The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

19. Does Darren even know?

19. Does Darren even know?


I stare at the woman who has been nothing but a thorn on my side since the day she came back into

our lives. My hate for her was burning deep especially now. I was this close to finally restoring Blue and

I back to normal. Yet even that she had to ruin it. Had to take it away. I was fuming mad. Angry wasn’t

even close to describe how I was currently feeling.

“You can’t mark her. I won’t allow you to” Miranda insists.

“I don’t get where you got the fucking idea that you can allow me to do anything.” Sebastian says

coldly, making Miranda swallow. All her bravado now gone.

We were surrounded by Sebastian’s pack. I was glad to note that none of them seemed particularly

welcoming towards Miranda. They were growling at her, ready to charge in her direction and tear her to

pieces. She must have been a real piece of work to be hated this much

Sebastian was next to me. He didn’t seem at all fazed or bothered. He just regarded her with a cool

and calculating look. He may not be showing any outward emotion but I knew what he was underneath

that suit. A beast. A predator, who would strike when you least expected it.


Darren’s voice cuts through the cold night. He looks like a wild bull charging towards us. I guess he had

shifted. That was the only explanation of why he had gotten here so fast. That or he had been

somewhere nearby.

He comes and stands next to his mate. Wrapping his arms around her in a show of protection. I doubt

he would continue doing the same when he finds out that Miranda was here to prevent me from being


“Since we’re all here, Miranda why don’t enlighten us on why the hell you chose to interrupt my mating

ceremony” I address her sarcastically.

I wonder if she would have the courage to do that, now that Darren was present. It would only prove to

Darren that no matter what, the bitch still wanted Sebastian. That she only settled on him because

Sebastian kicked her to the curb.

“Sebastian can’t mark you. He shouldn’t mark you”

“You keep saying that but you haven’t given the reason why he shouldn’t” the elder who was

overseeing our ceremony snorts at her in disgust.

It seems that Miranda wasn’t well liked at all. I survey those surrounding us. They all have a look of

disgust directed at her. Making me wonder what she did that made her so unpopular with the pack.

In my survey I note that the children are no longer present. Someone must have taken them inside the

pack house when Miranda arrived causing drama and interrupting a sacred ceremony.

“Why are you interrupting their ceremony my love?” Darren asks her in a soft intimate voice. “Just let

them be. Let them have their happiness”

I roll my eyes at that just as I hear Sebastian snort next to me. What a dickhead. As if we needed his

permission to be happy.

What Darren said seems to trigger her because she finally explodes.

“Because I’m pregnant with his child!” she shouts pointing at Sebastian.

Everyone stands still. Frozen in shock. Unable to comprehend what she just said. It was as if we were

stuck in a time loop.

“That’s not possible” Sebastian says coldly. His eyes fixated on Miranda. The look he gives her sends

shivers down my spine.

“I’ll have to agree with him.” Darren adds his jaw clenched.

Darren seems astounded. Like he just couldn’t believe what came out of her mouth. He looked at her

like he had never seen her before. Like he doesn’t recognize the woman standing before him.

I watch them. Watching the drama unfold, unable to do anything. This couldn’t be happening. Not now

when I was about to get everything in my life sorted. When I was about to say goodbye to going feral.

“It’s true” She says. Looking at me smugly. Like she has won. “I told you Sebastian is mine, they’re

both mine”

The shocked looks turn into disgust once she says that. It’s as if they couldn’t stomach looking at her.

“How’s this possible? How are you pregnant with his baby?” Darren whispers.

I can already tell the heartbreak that is taking over after realizing that Miranda must have cheated on

him if indeed what she was saying was the truth.

“No!” Sebastian growls. “She’s fucking lying. We both know I haven’t been with you since before we

broke our mating”

“I’m not lying. You just don’t remember it. The night of the Hillview charity event we spent the night


“The same night you told me you would be out of town?” Darren asks slowly. His eyes downcast. She

nods her head.

Oh god. I can’t believe this woman. She had lied to Darren just so she could go sleep with another

man? And what did she mean by Sebastian doesn’t remember it? If I’m correct, that event was about

three months ago. A month before I came back. Claire had mentioned that she would have to miss it

because of Mason.

Sebastian looked out of character. His cool exterior was beginning to crack. The beast that usually

hides just beneath his skin was starting to wake up.

“What did you do Miranda?”

She doesn’t say anything. Just shakes her head. It was finally hitting her that by opening her big mouth

she had landed herself into trouble. That she had woken the monster that everyone is afraid of.

“I won’t fucking ask you again. What the fuck did you do?” Sebastian's jaw is set and he grits out the

words. His eyes keep shifting and his fangs start elongating. Distorting his voice.

She doesn’t answer and the next thing we know Sebastian is lifting her off the ground. His hands

wrapped around her neck.

“Fucking answer me” he roars. His alpha aura chokes all of us and Miranda struggles to submit while

claws are wrapped around her neck.

Everyone in his pack is forced to the ground while the rest of us struggle against the need to submit to

him. Darren included.

I survey the clearing and heave a sigh of relief when I notice the children are no longer present.

Someone must have taken them to the pack house when things started getting heated.

“I dragged your drink”

Her squeak would have had me laughing during any other circumstance. The fear in her voice is

palpable but her answer brings furious growls.

Sebastian lets her go and she falls in a heap on the ground. No one moves to help her up, not even

Darren. He looks broken. Shattered.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, how do you drag someone and take advantage of them?” Micah asks

in contempt. Looking at Miranda as if she was the gum under his shoes.

“LEAVE!” Sebastian commands and his pack members scramble, still in shock to leave. Tripping over

each other to follow their alpha’s command.

The only ones remaining are me, Claire, her mate, Darren, Micah and the elders.

I honestly kind of understand what Sebastian is going through. He is an alpha and to be told that

someone dragged you and basically raped you is a hit to them.

Sebastian turns to her. “I can get you hanged for this. You dragged an alpha then took advantage of

him. If I bring it to the council, what do you think they will do to you?”

Terror takes over her features. “You can’t. They will kill me and your baby in the process.”

I couldn’t help but snort at that. It was just too ridiculous. “If it’s even his child. Knowing you and how

easily you spread your legs, that baby could be any ones”

As much as she’s trying to pin the baby on Sebastian, I had a feeling that if she was indeed pregnant

then the baby would be either Darren’s or some other poor guy who had decided to get entangled with


“At least I have one, I can’t say the same about you given you couldn’t carry full term” she sneers.

I pin her with a glare. “What did you just say?”

“Does Darren even know? That you’re so useless you couldn’t carry his second child to full term. What

use is being a woman if your womb can’t even hold a baby?”

Her jab makes me see red. “You fucking narcissistic bitch”

When I think of how I lost my baby because of her and Darren. That the stress they put me through had

caused me to have a miscarriage I lose control.

“Lauren!” I hear my name being shouted but I don’t register.

The pain of losing my son gives way for the darkness to take over. Nothing else penetrates my mind

except this need to see her bleed. To see her pay.

The blood drains from her face and she starts backing up. I smirk and just when she’s about to run, I

pounce. Bringing both of us down with me on top of her. She screams but it only fuels the blood thirst in

me. I raise my claws and bring it down making her cry in agony. I can smell the blood and it’s a sweet

aroma to my nose

“Oh god” someone says in horror © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

They try to get me off but I’m too strong. They fail miserably. I raise my hand again, about to take the

killing shot.

“Shit! someone do something before she kills her”

It’s the last thing I hear before I feel a prickling sensation on my neck and then everything fades.

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