The Alpha’s Substitute Mate

Chapter 28- Forgive him


Later in the day, Queen Selena came in with Violet carrying a tray of food. She sat down and stretched her hand and touched my forehead while Violet bowed in rest and started arranging the food tray. I needed to use the restroom but my ankle was broken, when Arden threw me on the floor. It was sealed up with a bandage and I can’t really walk on my own, so Violet had to literally carry me to the bathroom. The doctor had explained that there were internal bruises on my ankle and a lot of tissue damage and that it would take a few weeks before it would heal properly.

Once in the bathroom, I was able to check out the injuries on my face and neck. The reflection in the mirror told me I was a piece of wreck. I have bruises under one of my eyes and I guess it’s from the effect of the slap. My eyes were slightly swollen from all the crying and my neck was far worse, a nightmare.

My neck was all blazed with ugly lines of black and red, on one of the sides one could easily count the five circles that were his fingerprints. I couldn’t recognize the person staring back at me and I held onto Violet’s hand and cried.

Why can’t life just be fair to me? Why all this misery?

Violet kept pacifying me and rubbing her hands in circles on my back

” Bella, please be strong and get well soon. It’s just a matter of time before you know it, you will be out of here. She reassured

We came out of the restroom and Violet left. I was alone with Queen Selena and she tried to offer me food.

“Please Mum, I’m not hungry,” I shook my headContent is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

She stared at me for a moment and started

” Bella my dear child, I’m so sorry for this. I know Arden has not been a good husband to you but I never knew he would actually hurt you like this. I knew he had anger issues but he had always channeled that anger in training and not in battering a woman, not just any woman but his wife.”

” It’s okay, it’s not your fault, and shouldn’t be apologizing for an offense you didn’t commit,” I said calmly

” Yes, but it hurts me to see you this way and also you know the early stages of marriages are quite challenging and it has just been a few weeks since you guys tied the knot. So I would suggest you forgive Arden and give him a little more time. And you also have to look at the bright side and understand you’re the Luna and no matter what happens your side is beside Arden.”

“Forgive him,” ” And look at the bright side as the Luna,” ” Even if my life is threatened, I had to stay beside that monster,” This is the most ridiculous statement I had heard in my entire life.

” For real Mum,”

She flinched and continue to make excuses for him

“He is still learning to be a husband and an Alpha and also a dad in the future,” I shuddered remembering that I’m carrying his child, but it’s going to remain a secret for now till I figure out what to do.

” You have to look beyond this, so you guys can surge together, please Bella, forgive him and fight for your marriage to work,”

” I was dumbfounded. Why is she making excuses for him, and not holding him accountable? I opened my mouth to say something but I decided against it.

What I had in my mind didn’t need to be said out loud. What!!!!

How was I supposed to forgive someone that battered me because of his wayward lifestyle?

I guess Arden turned out the way he did because they never reprimanded him, his two brothers were a better version and nothing like him.

Queen Selena’s kindness and misplaced good intention made her overlook Arden’s bad behavior and turned him into an over-spoilt brat, one without any form of respect or decency.

“Okay,” I said instead,

But deep down in my heart, I had no intention of forgiving him.

Over the few days, I had streams of visitors. Violet always came to spend time with me as often as she could escape her duties in the kitchen. Lance visited more often. He made it his duty to cheer me up with funny videos and we also played video games, he made sure I never got bored. He also devoted his time to spend the nights in the hospital with me.

Some of the young people from my training also surprised me by dropping by to wish me well and some other pack members came by too. It felt really good having people who genuinely cared about me.

In all the visits, I always look forward to seeing Malcolm. There’s something about him that makes my heart flutter. Though he visited everyday, he kept a distance from me and always communicated with me politely through the door. Though it saddens my heart, I tried my best not to give in to the force compelling me to him.

Arden never visited, he never asked of me nor did he show any form of remorse or the decency to apologize for his cruelty. His action was enough to tell me that if he had his way he would poison me to death.

Within the week, I was discharged and the doctor had a long list of instructions for me and he handed me a bag of drugs. I went through the labels and noticed that they consist of a pain reliever, prenatal vitamins, and a muscle depressant. I was also given a pair of underarm clutches to aid my ankle in case I need to walk around.

If I had thought life was boring, it was now absolutely miserable, for the first few days I was mostly in my chamber and my meals were brought to me.

I hated my condition. I can’t sketch and I can’t walk around freely because of my ankle. I was miserable and my emotions were all over the place. Sometimes all I want to do is march down to Arden’s room and break his head with a pestle but I couldn’t do it. I can’t even stand that monster and the thoughts alone would make me dwell back in self-pity. I hated my life and wondered why it has to suck so bad. All my life has been an embodiment of misery. Like I was created in the universe to dwell in sorrow.

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