Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

I slipped against the fridge wall of the huge, walk-in, cold storage room with tired resignation as tears gushed down my eyes like an uncontrollable leaking faucet.

My broken phone sat on the floor as my only companion in the otherwise empty palace.

Sigh !

Dominic, Kai and Ryan were making preparations for the upcoming war while I wallowed my sorrows in an ice cream tub in solitude.

Or not ….

“What is this filthy mutt doing here ?”, Tyra’s angry voice floated in.

“And what is the evil princess doing here”, Zeke hissed back.

The voices were coming from the kitchen.

“Don’t forget your place, Beta”, Tyra spoke through gritted teeth, fury evidently overtaking her senses.

“And don’t forget the place where you actually are, Alpha”, Zeke spat the word ‘Alpha’ with extra venom. “This is not your daddy’s sheltered home, let me remind you. I will not hold back from tearing you apart for espionage”, he growled.

Clearly, the two of them were reading the presence of the other in the castle wrong.

They were both misunderstanding the other as the evil Dark Overlord’s pawn and spy.

These two nitwits, ughh.

“I would like to see you try”, Tyra smirked, not backing down from the challenge once her authority was challenged.

“Oh won’t you now”, Zeke growled, not bowing down either, to the higher authority.

“Ofcourse I won’t, dirty dog”, Tyra spat out before Zeke raced her outside towards the open grounds of the royal structure where the two powerful, dominant wolves burst into their ferocious feral forms and took an offensive stance, opposite to each other.

On cue, the royal drummers of the fighting arena beat the tight drums in remarkable sync, causing a huge crowd to gather as the two wolves took position and growled at each other.

“Grrrrr”, Zeke’s brown Beta wolf growled while baring its fangs at the larger grey Alpha wolf, who in turn howled in its thundering loud Alpha voice to mark the start of the wolf battle of the century.

“Fuck ! What the hell do they think are they doing ?”, Max cursed beside me as he watched the bloody fight unfold, stupefied.

“They think that the other person is a traitor here”, I quietly murmured while watching the two wolves leap up high and aim for each other’s jugular vein in the neck.

“Why are you not stopping those two then ?!”, Max exclaimed horrified. “They will kill each other at this rate !!”, he shrieked as Zeke landed with a bloody tuft of wolf hair in his mouth while Tyra held the prized skin of the brown wolf’s hind limb in her claws, both of them bleeding profusely by now.

“You saw the university portal, didn’t you ?”, I asked Max, making him go beet red, confirming my suspicion that I was one of the last ones to see the online disaster- my mates still being blissfully unaware of the human world catastrophe because of the impending, gruesome war.

“You didn’t find it in you to tell me or any of us as soon as you saw the news, did you ?”, I asked him in an accusatory tone while narrowing my eyes.

Yes, I was mad at not being notified earlier.

And even madder at myself for letting this happen in the first place.

Max kept quiet as he looked on at the bloody battle and after Tyra had manage to maim Zeke’s left rear side before getting a painful kick in the abdomen, he finally spoke up with a sigh.

“I feel like a helpless outsider here. I do not find it my place to tell or ask anyone anything”, he answered. “Sometimes I wish that Tyra got someone like her- strong and powerful, not a human who is trying not to be the weakest chain here and needs her protection all the time”, he relayed his insecure thoughts.

“Here. Keep this potion then. Drink it by midnight without overthinking about this matter anymore and creep out of the palace to meet me in the woods. You are not going to be a helpless, weak chain now. Promise me you won’t tell anyone anything”, I sharply said before tucking the prized potion in his pocket firmly.

“But- …. “, his protests were suddenly cut off when an uproar amongst the ranks of the crowd was heard.

Max quickly pushed the potion bottle deep in his pockets to hide it from the newcomers.

An ultra angry growl resounded in the air and two royal figures knocked the air out of the two warring wolves, who were hell bent on destroying each other’s presence, in one clean swipe.

“Shift !”, Dominic and Kai commanded with a frown as they held back each wolf, without even the need of shifting.

Yes, they were that powerful.

“You have a stinking spy in your camp, Dominic !!”, Zeke lashed out as he shifted back and tried to run away from Kai’s vise strong grip to attack at Tyra again.

“Everyone hear the pot call the kettle black !”, Tyra laughed and then immediately after winced when blood flowed from the corner of her mouth but continued nonetheless. “I am no spy !! He is the Dark Overlord’s Beta !”, she angrily screamed back as Dominic held her back and prevented her from clawing Zeke’s fury driven face. “And I am sure the little slut is here at that evil man’s behest to kill all of us !”, she added with a loud growl.

A verbal brawl started again and adding to it, a fiery exchange of curses started too.

This was not how leaders were supposed to act, especially in public !


Everyone’s attention turned to me before the royal Lycan in me growled 100 times louder than Kai, Dominic or Tyra’s Alpha wolf for that matter, combined.

I was the supreme, royal blooded supernatural afterall.

Heads bowed down and even the bloodthirsty wolves of the previous enemy camp hung their heads low in submission.

“This fight stops right here”, I strongly ordered. “Leave the wolves, Dominic and Kai”, I further commanded. “These two shall figure out things in private together and I do not want any more chaos in this palace, is it understood ?”, I fiercely asked.

Everyone nodded to my rhetorical question.

“Good. Now everyone can leave”, I added and soon enough the huge crowd dispersed away.

“Bella, we need to talk”, Kai tried to approach me but my Lycan, Snow seemed to be on the verge of completely taking over and growled at him to back away.

Clearly, Kai had seen “The Raging Hot News” on the university portal too, not to forget the mind fucking email from the National Disciplinary Board.

“There is nothing to talk about”, I replied, hurt evident in my voice. “It would be better for the both of us to stay away from each other for some time. Don’t try to search for me, for it would be useless. I will come back on my own when the time is right, if it ever will be. However, till then, let us stay away from each other’s way. Goodbye !”, I bade them before I disappeared in the back of the deep woods within the blink of an eye.

“Noooooo !!!! Don’t leave me, Bella !! Pleaseeeee”, were the last words I heard Kai scream before I formed a portal by the spell of Dark Arts and vanished.

To achieve some things, one has to take the high road.

When life gets tough, the tough get going.

And I was in no mood to back down when I had come so far to achieve my goal but Kai and I- both needed space and time to get our minds back in the game.

Dominic’s POV

Kai’s fever was scorching high by the minute and the poor pup kept whimpering in my arms as beads of sweat lined up on his forehead and heart breaking tears incessantly flowed down his cheeks.

Lycans were not supposed to get sick like this !

My pup must be so heartbroken to go through this.

What are my mates doing to themselves ?

Sigh !

“Baby”, I whispered as I kissed away his tears and changed the wet cloth on his forehead.

“It is all my fault”, he whimpered and a fresh set of guilt ridden tears emerged out of his eyes.

“It isn’t, Kai”, I sighed as I connected our foreheads, only the thin, wet cloth separating our skins. “Just give her some time to come around. I am sure she is guilt tripping herself too and feels more responsible about the incident, although I should be the one to blame for it. I had thought that I had compelled everyone”, I woefully admitted. “I am sorry”, I murmured and turned my face away in tormenting guilt.

Tantalizing sparks erupted near my jaw as Kai gently nudged my chin towards him and pressed his lips on mine in a soft, enticing kiss, enough to make me moan and pull the pup closer to me as much as possible.

“Please don’t blame yourself or be sad. I hate it when you or Bella are like that”, he softly said before tearing up again.

“I won’t, baby. I won’t”, I promised before thumbing his tears away and hugging him tight so that he was nuzzling his soft hair in my neck and seeking solace in gently nipping my skin with his petal felt lips.

However, his butterfly kisses had every cell in my body vibrating with need.

The feeling of losing Bella added to the pressure on my firing up hormones, making me go frantic with need to release my pent up stress and frustrations.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“You are hard !”, Kai exclaimed in surprise as he wrapped his fingers around my thick rod , without my knowing when he had slid his hand inside my brief !

I chuckled and pecked his cheek before replying, “I am always hard with you and Bella around” and then mentally cursed myself when Kai’s face dropped and his eyes started to mist on hearing Bella’s name again.

“I guess I will rest for some time, Domz”, he murmured before backing away from me. “My Lycan is moping God knows where and the fever and pain (of separation; he did not say but I understood) are killing me. I will check on the war preparations after that. Ryan told me that he would look into the …. “, he rambled before I shut him up with a swift, clean nip on his lip, drawing only a drop of blood from it and successfully shushing him immediately.

“Stop worrying so much, baby”, I caressed his bitten lip with my thumb and a pleasure induced whine escaped his slightly parted lips.

I looked down at his trembling lips before I looked back at his eyes, not stopping my thumb from massaging his juicy red lower lip even once.

“I have everything in control except for your nerves which seem to be all over the place. Just relax and rest. I will ask the royal chef to make something light and healthy for you. Till then be a good pup and stop worrying about anything. I promise I will have all kinds of messes cleared up soon, ok ?”, I softly said before he timidly nodded and laid back down on the bed.

“Dominic ?”, he called out before I reached the doorway.

“Yes, baby ?”, I cooed. “Do you need something ?”, I asked concernedly.

“No. I just wanted to say thank you- thank you for everything you did for me. Also for handling me when I first saw the explosive news”, he lightly chuckled to cover up his disappointment but smiled nonetheless.

“No problem, pup. Everything will be alright. Trust me. And trust Bella too. She is not an emotional and over dramatic girl. She is a strong Lycan Princess. She does not do anything on a whim or without a plan and we both know that. I am sure she knows what she is doing. She would never leave us like this, especially when you need her more than ever and with the war coming up. Just trust her, Kai”, I coaxed him to calm down.

I could tell by his frantic paced heartbeat that his stomach must still be in knots to make a pretzel jealous.

“I will”, Kai gave a small smile before turning to the other side and shut his eyes.

Poor pup.

I heard him sigh and let himself cry to sleep after tiring out himself.

There was nothing better than venting out your bottled up stress and sorrows but it still hurt to see him like this.

He was my mate afterall !

I understood that he needed to let go of his sorrows before pulling himself together and thinking with a clear head, yet the protective side of me, felt miserable and helpless, even though I was the Vampire King who could provide anything for his mates !!

Oh Moon Goddess, why are things getting complicated in our life ?

Please help us resolve them all soon.

I can’t watch my loved ones getting hurt anymore.

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