is that so hard to believe? Why? Just because I’m good-looking does not mean I don’t have an IQ over 180, you know.” 

“Well, I wouldn’t have guessed! After all, what genius will leave the hospital as soon as he got out of surgery? Duh!” 

Well, how can I argue with that? 

So, how did I get here?” I ask, reaching out for my shirt folded on the table beside the bed. 

“The hotel staff and the inhouse medical staff carried you in. Mom talked to someone from your office. She was told not to call 911 or the hospital. Instead, the doctors came here to treat you.” 



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15:44 Fri, May 17 

Chapter 27 

“Really? How long have I been out?” 

es at me. “Sounds like you did a bad thing, but they didn’t want to alert the 

“Three hours,” Kai replies. Then he narrows his eyes at 

press. Are you an important person?” 

I give him a smirk. “Of course, I am. I happen to be a CEO of a big company. Do you know what CEO means?” 

He rolls his eyes. “Duh!” 

“You’re really smart. Perhaps one day, you could be a CEO like me.” 

He shakes his head. “I don’t want to be a CHO. I want to be a medical scientist,“ 

“So, you can save lives?” 

He shakes his head again. “Not just that. My goal is to find cures for diseases that are difficult or impossible to cure.” 

I didn’t miss the sadness in his voice. “Are you okay?” 

He nods, “I just hope I will live long enough to be a doctor.” 

“What do you mean?” I ask. As I wait for his answer, I find that I am both curious and nervous. 

He doesn’t say anything for a long time. This gives me time to study him. I realize that I was mesmerized by his beautiful brain, and even cuter face, that I did not notice that he is a little skinny, and his skin is pale. 

My heart pounds inside my ribcage, and I feel a sense of panic, 

“Is he sick? Is something wrong with him?” 

This boy is too beautiful, and more than that, every second that get to spend time with him, I get the feeling that he is really mine. 

“Kai…” I call him as gently as I can. “I know we just met. But… you can trust me, you know?” 

“I know.” 

“What is wrong with you? Are you sick?” 

“I have a rare blood disease,” he replies, sadly. “The doctors say that I need a bone marrow transplant urgently.” 

“What?” I think I forgot how to breathe. “Then why hasn’t your mother done anything?” 

n’t find a match! 

“She’s done everything, he assures me. “But we can’t 

“What about your… father?” I watch his reaction carefully. I want to find out what he knows about his father. What did Cassie 

tell him? 

He shakes his head and his expression suddenly turns bleak. “I don’t have a father.” 

“Surely, that’s not true. And I thought you were a genius.” 

“I’m serious. I don’t have a father.” 

“You mean, you haven’t met your father?” I ask. 



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15:45 Fri, May 17 

Chapter 27 

He draws his brows together and shakes his head. “I don’t want to meet him. As long as I have my mom, I don’t need a dad.” 

His response stirs something inside me. Suddenly, I feel furious, and I can’t explain why. I feel the urge to confront Cassie. What has she been saying to her son that made him hate his father even though he hasn’t even met him. 

‘Did Cassie tell him what a cruel husband I have been? Did she paint me as a monster?” 

That’s hardly fair. I know that I’ve been a terrible husband to her. But that doesn’t mean I will be a horrible father to my son, 

“What did your mother say about m. about your father?” I ask i gently, 

“Nothing.” he responds. “I rarely ask her about him. I was afraid that…” This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“That what?” 

He shrugs “That if I ask about my father, she will… cry.” 


“If she really loved my father and he hurt her, I will make her remember the pain.” 

I don’t know what is more heartbreaking: hearing him say that he didn’t want to remind Cassie of her pain, or remembering that I was the asshole that caused her that pain. 

“Fuck 1 say to myself. I really messed this up!! 

If I only realized my feelings for Cassie earlier… if Megan didn’t pose as the girl who saved me when I was kid… if I paid attention to Cassie instead of blaming her for our forced marriage, then this would have been my family. Cassie and Kai. I bet. I would be so damn happy with both of them! 

“Why are you crying, Mister Kayden?” 

Kai reaches forward to wipe a tear from my check. I don’t even realize that I have been crying. 

“Nothing.” I reply “I just remembered something.” I reach forward and ruffle his hair. “Do you think I should 

gel tested?” 

“For what?” 

“To see if I will be your match?” 

“Will you be my donor if you are?! 

“Without a second thought.” And I know that I mean that. I will do everything in my power to save this child. 

“Thanks,” he grunts. “But you cannot be my match. I was told that only blood relatives can be a possible match.” 

Which is exactly why I should be tested. I want to prove that Kais mine! 

“They can be wrong. I still want to give it a shot.” 

His eyes light up, as If I have just given him a new ray of hope. That would be wonderful, Mister Kayden! You know? I really dave a good feeling about you” 



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15:45 Fri, May 17 

Chapter 27 

He nods. “The first time I saw you, I have a feeling that you’re a good person.” 

“I know you’re a good kid, too” I reach for his hand. “Can 1…” I trail off, unsure of what I will say next. “Can I hug you? I could use a hug right now.” 

He smiles. “Of course! A hug is proven to have therapeutic effects on people. It has many medical benefits.” 

I laugh, pulling him gently into my arms. I hug him, feeling warm and happy at the same time. My heart feels full, and my mind… well, my mind is racing with so many possibilities. 

I will win Cassie back. I will win back my wife, and my son!” 

‘And I swear. I’m not going to fuck up this time around!” 

Just then, the door flings open, interrupting my tender moment with Kai. I see Ethan Sullivan standing on the doorway with a furious expression on his face. 

“Get your hands off my son!” he growls. 




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