Teacher’s Student Mate


Third Person POV

“Why did you let her claim what is mine, pup ?”, Dominic softly asked while petting Kai’s head.

“I didn’t know her intentions”, Kai mumbled.

“And you did not even pull her away from you”, Dominic woefully said while hugging the Beta Lycan who was settled comfortably in his lap and resting his head over the Vampire King’s shoulder.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“I was very angry”, Kai replied with a whimper as if the very memory hurt him to the core. “I controlled so hard to not kill her”, he added, upset at his emotions and conduct.

“And you didn’t even sense us coming, baby. Why is that so ?”, Dominic gently asked.

“I was angry”, Kai reasoned out and Dominic hummed in understanding.

“I love you, baby”, Dominic cooed before claiming his mate’s juicy, baby pink lips.

“I love you too”, Kai happily sighed before squeezing Dominic’s waist tight. “Bella must be working alone”, Kai suddenly remembered his baby, who he felt so protective about for some reason. “We should help her”, he added.

“Hmm we should, shouldn’t we”, Dominic chuckled.

However, he raised a brow when he noticed Kai did not move out of his lap.

“Carry me”, the pampered pup pouted making the powerful Vampire melt at his cuteness straight away.

Dominic pecked the Lycan’s exposed cheek one last time before carrying him on his back to the kitchen where the rich aroma of curry, ramen and stir fried veggies floated in along with the mouth watering smell of baked bread and soup.

“What ? How ? When ?”, Dominic stuttered in awe.

“You said you would only make broth”, Kai said and suddenly all his submissiveness evaporated as he switched to his protective and concerned nature around his loving female lover.

“I wanted to cheer you both with this surprise and get some food in your famished bodies, especially after the “exercise” you all had”, Bella said with a chuckle. “You guys settle down, I will get the food to you and serve it”, she added.

“You must be tired too, babe”, Kai said with concern dripping in his voice before he hugged her from behind. “It was a long day for you afterall”, he added while resting his head on hers and slowly taking her waist in a mutual, light dance.

“Not really, baby”, Bella smiled contently. She could get used to this if what she thought was true. Scratch that. She wanted it to be true. “Domz let me rest at his place and did you know he owned an entire chain of restaurants ?”, she asked the man hugging her.

“Really ? I knew this man was special”, Kai murmured before pulling Dominic to him and kissing him. “What else are you hiding from us, babe ?”, he asked. “Especially about those red laser eyes ?”, he added.

“You will know in another 7 days”, Dominic shrugged. “How about we forget about these things and plan about your 18th birthdays over this fanta – astic – dinner ?”, Dominic grinned and got similar grins in return from his mates.

“We can do that”, Kai and Bella chimed together before setting the table as if it were a Thanksgiving feast.

“To staying together for eternity”, they cheered together as they clinked their glasses joyously, each hoping their suspicions were true.

“Amen !”

Bella’s POV

“Mhmm hmmm”, Kai groaned as he took the first bite of the food I had prepared.

“You like it ?”, I asked as I watched Dominic scoop his first spoonful of broth too.

“Oh man !!!!”, Dominic moaned too and if I were not sitting with them, I would have thought that the two bunnies were getting ‘it’ on again.

“My taste buds are in seventh heaven already”, Kai declared before scooping me out from my chair, placing me on his lap and smashing his lips in a rewarding kiss.

After an eternity of having Bella meal course ….

“Alright pups ! I am done with my meal. Now Daddy will feed you both and then we will call it the night, ok ? We will be going to my folks tomorrow early morning”, he announced.

“Noooo”, Kai and I whined together along with Kai hugging me even closer to his chest, as if Dominic would snatch his favourite toy any moment.

“You two act so cute”, Dominic chuckled before helping me out of an unyielding Kai’s lap. “Atleast eat the food while it is hot. You don’t want Bella’s hardwork to go waste, do you ?”, he emotionally appealed to Kai before turning to me. “And he needs to eat after a stressful day, isn’t it, Bella ?”, he asked.

“Yes Daddy”, we two chimed together with a silly giggle before we were back to devouring our food and goofing around each other like mature adults instead of kids.

“Are we going back to the forest ?”, I asked before shoving a dumpling in my mouth.

“Not to the one where you guys went to before. We are going to my coven where their King and his lovers rightfully belong to and I know that you guys already have your suspicions but I want to protect you. The neighbourhood is no longer safe as Bella already knows and I can not afford to lose you two, that too just before your 18th birthdays. Let us make a deal to ignore each other’s identities and instead, focus on our collective goal”, Dominic answered and two sets of spoons fell down as he finished.

“Was it the rut ?”, Kai barely whispered while my jaw threatened to crack through the floor.


“Yes and your blood. I have fed often on the two of you and I can identify royalty when I have to. I have spoken a lot and I don’t want to say anything else here as walls have ears. Let us just forget everything for now. Okay ?”, he dismissed the subject and we nodded meekly before my mind went into a whirlwind.

Dominic is a fucking Vampire King !

The Son ?

The Overlord’s son ?

Kai does not even know anything yet.

And rut ?

Only Lycans rut !!

Does that mean Kai is one ?

That too a royal one too ?

How is that even possible ?

Everyone died from my pack, didn’t they ?

Gawwwddd. Now I have so many questions and I can’t wait to go to Dominic’s coven.

God knows what more surprises are in there.

Bella’s POV

Kai and I lay on the bed tired when Kai’s fingers decided that it was a good time to creep inside my spaghetti top.

“You have been very playful around me ever since dinner time. Why is that so ?”, I chuckled as Kai monopolized me while Dominic talked to Ryan in the balcony, whom I figured out was his Beta.

Lycan ears and sharp hearing, you know.

“Thank you”, Kai instead murmured emotionally.

“Huh ?”, I asked in shock, not expecting this confession of gratitude.

Kai inched closer to me before nuzzling his nibbling lips near the crook of my neck.

“I am so thankful that I found you, my very own princess and giving meaning to my otherwise lonely, pathetic life. I was super depressed when you guys found that, that Pierce bitch was kissing me and for once, I feared the worst of losing you two. The very thought about it almost killed me. I can’t imagine my life without you two in it. I will die if I lose you”, he choked out with his head buried deep in my neck.

Warm tears trickled down my neck, making me jerk out the emotional Lycan’s head from my neck.

“Kai, we can never leave you. Unto death do us apart, ok ?”, I cooed.

“I want to be with you even then”, Kai declared possessively and if this gorgeous professor of mine had not charmed me, then this very confession of love would have surely warmed my heart to great extents.

Not able to contain my bursting explosion of uncontrollable love towards the adorable thing tucked close to me, I let my Lycan, Snow pin the handsome hunk beneath us and sink our fangs by his neck.

It was the most intimate gesture of a Lycan before mating and Kai’s eyes widened in shock when he realized how much Snow and I trusted and loved him, before they dilated and his hands stroked our head fondly while Snow licked the wound to heal.

“I love you too, Your Majesty”, Kai chuckled, understanding my wordless confession of love.

“I know”, I purred before falling asleep on my future mate and Beta’s chest with his arms wrapped protectively around me.

“My cuties”, was the last thing I heard Dominic say with a chuckle before I drifted to deep and peaceful sleep.

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