Chapter 91

Reign’S POV

I happily walk over to the mirror to tie my hair in neat pony tail. The girls and I will be going to the city today for them to show me around and I’m elated.

I can’t wait to go out there and see everything that Goodland is made of. Sean hyped so much about this place that I couldn’t wait to come here and see for myself.

His relatives have been nothing but kind to me and I look forward to spending a lot of time with them. They are such good people and I love living with them.

As I put on the pair of shoes gifted to me by Tracy this morning, my room door comes flying open and Lily rushes in over to me.

“What’s up Lily?”

“Mum said to check on you, breakfast has been served”

“Done!” I announce as I rise up and surprisingly, she snakes her little fingers around mine and playfully drags me out of the bedroom all the way to dinning downstairs where everyone else is already seated around the big dinning table, probably waiting for me.

“Good morning everyone” I greet enthusiastically as I take my seat beside Tracy and they all respond almost in a house.

“How was your night?” Tracy whispers and I smile at her.

“It was splendid and yours?”

“It was okay” she says with a shrug and I just chuckle as I begin to serve my food”

“So Tracy where will you be taking Reign to?”

“Uh… first the mall to get her clothes, then the park or the museum, just any place”

“We are going to have so much fun today” Lily hyped and I smile.

I honestly can’t wait to explore this entire city.

“Make sure not to over work her okay, she is still the Luna and be very careful how you act around her”

“Mum, come on. Don’t make then shy away from me. I will be fine”

As we eat dinner, Tracy keeps bringing up possible places we are going to visit and I’m so excited.

Hardin’S POV

As I step out my car, I suck in a great amount of oxygen as the gentle breeze hits my skin and I smile.

It’s been a while since I came here and I kind of miss it. When I finally meet Reign and get her to forgive me, we are going to spend a whole lot of days here enjoying ourselves before we head back home.

“Alpha Hardin, where are we going to begin with the search?” One of my guards ask and I just smile.

I don’t need to look for Reign, I just need to get the smell of her pheromone and spot her out of the crowd.

“I hear there’s a carnival going on in the city square, let’s go there” I instruct as I lead the way.

I’m very certain that she’s there and I can’t wait to see her.

I know she’s going to try to ignore and I know she’s going to say words that would hurt me, I know she’s going to do nothing but push me away, but none of that will make me leave this place without her.

I am going to take Reign back home with me come rain come sun.

As we walk around the city, my eyes are almost blinded by the multi colored costumes everyone else has on and everywhere is so noisy. Children running here and there with their parents, mostly mother’s running behind then to make sure they don’t get lost. Youths of about my age in pairs, probably mates holding hands and walking, some dancing and it totally warms my heart.

Nothing about Goodland has changed. It is still as lively as it has always been and I can’t wait to spend time with Reign here.

As I walk by, people stop and bow while some give way and I’m actually tempted to tell them to ignore me, but that’s impossible because I’m Paramount Alpha. Whether I like it or not, people will show me respect wherever I go.

Sometimes it’s exhausting, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Beautiful” I murmur to myself with a beautiful…

Oh Sweet Moon goddess. Here it comes.

Reign’s pheromone and it only gets stronger as the seconds pass. That can only mean that she’s approaching me. I stop on my tracks and instruct my guards to stop as well as I take my time to inhale the pheromone as a foolish smile appears on my lips.

In just a matter of seconds, I’m going to see Reign, I’m going to talk her. I know she’s not going to say anything nice to me, but at least I’m going to talk to her.

“Alpha Hardin!” A little girl of about eight or nine years old calls as she rushes towards me. I stoop down and open my arms for the little girl who crashes into them and I engulf her in a warm hug.

I don’t even know this child, but I love the positive energy that she emits.

“It’s so nice to meet you Alpha Hardin” She says with a bright smile the moment we break the hug.

“Nice to meet to you too. What’s your name?”


“Lily, you have such a beautiful name, where are …”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

My words are cut by the intense smell of Reign’s pheromone. She is close.

She is very close.

I snap my head up to look and behold, there stands mate, my Luna, my Love, standing tall before me, with an eternal frown masked on her face.

I gently rise up on my feet and stand before her and smile heartily.

She doesn’t smile back.

“What are you doing here?” She asks sternly and I swallow dryly.

Women! Nothing can stop her from causing a scene right here and now. I need to handle this moment with so much care and wisdom else everything will end in chaos.

“Can we please talk in private?” I ask with a lot of calmness and she looks around and it seems like she realizes we are in public and it will immature if us to cause a scene. She lets out a heavy sigh as she folds her arms over her breasts and takes a killer pose.

Her legs look so sexy in the slim jeans she has on. I’m actually fighting my urge to sweep her inti my arms right now and take her away.

“Please come with me” I plead as I try to hold her hand but she pulls away. “Please Reign” I plead as I take her hand again and this time around she doesn’t protest.

I take her hand and lead her into a nearby inn and immediately we both get in, everyone rises on their feet and bow down to us.

I quietly lead her into a private room where we can talk and the moment we both get, she seizes her hand from mine.

“What are you doing here?” She asks in a hushed voice.

“I came to see you”

“Why exactly?”

“I miss you”

“My God Hardin, don’t you ever give up?” She asks in a frustrated tone and I shake my head.

“Not when it comes to you babe”

“Oh my God Hardin, please stop saying this. I have told you time and again, we can never be together, this can’t work”

“Says who?” I ask with a creased brow.

“Says…me! I don’t want to be with you, why won’t you just let me be!”

“Because I can’t. You are my fucking mate Reign, my Luna. I can’t just leave you be, I want you, I need you. The entire Wall Street pack needs you. Yes I know I have been mean to you but can’t you just give me one chance to prove to you that I’m a changed person? Why don’t you even want to give me a chance to prove myself”

“I am done having this conversation with you” she says angrily as she turns to leave.

“Reign DON’T YOU DARE WALK AWAY WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU!” I roar in anger with my Alpha voice and even the people in the inn go dead silent. Kara stops on her tracks and turns to look at me in fear.

I scared her, I sacred her bad and right now I feel guilty for it. I try to walk close to her but she rushes out of the private room.

“Fuck!” I exclaim in frustration as I punch the air with my fists.

If I’m not hurting her, I’m annoying her, if I’m not annoying her, then I’m scaring her away.

Sweet Moon goddess, what exactly am I supposed to do?

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