The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

59. Pushing On


My entire body was wracked with pain, my eyes snapped to Morgana. She was hurt!

‘Mate!’ Thanatos groaned, his panic and worry bleeding into mine.

“Morgana!” I shouted, rushing to her side as fast as I could as she fell face forward to the ground. “Fuck no!”

I wouldn’t let this pain get the better of me, I needed to help her. The Fae around us were dead, yet I knew more could come at any moment. They had already infiltrated our kingdom.

I ripped Morgana’s top from her waist. Fuck, how did they figure out her weak spot so fucking quickly? It wasn’t even big, but it was clear these men knew what they were doing. Skilled and powerful.

‘Fae are fast and some even have the ability to see the near future, hence giving them the upper hand in battles.’ Thanatos said, worry clear in his voice.

‘Yeah.’I looked into her eyes.

I pulled the dagger out; nightshade… wolfsbane and silver… Something that could hurt us both … There was something else too but I couldn’t make it out. I placed it down, seeing her skin take on a blue-grey colour around the injury. Fuck this was not good. Bending down, I begant o suck the wound, spitting out each mouthful of blood and poison. I was trying to remove what poison I could but it was not fucking enough.

‘It’s too strong, Kian… That won’t work. It was on the blade alone, which means it was strong.’

Thanatos grunted.

My heart was racing, panic and fear consuming me. I looked down at my beautiful rose. Her chest was heaving, her face scrunched in pain, and her heart was beating dangerously fast. I sucked another mouthful out desperately, but to no avail.

I jumped back and rushed to the nearest Fae, searching or hoping for something that may help. There was nothing but more poisons. I tossed them to the ground, the anger seeping through me getting stronger with each passing moment. Each body held nothing of importance, nor anything that looked like an antidote.


Wait! The antidotes we brought with us! My heart was thumping as I rushed to our bags, my hands fucking shaking as I rummaged around until I found the vials.


The fear, worry and panic that I felt were coursing through me, wreaking havoc. My head was pounding and my chest was clenching. It was almost the same as the day she had been poisoned at the dinner.

Fuck… Morgana be ok…

‘She will be ok! She’s fucking strong.’ Thanatos growled as I rushed back to her, pouring one o f the vials onto her injury. She whimpered and I lifted her head, slipping open her mouth and slowly pouring the antidote in, a few drops at a time. “Come on, baby girl, swallow…” I murmured, my heart thundering.

Although it only took a few minutes, it felt like hours as she finally took the entire antidote. I held her, kissing her neck softly and rocking her gently. There was nothing more I could do…

What the fuck do I do…?

I paused when I thought I heard something in the distance. I closed my eyes, honing in on my surroundings. I sensed a faint chill of darkness, something was approaching fast.

Was it more Fae?

We needed to go.

I shifted, the sound of bones snapping and reshaping filled the air for a few seconds before I was in my wolf form. Nudging Morgana onto my back, I made sure she was firmly draped over before I grabbed our bags in my mouth and broke into a run. Staying in this forest was equal to a fucking death wish, I needed Morgana safe. There were far too many things out there that could harm us, I had already failed in protecting her. Again.

The guilt that I felt overrode the pain in my side; it had eased up a little. I just hoped the antidote fucking worked, I wouldn’t stop running until I reached the other side of this forest. N o matter what.

I ran faster than I ever had, the passing trees a blur in my eyes. I was the fucking king, and if anyone could make it through here, it was me.

Time passed, the pain in my side was still there yet I didn’t let it bother me. However, my muscles were screaming for reprieve, but I didn’t stop. For a while, I could sense something was following us, but I only pushed myself further, outrunning whatever it was until I could n o longer sense it. Even then, I couldn’t be sure.

Any other time, I’d have stopped and faced it, but I had Morgana and she had still not awakened. I was relieved that her heartbeat was a lot steadier than before.

Finally, I saw the trees beginning to thin. I pushed further, bursting out through trees, leaving the forest and its dangers behind. The sound of the distant river whispered in my ears and the urge to go for a drink tempted me. My throat was parched, I was exhausted after hours of running, but I needed to find a

safe place to stop to rest. Night had already fallen and the moon was high in the sky, although it was half-hidden by a thick layer of clouds.

I looked back towards the forest. The ominous darkness that seemed to envelop it felt almost

visible. Now to find shelter…I turned away, padding down towards the river; the terrain was rocky here so I made my way down carefully, making sure Morgana was firmly on my back.

I guess this was where we would rest tonight. There were some bushes and the odd tree that w e could rest under, although I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing we were out in the open.

I placed Morgana’s slender body down gently, she looked even more fucking fragile like this. Her luscious lips part slightly, her breasts heaving with every breath she took. I shifted back into human form and brushed her hair back.

Looking at her waist, I could see the wound looked almost a blackish-grey now and it was spreading across her stomach. Whatever else was on that dagger, we didn’t have the antidotet o it. I wish I had grabbed the dagger to examine it further, or some of that poison they carried, but I hadn’t thought at the time. I took out another dose of the antidote. There was no harm in giving it to her. I fed it to her slowly, as I had earlier, wishing she would wake up soon. I kissed her lips, feeling those sparks dance through me.

Please be ok, my little she-devil.

Placing her down gently, I moved away and took out some pants from the bag, taking out one of the water bottles and pouring it over her wound that was almost closed up. I then took out a bandage and a square cloth, applied some balm on it and placed it on the wound before wrapping her waist with the entire bandage. I pulled her onto my lap, burying my head in her neck.

“Wake up sunshine…” I murmured, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

It fucking hurt inside, I felt so fucking lost without her awake. I was already missing her sly smiles, her sparkling devious eyes and the way she

‘Kian, stop it.’ Thanatos growled. ‘You need to stay strong for mate.’

‘I know… I just… I need her Thanatos, I feel fucking lost.’ “That’s the bond. We need her because she is a part of us.’ He said softly.

I understood what it meant now: Without one, the other won’t survive. There was no way that I could ever live without her. I clung to her tightly, trying to suppress the emotions that I felt inside.

‘Kian, you need to eat and drink.’ Thanatos said quietly.

‘I’m not going to, not until she wakes up.’I said,

Fuck this! I needed to continue, maybe they would be able to help her in Elandorr….

‘If you become weak Kian, who will take care of her?! Focus! Thanatos growled.

I frowned, I knew he had a point… Fine.

Sighing heavily, I reluctantly placed her down, gently covering her with a thin blanket and walked over to the water where I began drinking my fill. Once I was done I refilled the bottles and returned to Morgana. I ate some of the food we had brought before I sliced my wrist and placed it to her lips, letting the blood flow into her mouth.

Fuck wake up Morgana… The blood trickled out of her mouth, so instead, I raised my wrist to my mouth, sucking some of my blood into my mouth before pressing my lips to hers, slowly letting it pour into hers.

Sparks coursed through me and I held her even tighter, only moving back when she had swallowed all the blood. I stared into her face, one hand behind her head, the other holding her close, and it was then

that I saw her eyes flutter slightly. My heart began racing, feeling Thanatos leap with excitement too.

“Morgana! Come on, baby girl, wake up.” I said hoarsely, giving her a slight shake.

She moaned, whimpering when she moved slightly and flinched.

“Take it easy, beautiful.” I whispered, my heart pounding. Relief flooded me when her eyes finally opened, and she stared up at me looking confused and delirious.

“I… Where… Where am I?” She asked weakly.

“You’re safe.” I said, pulling her against my chest.

Thank goddess she was ok. If anything happened to her… The weight that had been weighing down upon me lifted slightly, but I knew she still needed help.


“… Kian?” She whispered weakly. I moved her back gently, looking into her pale red eyes.

“What is it, my queen?” I whispered.

She smiled slightly at that.

“… You need to… If I don’t make it… tell Orrian… I-” “You will fucking make it, and you will be the one to speak to the fucking elf.” I growled, my eyes flashing.

“I know… but in case…” Her eyes fluttered shut and she lost consciousness once more.

Fuck this, I was not going to rest any longer and waste fucking time. We would cross the river and mountains, I was not going to fucking stop until I reached Elandorr. With renewed willpower, I stood up,

getting dressed fully and picking up the bags before lifting Morgana onto my back. We were going to get her help, no matter what.

I stared up at the mountains in the distance. If we rested, we should be there in another three days… but I would make sure I got there within a day. My eyes flashed and I knew Thanatos was with me. This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

For our mate, her wellbeing was our fucking priority, even if it was the last fucking thing we

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