The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply by Demiah13

Chapter 40

Chapter 40


(Aurora’s pov)

I paced the room, my palms sweaty. He’s been out for a good hour or more.

I didn’t care to look seeing as it got me more anxious. During that hour, I found myself biting my bottom lip, tugging at my hair, groaning and scratching at my cheek.

Something felt undeniably off to me. Seeing that girl in Eli’s arms, she was unmoving, presuming dead already. The way the wolves shouted and the fear that was clear on their faces shook me to the core.

They were known to be the most feared pack. But whatever happened to the girl, made them terrified

My mind was clogged with thoughts of Xavier. Concerned thoughts. Whether this was the bond or not, I didn’t care.

Sighing, I backed away until the back of my knees hit the będ. I plop on the soft bed, fisting the sheets in my hands.

I was this close to revealing my secret to Xavier. This close to perhaps getting thrown out or worse, killed

My plan to have him claim me had gone into shambles. I should’ve known he wouldn’t have been so easy to win over. He was an Alpha beast. The most powerful.

Suddenly with thoughts of him occupying my mind, I scuttled to my feet as the door is burst open and a very naked and furious Alpha stormed inside,

I had only a glimpse of the shocked wolves in the hallway before the door is slammed shut.

“Alp-ha Xa-vier,” I stuttered, feeling the undeniable powerful presence of his wolf.

His eyes were a deep red and for a second I thought that perhaps he was furious with me. Until I saw that buming heat of desire hidden in the depths of his gaze.

I try to keep my eyes on his face, gulping as he storms over to me in fast and powerful strides.

“Aurora!” He roars loudly.

I jump, my heart pushing against my chest harshly as I squeaked out. “Yes?”

Did he perhaps find out my secret

I gasped as Xavier’s fingers took a hold of the top of my shirt and rips it in half. I stared at him wide eyed, completely stunned as he discards the ripped shirt to the floor.


“Quiet!” He snaps, fingers now digging into the waistband of the leggings and my panty before ripping them too.

I bit my tongue, clueless yet alarmed by his actions. What was wrong with him?

He growls, the sound too animal to think otherwise.

* Move out of them,” Xavier commands, throwing the ripped material on the floor to tangle with my ripped shirt. I do as he says, moving the remaining of the leggings before taking a step back. “Look at my cock,” He suddenly demands.

His demand had me sucking my breath and I fixed him a stare of shock. He growls, his canines emerging from his gums.

I involuntarily shivered.

“Don’t let me repeat myself Aurora,” He snarls.

I squirmed, embarrassment showing on my face as my gaze dipped. A very delicious buzz runs through my body as my eyes pin on his enormous organ

The veins running down the length of it were pulsing. The tip eased out some of the creamy white substance he spurted on my face last night.

He looked magnificent. A true beast indeed.

Even his cock was powerful.

“Do you see what you do to me?” He gritted out almost painfully.

I squirm, my heart thumping loudly. “See how you have my cock so hard, begging to slip inside you?” He growls, taking a powerful step forward Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I gulped, alarmed by how much of his voice sounded almost animalistic. Was his beast trying to take control of him?

“Do you?” He growls loudly, startling me until I lift my wide eyes back to his face.

His eyes are so red that I shuddered. He growls, the tip of his tongue darting out to lick the seam of his lips.

Suddenly his hands find their way behind my head, his fingers digging into my hair. I gasped loudly, my throat drying up as he tugs my hair harshly, forcing me to crane up my neck.

I stared up at him, gulping as I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

“You’ve been nothing but a troublesome girl the moment you came here. You’ve managed to sneak your way into my mind and I fear you’ll soon weasel your way into that beating organ in my chest.” He


He tugs my hair harder, forcing out a cry from my lips. It didn’t hurt bad, in fact, I kind of loved the pain.

“You know what I do to troublesome girls?” He murmurs, red eyes dipping to my lips.

I shook my head slightly.

“I punish them!” With that sharp growl, Xavier dips his head and captures my lips.

It’s fire.

A burning heat that threatened to consume me. A burning heat that started in my belly, my fingertips, and now my throbbing core.

Xavier’s lips were demanding, urging me to allow him dominance. To allow him entry. A soft cry whips out of my mouth, and the small action has his tongue dipping into my mouth.

Our tongues clash and we both moan in unison.

This was the first time I was ever kissed. I didn’t quite know what to do.

But Xavier seemed to not mind my inexperience.

His fingers press to my back, having me arch into him as he takes what he wants from me. He curved his mouth a little, nipping on my lips, grazing them with his sharp canines before dipping his tongue back into my mouth.

He moans as if loving the taste of me. My breathing comes out harsh, tangling in his own as my naked flesh presses to his. I could feel the powerful pounding of his heart as he pulls me impossibly closer to him.

He slowly pulls away, until our lips are brushing and whispers.” You can kiss me back Aurora,” His tone wasn’t mocking but slightly amused. He nips my bottom lip playfully. Feeling my cheeks fill with the warmth of embarrassment, I stammered out. “How-how do I….

His fingers touch under my chin and tilt my face up so he could take my lips easier. “Follow my lead,” He whispered and pressed our lips. He starts slowly, making sure I can mimic the motions before the friction tums into an intense battle.

I cry out when his hands suddenly grip my bottom and in a swift move had me in his arms. “Wrap your legs around me,” He demanded in a breathy tone that had my stomach knotting with fire.

I do as he instructed and jerked slightly, when his hot member snuggles between my legs, brushing against my throbbing core. “X avier,” I stuttered shyly, flustered by how intimate this felt.

Xavier doesn’t seem angry that I called him by his name without saying alpha.

“You’re wet,” He growled in response, going back to devouring my lips.

I couldn’t help but moan in his mouth as he swirls his tongue around my own, tasting every corner of my mouth.

Xavier turns us around, his grip on my bottom now more firmly as he sits down on his bed, my knees pushing into the sheets as he falls down with me latched to him.

He grunts as this brought on a new kind of friction with my sensitive core pressing onto his huge hot member.

“Aurora,” My name whips out his mouth like a silent plea.

I never heard a kind of plea like this before. Never felt like I was needed so much. The way he said it, it was like he needed me like the air he needed to fill his lungs.

The thought had a pleasurable shiver race down my spine. Xavier’s hands on my bottom, slides up to hold my waist and he breaks away from my lips.

“Straighten up. Let me see you like this,” He grunts, breath hitting my lips as he squeezes my waist slightly.

Feeling flustered and shy, I slowly sit up, my legs on either side of his waist and my wet pussy pressing down on his hard pulsing cock

Xavier groans. “Never seen such a beautiful sight before,”

My heart leaps and I fold my bottom lip inside my mouth. Xavier growls his red eyes piercing me from down below.

His gaze skim down my face, to my neck, down to my breasts and I could see the rise and fall of his chest quickly, then his eyes continued their trail and skimmed down to my belly button to where we were almost connected.

I could feel his claws emerge from his fingertips. With one hand still on my waist, the other snaked up my back, claws tracing my spine lightly. I shivered, fire burning in my belly at the incredible pleasure.

Tingles so powerful race through me and fire swam in my blood as he growls. “I need you to move against my cock Aurora. Do you understand me?”

I gulped, slightly afraid of doing something wrong. “Al-pha

I began to stutter but he stops me. “Xavier. Call me Xavier.” He growls angrily, nails nearly sinking into my skin.

My eyes widen slightly, my heart beating furiously.

“Look down Aurora. Look at your pussy on my cock,” He demands after I had been literally gobsmacked.

I blushed furiously, my hands coming to rest on his tanned stomach that showed defined his muscles. His muscles tighten under m y palm and I could hear a growl tremble in his chest.

“Look down Aurora,” He demanded in impatience.

I shuddered, my eyes quickly falling to his cock. The head was pressed to his stomach and looked a raging red. “See what you’ve done to me?” He growls like he was in some kind of pain.

I shivered.

“You’re going to fix it.” He grunts, both hands going to my waist.

I lift my eyes to his, alarmed. How was I going to fix something like this?

I’m surprised to see the corner of his mouth curve up into a cocky smirk. “Don’t worry I’ll show you.”

The way the words came out made me squirm with excitement.

The Xavier beneath me was a completely different Xavier than the one I saw for the first time outside.

Right now he didn’t look like a cold beast, the dangerous Alpha everyone feared. He looked like a man who was hungry for me. A man that needed me to give him relief. A man, that was bonded to me.

My mate.

“Lift up a little,” He demanded, pressing his claws into my skin slightly but not drawing out any blood.

I do as he instructed, lifting off slightly. I looked down, my eyes zeroing on my juices that covered both him and me, a string of it still connecting us.

I felt myself become even wetter by the sight.

Xavier growls beastly, one of his hands moving from my waist. I almost flinched, expecting to feel his claws but he had already retracted them as he teasingly play with my pussy lips and then spread them.

Using his index finger and middle finger to spread out my wet lips, Xavier growls. “Now slowly descend back on my cock.” He demanded making sure my lips were still spread as they wrapped around his cock.

When I had settled back on him, the head of his cock spurted out that creamy white substance on his stomach. Xavier pants, hand going back to my waist as his form tense underneath me.

My knees press into the mattress as I try to stop myself from trembling at the feeling of my pussy spreading against him.

Xavier’s grip on my waist grows firmly and my eyes snap to his eyes. They are still so deeply red.

Wordlessly yet his gaze said a lot, Xavier started helping me move against him. My pussy slid on the length of his cock.

He pants under me, his cock jerking slightly every time my wet pussy reaches the base of his cock.

“Aurora,” He growled, hands digging into my waist as he showed me how to move against him.

My stomach tightens, my eyes fixed on his face and loving the twitches of emotions he showed me. Like this, he was vulnerable.

Vulnerable enough for me to see the desperate need for me.

“Xavier,” I whispered, my palms pushing on his stomach as I took my own pace. He grunts, whipping out my name from his lips.

My knees began to press into the mattress even more as my thighs tighten. I was close to something.

And from the look on his face, he wasn’t far behind.

“Fu-ck,” Xavier stuttered, shuddering beneath me. I could feel his cock pulse and I quickly look down to see that he had spurted out some of that delicious looking cum on his stomach. I gasped, my vision going slightly hazy as I came on top of him.

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