The Alpha's Mysterious Mate ( The Fate Series Book 1)

Chapter 58: Got Caught

Chapter 58: Got Caught 

Peter's POV:

After leaving the nunnery, the three of us immediately went down the list of addresses that the nun gave us.

One by one, we checked each location, but found nothing.We could tell that some looked like wizards had stayed in them before, but not recently.

Obviously, this meant that Alexander frequently changed his hiding places.

There was only one address left on the list.

To our surprise, the last place was located right below the Central Park in New York.

We were bewildered that he would be hiding in such a bustling city.

According to the old nun's instructions, we needed to enter a secret passage and pass through many traps.

Thankfully, Edward's vampire super power was able to help us a lot.

We found some traces that seemed fresh, as if someone had just passed by.

We finally found the right place.

We had just pushed open a dark and heavy door made of stone when this sharp alarming sound pierced our ears.

Suddenly, a handful of wizards appeared out of the darkness, encircling us and blocking both ends of the tunnel.

"Intruders! Get them!"

"We need to get out of here!" I shouted at Alvin and Edward.

Alvin and I transformed into wolves, and Edward bared his sharp fangs.

The three of us launched ourselves into a fight with these wizards.

The tunnel was too narrow.

In the chaos, light would flash from time to time, and I could see Alvin getting more and more injured with blood all over his body.

Edward was surrounded by several wizards and seemed to be seriously injured as well.

He was struggling to hold on.

Nate roared and tackled them.

Several wizards were knocked over, giving a brief window to escape.

"Alvin, Edward, get out of here now! I'll hold them off!"

There were too many wizards for the three of us.

It was impossible for us to escape unscathed, if at all.

But if I could just get one or two of us out of there...

Nate rolled on the ground and fought fiercely with several wizards who kept getting back up.

One of the wizards’ spell hit Nate, petrifying him and making him fall motionless to the ground.

Finally, I drifted into unconsciousness.

Serena's POV:

Since yesterday, I had been restless.I had a nightmare again last night.

Peter was passing through a tunnel as the stone doors opened before him.Suddenly, a huge black hole appeared under him, an abyss devouring anything that entered it.

Peter tried to retreat, but several black human-shaped shadows crawled out of the abyss and dragged him down into the bottomless darkness.

I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat.

Immediately, I dialed Peter's phone, but his phone seemed to be turned off.I also tried calling Alvin and Edward, but neither of them picked up.

My heart felt like it fell to the ground.Maybe they were still on the plane.

Maybe they really just couldn't answer their phone right now.As time passed, I tried calling them again every now and then.

All throughout morning and the afternoon, I still couldn't get in touch with any of them.

Later on, Alvin finally called me back. I immediately noticed that his voice sounded tired and sad.

"Luna...It's Alpha...Go and save him..."

"What? What happened to Peter? Where are you, Alvin? What's going on?"

I couldn't help but bombard him with multiple questions.

Edward took the phone from Alvin and spoke to me.

He seemed to be able to speak more calmly.

Edward told me that they finally found Alexander's location, but they were ambushed by a group of wizards.

Alvin and Edward barely escaped with serious injuries, because Peter was able to hold the attackers off.

Unfortunately, he wasn't lucky enough to get himself out.He was captured.

My surroundings darkened and started to spin around me.

Peter had been captured.

What was Alexander going to do with him? That man was undoubtedly cruel.

I leaned on the wall for support and steadied myself.

After taking a few deep breaths, I was finally calm enough to think straight.I couldn't be the weak girl who relied on others anymore.Now, I was the Luna of the Red Maple Pack.

Peter was in danger right now.

There was no time for me to break down.As the next leader in line, it was my responsibility to take charge.

"The two of you take yourselves to the hospital right away. I'll form a team and we'll retrieve Peter."

I tried my best to speak in a calm voice, masking the panic I was being overwhelmed with right now.

After hanging up the phone with Edward, I immediately started gathering up the pack to inform them on what had just happened to Peter.

When James and Vicky heard about it, they were so worried.

I told them about my plan and asked them to stay and guard the Red Maple Pack while I was away.I was afraid that the wizards might take advantage of this window to capture more individuals from our pack.

We were going to face a strong enemy, so I didn't dare underestimate this important task at all.

I made sure to pick out the most powerful werewolves from our pack to join me.I was also able to contact the other packs who had fallen victim to Alexander's kidnappings.

When they heard about my plan, they were willing to help and sent their best men to form a troop with us.

Together, we all took a private plane to New York.

I met up with Alvin and Edward in the hospital.

They gave me the specific location of Alexander's lair, but we knew we couldn't go in through the tunnel.There had to be another way.

Since Edward was injured, Uncle Phillip insisted that he come to New York with us. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

His words were able to encourage me.

"Serena, I think your teleportation skill might just come in handy this time."

"Are you suggesting that I teleport myself into the lair? I'm pretty sure I can't teleport to a place I don't know.Also, it's not safe if I just pop into his lair without knowing anything about it...Oh, I have an idea!

My mind reading skill can help me to see into the lair!"

I came down to the Central Park and blocked out the other noises in my head.I then bent down to the ground and listened for any sounds.I heard many voices those of wizards and the young werewolves and vampires that had been taken captive.

Peter's voice was also down there and it eased my mind a great deal to know that he was alive.

I knew Alexander kept him alive to lure me down into his trap.I was aware that they had set a trap for me, but I just knew I had no choice but to take the bait.

Unfortunately, I couldn't carry people with me when I teleported.That would have made this whole rescue operation easier.

"Here's the plan.I'm going to teleport into the tunnel and open the doors for you from the inside.Then you directly rush into the lair."

I mapped out the details to the team.

Not long after, the plan had commenced and I had teleported myself underground.

When I arrived, I marveled at how magnificent the place looked, considering it was underground and barely had any natural light.

It was only lit by the cold glow created by magic and looked rather gloomy.

I walked to the entrance of the underground palace.

This, I figured, was the place where Peter, Alvin, and Edward triggered the alarm and got ambushed.

Two wizards were guarding the entrance of the tunnel.I instantly moved over and grabbed one of them.

As soon as the other wizard turned around, I twisted his neck off.

By this time, I had learnt to kill people without any hesitation.I couldn't be soft-hearted anymore, not in an urgent situation like this.If I messed anything up today, more individuals were going to die.

"Open the tunnel right now and turn off the alarm! Or else I'll gouge your eyes out!"

I revealed my claws and pressed them against the wizard's throat.The wizard trembled and did as I said.One by one, the doors of the tunnel were opened.

With my mind reading skill, I confirmed that the wizard did what I said.

Right after, I killed him as well.It was time to find Peter now.I walked all the way to the edge of the underground palace.

There was a row of special cells, where many werewolves and vampires were locked.

In one motion, I killed the wizard who was guarding the cells and got the keys.I unlocked the doors one by one, releasing the young werewolves and vampires.

Peter was kept in the very last cell.

When he saw me, he hurriedly rushed to the bars.

He staggered to get a hold of me.

"Serena! Is"

"Yes, Peter.It's me.I'm here.Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Just minor injuries. Nothing too serious."

I wanted to kiss Peter so bad, but there were bars between us.

When I was in a hurry to find the key to open his cell, a creepy and gloomy voice came from behind.

If a dark and dirty sewer could be a voice, I imagined it would sound exactly like this.

"Look who it is.My hybrid girl has arrived." I turned my head to see a wizard standing under the arch not so far away.

He bowed to me and smiled grimly.

"Nice to finally meet you, Serena.As you may have already guessed, I'm Alexander."

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