Tempted By The Mafia Boss

#3 Chapter 15



“If this all goes to plan we can have it ready to go in two months,” Vincent states. He looks proud and that’s a rare thing.

I smile and it feels weird because I’ve been so hyped up on the shit from the last ten days.

It’s been ten days that I’ve been in this rut and now it feels like I can step away from it and go back to what I was focusing on prior to all of it.

Vincent waves his hand over the miniature model of what The Odyssey will look like. That’s what we’re calling it. Our new business enterprise of luxury hotels we’ve set up in the Caribbean.

“Two months, you think we can do it?” I’m actually nervous. Mainly because unlike when I first set up The Dark Odyssey I haven’t been there every step of the way.

“I think we could. The hotels are pretty much done. We have this building here, realistically it’s just recruitment that needs to be taken care of.” He nods with a wide smile.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

I fold my arms and give the place a full scan. This is the second building I’ve signed contracts on today.

Fuck. I’ve gone past the mark when you stop being a mobster and things verge on legit.

Vincent too. Not a lot of families, or members of families reach this point. It’s the point of choice where you can choose to be greedy and stupid, go after more or do fucked up shit like money laundering so the feds come for you. Or… I could just be satisfied with the proposed billion dollar fortune we’ve been quoted.

It will start here at the booking office. A few months back I set up the website just to get people interested and to create a buzz. On the off chance I set up a newsletter notification so people could be notified when we’re ready to launch. I linked it in with The Dark Odyssey website and we currently have a waiting list of a hundred thousand people. I wasn’t even aware that we had that many people in our circles. Let alone wanting to go to our hotels in the Caribbean.

I look back to Vincent. “Yeah, I see it. I think you’re right. Why wait? We can harness the winter sun. While it’s artic cold here we can ship everyone off to the Caribbean for sun and sex.”

Vincent laughs. “You boys and your need for sex.”

“Vincent… don’t even go there with me. Sex sells. End of story.”

The same way we have The Dark Odyssey here we’re going to have sex clubs in the hotels. The whole idea was based on that. Go to a fantasy paradise island and live out your wild fantasies.

Gabe came up with the idea of adult packages by age group and interests. Good ideas, and as I think of those I think of him.

It’s just me and Vincent here today for a reason. Vincent is doing his best to see the two of us separately and finalize business plans.

I don’t want him to have to do that.

“You seem in better spirits today,” Vincent points out, leaning against the counter behind him. “Not so ready to breathe fire and exact vengeance.”

“Yeah… I kind of am in slightly better spirits,” I confess.

“Mimi okay? The boys said they hadn’t seen you with her lately.”

“We’re good.”

He blinks at me several times and folds his arms. “That all you gonna say to me Salvatore? You beat the shit out of Gabe. That was clearly to do with something about Mimi and that’s all you can say to me?”

I sigh. He’s right. I owe him a little more context than that.

I decide to start off by telling him about my not so little offer to Mimi and her restaurant. When I finish he shakes his head at me and gives me an incredulous glare.

“Jesus Salvatore. Three million for a fucking restaurant that you won’t even be investing in?” he quirks a brow. “That’s a very expensive gift.”

“It’s Mimi,” I answer and it’s enough.

“Yeah, it’s Mimi. Jesus Salvatore…” a tentative expression washes over his face and he drags in a deep breath. “The thing with Gabe was bad… wasn’t it?”

I bite the inside of my lip. “Yeah. I… can’t talk about it Vincent.”

“Maybe I can…”

I narrow my gaze. “What do you mean?”

“Last year when Sorcha and I were trying for kids and nothing was happening, Sorcha had a lot of doctors’ appointments. Fertility shit. She told me she saw Mimi at the clinic.”

“Really?” It’s weird hearing that and strange coincidence that Sorcha saw Mimi.

Vincent nods slowly. Vincent and Sorcha had been trying for kids for years and didn’t even tell us until they were well into her fifth month of pregnancy that they were expecting. They’d had a lot of problems along the way. Their son, Timothy, is two months old now, but he was born premature. They keep calling him their miracle baby.

“She said it looked like she’d just had an appointment with a midwife,” he continues. “And Mimi looked happy. She never saw Sorcha, and my girl didn’t say anything. She’s good like that, knows when to keep a secret.”

My breath stills. I find it hard to believe that Mimi had all that going on and I wasn’t a part of it.

Sadness fills Vincent’s eyes. “She was pregnant wasn’t she? With Gabe’s child?”

I look away then back to him. Vincent has a way of being too damn insightful, makes it hard to keep things from him.


“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. Remember it was me who told you. I didn’t get to where I am today by being a schmuck who doesn’t pay attention, Salvatore. I think the minute you landed the first punch on Gabe I knew. I wasn’t sure though, then after you left that night it all came together in my head. I put two and two together.”

“I know I shouldn’t have lashed out like that at him. I couldn’t help it, Vincent.”

“Bro… I won’t be the guy to tell you that. I would have done the same and this is Gabe we’re talking about. My brother too. You know I will give my life for my family. I’m mafioso that way, but shit is shit and I would have acted the same, doesn’t mean it was right. It was just your way of getting justice.”

I sigh. “Thanks for understanding. I appreciate it. I just wish it didn’t happen… made things bad for me.”

“Take it easy on Mimi, Salvatore. You don’t need to tell me specifics. I was there on the journey last year and saw what Gabe was like. She’s hurt, give her time. I guess though that you got your foot in the door with your very expensive gift.”

I chuckle. “It wasn’t about the gift though Vin. Honestly I’m a little surprised she didn’t come to me in the first place. Her father was never going to help her like that.”

“No… he wouldn’t. All my dealings with him, I never liked that guy. Pa thinks the sun shines from his fucking ass because he gets all the classy clients but fuck… I don’t trust him. But you know me, I do what Pa tells me and if he trusts a fucker I have to trust him too.”

I never knew Vincent had such strong feelings toward Mimi’s father.

“Me too,” I agree. I don’t have to speak to him but in the past I’ve always had to make the effort not to show my dislike.

It started at Mimi’s mother’s funeral. The man just left her with the nanny by the graveside. It was that moment that I lost respect for him. He left her because he was so distraught over his wife’s death that he had to leave his little girl by herself.

Me and the boys stayed with her. All of us.

Frankie, Vincent, Gabe, Nick and me. It was the five of us as always.

It rained and it poured and Mimi cried along with the storm. All the while I held her hand.

“That guy is just uptight because we own his ass. But hey, it’s his daughter you’re interested in. So…you don’t have to worry about the old man.” Vincent chuckles.

I smirk. I actually thought that was far from the truth. While he never had time for Mimi, he didn’t like her hanging out with a bunch of guys. I got it, completely understood it. I wouldn’t want my daughter hanging out with a bunch of hormone sex crazed next gen mobsters either. It was just the way he always looked at us, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t. Same as her working for us at the sex club. I knew he must have raised hell when he found that one out, and I knew he blamed me because it was me who gave her the job.

Really though I didn’t give a shit what the old geezer thought. His little girl was all grown up and mine. She was my girl and he’d just have to fucking deal with it. I would have loved to see what his face would have looked like if he’d seen me last night with her.

“Hey, whatever you do… just watch your back okay?” Vincent adds bringing the seriousness back to the conversation.

“I’m watching my back man. It’s yours I’m worried about,” I point out.

“Don’t worry about me. You see me… I take care of you guys. I’m capo, you stay out of trouble. I deal with it. You stay out of trouble and I sleep better at night. Keep to the books and the club and I’ll watch the streets.” He smiles but I know there’s more to his words than he lets on.

Everything he says is evidence of his inner thoughts and I know because I know him.

We’re all close in different ways. Vincent was close to Frankie, and whether Gabe likes to accept this or not, he bonded with Nick because he was always getting in trouble.

I’m the middle child. The observer. Mostly the loner. The one in the middle that could go left or right. Most of the time I watch and I see what’s happening. Right now I see fear in Vincent’s eyes. He likes to think he can control everything and when he finds out he can’t it rubs him the wrong way. Like now. I can tell this Fontaine situation has gotten to him more than he’s showing.

“Vincent, you know it doesn’t always have to be like that. You keep treating me like your kid brother and I’m far from it. I’m way past that.”

He lands a hand on my shoulder and gives me a curt nod. “You are my kid brother. Please… just do what I ask. Be careful and keep your woman close. I don’t know what’s going on with the streets and… I always know.”

“Okay,” I agree and he smiles.

I know it’s always best to agree when he talks like that. Get involved when I’m needed. That’s why I’m always ready.

Always prepared for something.

Work hard and play hard.

Today was a hard day. Now I’m in my playground with the guys in the VIP lounge. From here I can see everything.

The music blares and it’s packed on the dancefloor. I swear to God we could charge a grand a ticket and it would still be packed like it is now.

People come for the crazy sex I’m watching from above. The music is wild and below me looks like a massive orgy. There are people having sex on the sidelines all along the levels going up as far as I can see. And even the people on the dancefloor look like they’re all having sex, although they aren’t.

We have a new DJ who’s trialing and I’m definitely keeping this guy. The people love him.

He’s good because he’s distracting me.

I don’t know when I became this person where I’m watching the clock.

Mimi was supposed to be here ten minutes ago and she’s not here. I don’t know what that means and Nick and Christian are annoying the fuck out of me.

Both are talking shit about fishing like they’ve ever fished in their lives.

Nick thinks he’s suddenly become some expert because Mia’s father took him on a fishing trip.

“You have to use elk hair for the bait,” Nick says.

“Live bait is best,” Christian answers, shaking his head and I roll my eyes.

“Guys fucking shut up, you both suck and don’t know shit,” I point out and take a draw on my cigar. Blowing the smoke out in a ring I stare at Nick who’s glowering at me.

“Do you know?” he throws back.

“Fuck no, neither do you. The two of you are annoying the shit out of me with fucking fish and shit. We’re supposed to be listening to the DJ.”

“I already said he was good,” Christian chimes in with a laugh. “What do you want me to do? Give the standing ovation?” he scuffs at me.

He looks like my uncle when he makes that face. I can’t stand my uncle.

Uncle Andreas is always acting like he’s better than everyone until Pa rights him and puts his ass in his place.

“Fuck off and don’t fucking push me,” I tell him.

“Salvatore calm the fuck down bro,” Nick grits his teeth and gives me an incredulous glare.

He’s right, I need to calm down.

Christian’s about to say something but he stops and stares ahead, eyes narrowed and lips parted. His face fills with shock and so does Nick’s so I turn to look at what’s gotten them so worked up.

I see straight away that it’s not a what, it’s a who. A woman.

Mine. Except she doesn’t look like the sweet little pixie creature we’re used to.

Tonight Mimi looks like she’s just stepped off some wild erotic fantasy. Her honey blond hair is slinked to the side in a sexy as fuck side swoop with the ends flicked.

Smoky eyes stare back at me fanned by a thick rim of black lashes and sultry burgundy lips makes the whole look of her pop. The color is the same as her floral lace mesh slip that flirts with her hips as she moves to us. That’s all she’s wearing along with her panties and a pair of satin heels to match.

Through the floral lace cupping her massive globes I can just make out the distinct points of her nipples pressing against the fabric.

I can honestly say that I’ve never experienced the stunned state of mind where you feel like your breath is being stolen away. Not until now, and she floats in like she’s the same Mimi we’re used to.

The little tomboy who used to follow us around on her pink pushbike.

Jesus Christ.

“Hi boys,” she says when she gets up to us.

She looks over at Nick and Christian. Nick looks shocked more than anything. I expected that. The look on his face is what you’d expect from a man who’s already satisfied with his own woman but shocked that my girl could look so different.

Christian on the other hand has the typical Giordano horny hound dog expression I can’t stand. Worse that I see it often on my father and uncles who fucking cheat all the damn time.

“Hey,” I balk at Christian and he snaps to attention looking at me.

It’s Mimi moving closer to me and taking my cigar out of my hands that turns my attention back to her.

She smiles down at me sweetly and then my babygirl does something she never does in front of the guys. She lowers to me and plants a kiss on my lips.

“I’m sorry I’m late, I couldn’t find my car keys,” she tells me with a little smile.

Instantly I worry that she took a taxi looking like that. “Did you get here okay?”

“Yes, I think I left them in my lipstick purse. I need you to help me find it.”

A smile slides up the corners of my mouth. “Me specifically?”

This is the game we played all year, except it doesn’t feel like a game anymore. It’s not at all.

“Yes, I lost it when I was with you… somewhere. I don’t know.”

“I know where we can start looking.” I have the best fucking idea ever.

She takes my hand and as she does, everything blends out into the ether.

Nick says something but I don’t hear him. I don’t even see Christian or anyone else.

It’s like me and this newly found temptress are alone in the club and we have the whole fantasy to get lost in.

I’ll have her on her knees submitting to me before the night is out.

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