Teacher’s Student Mate


Dominic’s POV

“Why the fuck did you induce her to sleep ?”, my Beta Vampire growled as I carried my mate to one of my private suites.

“She was panicking when she thought about that fucking rogue and my motherfucking sorry excuse of a father”, I growled back.

“Did you kill that werewolf, Domz ?”, Ryan asked worriedly.

“Who the fuck else ?”, I asked sarcastically making Ryan throw his hands in surrender and back away a bit.

“Chill dude. So you really milked the guy dry ?”, Ryan chuckled.

“More like drained his disgusting blood dry”, I corrected him.

“Yeah yeah”, Ryan sang as he rolled his eyes. “Why did you do that ? Did you lose control and act upon your urge to feed ?”, he curiously probed.

“You know me better, Ryan”, I scoffed to indicate my negation to his question. “No, I did not lose fucking control ! I am not a flippin kid or a new born !! I am the Vampire King for fuck’s sake. Give me some credit. Why would I lose control with a rogue and not my mate”, I reasoned out, clearly pissed off. However, I calmed down and continued, “I only acted in the nick of time. Hayden talked to my mate and discovered her true identity when he was handing her, her grocery items. He scraped a bit of her skin lightly and dabbed the drop of blood on his finger. I caught him sniffing it and tasting it in the employee restroom. So I had a little talk with him”, I disclosed.

“You are an asshole, Domz”, Ryan chided me. “You could have induced him to forget about it”, he suggested.

“Not when he was about to mindlink my freaking father !! He would have killed my baby then and there !”, I exclaimed.

“She is not a baby, Domz. She is a really powerful Lycan and that too a royal blooded one let me tell you”, Ryan pointed out.

“I don’t fucking care ! The Dark Overlord managed to kill her entire pack which was way more powerful. I can not risk losing her !!”, I declared with finality in my tone.

“You still ended up endangering her identity”, Ryan deadpanned. “No wonder she is hell worried”, he added. “You are really an asshole, Mr Vampire King”, he taunted.

Ughh. Annoying Beta.

“Just 1 week more. My mates’ 18th birthdays are incidentally on the same day of this weekend. Everything shall be known to them then. I will take them to our coven in the forest after that”, I strategized.

“Do you want bodyguards to keep an eye on them till then ?”, Ryan asked. “This one week will be pretty crucial for all of us, you know. Specially when the Dark Overlord’s rogues have penetrated every damn place ! Including our darn university”, he revealed.

“Hmmm. Ask the tribal king to provide us with his best men. I don’t want Kai and Bella to detect their bodyguards too, as much as I don’t want my father’s useless creatures to catch up with them”, I instructed. “Ask him to get his trusted teenage assassins to enroll in our uni. I want them to be near the two at all times”, I elaborated.

“On it, Alpha !!”, Ryan bowed and exited out of the room while I went back to the inviting bed and laid beside my princess.

She looked so pure, beautiful and angelic when she slept. I loved her bratty wild side too but her innocence always spurred me on.

Sigh !

I just couldn’t wait for her 18th birthday.

I wanted to shout out loud to the world that I had found my two gorgeous mates- royal blooded Lycans nonetheless !!

Lucky me.

I loved them so much !

Who wouldn’t when they were so uncontrollably adorable ?!

Bella’s POV

“Mhmm”, I hummed as I felt something wet and velvety soft dribble against my lips. I was still feeling groggy with sleep but someone was repeatedly harassing and nibbling all over my face.

“Shoo away !!”, I mumbled and buried my head under the soft, toasty covers.

The culprit chuckled and yanked back the duvet out of my face, much to my annoyance and continued his antics while cuddling beside me.

He smelled so minty fresh and nice. Mhmm. Yum yum.

“Wake up, princess. You haven’t eaten since so long ! You did not have a proper breakfast, skipped lunch and now you are not going to sleep over tea time”, my Daddy figure firmly said. “Get up quickly, love. You need to get some food in that cute little stomach of yours”, he coaxed while caressing my hair.

“I am not hungry, Daddy”, I protested with a clear frown forming on my face before I rolled to the other side in search of peace and heavenly sleep.

A few seconds went by and there was no action or reaction, making me wonder if he really went away !

But that was just the calm before the storm. Sigh !

My annoying but sweet boyfriend suddenly scooped me out of bed and kissed me senseless before making our way to the …. uh bathroom ?

“Domz !!”, I whined and tried to kick him but one stern daddy look from him and I was back to behaving like a filial child. You can’t stop me from pouting however. Ah ha !

“Now be a good girl for me and freshen up. I will set your meal right away. Then we will hurry out of this place coz we got to go back to Kai as soon as possible. He must be dead worried although I texted him long back that we would be a bit late”, he informed but he looked much more worried as if he was in Kai’s place. Must be because of that screechy visitor of his too. “Ok ?”, he softly cooed and I nodded my head in understanding before he pecked my lips one last time and went away.

I sighed heavily as I stood in front of the huge mirror with my arms bearing my entire weight while I gripped the edge of the squeaky clean marble slab tightly.

This place was insanely luxurious. My goodness !! Even the fucking sink looked brighter than a star !Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I reflected upon the past events that had rendered me shocked and did I …. um-mm …. faint back in the restaurant while waiting for lunch ?!

Since when did I get so weak hearted or lightheaded ?


Everything seemed so out of place and crazy !!

And the fact of the day was that Hayden was murdered but by fucking whom ?

I must have been at the store at the time of that crime and no one had looked fishy or smelt unusual ! In fact, except for Hayden, my Lycan could sense no other supernatural creature in the store !! To be honest, I think the most innocent looking person or far fetched idea was always the freaking culprit.

But how could I miss it ?

I was a powerful Royal Lycan, afterall !!

It had to be one of the employees or customers in that store who whisked away from the spot after the task was complete.

If I were to rewind the entire scene after I met the rogue and think who could have killed him then I am guessing that, that person must have been around us when Hayden and I were talking.

Hayden did mention that his wolf was getting restless even though I used suppressants. Is it possible that one of my mates did the deed ? Coz why harm a rogue and not me !!

This work was surely that of a supernatural creature who was fighting against the Dark Lord too but who would dare to accomplish such an audacious act and that too openly !

This meant only one thing.

One of my mates or both of them were here- in this neighbourhood !!

“Guess we need to change our tactics now”, Snow remarked in my head. “We are not hurrying away from this neighbourhood any time now. We need to find our mates !!”, she exclaimed.

“But how will we sense them ?”, I queried. “Ughh”, I snorted in exasperation. “When will my birthday come !! Our mate just walked beneath our noses and we did not even know !”, I wailed.

“If it was our mate, then he must be really good. He hid himself really, really well coz lady, ma nose is like a fucking radar. It can catch any signal from miles away specially if there is a hot man involved”, she purred and I could actually see her flick her tongue across her wolfie snout in my head.

“Eww. Perverted wolf !! What the hell is wrong with you, bitch ?!”, I screeched.

“Oh please. Don’t act like a flippin hypocrite”, she retorted. Yeah that’s true ! Eyes are meant to admire beauty afterall.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me, missy”, I scoffed through the mindlink.

“Watch me do it again then”, she purred and the crazy bitch of my Lycan did it again !!

This brat. Argh.

“Very mature, Snow”, I snorted and blocked her away before indulging my face in a splash of cool water.

The idea of having my mate around had calmed my nerves a lot.

Guess I really needed to stay patient till the following weekend and then find my mates !!

I just couldn’t wait for my 18th birthday !

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