The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 14 Stepping Across The Line

My dear Cassidy is standing at death’s door. She is faced with a decision that no mortal should ever have to be faced with. But if you should think about it in such a way, this is a choice easily made. For you either die and fade away, or you gain immortality and live forever beyond today.

What frightens me the most is that she has chosen Damien to be her Maker. Apart from how it works in the order of things, she should want me to be the one take helps her through this transition. Now I know that Damien would never defy me, and he knows that I should be the one. I am the Master, and they shall obey. But will he do so to save the woman that he knows means more than anything to me? It is not long until he makes his appearance to me as I wait silently outside Cassidy’s home.

“Lucas, I am so glad that you are here,” as he walks close up to me, I can hear a tremble of fear in his voice.

“What is the matter, Damien. Please tell me Cassidy is still alive?”

“Oh my dear brother, if we do not do this soon, then I am afraid she will die.”

His words hit me straight in the chest; it feels as if blades of a thousand swords are pierced right through me. “How long does she have?”

“An hour at the most.”

I close my eyes for a minute and squeeze the bridge of my nose. I must think, think Lucas think, time is running out.

“Damien, has she asked to be turned?”

I see him look away, for he fears his answer would bring me that pain which I felt so strongly earlier before. After a few moments of silence, he once more speaks, “She has asked me to make the pain go away. She wants it to stop so she can feel better again.”

“Does she know what is happening to her?”

“I am afraid Lucas that she is fully aware,” Damiens stops for a brief moment and asks what I have done so already, “Can Breyden not save her.”

“No, she either turns, or she fades away.”

And if ever in over two hundred years, my entire world comes crashing in. For now, I am left with a decision; I refuse to carry on to live this immortal life if I cannot have Cassidy by my side.

“Damien, do me one favor even if it will be your last.”

“Anything, Lucas, please tell me, and I shall do it.”

I hesitate for a moment, for what I am about to ask will shock Damien straight through his core. “Please go make sure, completely hundred percent sure, that Cassidy wants to turn, and if she should not, I order you as your Master and your Maker to come to take my life.”

“Lucas, don’t be foolish!” the loud thunder of his voice echoes through the streets. “I shall not do such a thing.”

The tone of anger increases in my voice as I step even closer to him. “I am your Master, and you shall do so. Now go to Cassidy as I say.”

… Cassidy POV…

This is what my life had come to; I have been bitten by a vampire that I could see myself fall in love with. But his selfishness made him go too far, and now I am on the brink of becoming one or die.

Every single organ in my body is failing one by one, it is only but another hour, and the most essential ones will do the same. From what I understand is that if I drink the blood of a vampire, I shall heal again, but this time I will be part of the living dead. My organs will still die; my heart, in the sense of feeling emotion, will too become a thing of the past. I shall have the need to feed on a human and live the life until forever and after.

The question begs… Do I wish to do this?

Damien has come to explain to me what is going to happen; to say I am not scared shitless would be the lie of this century. I have begged him not to turn to Lucas, but I know he has a duty to inform him of what is happening to me. He has just excused himself from the room to have a word with Breyden in private. I know that by the time he comes back, he is going to want an answer.

And I feel that I have spoken way too soon as I see him enter the room; this time, he is completely alone, even Eva has gone too. He comes to sit on the bed where I am curled up in an agonizing state. I am afraid that taking from the way the tremors and the pain that I am not even going to see the last twenty minutes.

“Cassidy, can you hear me,” he softly whispers as he takes my trembling hands into his. But all I can do is nod my head.

“My dear, I need you to get the power to speak for me. I need to hear your answer to this, for I shall not do anything until you make your wishes clearly verbal to me. Do you think you can do that for me?”

I nod at him again, and as soon as I do, the tears of a thousand waterfalls stream from my eyes. But it does not even help me to wipe them away, for my fever is so pitched that they help to drown the heat.

“Cassidy, you are going to die unless you drink the blood of a vampire. The first thing I must know. Do you wish to be turned?”

… Lucas POV…

This must be the longest few minutes of my long life. Waiting for Damien is nothing but torture; I am so afraid that we might run out of time. Breyden is trying to assure me that whatever needs to happen will indeed just happen. I must confess that I am not afraid of dying; my only wish is to be there inside, dying next to her.

And then the dreaded moment that I have been awaiting has come as Damien hurriedly makes his way over to me again.

“Lucas, she has made her decision.”

The entire space that we occupy goes dead still. All I can hear is Breyden’s heart beating to a nervous drum. Nothing, but nothing else matters in this moment of time.

“Lucas,” Damien places his hand on my shoulder, and immediately it comes to my mind that he is trying to console me, for I fear Cassidy wishes to die.

“Please tell me, Damien,” my trembling voice does not allow me to say anything more.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“She wishes to turn.”

“My god, I do not know if I should feel good about it or not.” But then my head starts spinning again. Cassidy is turning, and I am not her Maker.

“I know what you are thinking, brother,” Damien says as he begins to explain. “Here is what we are going to do.”

… Cassidy POV…

So I guess I have chosen to become one of Lucas’s kind. Does it mean that I want him near me? Not at all; if I could have my way, he would burn in hell. I might choose to become a vampire, but I see that I am giving this choice is against my will. I want to live, that is plain and simple; if I have to live the life of the undead, then that is what I shall live. I just want this agony to end.

And then the moment arrives, this time again, it is only Damien that enters again. I wish I could have Eva with me, but I am sure this is not something she would like to see.

Damien comes to kneel by my side and softly whispers to me. “This is what is going to happen, Cassidy. Please nod to say you understand.”

Instead of a nod, I manage to speak, not very clear, but the intention is there. “Ye…”

“You are going to bite as hard as you can; just believe me, you will be able to. You will bite as hard as you can until you make me bleed. The blood shall bring your fangs to life. Then you shall drink and drink, yes it will taste awful at first, but you drink and drink until I tell you to stop. Do you understand?”

The thought of having to drink blood makes my stomach turn, but then I think of the fangs god that scares the daylight out of me. But I know that I need to do this if I want to live, so all I do is nod again.

“One last thing. I need you to close your eyes when you do this, and for no reason, no reason at all do you open them. I fear if you see my blood, you might go into a frenzy, and then you will end up killing me.”

I am completely shocked as I hear his words. From somewhere inside me, I find the words, “Won’t, promise.”

“Close your eyes, Cassidy.”

… Lucas POV…

So it is about to begin; Cassidy is going to drink the blood of a vampire and become one too. I have never, not even in my mortal life, been so nervous. There are so many things that can go wrong; I do not even wish to think of one.

Breyden and I are now standing at the front door; Cassidy will be too focused on the ritual to know what is going on around her. Damien said that he should put her bedside light off to show us that he would start. My eyes are fixed on her window, for if it does not go off, then I know something is wrong.

We only need to wait for two minutes, and then it goes completely dark. I slowly and softly make my entry into her home than to her room. Damien has left a crack of the door open, just big enough to shift a man of my size through.

Damien shows me to enter, and I move in silence to where he is kneeling. I go to sit by his side; then he finally starts to speak. “Cassidy, I am going to give you my wrist, then you are going to do as I explained. And please, my dear, do not open your eyes until I can tell you to.”

I hear as she mumbles in agreement, then Damien gives me the signal. I pierce my skin with my own fangs just enough to let the blood trickle. I move my wrist close to Cassidy and wait until she takes it in her hands.

“Now, Cassidy.”

She opens her trembling lips to the widest her mouth allows and places them ever so gently onto my skin. She does not taste the blood at first; she bites and bites and gets frustrated. But the instant her tongue makes the connection, I feel her tiny fangs appear. I brace myself as she sinks them deeply into my flesh. She grabs hold of my wrist even tighter and starts to drink from me. I feel as every glorious drop leaves my body into her fangs.

As she is sunk deep into me, the pleasure that this connection between two vampires starts to consume me. Right here, right now, we are creating a bond so great, no mortal man can ever take. Every bit she takes from me brings her life and even more so brings me joy that I am the one that gave it to her.

I allow her to drink for only a while longer. Once Damien tells her to stop, I feel her fangs, that is now stronger, slide out of me. As we break apart, my body misses her touch in an instant. I watch her as she falls back onto the bed; the final phase will now begin.

I quickly make my exit from the room where Damien joins me. “Lucas, what are we going to do when she wakes and needs more?”

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