The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 240 Epilogue

I am surrounded by complete and utter darkness. If there is light at the top of this bottomless pit, then I sure ain’t seeing it. I am completely and utterly alone; I cannot hear voices or see the shadows of any faces; I cannot even hear myself breathe. I believe that is it for me then, I must be dead, and I am falling down this hole deeper and deeper with every passing second.

It is so cold in here, I know it should be winter, but there is no way in hell that it should be this cold. Now hell, there is a comforting thought, not that I would love to see myself got here, but it is at least warm there. Well, at least that is what I think. The same way that I thought I was invisible, I thought that I could take that goddamn Werewolf on.

But, I don’t want to be here, apart from the obvious cold and darkness, it is damn lonely here. I have yet even to begin to live my life, well perhaps I have lived a full two-hundred-and-eighty-one years, but I can always live some more. This cannot be the end of me; I have yet to discover the true purpose behind my life.

Yes, we have come a long way over the past year, but we have failed to make much lead way in making sense of why my powers have only increased and strengthened with each passing month. It is as if each day there is something new to discover. I have grown to be a man with both abilities of immortal and mortal and yet even some qualities that are beyond complete understanding.

So sitting in this dark pit of agony, not even an inch of that power that I hold can get me out of the grips of what seems to be my end. But just as I am about to give up completely to my doom, I hear the voice of Dean coming from afar as he is desperately shouting my name.

But it is futile.

It is too dark, and I cannot see.

The voices are too far, and I cannot reach.

I am doomed to my fate.

My end.


“Wake up, Lucas!” I feel two very strong hands shake me vigorously. “Wake the fuck up!” I hear the voice of Dean coming closer and closer, until finally…

My eyes open…

And as it slowly adjusts to the bright light that appears to be the afternoon sun that is just about to fade down the horizon, I see a group of very worried faces stare back at me. The first to launch forward and embrace me is a very excited, Sebastian. “Father, I thought you were dead there for a moment.”

I only but chuckle at him as he helps me steady to my feet, “I do not die that easily, son. Now tell me is that goddamn Werewolf done with it?”

“No, father, he has headed further down into the woods. Sam and Damien have set after him. We stayed behind to save your sorry ass from being eaten by god knows what else hides in these woods.”

“My sorry ass, you say? It is this sorry ass that made that sorry ass of yours.”

Sebastian only but shakes his head at me, “Oh no, I remember. Mom cooked me up in that little jar; you were only but a donor if I can recall the story correctly.”

“Yes,” I wave him off as I grab hold of my blade again, “And you have bloody well outgrown that jar and everything else we have put you in for the past year. By this damn rate, you are going to be older than me within the next few months.”

Well, saying that, the poor child is only technically a year old, but as for Vampire years, and do I even say human, that I do not have the foggiest idea. For whatever he is, and we are still yet to learn if he has an inch of Ancient in him, he has grown up to an age I would like to guess is at least twenty. We estimate that within the next month, he would have grown to be a fully grown man.

But that aside, we have a pesky Werewolf that needs taken care of. The case presented itself only a few days ago, and I need to mention here that it is not even remotely close to the full moon. Dean has discovered in some old book he has been carrying around that you do, in fact, get a Werewolf that can turn before and even after the full moon, and for some reason, these ones are fairly stronger than the normal. That being the exact reason why I thought I found myself to my death so soon.

So as we all gear up again and take a deep breath, Dean makes a quick call to Sam to find where their location is. Though by the look on his face, he only mutters but two words, “Oh fuck.”

With brows furrowed, I only but cock my head at him, “Well, that is not a word that we wish to hear on a hunt. Please tell me they are in one piece.”

“Oh,” Dean steps two steps toward me as he starts to burst out in a nervous laughter, “Sam and Damien have come across the pack. I am sorry to say, but we are sadly outnumbered.”

“Outnumbered? How big is this pack?”

“Well, we are looking at a group of six.”

“Then I do believe that is a second ‘Oh fuck’ from me.”

But next to me, a very over-eager Sebastian steps forward as he drags Roberto closer by the arm, “We are six? So how can we be outnumbered?”

“My dear son,” I start to explain. “That Werewolf went through us all and still knocked me down. We are going to need at least four more people to take them all down.”

“Well, why don’t we just blow up their nest?”

“Sebastian, we are not blowing up the trees. We need to…”

Before I can say another word, he has Roberto by the arm and dragging him towards the direction to where Sam and Damien had disappeared into. Dean only but shakes his head at me, “Like father like son. I can remember a time…”

“And I can remember a time when it will be best for you not to complete that sentence.”

Dean only laughs as he tosses me the other Angel Blade as he takes a grip of his gun. We cannot afford to let these wolves slip out of our hands now. We have been tracking them for days. If we back down now to wait for backup, then we might lose them, and they will be gone in the wind.

We need to act.

The City has been rife with creatures causing havoc for months now. We have been unable to establish since our trip to New York why there are so many odd groups of creatures out on the streets doing the most unusual things. Not even to mention the sorts of creatures that have come out that we have never seen before. It has been bad to such an extent that the Winchester boys have taken residence in the Lecarde Mansion. What used to be my study has become the center of what we now call our operations, where we have Bobby at the front of manning everything.

I can honestly say that without the help of the boys, I would have been completely lost. After the birth of Sebastian, which was rather sudden into the second month of his creation, I was spending most of my time by his side as everything was so uncertain. Both Cassidy and I did not know what to expect from one day to the other. It was far too stressful for her as she herself is still very much a youngling, but she has managed to pull through with the help of Lilith.

Though after the birth of Sebastian, she did calm down on the hunting front and has not been out on a case of us as often as she used to do. I guess, in a way, she has grown up and taken her place at home where she truly needs to be. But I can see that changing once Breyden starts to drive her insane again.

So even asking them to come to our rescue is not an option. They require training as they have become rusty, and I do not wish to see any of my family go down due to some unruly Werewolves. The group of us will just have to do.

And as I run this thought through my mind, I see Dean showing for us to halt and slow down. From between the rustle of the bushes in front of him, I see Sam and Damien appear. Now I am not sure if they are just out of breath or what the exact expression on their faces are, but it is enough to put the fear of day in each and every one of us. Though for everyone but one…Sebastian….

I love the boy’s determination and his spunk, but fuck, he is going to get himself killed as I watch him dash through that very same bush in search of what is…


A Werewolf comes crashing through the trees and storms straight towards Sam. As he slides to the side to avoid the impact, the damn furry creature comes smack bang into my chest, knocking me off my feet for what will now be the second time.

“Well, that is it,” My voice raises in anger as the beast hover over me with his snarling teeth, snapping at my throat. But strange enough, he only keeps them at a distance, as if he is taunting me. He seems to want to do harm but not quite so much either. So not taking much care for his display of teeth, I flip him around and pin him down with the greatest of ease. I reach for my blade that is lying only inches away in the mud and slam it straight through his heart.

There is a very confused Dean that is staring at me, “How the fuck did you keep in at hold? Not even both of Sam and Damien together could keep him pinned down?”

Then just as Dean is about to come over to help me from the sinking mud, I watch as Sebastian comes running back through the bushes with the entire goddamn pack on his heels.

I only but shake my head at him, “So I guess you are waiting for a thanks for drawing them to us?”

“Only helping you, old man, you cannot run as fast as me.”

“Yes, and I am not as crazy as you. Now let the old people handle them.”

Sebastian waves me off as he spins around and, much to my horror, launches himself towards one of the fairly bigger wolves. For a brief moment, my damn heart stops, and I feel as if I have died a few tiny deaths in only but moments. But as I watch him overpower the beast, my heart settles to a normal beat.

With hands that are eager for a killing, I ram my very own body into the wolf that is now slowly approaching me. I only but laugh at him as I grab him by the throat and snap his feet from the ground. In mere inches of a second, I have him dangling in the air as I squeeze my fingers tight around the bones of this crackling neck. In utter agony, he howls for me to let go, but I ignore his simple please and close in even tighter, but knowing that the attempt would be futile to kill him, I take the Colt that is firmly nestled in my back and press the barrel between his fur right into his chest.

With only but…one…two…

I tap the trigger and feel as the bullet speed through the chamber. In one snap, it penetrates deep into his chest and drives straight through his heart.

As I drop him to his feet, I look around as Sebastian drops the final one of the muts to the floor. With a great smile on his face, he looks at me and only winks, “See, that is how you do it, father.”

We all burst out in a rumble of laughter and follow behind as he starts making his way out of the woods.

Not even a moment later, we find ourselves all piled into the Impala as we spin off the dirt road towards home. Dean blasts the speakers to the sound of Wayward Son as we all start to fall into song.

It has been a good day.

It has been a good hunt.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Once again, the Misfits have saved the day.

And tomorrow comes, they will do it again.

A year ago, I was nothing but a lonely Vampire Master that ruled his empire from the confines of his room. I might have had the power and the woman at my call, but I was not the man that I truly wanted to be. I was looking for love, and I thought that love is something that you will only get from a partner, from a woman, from someone that you called your own.

But I was wrong.

I might have met Cassidy, and along with that, I experienced the greatest love of all, but what I did not know is that I was yearning for more than just that.

I was yearning for this…

The Misfits…

My family…

This group of men and women has brought me more joy and love than I would ever experience in all my lifetimes. They have brought me the very thing that I have been craving for years. The constant craving was not for that of Cassidy alone, but it was for the brotherhood that Damien and Roberto provide, the sisterly love from Lilith, the odd feeling of comfort from Cass and Breyden, the friendship and devotion from Sam and Dean, but most of all, what I craved the most is the love of a son, the love that I feel for and the love that I receive from Sebastian.

I am complete.

I am the ultimate Vampire Master, but I have the ultimate team by my side.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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