The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 231 Until The Fat Lady Sings

At times I do wish that I would refrain from thinking that the worst is about to happen. For I will always prove myself right in the most spectacular way.

Take for instance my hesitation to believe that we have seen the last of the Were-Vamps.

Well, we are about to experience ourselves another encounter as they are coming up fast from the other side of the road, making their way with determination towards the Impala.

Taking my stance, I look at Dean with only but a smirk on my face. “You ready to play?”

My words are not yet even cold and there is a Were-Vamp that has taken his own stance in front of me. I watch as he stands only but a few inches away from me, with hands by his side; I hear the most hideous laughter coming from his mouth.

His eyes seem wild with fire; there is a fury and determination behind them as he starts to close that gap between us. He is going to ram me, and god, he is going to ram hard. But I only ground my feet and wait for him to attempt to make an impact. As he reaches to grab me, I hold him by the arms, and in one swift movement, I smash into his chest, leaving him to fly back into the pole behind him.

He bursts out in anger as he jumps to his feet.

He charges like a bull towards me; I slide to the side and push him back into the same pole again. There is a slight crack as I push him deeper against it. There is a moan that rolls over his lips as he snaps his claw towards my cheek, though it does not even come close to making an impact.

Then I pull his body back towards me, my hand tangles in his hair. With utmost brute force, I slam his head straight into the very place he left that pole only moments ago.

He spins loose and smashes square into my body, driving me back against the Impala.

My body crashes to the floor.

I watch as he slowly comes walking over. Then he comes and stands over my body.

I find myself being dragged from the floor. But I get loose from his grip and spin back onto my feet. With my feet grounded, I stare at him with eyes that are now starting to fill with anger, “You might as well give up because I am going to kill you.”

Now, if I would think that this Were-Vamp shall stop and realize his foolish mistake, I am somewhat sadly mistaken. He only but advances for me again; this time, though, he is moving rather slow, ominous, he is taunting me.

Then he shifts his feet at an incredible pace towards mine and reached his fist for my face, but I grab it in midair. I twist it behind his back; I step closer.

“You are going to regret that.”

My grip goes firmer, and I push him off from his feet; he slides across the length of the floor.

I make my way to where he finds himself and yank him up by the shoulder and toss his body.

He rises to his feet and reaches me in less than an inch of the second; as he looks to the side for a brief second, he fools me to do as well. Then he slams his hands around my shoulders and tosses me.

As I rise to my feet again, I slam a fist into his stomach. I am driving him with utmost force. Then I retract my arm and launch it back and land it square in his face. I hear a crack as my knuckles make the impact, then there is pitter-patter as blood comes streaming from his nose, then he drops to the floor.

But the man is a fool; he rises to his feet again. I push forward and scrum my entire body into his. He drops to the floor, and I immediately get on top of him, pinning his arms to the floor.

He comes for me again; as he drops my body to the floor, I fall to my knees. I launch to my feet and slam his body…

Then, with absolute slow motion, there is the unified sound of what can be about seven Were-Vamps.

So with only but a smirk on my face and looking at Dean.

I take my stance and step but two steps back.

But from next to me, I hear the voice of Dean, “Let us show this fuckers that they are messing with the wrong Hunters.”

I glare at the Were-Vamps with a newfound fury that builds in my eyes, “Now, I suggest that you stand down before you make a foolish mistake.”

I watch as Dean only laughs and gives me a slight wink, then he turns back to the Were-Vamps, “Lucas, I do not think they understand what you are saying.”

But if I think they would back down, they only continue to move towards us and start to break out in a fit of ungodly hissing as they are snapping their exposed teeth at us.

Well, my restraint snaps.

With absolute determination to show them of their foolish ways, I step closer, “You have made a fateful mistake tonight.” I pause for a moment as I position my finger softly against

“For one, my dear friend, I am you Vampire Master now,” I slide the tip of my finger over the trigger, then I continue, “Your second was ruining a decent Armanin.” And with that, I gently snap my finger until it makes direct contact with the trigger that sets the motion for the bullet to leave the clip; there is a slight click as it slides into the chamber. The heat travels through my hand as the adrenaline rushes through my body. In only one BANG, Were-Vamp topples in a heap of mess to the floor.

But wait…next to him, I hear the distinct sound of a Were-Vamp that is going into transformation, there is another jerk of my hand, as yet another bullet leaves my Colt at inches of inches in great speed. It pierces the soft skin between his brows before he, too, finds his fate on the floor.

I stop, yet still firmly point, and speak to the five Were-Vamps that are left standing, “Do any of you wish to join the party on the floor?” I only but look at them as they stand firm and shake my head in amusement, “You know I will blow your fucking brains out; why are you even bothering to tempt me?”

But death is thy ears…well perhaps not mine.

Next, I hear Cassidy calling for me, “Lucas, watch out.” Well, it seems that two of these brave souls think that it is rather a great idea to charge at me. So as they come towards me at great speed, I take aim with both arms straight forward, and in one…two…three…they both drop together like the fucking idiots they are.

“So, it only leaves you three. Now tell me, do you really want to test my patience tonight?”

They remain firm; they do not make a single move.

I only but nod my head at Dean.

And in absolute perfect precision, as a complete one, we drop their bodies to the floor.

With that Cassidy comes rushing over to me and leaps into my arms.


For what seems like eternity, we just stare into each other’s eyes.

She looks down at my slightly parted lips and I know what is about to happen. We both lean into each other in slow motion never breaking eye contact once. My heart skips a beat and my knees get wobbly, even though I am not standing on my feet. I curl my hand around her neck, and tangle the other in her long wavy hair.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Our lips brush softly against each other. Her lips is soft and delicately. They dance against me like butterfly wings. I pull away, hesitating for a moment. She felt new, yet oddly familiar, Her lips seemed moulded to the shape of mine. My hands curled around her so perfectly as if they were made just for her. She tastes like passion, like pure, unrestrained passion and I want more.

Then we begin to close the gap even more than before. What begins as a small peck become more passionate. The rest of the world spins so fast it becomes non-existant. I lean even further into her and my body melts into hers. It is as if I can feel a fire blazing within me, out of control. We are completely and utterly in sync in this very moment.

Everything about her is perfect. The sheer softness of her hair as I run my hands through it. The taste of sweet cotton candy that lingers on her lips. Her breath that warms my cheek. The way she plays with the hair at the back of my head that tickles my neck.

She presses her lips against mine even harder. Lightning passes through me. I feel lost in a different universe and she is slowly taking me away. Her cold hand creeps from my neck down my spine and pulls me closer. Her touch makes my body shiver. Her delicate, innocent kiss makes my heart flutter. Then it races. My body surrenders. I let her kiss me as long as she want. Everytime I let go, I go back and kiss her again softly.

After what seems like being away for hours, we part and put our foreheads together.

Completely satisfied, I turn to the rest of the group, “Now what do you say we go find ourselves some Bloodlusters.”

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