Chapter 156

Reign’S POV

My dad is a dick!

Since the day I was born, he hated me. He locked me up all my life just because he didn’t want me to fulfill my destiny.

He killed my sister Wilma and put the blame on me and now, he is still struggling to threaten my life.

I was seated peacefully in my bedroom, taking a nap when he mind linked me to come and meet him in the woods.

At first I didn’t want to go, but come to think of it, I have never really repaid that guy for all what he did to me in the past. If I had told Hardin about this, he would’ve wanted to come with me which is what I don’t want.

I am going to beat him up so bad that he’d regret the day he got my mum pregnant for me.

I managed to sneak out of the castle without the guards seeing me and right now I’m in the woods, walking towards the boundary where the guy is waiting for me.

I can’t wait to mess him up.

“Look who we have here”

I hear a voice chant from behind and I abruptly turn around and behold, there stands my treacherous father, smirking at me and I fight my urge to puke.

I hate him!

Growing up, I always wished to have him love me, treat me like a daughter like he did with Wilma but he never did. All he ever did was criticize me, punish me when I did the slightest mistakes and reminded me of how I am his worst night mare.

Well, right now I am about to be his worst nightmare.

“Good day, Father!” I greet sarcastically and he chuckles.

“Only a fool will not notice the sarcasm that is drooling from that greeting of yours, daughter”

“You are definitely smarter than I gave you credit for. Why are you here?”

“Well, I just came so we could have a little father-daughter chit chat, it’s been a while, remember?”

“The only thing I can remember is you escaping your death sentence. You do know I can always mind link Hardin to come get you, don’t you? Or better still kill you myself!”

“Kill me? You can’t possible kill your sweet daddy, can you?” He asks with a smile and I take a step closer to him.

“Try me” I dare with a deadly tone and he goes mute. “I thought as much. So, for the last time, why did you call me here”

“I told you already, I want us to have a little father-daughter chit chat. It’s been a while”

“No it hasn’t, we have never had a decent father-daughter ever in my entire life. Why do you suddenly want it now?”

“Because I miss you”

“You must be sick”

“Well, I just wanted to let you know that you and that Alpha of yours are never going to win this battle. I will do everything in my power to stop you both accomplishing those plans of yours”

“That’s a lofty goal for a man your age. I wish you luck! For now, I will take my leave and I will advice you to leave before Hardin finds out you are here. He is going to have fun ripping you apart!”

“Oh Reign, you will forever be dump, be manipulated. When exactly are you going to become wise?”

Before I can understand what’s going on, I feel a cold object get buckled around my left wrist and I can feel my Elemental powers subside within me.

Bloody bracelet.

When I turn to look at who just put the bracelet on my wrist, I am greeted by a tissue pressed against my nostrils and the moment I inhale the chemical that has been sprayed on it, every thing goes black.

I can only l someone sweep me off my feet and start walking away.

Hardin is going to be so mad at me for being so block headed.


The moment Reign goes into deep slumber in my arms, I wink at Mr. Callan and we both smile.

“That was easier than I had imagined. She is my daughter and I know how dump she can be. She’s all yours now”

“Thank you so much for this. At least now I can clean up the mess I made”

“Yeah, you can now save the fire Elemental and stop Alpha Lance from rebelling against you. What we need now is more allies, not enemies.”

“Exactly, that’s why we are taking her straight to the East End pack so he can see that I was serious when I said I was going to fix things.”

“Knowing the kind of man Alpha Lance is, he is going to forgive you easily. You have nothing to be worried about.”

“I honestly hope so”

Once we get to the East End Pack and Lance sees us, he is astonished!

“No way!”

“Yes way Alpha, told you nothing was impossible”

“When… I mean…ho…how…” He stutters in shock and I just laugh as I place Reign to lie on one of the couches.

“That is not important Lance, I need you to get me you best handcuffs r anything metallic that can be used to bind her hands. Remember the bracelet stops her from using her Elemental powers, not her strength”

“Why don’t we just put her in the cell already, that way we are all guaranteed that she won’t be able to hurt anyone from there.” Alpha Lance asks impatiently and I just sake my head.

“We need to wait for her to wake up so we can extract her blood and use to heal Reed”

“Ugh! Whatever, I’ll get the handcuffs myself.”


“Thank you two very much. This means a lot to me and to Reed too.”

“I told you I was going to fix things”

He nods his head and disappears for a few minutes and when he comes back, he has cuffs in his hands which is used to cuff Luna Reign’s hand before her and we all smile in satisfaction.

“This is a sign that we are bound to win this battle, no one can convince me otherwise”

“Me neither” And it’s true.

We have been through ups and downs this whole time, gotten defeated in attacks time and again, but here we are, with the staff of edification in our keeping and Luna Reign about to be thrown into our cells.

I feel so good about this battle. I can’t wait for the day when we will defeat Alpha Hardin in battle.

Gracious me!

Reign’S POV

I blink my eyes open and I feel like everything has gone wrong with my entire body. My stomach is churning hard and right now I want to puke so bad. I try to lift my hands up but I noticed they won’t separate and I can feel a cold metal binding them together. When I look down, I see that they have been tightly handcuffed my I let out a heavy sigh of frustration.

I have been abducted again.

Dad lured me in a trap and now I’m in the custody of my enemies yet again and this time around, they won’t stop until they get what they want

“Sleeping beauty is up” Someone announces and when I tilt my head to the side to see who just spoke, that’s when I see a group of very familiar men sitting on various couches in the living room, all staring at my like there is something wrong with my face.

“What? Do I have something on my face?”

“Yes you do”

“Whatever it is, I don’t want to know about it”

“Still very mouthy and confident huh?”

“That’s something you are never going to be able to take away from me”

“You think so?”

“I know!”

“Let’s only hope you stay mouthy and confident after we have gotten rid of that weapon of mass destruction growing in your uterus” He says with a sinister smile and I violently shake the handcuffs.

I swear if my hands were not bound, I would have ripped them all apart in here.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Someone is getting furious” Alpha Lance teases and I give him a deadly look.

“You can give me deadly looks all you want, but as long as you have those cuffs on, there is nothing you can do to me…” He leans closer to me. “Absolutely nothing!”

And then I do it, I puke directly on his face and good amount of it goes into his mouth.

“Fuck you!” He curses in anger as he hits me hard in the face but I smile.

The satisfaction…

“Bloody Hell!” He cries as he rushes out of the living room with vomit all over his body.

I look at the Water Elemental, who I suppose bears the name Kevin and I notice that he is trying very hard to contain his laughter and that makes me laugh out loud.

My favorite thing about being abducted by Alpha Lance is that I can taunt him as much as I want to.

Moments later, he comes back all cleaned up and this time around he is not alone, Reed, the air Elemental whom I hurt the previous day is being pushed on a wheel chair and the way he looks, I can tell that he is in so much pain.

When I looked at him yesterday crying on the ground, I felt pity for him, but right now I don’t.

I don’t feel sorry for him because if I was the one at his mercy he would have done the same, even worse, so he deserves it.

I do not feel sorry for him and I hope he gets worst and dies!

“Does this face look familiar to you?”

“Of course it does. The guy who is not ashamed to fight with a pregnant Luna. If you’d ask me, I’d say he got what he deserved and when he dies, I hope he rots in hell”

“Too bad that’s not going to happen since we have you here. Just a taste of your blood and he is going to be healed and become as fresh as daisy once more” Alpha Lance brags as he comes towards me with a syringe in his hand and I just laugh. They have no idea how exactly this healing works.

If Reed tastes my blood, he is only going to get worse because that is what I wish for him, except I give him with a pure intention and mean well.

As he stoops by myside, I don’t try to resist as carefully sticks the needle in me and draws out some blood.

When he is done, he places some cotton on the spot and empties the blood in the syringe into a little cup and takes it to Reed who drinks without hesitation despite the fact that it’s blood.


There is total silence in the living room for a whole lot of seconds and suddenly, Reed starts screaming in agony as he clutches the side of his abdomen that seems to be bleeding.

Everyone else is terrified.

Alpha Hardin stoops by his side and tries to apply pressure on the bleeding spot and for the first time in forever, I can see that he truly cares about his Elemental.

The horror in his eye says it all.

“What have you done to him!”

”You all don’t I understand do you? This is my blood, it comes from my body and I can poison it anyhow I want, even with just my thoughts I can poison my own blood that has to be consumed.”

“What… what is she talking about?” Reed asks weakly.

“Well, before taking that blood from my body, I had though of you to get worse once you take it in and that did the trick. My blood can’t heal you if I don’t want it to. I’m sorry but, you are going to die!”

“You are going to feel this same pain when we flush that fetus from your uterus. You are going to cry and beg for mercy but you will not be given any, mark my words Luna Reign!” Alpha Lance promises. “Take her away from my sight before I loose my damn mind!”

And immediately, his guards come dragging me out of the living room, all the way to the dungeon.

All I can do is pray that Hardin finds me before they succeed in their plans.

One thing for sure is that I will lose my mind if I ever lose this baby.

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