Teacher’s Student Mate



Third Person POV

“MATE !!”, Kai and Bella chimed together, as soon as the clock struck 12 midnight and Dominic entered the dorm at the same time.

Dominic’s face lit up with elation but quickly turned into a frowning one when Kai and Bella said nothing when they looked at him.

Huh ?

He waited patiently.

They will say it soon, he thought to himself.

30 seconds passed by.

Don’t worry, Domz. Their Lycans must be slowly waking up, he thought and did not lose hope.

60 seconds gone.

Don’t lose hope, Dominic. You are the Vampire King for fuck’s sake. You can not be wrong, he pumped himself up.

90 seconds approaching.

Dominic’s eyes teared up when he did not hear the sole word he had been longing to hear since so long from his lovers !

Please say it, he prayed. Dominic was having a gruesome meltdown at the moment by now.

120 seconds over.

Had he mistaken them as his mates ?

But that was not possible !!

He could tell by their heavenly scents and spark enticing touches, that they were mates.

Then why weren’t the two Lycans saying anything ?

Oh no.

Were they not his mates afterall ?

Had he lost and fooled himself to just a mere crush for the both of them, going to the point of believing that they were his mates ?

No, no, no !!

It can’t be ! Please don’t leave me !!!! Dominic cried in the inside.

Bella’s POV

“My tongue will bleed if I sink my teeth in it any further”, I mindlinked my Beta Lycan mate through the newly formed mate link as we tried to keep our tongues from rolling out the word, “MATE” to the freaked out Vampire King.

“Let’s try to hold it for five seconds more. I wanna record his reaction”, the bratty side in Kai spoke up. Grrrrr. He brought the worst out of me too.

“He looks like he will have a heart attack any time now”, I mindlinked back, blinking my teary eyes profusely. It was getting so damn hard to control my Lycan. “I am pretty sure he is gonna blow his top when he finds out that I helped you”, I added.

Fortunately for us, Kai got the reaction he wanted before we went tongueless.

“We are not mates ?”, Dominic finally broke the silence with a whimper and slumped against the front door with his face buried in his palms.

“Ok, I can’t hold it anymore”, Kai gave up.

Thank God.

“Me fucking too”, I hissed back through the mindlink.

“MATE !!”, we both chimed together while looking at Dominic.

When the broken Vampire looked up at us with bloodshot, watery eyes, my heart bled for him but it was too tempting to pull off this prank on him at the same time.

Guess the red coloured devil by the side of my head had won but this was surely going to be a life long memory for all of us.

A nightmare for Dominic though, haha.

Dominic drew a sharp breath before he gasped, “Huh ?”

“MATE !”, we chimed again while looking at him, to confirm that he had not misheard.

“I AM GOING TO KILL YOU TWO !!”, Dominic growled when he finally came to his senses and rushed straight towards us in an insanely fast vampiric speed.

When we thought that he was going to get back at us for what we did, he surprised us all, when he pulled us into a giant hug and wept like a baby in our arms.

Aww. Poor baby.

“You guys are so mean !! I felt my whole world crumbling down !”, he chided as he turned into a pretty pink, sobbing mess.

The situation brought the dom side of Kai out and soon enough he was the one babying Domz in his arms !

Flirting with Domz’s lips, Kai chuckled against them and teased, “You doubted yourself, Your Majesty ?”

“If you do not hear anything for 2 freaking longest minutes of your life, when you are dying to hear a certain word, then hell yeah !!”, Dominic scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“I don’t like the attitude, Mr Kent”, Kai sternly said in his professor voice but the twinkle in his eye gave away to his true intention. He was just pulling Dominic’s leg. “I would spank that million dollar model ass to oblivion the whole night and not even let you c*m if I hear that tone again. Now tell me how are you going to remedy this behaviour ?”, Kai smirked as he fisted his hands in Dominic’s hair and forced the latter’s face up, just inches away from his teasing, plump lips.

Without a word or warning, Dominic lightly pushed back Kai by his shoulder on the soft carpeted floor and straddled him, before holding on to Kai’s boxer shorts’ band.

“May I ?”, Dominic softly asked as he tugged on the waistband. Aww, Dominic was asking permission ! So cute, I got excited.

“May I what, baby ?”, Kai teased knowingly, making Dominic pout so adorably.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

“Give you your birthday present”, Dominic whined with hopeful eyes.

“You want to describe it ?”, Kai asked the suddenly shy Vampire over him.

“No”, Dominic shook his head. “I wanna show you”, he added.

“Mhmm but only if my princess lets me give her, her birthday gift”, Kai threw the onus of the decision making on me, which was not so difficult to decide about, honestly.

Soon enough I was getting sucked dry like the Sahara Desert as I sat on Kai’s pretty face while Dominic gave the prof, the “best blow job” ever as Kai termed it.

Bella’s POV

“Did you get my apology gift ? Your skin looks better than before so I am guessing you used it, didn’t you or did you give it away to someone else ?”, Kai asked in between taking small gasps of air after his explosive release while Dominic nestled me lovingly in his arms as I too felt flush hot and soft after the intense session of giving “birthday gifts” to each other.

At one point we were giving a “return gift” each to Dominic too. Hehe.

Dominic wrapped his arms around Kai’s neck and gave him a deep, passionate kiss as if showing his gratitude in that one gesture of love.

“Thank you, My Grayson”, Dominic breathed out, or more like cutely purred submissively after the sensually glacial kiss. “I loved the gift and ate all of it before that ape, Ryan could steal your cookies from me again”, he told on his Beta like a younger sibling telling on an elder one to their parent.

“Are you sure you did not throw it away or did not dump them on Ryan ?”, Kai sternly asked in his dom voice.

“I didn’t”, Dominic whined and he looked so cute that time, that I could not help myself but grab his cheeks and kiss him as if the entire Russian Army had trudged through his mouth.

He easily sunk into the kiss and in no time he was panting out, “MATE !”, when Kai and I pampered him rotten with our touches and kisses, who was equally needy for our attention, especially after the prank we pulled off on him.

Kai chuckled and pinched Dominic’s nose playfully before replying, “Hmm so you are indeed our mate, huh ? I thought we would have to kick you out of this relationship and dorm if you were not.”

Dominic growled before possessively hugging me close to him.

“I am never letting you two go”, he teared up, still emotional after our prank. “It nearly killed me”, he confessed.

“Oh DomDom”, Kai cooed as he hugged our Vampire mate from behind and rested his cheek on his well built, muscular back. “Even if we were not mates, we would have never left you. Never ever. I promise. You are too precious to us. I love you so much, baby”, he coaxed the sensitive teenage boy.

Dominic hummed happily in response and basked in the glow of our love, satisfied, or rather overjoyed by Kai’s answer.

“By the way you plagiarized the last line in your note. I am going to sue you for it”, Dominic stuck out his tongue when he remembered the note that Kai had written in front of me before sending it to Dominic’s restaurant.

[ ** Author’s Note: The last line of the note was ‘P. S- I love you’. Thank me later for saving you your time and energy from scrolling up 😛 ** ]

Kai chuckled amused and indulged his student in another ardent, loving kiss.

After so many tumultuous days of separation, a nightmare of a day at the cafeteria and our most special day today, we deserved a sweet reunion full of mindblowing love making and dirtier base hitting.

So no one minded if their libidos were working on overdrive since morning.

“You have got cornier, Domz”, I pointed out while chuckling.

“Never tell my coven members or friends that”, Dominic groaned. “I got a rep to protect”, he whined, making us all laugh. “But I could do anything for you two”, he fondly declared.

“God, you guys are the best”, I groaned. “I am so glad that I got such cool mates”, I happily purred. “This is perfect bliss and the best birthday ever of my life”, I declared.

“It has just started, princess”, Dominic chuckled. “And I hope that we are able to make each birthday of you two even better every year”, he kissed my forehead. “You guys are damn special to me”, he added.

“So are you, baby”, Kai joined the group hug and kissed Dominic’s temple.

Suddenly, my phone went off, ruining our special moment and with the ungodly time at which it rung, it made me nervous about who was calling and why.

“Hello ?”, I answered the phone straight away without even glancing at the screen in a hurry.

“Happy Birthday girrrrrl !!”, Tyra and Freya chimed together and then giggled.

“Aww you guys. Thank you !”, I replied back, making Dominic smile as he wrapped an arm around my neck from behind and nibbled on my ear.

“Diaz !! You are getting ready right now, birthday girl and bringing your dorm friends along with you here !”, Max’s voice came screaming in.

“Hells no ! Look at the goddamn time. Where the fuck are you all ?”, I asked as I heard the DJ change from hard rock to EDM in the background.

“We are the club and I am going to send you and Dominic the address right away. By the way, Happy Birthday, Diaz and we expect you both there in another half an hour. No excuses will be allowed, otherwise we will drag your asses here ourselves”, Conor shouted in the midst of the wild background sounds coming through.

“He is not kidding, baby girl. We will not rest till you come here”, Tyra added and a crazy chorus of “Fuck yes”, resounded through the speaker of the phone.

“Alright, alright. We will be there”, I conceded to my crazy friends. These doofuses. Pfft !

“Don’t forget to bring your dorm mates, Bella !! We would love to know them. Maybe flirt with them too”, Max naughtily suggested and an “Oww” noise, came blaring through.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch”, Max cried out like a delinquent child who was being scolded for his actions. “It hurts ! Stop !! My ear’s gonna fall off, babe !”, he screeched.

“You never listen anyways so it won’t affect you at all”, his girlfriend alias Tyra retorted.

I was sure poor Andrew was sporting a terrifyingly red ear by now.

“I am not really sure about you wanting to flirt with them when you see my dorm mates, Max”, I chuckled as I thought about my mates as recipients of Max’s flirty attention.

“Oh don’t worry about that. Max is an oaf but no one can resist the charms of the almighty Conor !!”, Conor sassed.

“Dude, you don’t want an ‘Max Episode’ repeat with you right now”, Freya’s mock angry voice came in through.

“Geez, chill woman. I was just kidding. It is Bella who shall have to keep Dominic on a leash. He might jump on her dorm mate then and there. He is the wildest beast of all”, Conor tried to defend himself while shifting the entire blame on Dominic instead.

“What he says is true”, Dominic naughtily whispered in Kai’s ear and chuckled as the latter rolled his eyes, his traitorous lips curving into a smile nonetheless.

“Ok dunderheads. We shall be there in an hour. Send the address ASAP, Conor. We will be coming together”, I announced.

“Yay ! Hurray !!”, the dorks shouted together.

One could say that the wild party turned out to be a blooming myriad of fun, shocks, surprises, betrayals, love and fights !!

In retrospect, no one could have imagined or thought of the events that happened but it was destiny, I guess.

For now, we all were on cloud nine, unwilling to step down from that land of paradise, any time soon.

Wohoooo !!

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