Tempting my CEO

Chapter 6 - I shouldn't...

Chapter 6 - I shouldn't...


I had arrived at the magazine, and the moment I stepped out of the elevator, I found my eyes going towards Avalyn’s desk, but she wasn’t there. Hmm, I wonder where she is. Maybe she is in Kate’s office or doing something somewhere else in the building. My main reason for coming here was to see Avalyn. I sighed, heading to Kate’s office. I should have contacted her like I said I would, but my day got busy, and I didn’t have the time.

“Hello again, Hudson,” She smiles.

“Good afternoon, Kate,” I smile back.

“I hate to do this, but I am expecting a call any minute. You could sit in if you like, or you can grab some food from our break room. I brought in home-baked chocolate chip cookies,” She smiles.

“Oh, yes, I will go and do that. You make the best cookies, next to my mother,” I smile.

Kate laughed, knowing I would rush off to get some if there were any left. I headed to the break room and stepped in, but just as I was about to turn the corner to where the central part is, I hear a familiar voice talking.


“You should go for it. No one has to know,” I hear another voice giggle.

“No! He is the CEO, for crying out loud! Do you know how much trouble that could get me in? I could lose my job,” Avalyn said, “And he isn’t interested in someone like me, no matter if it seems like he is interested,” She added.

I know I shouldn’t be listening to their conversation, but I was curious now. Why does she sound so adamant that I wouldn’t be interested in her? I think I have proven to her the last couple of days that I was interested. She did have a point. She could lose her job if she got involved with me.

“But you are attracted to him, right?” She asked.

“Obviously! Have you seen him? He is too damn good-looking for his own good,” Avalyn laughs.

“So, if he weren’t the CEO, you would fuck him?” Her friend asked.

“Abby!” Avalyn gasps, “But, yes, who wouldn’t?” She added in.

Hmm, this conversation is getting more interested by the second. I should probably stop listening and announce that I am there. I didn’t need to hear her say she was attracted to me. I knew that anyway. I waited a moment, hoping they would change the subject. I am sure if I walk in when they are talking about me, it will make Avalyn get embarrassed.

It only took a minute before they changed the subject. I walked in, acting like I didn’t realise they were there and went to grab a coffee. I hear a couple of whispers.

“Good afternoon Mr Brady,” I hear Abby say.

I recognised Abby. I had met her a couple of times while I have been visiting here. I smirk to myself before slowly turning around.

“Oh, hello ladies, I didn’t see you there,” I smile.

“Hello again, Mr Brady,” Avalyn said softly, the redness rising on her cheeks.

“I am looking for cookies, is there any left?” I chuckle.

“Avalyn has the last one,” Abby said, “I am sure she wouldn’t mind sharing,” She added.

“No, it is alright,” I smile.

I get my coffee, offering the girls one, but they already had one. I joined them where they were sitting, taking a seat next to Avalyn. I purposely moved my chair closer to hers.

“How are you, Sir?” Abby asked.

“Abby, please call me Hudson,” I smile, “I am fine, thank you, how are you?” I added.

Abby I and chatted back and forth, Avalyn not saying anything. I see her out the corner of my eye, breaking the cookie in half, and she slides half over to me.

“Thank you,” I said, turning to her and smiling.

She gave me a slight nod before breaking eye contact with me. Abby looked between us and then back at me, smirking. I knew what she was thinking. I think she has picked up that this attraction went both ways. I wink at Amy, and the smile on her lips grow.

“I better get back to work. It was good seeing you, Hudson,” Abby said, “And Avalyn, I will see you later,” She adds.

Abby gives Avalyn a quick hug, and we say our goodbyes to her before she leaves. I turn my full attention to Avalyn. She slowly turned to face me too. Neither of us spoke a word at first. Instead, we just let our eye contact do the talking. I found myself getting lost in her for a moment, her eyes. She was beautiful.

“Any luck with your article?” I question.

“I haven’t tried again. I will give it another shot tonight,” She smiles. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What is it about, exactly?” I ask curiously.

“Um, sex toys, and sex positions, but more, um, kinkier sex positions,” She said, her face and neck turning red.

“Not familiar with either?” I ask, and she shakes her head, “I am sure you will find what you need with some researching,” I added.

“I am sure,” She said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

I sensed she was uncomfortable talking about it, so I left it at that. If I weren’t a gentleman and the CEO, I would offer to help her with it. By offer, I mean doing it. I enjoy both of those things with a partner, but I think that would be inappropriate.

“What do you have on for the rest of the afternoon?” I ask, changing the subject.

“I am going to Kate’s office, and we are going to get planning the charity event,” She grins.

“Sounds fun. I may join you both,” I suggested.

I am sure Kate will not mind if I did, and neither will Avalyn. We talked about the event, finishing up our coffee and eating the cookie before heading up to Kate’s office. She was still on a call at the moment, so we took a seat at Avalyn’s desk.

“Do you have any plans for tonight?” I question.

I know what I am about to ask her is something I shouldn’t be asking her, but I couldn’t help it.

“Nope! A quiet night ahead,” She said.

“Will you join me for dinner?” I ask hopefully.

“I don’t know if that is such a good idea,” She whispers.

No, it wasn’t a good idea at all! But who needs to know? She can come to mine, and I will cook us dinner. That way, the risk of being caught won’t be possible.

“It is only dinner, and no one needs to know,” I said, “We can have it at my house,” I added.

I watch as she thinks about it. I watch the emotions change on her face as she runs it all through her head. I was hoping she would say yes.

“Ok, but it stays between us because no matter how innocent this dinner is, it could be taken wrongly, and I could lose my job,” She said quietly.

“It can be our little secret. We can discuss details later,” I smile.

Avalyn nodded and didn’t have a chance to say anything before Kate called us to come to her office.

It was only dinner, well, that is what I will keep telling myself. I would use all my willpower not to kiss her, no matter how much I want to. No, I can’t think about that.

Right now, I had to concentrate on what I am supposed to be doing, not the things I shouldn’t be doing.

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