Tempted By The Mafia Boss

#2 Chapter 30



“Okay, so I think a week of dating tends to suggest something a little more than dating right?” Cordelia asks and I laugh.

She rolls her eyes at me when I cover my mouth because she’s trying so hard to not like this new guy she’s seeing.

“You are so funny,” I say, shaking my head at her.

“And you are no help whatsoever, you’re supposed to help me be levelheaded and logical Miss Revello.” She throws back, tossing a mini marshmallow at me.

We’re sitting outside of the coffeehouse having mountain mugs of hot chocolate and giant cupcakes.

I am so full I think I’ll burst within the next few seconds but the lure of ice cream calls to me.

“What do you honestly want me to say to you?” I ask. “Is dating for a week, every day for a week so bad? And so what if it’s serious? You want serious, or why date?” I raise my shoulders into a shrug and she sighs.

“It’s just weird, and weirder because he was… well he was helping to take care of me when I was at my worst.”

I thought it was romantic. John, Cordelia’s guy was one of her doctors when she was undergoing cancer treatment.

“That’s the best kind of guy. The ones who see you at your worst and are there for the bad and the good.” I nod.

“I know. I know and I’m trying to wrap my head around it all. It’s actually that part I’m stuck on because it means he was serious from the get go and I have to bring myself up to speed.” She nibbles on her cupcake which is half eaten. Mine was history within five seconds of being in my presence.

“What do you need to bring yourself up to speed for? Hello the man is a doctor.”

“Well I didn’t date for a very long time and I just… I don’t know… lost the will when I thought I was gonna die. It was him that told me not to give up when I had a serious meltdown.”

Again that was sweet and I was happy she’d found someone so nice. “Cordelia here’s my take on it and my advice. Stop being a big wuss, it’s serious, now suck it up.”

She laughs and drinks the rest of her hot chocolate. “Okay. I hear you sis. I will suck it up and allow the good doctor to take care of me.”

“Exactly.” I sigh and savor the content of sitting here with my sister talking about men.

“I guess you’re the boss on relationships, of the two of us you’re the one with the guy who’s loved you for a lifetime,” she states, quirking a brow.

“Oh Cordelia… my heart is…” I don’t know exactly what to say “… It’s full and I’m… happy.”

“That makes me happy. That really does. How are you otherwise? I mean with the original plan.”

Right… I keep forgetting that I haven’t told my family I got roped into this one month agreement.

The month ends next weekend. I can’t believe it’s been three weeks already.

Good thing I didn’t say anything to worry them anymore than I have because I know what my choice will be and I’m not going anywhere.

“It looks like that plan of mine is nonexistent.”

She rubs her hands together and gives me a squeal of delight. “Oh my God, I’m so happy. I was so worried. I thought there was going to come a point where I wouldn’t see you again.”

“No, I wouldn’t do that.”

“You hear of it happening though, families breaking up and separating every which way. I didn’t want that to happen to us, not when the last ten years have been so shit and not when we’ve had so much tragedy.” She wipes away a tear and smiles.

“I know. I’m sorry I put you through that. I shouldn’t have. It was all so raw at the start, you know, when I got back.”

“Don’t be silly… no need to apologize. We all understand. I just wanted so badly to have this with you again.”

“We have it and by the way things look we’re going to devour this poor little shop.” I laugh.

“We sure will. I look forward to feasting on many cookies and muffins with you.”

“And hot chocolate,” I add.

“And ice cream.” She nods.

“Yes…” That sounds good to me, the parlor is just across the street and we’re heading there now.

“I’m gonna go to the ladies and we can dash straight after.” Cordelia stands and gives me a little smile before sauntering away to the ladies room. She bought this new shimmer powder last week and takes every chance she can get to powder her nose.

It’s nice. It’s nice to be thinking about simple things.

Hair and makeup, shimmer powder.

I was a shell when I first got back and honestly I haven’t been back that long to feel as okay as I do right now.

It’s more a case of who’s been in my life. A lot has happened in the space of time I’ve been home. It’s been a few days over a month now. I can honestly, wholeheartedly say that if not for Gabe I don’t think I would feel the way I do.

Of course not, what I am is in love.

That is what I am. The other night I was looking at him and realized I couldn’t leave him.

I very nearly told him I was going to be staying but I held off. I thought I’d make it special.

On the last day I’m theoretically supposed to spend with him I’ll make the day special and tell him how much I love him, that is what I plan do.

It will mean so much more if I do it like that.

It will carry more sentiment.

Someone comes up to me and I look up thinking it’s the barista but it’s not.

A shiver of ice flows down my spine when I see Tobias standing next to me with a smirk on his horrible face.

Jesus… my eyes dart around, looking around for someone I can call on for help but he places a heavy hand on my shoulder stopping me.

“Don’t, don’t do it.” The warning in his tone spikes my nerves.

He sits in Cordelia’s seat and that smell takes me. He pulls a human finger with nail polish on the nail out from his front pocket and his gun from his jacket.

“Scream or do anything and I’ll kill that little girl over there.” He points to a little girl who looks to be about five sitting across from us. She’s giggling at something her father is saying. “Scream and I’ll kill her, shoot her little brains out all over her father and before he can even process what’s happened, I’ll kill him too, and the little old lady next to them.”

A tear runs down my cheek and once again I hate that I’m crying in front of this man.

This vile, vile man who stinks of death. He sniffs the finger and scrunches up his face.

“This tasted like shit earlier, like the whore this woman was. Fuck. Considering this woman only just died she tastes like she’s been dead for a week.” His words are already enough to make me vomit but I actually heave when he holds the finger out to me. “Want some? Maybe you’ll think it tastes better, you’re a whore too, you know it takes one to know one. Maybe it’s the same with taste. It tastes one to know one.” He laughs and sits back.

Fucking hell. This man is more than insane and evil.

He’s a monster. A living monster and my heart shatters at his words.

He tosses the finger on the ground like it’s nothing.

No one sees it, yet, but I know when someone does, and realizes what it is, it’s going to cause a stir.

“Are you going to ask me how my dick is? It’s getting better thank you very much, although your boyfriend destroyed the left testicle, in a few weeks I’ll be able to fuck you. Possibly not as good as last time, but I promise to make it good.”

“Leave me alone. You got paid. Now leave me.” I’m trying to find strength. I’m trying to find my feet to show him I can be strong although tears flow from my eyes.

When he shakes his head my stomach twists into knots. “No, I don’t think so. What I am is pissed as fuck. Pissed at myself for not making copies of my tape of us and pissed as fuck at what your boy did to me.” He gives me a maddening laugh. “Fuck, I have one testicle. Fucking hell. You people won’t get away with that. I’m here today to remind you I’m still around. I’m just warming up. screwing with you.”

“Fuck off and die,” I cry and people from the tables nearby look at me.

He answers with a laugh. “I don’t think so Miss Revello.” He stands. “You know it’s amazing, considering I nearly gunned down that boy of yours the other day it’s odd you’re out here unprotected. ”

“What?” Gabe was gunned down? My throat tightens. He never told me.

“Ahhh you didn’t know… He’s got this figured all wrong. Protecting you from knowledge and special events isn’t where his focus should lie. It’s moments like this when the big bad wolf comes to get the pretty little school teacher with her perfectly big tits that you need to worry about.” He laughs, making me feel even more sick when he runs his tongue over my lips. “Our next meeting is going to be very interesting. Very interesting indeed. Let the games begin.”

Someone screams when they see the finger and he walks off laughing.

Cordelia rushes over to me. She saw him when she came through the doors and sees me crying.

“Charlotte are you okay? Who was that?”

I hear her speaking but I can’t answer. I can’t talk. That shell of a person I was when I got back has taken up residence in me again.

Tobias …

What’s he going to do?

What the fuck is he going to do?

What fucking game is he playing now?

When will I see him again?

I burst into tears, crying with everything inside me.

I cry and I can’t stop.

Cordelia took me home.

Home to Gabe.

It’s night now and I remember falling asleep. I was crying. I’ve been awake for a little while just staring up at the ceiling and not moving. I know Gabe is outside on the balcony, smoking.

He’s been doing that a lot for the last few nights and I noticed he does that when he’s worried.

The guys came by to check on me. it was sweet of them. It felt like I had my brothers again except Gabe’s brothers are probably three of the roughest gangsters on the street. Nick looked the most worried and I heard Gabe in the kitchen trying to talk him out of some plan. I remember how Nick was in the past. Gabe and Salvatore were always trying to talk him out of something that could get him killed.

It seemed to be one of those conversations.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

I look outside when I see a shadow and sit up. I expect Gabe to come in but he doesn’t so I slip off the bed and put on one of his sweatshirts over the little pajamas I’m wearing.

I make my way outside onto the balcony and see him sitting on one of the wicker chairs still smoking. He’s just wearing his boxers and the light from the moon makes him look like one of those adverts. Like a cross between something from Calvin Klein and Gaultier. Now he looks like the Italian Stallion he is, especially with his hair ruffled.

He reaches his hand out to me and I take it, sitting in his lap. He goes to put out the cigar but I stop him.

“Don’t, you look sexy smoking.” I try to smile.

“You hate the smell, if I’m to keep you here I can’t drive you out with the smell of cigars.”

I can’t believe I actually laugh. “You can’t get rid of me with the smell of cigars.”

“Not trying.” He puts it out and looks me over in his sweatshirt. It’s an old college one from Yale that I imagine him wearing . He told me his family have this thing about all the men going to Yale. “Looks good on you. You would have suited Yale much more than me.”

“I’m sure you did good there.” He did, he’s super intelligent.

“Yeah I did. I can’t knock that, not even if I try. All that hard work, all those brains and when it comes to it I have to think on my feet. Street smart.” He nods and looks down to the stone pavement below us.

“Gabe… why didn’t you tell me about the shoot out?” We haven’t talked about that yet. I didn’t mention that Tobias told me that part.

He hangs his head down, sighs and his gaze climbs back up to meet mine. “Baby, there’s just some things it’s best you don’t know. Some things I don’t want you worrying about, especially when you don’t have to.”

I try to hold the tears in. “You could have died because of me.” That, was what raced through my mind on top of everything else.

He takes my hands and kisses my knuckles. “I don’t want you to think like that. You and me, we’ve always been in this together. You hear me?”

I nod but I feel far from okay with the idea of him putting himself in danger for me. “I’m scared.” It’s probably the worst thing to tell him, but I can’t keep it in. “Gabe, I’m scared for what he’s going to do next. A person who plays in games is always unstable. Unpredictable. We don’t know what he’ll do next and this man… he can’t leave me alone.”

He gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “You are mine. You are mine to protect. Mine to protect and it’s my job to protect you and make sure nobody ever scares you ever again. I will make sure nobody ever takes you again, even if it cost me my life.”

“I don’t-”

He presses his fingers to my lips cutting me off and shaking his head. “No baby, you know you’ve always been number one to me. Mine. Mine to protect. My goddess, my girl.”

I would love to take comfort in his words, but how am I supposed to when he’s talking about dying?

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