The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply by Demiah13

Chapter 51

Chapter 51


Essi’s pov

*A couple of years down the road*

“We can’t be seen here queen Essi,” Malia says, looking at the bar just ahead.

It’s a bar for only wolves, but who says a queen can’t join a party?

Besides I’ve been bored bedding a vampire, I need to feel a wolf’s cock before I destroy their species. They were undoubtedly nasty and smelly, but I heard they fucked great.

“You worry for nothing Malia. Now shut up and be a good girl.” I snarled. I hated that the stupid bitch kept following me everywhere. She was a damn leech.

“You know, you could’ve stayed, I did not recall telling you to tag along. You remind me of those stupid mutts.”

“If the council hears that you’ve breached wolves territory they’ll come after you. You’ll not get the girl you seek. By then they would have already tom off your neck from your body.” Malia being Malia, dampened my mood.

All I wanted was that rough sex I hear those ugly mongrels boast about. I was tired of fucking cold meat.

I gritted my teeth, my fangs throbbing to sink into her neck and rid me of the annoyance. But she was the only witch who saw the future, unfortunately. Her other abilities weren’t strong but this one sets her apart from the others.

And she very well must count herself lucky. Years of her being beside me was an annoyance I wish to get rid of.

“Very well,” I uttered through clenched teeth.

She sighs in relief, her gaze slipping to the dark trail up ahead.” We should go this way. The wolves don’t usually tread on this path.”

I tum my gaze to her, glaring at her face. It would take me less than a second to have her dead and bleeding out. One tiny second.” And how do you know this?”

Her face flushed. “A few years ago before you sought for me. I once used to come here.” She admitted.

I listened to her heartbeat to see if she was lying or not. Either she was a really good liar or she wasn’t at all because her heart rate did not spike.

“So you were fucking those nasty dogs?” I shivered in disgust, not caring that I had intended to fuck one seconds ago.

Malia looks away from me, her face flushing. “That was years ago. Now we should really be going. Those wolves may be intoxicated but their senses are still strong. If they take a whiff of you, you’d be no more.”

She reaches out and clutches my arm, her touch repulsed me as she tugs me towards the dark path. “Hurry.” She whispered hastily.

I rolled my eyes. I could be out of here in mere seconds, I was a vampire queen after all. But this witch was the one keeping me back. She couldn’t teleport like those witches in those fictional books. Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

I could leave her. But unfortunately, I cannot. Her gift was much needed, especially if I were to have a chance in getting Aurora.

I will have to just kill anyone who stumbles on us walking this path.

Tugging my hand out of her grip harshly I started walking the path with her beside me. I’ll have to fuck Rick tonight again, thankfully he can do an all-nighter but unfortunately his cock was as cold as any other male vampire’s.

Ten minutes down the path, I hear rustling then the sound of feet heading this way. I stop, listening keenly. It sounded like there was only one person. “I thought you said no one treaded on this path?” I turned to glare at Malia who looked at me nervously.

“Must be someone who lost his or her way

Suddenly there’s a growl, deep and low. It cut off Malia’s words. A wolf.

I hiss, ready to attack when I froze. A dark haired man who was rather built nicely walked out of the shadows. His eyes shone : yellow. He was just a regular wolf. No match for me.

Still something was off about him.

He takes a step forward, sniffing the air before his eyes penetrate through me. “Mate.” He growled.

I froze, staring at the dog who called me his mate.

Mated to a dog?

Isn’t that impossible?

Too lost in my head, I didn’t realize he was in front of me until he pulled me in his arms and sniffed my neck. I shuddered in disgust, repulsed by the tingles that shot up my cold arms.

“Get off me you mutt.” I snarled, tempted to sink my fangs into his neck but I was unsure if this would consider claiming him.

“Mate.” He whispers

This was a sick joke. A very unpleasant sick joke.

I turn to stare at Malia, glaring nastily. She foresaw the future, yet hadn’t warned me of this mutt?

“You!” I growled

She backs away, her hands up in surrender. “I didn’t see this queen Essi. I swear on my life.”

I dug my nails into the biceps of the dog, forcing him to move away from my skin. He was literally leeching on my skin.

“You have this wrong dog

“My wolf is never wrong. You’re Our mate. I don’t care if you’re a vampire if that’s what you fear.” The man grumbles. He was good looking, but not good looking enough for me. My eyes shift into amusement by the desperation in his voice. Already a clingy dog. Nasty.

“You don’t care that your goddess has mated you to a vampire?” I drawled, getting quite amused at this predicament.

I took a step away from him, holding my arms up to stop him from coming closer. That was enough of clinging for one night.

“No. You’re beautiful either way. And I want you.” He says definitely.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Those poor dogs had no choice but to succumb to that dumb bond. Thankfully I cared for no one, not even this mutt. The moon goddess of whatever she is chose wrong for once in her miserable life.

“What is your name dog?” I hummed.




Such a common boring name.

“And what pack are you from Peter?” I asked, feigning being any bit of interested in the mutt.

“Crystal River pack.” He answered not even caring that he was giving me important information.

I raised my brows in shock as my gaze swept over to Malia who stared at Peter silently.

Maybe the stupid bitch moon goddess did know what she was doing. She was making this easier for me to kill off her stupid mutts.

“Well, well well.” I drawled out. Maybe this ‘Peter’ wouldn’t be so useless after all. And here I was thinking I could very well rid myself of this stupid unwanted predicament.

I suppose he can stay living a little while longer.

“Ah.” Peter moaned beneath me as he spurts his cum inside me. I love feeling this hot spurt inside me. It warmed my cold walls.

I move off him, falling beside him, and lift my head to look at his spent self. He tums to face me, his blue eyes peering into my own. “When will you allow me to mark you Essi?”…I…

I rolled my eyes, falling on my back. “When I get what I want.”.

Peter lifts himself up on his elbows and looks down at me. “I’ve been keeping a good eye on her Essi. It would be impossible to get her away from the territory. Gomery is always down her neck. And the patrolling wolves aren’t easy to sneak past.”

My jaw ticked. I’ve heard that same line over and over again. If the sex wasn’t great I would have killed him for being so useless.

“Why do you want her anyway? Yes her features are odd but what is she of use to you?” Peter asked in curiosity.

Did he not hear that curiosity always killed the cat?

Dumb dog.

“For all I can see is she has no special abilities other than her weird features.”

If only you knew how that one girl can destroy all of your kind.

“I told you. Her mother was a friend of mine. She’d want me to keep an eye on her daughter. They are mistreating her in the pack n o?” I asked, lying so smoothly that I almost believed myself.

“Yes. She’s beaten constantly. Though it’s weird the marks of the lashes don’t stay on her skin for long. They disappear after a day o I two.” He mummurs in thought.

I hummed, pretending to be intrigued.” Yes well that’s because she isn’t human. But it’s not anything to worry about.”

His eyes narrowed down on me.” I still don’t get why you won’t allow me to mark you because of her.”

I sighed heavily. This dog asked too many questions. Maybe I should fuck him again so he’d stop talking for once.

“Peter for the love of your Goddess, just get me the girl and I’ll allow you to claim me.” I snapped. Who would’ve thought getting one girl would be this difficult?

“It’s impossible to do that when I have an Alpha like Raphael,” Peter grumbles.

My eyes flashed in anger, frustrated that his answers were always the same. Useless dog. “Get out.” I sneered.

“What?” His brows furrowed.

“Get out!” I snarled, fangs flashing in anger.

He flinches, nods slowly and moves off the bed to put on his clothes.

“Don’t come back unless you have a way to get me the girl.” I sneered, not at all fazed by his hurt expression

When he was done dressing he walks out of the room. I groan in frustration. “Why is it so hard to get that stupid girl?!” I sneered to n o one in particular and glared at the ceiling.

Malia’s pov

I picked up my rune stones, smiling as I pulled them to my chest. They have never failed me. And they won’t start now.

If what I see will come to fruition then I was on the right path. I just needed to move one more chest piece to complete my plan. 1

I rise to my feet when I hear the sound of a door upstairs closing. Smirking I walked out of the room knowing it was Peter.

According to my vision, he’d be stomping down here in frustration and hurt.

Poor boy didn’t know that Essi cared little for him and he was just a small pawn in her game.

When I catch his moving figure, I quickly moved out of the shadows, coming into his sight. He looks at me then moves his gaze away as he continues his path to the front door.

“You know what I am,” I whispered knowing with his hearing he’d hear me.

He stops abruptly, turning around slowly to look at me in confusion. “What?”

I step towards him slowly. “You know I am a witch,” I grumble softly.

You’re doing this for the greater good Malia. His fate had already been sealed. You cannot feel guilty for what you’re about to do.

He nods, looking confused on why I was telling him something he already knew.

“Then you must know I am a witch who foresees the future,” I whispered, coming closer to him.

Essi was too busy in her head about getting Aurora to focus her hearing on us. She was too occupied with her lust for the pixie girl.

Peter raises his brow, obviously confirming he didn’t know about my gift. “You see the future?” He asked.

I nodded. “Why do you think Essi keeps me here? She’s using my gift….just as she’s using you.”

His eyes tumed stone cold as he shakes his head in disbelief. “You know nothing of what you speak.” He hisses lowly.

I raised a brow. “Don’t I? Did she not just tell you she won’t allow you to mark her until you bring her Aurora?”

Peter freezes, obviously getting caught off guard. He stares at me mutely.

I sighed. This was it. No going back now. I hope my vision was right.

“Do you know why Essi wants Aurora so badly?” I asked.

Peter stays muted giving away that he had no clue of why Essi wanted Aurora.

I took a step forward until I was rather close to him. He doesn’t back away. “Because she holds the power to destroy the entire werewolf species. Her blood when touched the earth can bloom wolfsbane.”

Peter stares at me like I had grown another head. “Have you gone nuts? Aurora? Wolfsbane? That’s impossible.”

“Is it really? Do you know what she is? She is a pixie. That’s what her kind does. They create flowers using their blood ” I said.

Peter shakes his head in disbelief. “I don’t believe this.”

“Look, Essi wants Aurora so she can create those flowers. Essi wants to use wolfsbane to kill off every wolf. Including you.” I whispered urgently. I didn’t know how long Essi would stay in the room for. I needed to hurry if I wanted this to be a success.

Peter looks at me coldy and furiously. “Essi would never harm me. She is my mate.”

I shook my head, growing impatient with the wolf. “Look I will prove that Essi is only using you to get Aurora. And when she does get her clutches on the girl, she will destroy every wolf alive. Including you.”

“You speak nonsense alone

“Tonight. My runes have shown me that tonight Cassandra will spike the broth with valerian root. It’s a plant that’s like a heavy dose of a sleeping drug. It can knock out a bear for days. And the amount she’ll put in would be just enough to knock out the entire pack so Aurora can escape

“What do you mean to escape? Why would Aurora escape?”

I refrain from huffing. “Because your Alpha wants her to hold his pups. The old man has a weird attraction toward the girl. “I said calmly.

Peter shorts not believing me.

“If I’m wrong you can come back tomorrow and kill me for deceiving you. But tonight, don’t drink the broth and when everyone is knocked out, stay in the woods and follow Cassandra and Aurora. Make sure to tell Aurora to go the right path

“And why the hell would I make Aurora go towards Xavier Knight’s territory?!” He snapped impatiently. I winced, looking behind m e upstairs, hoping he didn’t alert Essi.

Sighing when she didn’t come out I looked back at Peter. “Look Peter you’re just going to have to trust me for tonight. We need hert o go to Xavier’s territory so he can kill her off. I’m trying to save your kind, Peter. I’m on your side.”

“If you say she’s a danger to us, why can’t I just kill her myself?” He said impatiently.

I refrain from rolling my eyes. This wolf asks too many questions.

“Didn’t you hear me when I said she makes wolfsbane? One touch of her blood on your skin and you’ll be finished. Besides, it would be better to have Xavier kill her, that way Raphael won’t kill you for killing the girl he wanted.” I lied, making up stories as I go along.

Peter looks at me contemplating before he murmurs. “Essi wouldn’t be happy if the girl dies. She wants her.”

I nearly scream in frustration.” Essi wants her to kill your kind. You too will suffer.”

Sighing heavily when he didn’t seem convinced, I told him the truth. “Look. Essi’s younger brother was murdered by a wolf. From that day onward she had sworn to take revenge on the wolf people. She wants to get rid of your kind. She doesn’t care about the bond you two share. She only sees revenge and nothing else.”

Peter looks saddened by my words yet still shakes his head in disbelief. “How am I so sure she’d kill me if she gets Aurora? How am I so sure you’re not just making up lies to tear us apart?”

Foolish wolf,

I shook my head. “If what I say happens tonight with the broth and then Aurora escaping then know that what I said about Essi killing you too when she gets Aurora in her clutches will come true,”

Peter stares at me wordlessly in contemplation before nodding. “Tonight. If what you say doesn’t happen, I will come for your neck. “He warned.

I nodded. “And I’ll not fight you. Now go before she comes out.” I rushed out.

Peter nods before leaving soon after.

Turning around I smiled.

My plan was coming perfectly along. From bringing Essi towards Peter to now getting Aurora in Xavier’s clutches. She will be safer there with him.

I smirked remembering the vision I saw of the two. They’ll live happily. Especially after killing off their enemies. I just only hope that vision holds and doesn’t change.

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