The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Chapter 91


I was not looking forward to this meeting. I knew I was going to have to maintain my temper with this therapist, but I really didn’t want to. I wanted to put her in her place, and tell her off. She crossed lines she shouldn’t have, and either disregarded important facts about her patient or just ignored a large portion of information about her patient. The fact that she insulted Chastity, and called her a liar didn’t help matters either.

I was lost in my thoughts when we pulled up in front of the prison. Robert was waiting for us in front of the building with an older man, and woman. I assumed they were the warden, and head of the mental health. department for the prison. With a deep breath I got out of the car then opened the door for Chastity. offering her my hand to help her get out of the car. I gave her a small smile when she took it.

“Just to prepare you, we have to introduce you as the future Luna of our pack, ok?” I mind linked Chastity.

“OK.” Chastity responded.

We followed my dad up to Robert, and the two standing with him. We all bowed to him..

“Hello. I am Alpha Joseph Druid of Moonlight back. This is my son, and our future Alpha Rowen Druid, and his mate, our future Luna, Chastity Bloomfield.” My father stated to the two with Robert.

“Hello. I am the warden here. My name is Dane Kane. This is the head of our mental health department, Megan Launder.” Dane said as he bowed to us.

“Hello.” Megan said as she bowed.

“Shall we head to the conference room?” Robert asked.

We all nodded, and followed him into the building silently. Warden Dane lead us to a locked door to the right of the main entrance. We followed him to the end of the first hall to a medium sized conference. It had a round conference table. My father took a seat on one side with Chastity and I beside him. Robert sat opposite us, with Dane to one side of him, and Megan on the other..

“I’m sorry Ms. Megan, but are you Fiona Goldrind’s therapist?” My father asked politely.

“I am not. I was informed there was a concern with one of my employees, and wanted to find out what you deem is the problem before addressing it with her.” Megan responded. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“While I respect that, it is my understanding that her presences was requested for the entire meeting.” “As she is my employee I would prefer to have a one on one discussion with her following the meeting. once the matter is sorted. I would rather not have her accused off the bat.”

“Megan! You will maintain respect when speaking to an Alpha. You were also informed that Wanda was to be here for the entire meeting. As this situation involves ignoring orders listed in an inmates file, and obtaining information not provided in said file, Wanda must be part of this meeting.” Warden Dane stated firmly.

“Do we have proof of this?”

“You read the email, and saw that it was from Wanda, so yes we do. Now please have her join us.” Megan only nodded, and left the room. While she was gone dad pulled out his laptop, and a couple of files. Robert also pulled out a rather thick file, and started his laptop. None of us said anything until Megan returned with a 20 something looking female who was shorter with blond curly hair. She was wearing jeans, and a sweatshirt. She took a seat next to Megan, looking rather confused.

“Are you Wanda Bundy?” My father asked.

“Yes I am. And you are?” Wanda asked.

“I am Alpha Joseph Druid of Moonlight Pack. This is my son Rowen Druid, future Alpha of Moonlight pack Along with his mate, and future Luna, Chastity Bloomfield.” My father stated.

“It’s about time you showed up. Leaving your mate the way you have is wrong, and against our belief system in every way. How can you abandon your mate the way you have, and believed some liar over her?” Wanda snapped at me.

“I’m sorry, but what? My mate is seated right beside me. Fiona Goldrind is not, and has NEVER been my mate!” I growled.

“My patient wouldn’t lie to me about that. What’s worse is you brought the liar who caused her to be in here, and for you to abandon her.”

“I suggest, Ms. Bundy, that you reel in your disrespect, and listen.” My father snapped.

“You’re not my Alpha. I don’t….” Wanda started.

“Wanda Bundy, you WILL listen to what Alpha Joseph, and future Alpha Rowen have to say, and show them the respect they deserve. You will also NOT continue to disrespect their future Luna, Chastity, again. Do I make myself clear?” Robert snapped, after slamming his hand on the table.

“But, my patient…..” Wanda sputtered.

“Ms. Bundy, did you read Fiona’s entire file? Did you watch the videos of her confessions prior to seeing her?” My father asked.

“No. I trust my patients to be upfront, and honest with me on all things. They have no reason to lie to me.” Wanda answered.

“What?! Wanda, we are required to review all of the information provided to us prior to meeting our patients. We need to do that in order to ensure our patients receive the proper care.” Megan stated, looking shocked.

“My patient wouldn’t lie to me.” Wanda said firmly.

“Well she did. I’m living proof that she did.” Chastity said with anger lining her voice.

“She says you are the one lying. That you have lied to everyone, and stole her mate with your lies.” Wanda growled as she glared at Chastity.

I was about to speak up, when Chastity grabbed my hand on the table, and shook her head. She looked back at Wanda for a minute, just studying her. I was confused when Chastity stood up, and turned around. I was worried she was leaving. Instead she unbuttoned her shirt, and took it off. I was relieved to see she was wearing a tank top underneath. She than raised the back of her tank top to show her scares. To say I was shocked that she would do that, would be an understatement.

“Does this look like I’m lying? Do you see the biggest scar? That was given to me by Fiona the last time she, her Aunt, and our Gamma’s mate took a whip to my back. She contributed to several of those marks over the last 4 years. The list of things Fiona did to me is long. Thankfully I have healed from the rest, but those I will forever live with.” Chastity said as she lowered her tank top, turned around, and retook her seat without putting her button down back on.

“My patient wouldn’t do that.” Wanda argued.

“I almost died at the hands of your patient. If it weren’t for my brother I very well could have been killed with Fiona’s help. The last beating I received put me in a coma for 3 days, and in the hospital for 6. You need to read your patient’s file. Those are not lies. You also need to watch the videos where she

confesses, and see the pictures of the results of her actions.”

“How do I know you’re not lying about all of that, and blaming my patient for those scars when you did them to yourself or had someone do it to frame my patient.”

“It’s all in the file. She even admitted to the YEARS of abuse she subjected me to.”

“None of that matters when you stole the most important thing to a werewolf from her. Her mate!”

“I didn’t steal Rowen. He was never hers to begin with.”

“Enough! Wanda, you need to read the file!” Warden Dale cut in.

“But….” Wanda started.

“Wanda, this is why we read files, and review everything provided to us. You need to do as they say.” Megan stated.

“Fine. I’ll read it later.” Wanda agreed sounding annoyed.

“No. You need to read it now. We will also be watching the videos. You need to understand what you are dealing with here. Had I known you hadn’t done any of that, I would have never assigned you to Fiona.” Megan said as she shook her head.

“I don’t have her file here. It’s in my office.”

“Here.” My father said as he slide a file over to Wanda.

“I still don’t know what any of this has to do with her mate ignoring her when she needs him most. Why he is abandoning her for another.” Wanda gripped as she took the file, and opened.

“I’m not her mate, and never have been. Chastity has been my mate from day one. Fiona knows this very well. Her aunt fed her a lot of lies, and Fiona refuses to believe they are lies.” I said as I took hold of Chastity’s hand.

I worried when I felt how cold her hand was, and how badly it was shaking. She was either cold or upset. I wasn’t sure, but I was still concerned. As Wanda started reading through Fiona’s file, I helped Chastity put her shirt back on, follow by taking my suit jacket off, and draping it around her shoulders.

“I…. Why would she lie?” Wanda asked as she continued flipping through the file.

“Fiona doesn’t accept responsibility for her actions, ever. She never has. Her aunt, my stepmother, and her father never made her. They allowed her to blame others or claim that she did nothing wrong. It doesn’t help that she was told for years that she was doing right by abusing me. Her aunt told her that she was showing her ability to be a good Luna by keeping the Omega and slave, which was me, in line.” Chastity responded quietly, making me growl, and she squeezed my hand to calm me down.

“Why would she think she would be Luna?” Wanda questioned.

“Because Aurora convinced her that she was my mate, and even if she wasn’t I would take her as my chosen mate.” I answered, “None of which is true. If Chastity wasn’t my mate, I still wouldn’t choose Fiona as I do not want a Luna who can harm another as she has.”

“Why would she do all of this?” Wanda asked.

“She was praised, and rewarded for hurting me. She got approval from her aunt, and father for it. It’s all in the video confessions.” Chastity said.


Without being asked my father turned his laptop to Wanda after pressing the mousepad. He also handed her headphones to listen with.

“Rowen, Chastity, and I have all heard this one too many times. I don’t think any of us want to hear it again, if we don’t have to.” My dad said.

Megan pulled out of pair of head phones, and listened with Wanda. The looks on their faces as they listened was a look of shock. Megan began to look sickened as she listened. She even shook her head a few times. Wanda just listened with a blank expression. As we watched them I put my arm around Chastity’s shoulders, and pulled her close to me. Letting her rest her head against my shoulder. I had no doubt she was reliving her past, at least to some extent. I wanted to make sure she knew she could lean on me. Both literally, and figuratively.

Eventually Megan hit something on the laptop, then slide it over to Dane, who put in his own headphones. Megan studied Chastity for a long time, then shook her head, and sighed. She then looked at Wanda who was wore a blank expression, staring at Chastity.

“Wanda, Fiona’s treatment has to be changed. I hadn’t realized the extent of her delusions, and instability.” Megan finally said.

“If her mate….” Wanda started, but Megan stopped her with a raised hand.

“He is not her mate. It sounds like she hasn’t even met her mate at this point. Also a mate can’t fix this. This is too extensive, and damaging.”


“Wanda, I’m sorry, but Fiona has been lying to you this whole time. It’s not only obvious in the videos, but also in the interaction between the two in front of us. We can all see they are mates. Now we need to focus on the best way to actually treat our patient. If you can’t see past the lies she has told you then I’m sorry, but I’ll have to assign someone with more experience to treat her.”

“Are you firing me?”

“I’m not yet, no. I am taking a patient from you though. I do have a question that needs to be answered.”


“How did you get future Alpha Rowen’s contact information? It was not in Fiona’s file. Also why did you. ignore the order in the file that no one from Moonlight pack was to be contacted concerning Fiona?”

“They’re her pack, and she told me he was her mate. She needs them right now. They also needed to know they had been lied to.”

“In the end, it was you who was lied to. You would have known that if you had actually read her file, as we are supposed to with every new patient we treat here. This is a prison. We need to be aware of what we are dealing with before we even walk into that room.”

“It was the only way I could get her to talk to me beyond telling me that she was lied about, and forced to be here because of those lies.”


you would have known she was the liar, and known how to treat her if you had READ HER FILE COMPLETELY! You failed patient care one-oh-one by not being fully prepared to treat her properly. You fed into the delusions that we are supposed to be helping end. You could have potentially made this whole situation worse on top of it.”


“Now someone, probably me, will have to go, and deal with an emotionally and mentally unstable person, to inform her they we are aware of her lies. I will also have to inform her that she will be completing her sentence, and her demand for a male that has no ties to her, will not be seeing her. Nor will she have any contact with him. Do you know what that could do to her?”


“That’s probably for the best. You will not be seeing her as a patient again. Nor will you be allowed to visit her in any capacity. You just made a bad situation worse.”


“No. Your actions are going to cause harm to a patient. I can’t risk it. You did not answer my other question though. How did you get future Alpha Rowen’s contact information?”

“I….I went on Moonlight pack’s website, and looked it up.”

“How? Pack websites are blocked here.”

“From home.”

“Wanda, here is what is going to happen. You are going to give an official apology to Future Alpha Rowen, and Future Luna Chastity. Second, you are going to be put on Administrative leave, without pay for two weeks. While you are leave I will be reviewing all of your case files, as well as interviewing your patients. If I find that you have behaved in the same manner with them that you have with Fiona, I will be forced to let you go, and have the board review if your license should be revoked, permanently.”

“What? Why?”

“Because of your inability to follow proper procedure, not following orders, and entertaining the delusions. of a patient, you have potentially put that patient at risk for self harm That is not something, we as therapists can or will take lightly. I have to think of the good of current, and future patients Not only here, but out in the rest of the world.”


“I’m sorry Wanda, but it must be this way. I can’t risk people. I just can’t.”

“I won’t let it happen again. I promise.”

“I hear your words, but I need to investigate the situation entirely. Also, you are not to now, or ever contact ANY member of Moonlight Pack again. Especially Future Alpha Rowen, and Future Luna Chastity. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I understand. I am sorry to you both.”

Chastity, and I both nodded at Wanda then she left the room. I hadn’t expected this meeting to go quite like this, but I was glad it did. I hoped this was the one, and only time I had to deal with this issue.

“What….what will happen to her?” Chastity asked quietly.

“Unfortunately I don’t know yet. I need to review everything she has done since she got here before a final decision can be made. In this situation she could have done more harm than good. I can’t let that slide with even one patient.” Megan responded calmly.

“I understand. What about Fiona? How are you going to handle that?”

“Don’t worry, I know the best way to work with a patient who suffers from delusions as Fiona does. I won’t be harsh with her, or anything like that, but I will work with her in a way that will be helpful to her, not harinful. I’ve been doing this for a very long time, so I know the best ways to work this in a way that Fiona will not harm herself.”

“I….thank you. Fiona is part of my past, and I would like her to stay that way, but I don’t want her to hurt herself either.”

“I understand you’re concern, but don’t worry, I know what to do.”

“I believe you.”

“I want to apologize to both of you that this happened. I will make sure that there will not be a repeat.”

“Thank you very much.” I said.

“Thank you.” Chastity said quietly as we stood up to leave.

We followed my father, Robert, and Warden Dane out of the building. Once we said our goodbyes, the three of us got back in the car to drive back to Cloverland. I kept looking back at Chastity who sat quietly for a long while.

“You ok, sweet girl?” I finally asked..

“Hmmm. Yes actually. I’m just thinking about everything that was said in there. I feel bad for Wanda, but at the same time she doesn’t seem like a very good therapist. I hope she learns from this experience though.” Chastity said.

“I hope you’re right. It’s not something we need to worry about though. They will figure things out. It has nothing to do with us.”

“That’s true.”

“You did well in there Chastity.” My father finally said.


“Thank you. I’m sorry I took my shirt off, but being called a liar didn’t sit well with me.” Chastity said looking down at her hands.

“Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. You are will within your right to stand up for yourself.” I stated.

“Thank you.” Chastity said as she smiled at me.

“I’m sorry Chastity, but we can’t stay for dinner. We need to get back.” My dad said quietly.

“It’s ok. I have homework to do any way.”

Dad just nodded. When we pulled up out front of Cloverland, I jumped out of the car to give Chastity a proper goodbye. After giving her half a dozen kisses that I struggled not to push too far, I got back in the car. I watched Chastity from the mirror until she disappeared. With a sigh, I really hoped that would be the last time we had to deal with anything concerning Fiona.

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