The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 14

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 14


DECLAN “Do you Quinn Night, daughter of Alpha Lincoln Night and Luna Stacia Night of the Dark Moon pack, swear to uphold the laws that the Goddess Selene, herself, has put forth?” I make sure my voice is loud and strong, so all pack members can hear me as I swear in their new Alpha.

“I do swear.”

to treat each pack member with the same respect that you,

“And do you swear to be a kind and just Alpha like your father before you yourself would like to receive?”

“I do swear.”

I continue on as I gaze at the beautiful she-wolf before me, saddened that I will not be seeing her face every day anymore. On the other hand, I am so proud of the woman that she has turned into, and I have no doubt that she will lead her pack just as her father had. As I come to the end, I slice the palm of my hand and hold it up to her.

“From the blood of an Alpha, I, Alpha Declan Storm, of the Storm River Pack, do give you, Quinn Night of the Dark Moon pack, the power of an Alpha by the drinking of my blood. Do you accept this Alpha blood?”

“I do accept your blood.” She says in a whispery voice, just loud enough for the others to hear. She steps up and takes my hand, bringing it to her mouth and drinking as she stares right at me.

The moment her lips touch my hand, it’s all I can do to hold my wolf back. Something strange happens, and I haven’t the slightest clue as to what it is. I can feel the shift in her power, only it feels like a hell of a lot of power. It actually leaves me a bit lightheaded as she drinks, even though she barely taken

anything. All of a sudden, I hear our hearts begin to beat in time with the other’s, they are now synced. I’ve never heard of anything like this happening; it’s not how my father had told me it had felt when he had sworn in an alpha.

Quinn must feel it too because her eyes go as round as saucers as she takes pull after pull from my hand. All too soon, though, she is pulling away and licking the last droplets of my blood from her lips. I watch as she closes her eyes as though she is savoring the taste. When she opens then again, they meet mine, and she gives a slight nod, indicating for me to finish.

“By the power of our Goddess Selene, I present to you, Quinn Night, Alpha of the Dark Moon pack!” My voice booms across the crowd and then cheers go up and I see the color flush Quinn’s face as she realizes that all the cheering is for her. I grin at her and then pull her into my arms for a hug.

“I know that I’ve been giving you a hard time, but I am so very proud of you, Quinn. I know your parents are looking down on you and are even prouder.”

“Thank you, Declan. You don’t realize what it means to me to hear you say that.”

I lean down and kiss her cheek before the crowd starts coming forward to wish their new Alpha luck. I take a few steps back and just watch to see her pack interact with her. They seem to be smitten with her already, and the warriors are already wanting to start their duty in protecting their new Alpha, as they keep a watchful eye on our surroundings.

“What are you going to do now that Quinn is gone?” My cousin asks from beside me, “oh wait, that’s right, you knocked up your *!”

I clench my jaw but don’t give him what he wants, which is for me to start a fight. I’m not sure what game he is playing, but I’m pretty sure that it has to do with the new Alpha, and I’ll be *if I let him play any of his sick games with her.

“Oh, come on cousin, don’t have anything to say? I would have thought that you would have learned something from my father and myself. After all, you are older than I am. If a fourteen-year-old boy can take care of his mistakes, surely a twenty-six-year-old man can too. Pack *are just that, pack *. The only thing they are good for is keeping us satisfied. They should know their place and act accordingly. If they don’t follow the rules **whore who warms their Alpha’s bed, then they must be punished.”

I look over at him and growl, “Killing them isn’t the answer. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t follow the rules, we are still to blame as well. We are made to wait for our mates, but we get too impatient. Hell, you were only fourteen!” I grit out.

He scoffs, “Do not forget who my father is, Declan. I’m surprised I lasted until I was fourteen before losing my virginity.”

“That still doesn’t make what you did, right.”

He shrugs. “It’s all in the past now, so why bring it up?”

“Exactly how many are in the past?” I ask angrily.

“Five, maybe six. I can’t quite remember.” Gavin says dryly.

“Get the *out of my sight, I can’t stand looking at you right now! I’m ashamed to call you family.”

He chuckles. “No problem. I was heading over to Quinn anyway.”

“Stay the *away from her!” I growl low. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“I’m pretty sure that she can make that decision on her own now, dear cousin.” He smirks and heads over to Quinn, knowing that I won’t make a scene to stop him.

“Is there something that I should know about this cousin of yours?” I turn around and Quinn’s Beta, Spencer, I believe, is eying Gavin as he walks away.

*Just that I don’t trust him, and neither should Quinn. I’ve tried warning her, but Gavin has always been great with the ladies.” I warn the Beta, but I study him as well, “I don’t need to worry about you, do I?”

*Pish, with Quinn?” the Beta chuckles, “Nah, she is like a kid sister to me, she always has been, and I will protect her like one as well.” He lifts his brow at me, which I find funny, but he’s still only a pup compared to me.

“Is that a little warning towards me?” I ask amused.

“Does it need to be?” He has the gall to ask, and I know right then that I can trust this male to keep Quinn safe.

I shrug, “I don’t think so, but she may say otherwise.” I’m being completely honest with the male.

The Beta chuckles, “I’m not blind, I can see, so I know I’ll have no worries with you, Alpha.”

I’m a bit confused, “You can see what?”

He glances over at me and then rolls his eyes, “Seriously? Don’t tell me that you can’t see that Quinn has the hots for you.”

I frown at him and then glance over at the she-wolf. She’s laughing with a small group of women, and I notice that she is back to her care free self once again. She was so nervous that she wouldn’t be accepted by her own pack that she worked herself up. The little make out session we had in her office right before the ceremony, had helped calm her nerves for a bit, but it wasn’t until the end of the ceremony that she actually felt relieved.

I shake my head at the Beta, “I don’t think so. I admit that we have kissed, and I think that may have her confused, but Quinn is adamant about finding her mate.” i inform him sadly while I continue to stare at the female. When she looks up and our eyes meet, she gives me a smile and my heart stops briefly before picking the beat back up.

“See, right there, Alpha. You can deny it all you want, but Quinn wants you.”

“It doesn’t really matter, now,” I smile tightly. “I’m no longer available even if she did want me.”

I see the Beta tense beside me, “Then why are you still here? If you have a woman at home, then leave. Don’t make this hard on my Alpha, she has enough on her plate.”

He’s right, and with one last look over at the new Alpha of the Dark Moon pack, I turn and head in the direction that I last saw my cousin disappear to. I find him coming out of the restroom.

“Let’s go, we are leaving.” I growl.

“Well, aren’t you in a cranky mood!” Gavin snickers.

Just shut the *up and let’s go…”

As soon as I get back to my own packhouse, all I want to do is turn around and leave again. Carter is waiting for me on the front porch and warns me of the she-*that has been waiting for me to come back. Why? Why did I ever let myself get involved with Lila? How am I supposed to live with her for the rest of my life if I can’t even stand being in the same room as her?

“I’m sorry, Declan. I wish I could make this all go away for you, but unfortunately, I can’t. I haven’t given up in watching her though. If she’s *with you, I will find out about it.” My best friend slaps my back.

* Thanks Carter. I can use all the help that I can get, because I honestly don’t know how to handle any of this. I’m an Alpha for *sake and I can’t even handle an annoying she-wolf!” I place my hands on my hips and throw my head back as I close my eyes.

“Speaking of Alpha’s, how did the ceremony go?” My Beta asks.

As much as I hate that she isn’t here, I grin, “It went well. She’s going to be a great Alpha; her pack loves her already.”

“And you don’t?” Carter *a brow.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, so let’s drop it.”

“Whatever you say, Declan.” Carter responds and then makes a face right before I hear her voice.

“It’s about time you get back. I was hoping that you could go to the store for me and grab me some bananas and pickles. The pup seems to be craving them.” She smiles and rubs her stomach.

“You’ve got two *legs. go get your *yourself!” I walk towards the door.

“But Declan…”

I growl and whip around on her, “What have I said about using my birthname? If I have to warn you again, you will find yourself in the cells, pregnant or not!”

Storming through the house, I go straight to my suite of rooms on the third floor. I’m not in the mood to go to my office, just to be bothered by people that I don’t want to see or talk to. My mother stops me as she’s coming out of her room, though, and I curse under my breath.

“Declan, I’m having some of the omegas help get the Luna suite ready for your *. When should I tell her to be ready to move into it?” | know my mother is insisting that I move Lila in ASAP, but she still doesn’t

like her, and she’s *that she will have to call the she-*by her former title.

“I don’t want her anywhere near me. Put her on the second floor, she should be comfortable enough amongst the unmated warriors.” I say out of anger.

“Declan, she’s going to be Luna. You can’t have her on the second floor.” My mother smirks.

“Wanna bet? I may have to give her the title, but if the pup is mine then I won’t need to touch her or be anywhere near her, since I already have an heir. Put her on the second floor.” I order for the last time.

She sighs, “And the nursery?”

I shrug, “The pup can stay in her room until it can sleep on its own, and then it will be moved to a room on the third floor where the heir belongs.”

*Alright,” My mother shakes her head, “You’re the Alpha, but just know that the she-*isn’t going to take it very well.”

“What else is new?”

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