The billionaire and the shy maid

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Joshua's POV

Gosh I can't stop thinking about her, her shyness that makes me wanna stand up for her, her smile that

makes my heart skip a beat, her small perfect body that makes me wanna hold and protect her. Damn

she's perfect in every way possible, I must have her, I must find a way to get her, she will be mine and

very soon. I want to see her again, I must see her again, and I will see her tomorrow morning. I will go

back to the coffee for breakfast and only she must and can serve me.

I fell asleep thinking about her.

Beep Beep! Beep Beep!

My phone alarmed, I shut it off and looked at the time it was 5 am so I went for a jog. When I returned it

was already 6 I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on my suit black pants, white shirt, black

jacket and a black tie. I went to my garage wondering what car to take. I settled with a black sports car.

I drove to the coffee shop at the mall and went in. I was seated and waiting, a few minutes later a guy

waitress came up to me " good morning sir here's your menu. Would you like water or coffee until

you're ready to order?" I looked at him not taking the menu "I don't want you to serve me, where's the

girl who served me yesterday" he looked at me confused but then realisation hit him "oh her she got

fired yesterday for the commotion she made, and she disrespected the boss" I narrowed my eyes at

him "what she was fired for that stupidness" I was getting upset, why? Because am not gonna see her

and maybe never will again he looked at me and simply said "she disrespected the boss that's not

stupid, now will you like to order" I simply got up "listen you dumb fuck she didn't disrespect him I did

and know what you talk about her or else you would be without a job too" and with that I walked out

well more like stormed out.

I went to work and was furious the whole time. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't concentrate. Luckily I

was the CEO of my company. I could do what I want and with that I left and went home for the rest of

the day.

Jazmine's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I hit the alarm clock and shut it off. I curled back in my bed once more since I don't have a job anymore

I could sleep in.

Hours later I woke up refreshed I glanced at the clock and it was 10:35, I got up and I freshen up and

put on a black lace panties and a bra to Match it, yea I Know I wear black a lot and it's not my favourite

colour. Since I live alone I didn't put on anything else. I spread my bed and tidy up a bit then I headed

straight to the kitchen. I turned the radio on and Justin Bieber sorry was on. I started singing and

dancing while making banana pancakes for breakfast with some scrambled eggs and of course a cup

of coffee.

I sat in my living room and turned on the TV. I skipped through channels until I saw my favourite movie

fifty shades of grey and may I say Christin grey is so sexy, hot, handsome and so dominant. This movie

made me wanna try those stuff out. I watched the movie till the end then got up. It was already after

eleven I decided to take another nap.

When I woke up it was after one I got up and retrieved my news paper from this morning, I began to

search it out and found an open spot for a maid. I got up and retrieved my laptop, well now you must be

wondering how I have a laptop and not a phone. Well I got the laptop second hand and a guy sold it to

me at a repair shop for a few bucks, much cheaper than a phone. I sent my resume to the email and

was just hoping I would get through.

Joshua's POV

I was in my office when I got an email, I opened it and it was a resume for the maid position I put in the

paper and without thinking twice I sent back an accepting email. I really do need a maid. My house is Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

well Mansion needs to be cleaned and I need food to eat. The person sent back an email saying thank

you and asking when would be the interview date. I quickly replied tomorrow at 8 am sharp and sent

my address.

I left the computer and walked out of my office. I was getting hungry so I made myself dinner. Yes, I can

cook just to see the need to waste my talents. I finished my plate of spaghetti and washed the dish and

pots. I watched TV until eight when I went to bed.

Yazmine's POV

When I got the email that the person accepted my resume I was so excited and happy. I quickly replied

thanking them and asking when the interview would be. When I got back the email saying tomorrow at

8 I was so over the top I got up at the same time to sort out an outfit to wear. After about 15 minutes of

searching I finally settled down with a blue fitted dress that rested just about my knees and my black

flats. Yes it was my only shoe. I went back out to watch TV until after 8 I got up and went to the club. I

wore a black pants and a pink top with my black flats.

The night seemed to be going by even slower than usual but I got through it though. And when the

clock struck 12 I was so relieved I left and went home. I got in bed immediately and dozed off to sleep.

I woke up at approximately 6am before my alarm went off so I just turned it off before it alarmed. I

freshen up immediately and went to the kitchen and made myself breakfast then I got myself ready for

the interview, I glanced at the clock and it was already 7:30 so I left for the interview. I didn't bother to

wear any makeup as I am not a fan of it. I was in front of the house and that's when I was nervous


I rang the doorbell and a man in his middle twenty's opened the door "h-hi, g-good morning I am here

for an interview" I stuttered out he just nodded and led the way. I was so nervous

I just hope it doesn't show.

After walking for what feels like a hour we finally reached a door and he opened it and let me in then

close it behind me, I was too caught up in the beautiful of the room or should I say office, there was a

center table in the middle of the room with brown leather coach and a brown wood desk and a leather

chair at the far end to a large window, a shelf with all different types of expensive liquor in on it and

single chairs in a corner and another corner a small round table with a vast on it.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a man clear their throat, I turned my head where it

came from and it was a man in a far corner seated in a chair with a glass of liquor in his hand. He got

up and sat around his desk and motioned for me to take a seat,I sat down and looked at the man real

good then it hit me he's the same guy from the coffee shop and without thinking I said it "your the same

guy from the coffee shop that stood up for me, I never got to properly thank you" he cocked an eyebrow

and that's when I regret saying it I looked down on my hands in my lap. " I thought you would never

notice and you don't need to thank me. A girl like you needs someone to stand up for you" he took a sip

from his cup and I looked up. I never noticed before how beautiful his eyes were; they were bright blue

and his hair was jet black damn! He was handsome. " Hmm, miss the interview" he said with a Stern

voice "yes of course" I hand him the necessary papers and told him all of what I know to do and he

asked me some questions, the interview ended quickly "Miss Barnes, you know you need a

recommendation letter from your last boss, right?" "Yes but you see my last boss wouldn't give me one

after all he didn't like me much and what happened before I was fired" I said in a low voice "that's ok

you can get your stuff and move in by the end of the day and then start working tomorrow" he paused.

Then continued "I need breakfast at 7, and you will do any necessary work around here, am normally

here during the day so lunch will be necessary you make dinner whenever you want it doesn't really

matter to me and you finish working whenever you're done. If you want to go anywhere you ask me first

ok is that clear" " yes ... Sir" I was too stuck in the fact that I will be living here.

"Good that will be all" I nod my head and was about to get up when he said again " give me your phone

Miss Barnes " .

I looked up and just stared. I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a phone.

"Miss Barnes"

"I am sorry sir but I can't"

"If you think that I want it for my own purpose then you're thinking wrong, I just ..."

"No it's not that" I cut him off

"That's what?" He questioned

"I don't have a phone" I said in a whisper

"Oh! But a young girl like you should have a phone, to connect with your friends, family and so on, ahh

you know hmm your boyfriend"

"I don't have any"

"What do you mean?" He asked concerned

"I mean I don't have any friends, family or any boyfriend" my head was hanged trying to hide my


"Oh! In that case I will just take you to your apartment and let you pack and take you back here"

"That's not necessary"

"Miss Barnes, I take whatever decision I think is best for my employees ok" I nodded and he got up " let

go shall we.

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