Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

“Miss Diaz and Mr Kent, you are late”, the devil faked anger as we entered the class ten minutes late.

I could easily sense the smirk forming under his thin lined lips and I felt like ripping him apart for the prank he pulled off on us.

Fucking asshole !

I swear I would have clawed his face in front of everyone if it were not that pretty.

“We are sorry Sir but a jealous freak poured a complete bucket of adhesive over us while we were …. uh umm ….”, I trailed off but the other devil of my boyfriend completed the sentence instead.

“While we were eating each other’s faces outside our dorm”, Dominic continued and smirked as the tease had its desired effect on Kai.

Wanna know what is Kai’s raw nerve ?

It’s not hard to guess.

It is the fact that he can’t go public like Dominic and I can and it pisses him off to no end.

That means he can’t hang out with us after school hours nor can he go on dates !


The poor prof.

But he is an asshole too. He splashed a bucket full of adhesive on us !

“Your seats are fixed back to the front, Ms Diaz and Mr Kent and I am going to make sure that the other teachers do not let you two change your seats ever !”, he passed his judgement or rather, punishment and smirked back this time.

What the hell !!

This selfish bastard !

He is doing it on purpose to keep us close to him.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind staying near him. Heck, I would love to even stay glued to him all day but he knows we love to cause a ruckus in the class from the back and he is forfeiting those rights of ours for other classes too !!

Sob. Sob. Sob.

“We don’t mind”, Dominic replied airily and took his seat in front of the teacher’s desk before winking at our boyfriend secretly. He chuckled when he saw Kai’s flustered face and beckoned me to join him.

What the hell is he playing at now ?

I don’t wanna sit in the front !!

I wanna go at the back to sit with our group of friends.

“Ms Diaz, we do not have the whole day to wait for the Queen to sit on her throne”, Kai impatiently said making me glare at him.

He is so screwed now.

“Sorry professor but I can not sit with my ‘boyfriend’ in the front or else he won’t be able to keep his hands off me and I do not wish to distract you or the class”, I sweetly replied emphasizing on the word “boyfriend” which was clearly directed to Kai. “Hence, could you please let us go at the back this time and we promise to not disturb the class again”, I tried to strike a deal.

“If that is the case then Mr Kent, you can go at the back while Ms Diaz can sit here alone”, the Satan incarnate professor cheekily ordered and we had no choice but to comply as Kai had already turned his back to us and continued with the lesson.

“Fuck Diaz ! I was going to have fun with him from the front”, Dominic growled in my ear before passing by me.

I shrugged and plopped down on the first fucking seat before I chalked out a plan for my revenge.

Kai’s POV

I was drawing a few graphs on the blackboard while the class listened in rapt attention behind me.

” …. and hence, the graphs clearly show the co-relation between the underlying price of the stock and profit generated as a result of Short Call and Long Put. The other two cases of Long Call and Short Put can be similarly drawn and- ….”, I trailed off when I suddenly smelt something funny.

Sniff. Sniff. Sniff.

My Lycan’s senses can’t be wrong !

I can definitely smell it.

But why is it coming from the ….

Oh fuck !!

I quickly spun around and looked at the mess behind me with a horrified look on my face.


“Oh my God ! Run everyone !!”, Bella shouted after leaping out of her seat and soon after the whole class was empty save for me, Bella, Dominic and obviously the burning heap of the front desk which had seen better days.

“Babe, don’t you know the fire drill ? Run for your life”, Bella whispered in my ear before biting her lips between her teeth like a fucking tease that she was and ran away laughing before I could catch her.

“You should have seen it coming after what you did with Diaz”, Dominic chuckled as he patted my shoulder making me glare at him.

“I swear I am going to fuck you so bad, Domz if you tease me any more”, I growled and he laughed even louder after that.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He fucking ran away too after grabbing my chin and shaking it while singing a teasing “Awwwww”.


How irritating !

Such annoying brats.

I am going to give them a harder punishment in class next time !!

Bella’s POV

“Dear me ! Are you bunking your class ?”, a familiar snarky voice taunted from behind and I might add that the voice kept getting more and more annoying every time I heard it.

I swear I am going to kill this bitch if she puts on another dramatic show in front of everyone and shriek threats and what not in her ear piercing voice.

She has no rights over Dominic and he is not a toy that can just be tossed around.

I just wanna get away from here and that is exactly what I tried to do.

However, the skank seemed to be obsessed with me and jerked me back by my collar.

“Where the fuck are you pussying off to, coward ?”, she roared as she slammed me to the nearest wall.

I swear I could kill her on the spot, let alone let her touch me but we were surrounded by students and not to forget about the surveillance cameras that were clustered everywhere in the hallway.

Let’s get her detained then, shall we ?

I smirked as I saw my opportunity to get a break from the delusional bitch for a few days.

“I am sorry but I don’t talk to tramps or bullies. Excuse me please. You got the wrong person”, I sweetly replied with an innocent smile on my face.

“YOUUUU”, Cassy’s temper flared up and she landed a punch straight into my nose which bled like a leaking tap instantly.

I smirked internally.

The Director’s dear daughter is clearly in trouble now.

There are witnesses all over the place and crystal clear evidence in the surveillance tapes.

Happy Holidays, slut.

“WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING ?!”, a male voice hollered from the other end of the hall and my eyes widened when I saw a fuming Kai making his way towards Cassy who was still holding me by my collar.

I had to admit, Kai looked hot in every damn look.

And now that he was seething with rage, I felt like cooling him off by jumping on him and kissing him left and right.

Dominic was right.

He was one hell of a sexy minx.

Sigh !

“MS MONROE, IN MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW !!”, Kai shouted and glared furiously at Cassy who was shivering with fright now, now that her blood had gone cold.

“S-Sir, I-I a-am so s-sorry”, she stammered but one more glare from Kai and she totally shut up and headed straight towards his room like an arrow.

Kai rushed to me and dabbed his handkerchief around my bloody nose before pressing it against it to stop the blood flow.

“I am so sorry that happened to you”, he worriedly whispered in my ear and his eyes showed how deeply concerned he was.


Why is he such a devil and a sweet angel at the same time ?

Someone please chain me so that I don’t leap on this sexy guy and smooch him senseless for caring about me so much.

I could sense all eyes and ears on us and hence, I cleared my throat and replied, “It is ok, Sir ! You saved me on time. I will be able to manage from here”, I said and smiled to show that I was ok.

I was beyond ok, though.

Physically a mere punch by a human could not harm me but Kai’s touches were causing tingles jolt through my entire being and I would die of embarrassment if I purred under his tender touch in front of everyone !

“Where is your boyfriend at such times”, he angrily asked and I bit my tongue so hard to not say that he was tending so well to me right now.

“I love you”, I whispered instead and suddenly, he stilled and then shot his head in surprise towards me making me chuckle inwardly. Then I answered his original question out aloud for the sake of the cock blocking students around us, “Sir, Dominic has gone to the library to prepare for the upcoming exams. He will be free by evening only”, I supplied.

Kai sighed and hurled me up from the floor before leading me towards the infirmary.

No. No. No.

I can’t let them check out my blood !

They might find out that it is different from that of humans and then I will be so fucked !!

“I am going back to the dorm, Sir. Ms Monroe must be waiting for you. I promise I will lie down and take care of myself”, I tried to pacify my worried boyfriend but he didn’t seem convinced.

“No. You should get yourself checked first and I will come with you”, he firmly declared and left no room for further discussion as he pushed me inside the health care centre.

Fucking awesome !

Now I will have to outsmart him again.

I am definitely not going to allow any kind of exposure specially when the Dark Overlord’s minions are spread all over the place.

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