Tattooed Luna

Chapter 525

"As the alphas know, we got all of your DNA results back. I'm not sure the best way to go about this so I am going to call the names you have been going by. I am going to ask that you walk up and stand in front of me. From there, I will tell you what I know." I watched as all the girls were visibly shaking. It occurred tothat it might have been helpful if the girls were here but I guess it was too late for that. A few of the girls were holding hand, like they had formed a friendship over the tthey were held captive. "Could Grace, Samantha, Vivian and Kenzie cforward?" I watched a four girls walked forward. Sweren't too much younger than us and swere more around our age. "Do you remember anything from your past?" I asked before Alec got started.

"No, we tired everything." The oldest girl shook her head. Tears filled her eyes but it was her shaking hands that wrapped around the other girl's shoulds that got my attention.

"I called you four because you have the sstory. Everyone needs to understand that when you beca ranking member, you are required to submit your DNA to the database for these reasons. So, when we took your blood, we were able to cross match it with those who have done the same. From that, we can figure out where you were from and match it with the missing persons report." He paused and waited until they all nodded that they understood. "The thing you all have in common is the fact that your DNA traced you back to packs that got attacked and are not active anymore. The four of you were presumed dead and everyone else in the pack were killed. However, you do have family that has been connected to you. I have not reached out to them as I felt like that was something you could do when the tis right or I could help you as well. These folders are yours and I have placed your chosen non front. With that being said, you are the remaining ranking members alive, making the pack yours. You have options as to what you want to do going forward. You can join one of our packs as a regular member or you can go back and claim your land. In those folders, there is a paper, you can either take back your birth nand claim the rights to the pack nand land or you can keep your chosen nand put the past behind you. You don't have to decide right now." By the end of the truth bomb, all the girls had their mouths wide open

and their gazes fixated on their folders. One by one, they each cforward, grabbed their file and sat back down in their seats.

The mood in the room was very tense. Sof the other girls had silent tears running down their faces. I sensed more fear than anything but their gazes at those four girls were nothing but sympathy.

"Can Hannah, Brittany, Nova, Tracy, Kelly, and Victoria cstand in front ofplease." All the girls moved in front of Alec and stood there. Swhere holding hands and sseem to just hold onto themselves. My eyes went over and realized Lars's beta and the girl hadn't moved. I wasn't sure which option was the worst in this situation.

"I have folders for each of you as well but your DNA traces you back to European decent There aret family members there. I have also added your missing posters that were spread around. All these are from when you were young girls, like three years old." A few of them opened their mouth to speak but shut it again. As they cforward, Alee stopped two of them from getting their folders. "I'm sorry?" One of the girls asked. I wasn't sure who was who. "You two cback with positive DNA matches. It shows you both are cousins. All that information is in there." "A-are the f-family tress in there?" The sgirl asked.

"If I was able to retrieve them, they are. I haven't been able to do that for everyone." Her face fell as she took her folder. Their girls looked at each other for a moment before going back to their seats. Ironically enough, they were sitting beside each other.

"Everyone else can step forward." Alec shifted and pulled out the smallest of the folders. "Your results are a little different. The hits we got were from fifty to seventy-five years ago. Looking further into it, there isn't any missing posters. The. relatives you had show und died naukal dauses. Where we would see son or daughter take over, the alpha names switch. There aren't any records of your birth on any files. Where we can trace the others back to a certain pack or territory, it appears you were raised as rogues almost. I don't have any evidence to show if your parents too you and ran from something or didn't like the change of alpha so they went to leave. Basically, I don't have answers for you. All I can

tell you is who your grandparents were. There isn't any evidence of foul play or an declaration of war. We will keep looking but I don't even know what your birth nwas. I'm sorry I don't have any more information." They each took their folders and sat back down. Everyone was silent for awhile before I stood up to conclude this meeting. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say something to ease their minds.

"Do we have any options?" One of the girls asked, suddenly. How long do we have to decide what we want to do? "What I want you all to know is you are free." I started my speech.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

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