Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


He had his head propped up on his hands and looked distraught.

She knocked quietly on the door frame. “Pastor Dan, do you need anything else from me?”

Looking up, he brushed a tear from his eyes and shook his head.

“No, you’re good to go ahead and go home. Thank you again for the help, Samantha.” He forced a smile and spun in his chair, wiping his eyes.

Never one to leave a shoulder un-hugged in a time of need, she came around and spun him back around.

“Pastor Dan? What’s wrong?” she asked.

He looked up and sighed. “It’s nothing I should talk to you about,” he said. “It’s private, and between my wife and I.” His facade crumbled quickly, though, and he started to cry softly. She quickly began to rub his shoulder and leaned over to offer him a hug.

“It’s okay,” she said, “Shh.” She repeated her words of comfort as he cried, clutching at her and turning towards her. He stood after a few minutes and pulled her into a hug, squeezing her as his shoulders shook. After a minute, he pulled back and wiped his eyes. Releasing her, he grabbed a few tissues and blew his nose. She quietly stood by, still rubbing his shoulders.

He sighed and turned. “I’m sorry, Samantha. I shouldn’t have lost it like that.”

“Do you…” she started to say. “Is there anything I can do?”

He shook his head. “No, thanks. I’ll be okay.”

“Come on, you can tell me,” she prompted, smiling at him and still rubbing his shoulder.

He sighed and turned. Taking a deep breath, he told her about how he thought his wife was having an affair. He spoke for awhile, and at the end, he seemed to feel better. It was as if talking had eased his pain a little. Finally smiling, he stood and pulled her into a hug again. She felt him lay his head on her shoulder for a moment. He inhaled deeply, his arms wrapped tightly around her, her own around his and her hand stroking the back of his head.

“Come on, now,” she said. “Chin up. God has a plan for you,” she said with a smile.

Still holding on, he backed up a little and smiled genuinely at her. She caught herself staring at him for a moment longer than she should have, and then cleared her throat. He suddenly leaned forwards and kissed her, catching her off guard and drawing a whimper of surprise.

“Pastor Dan!” she said suddenly, backing up. “You… we… I didn’t mean to…” she stammered

He looked at her in shock and quickly covered his face. “Oh, Lord, what am I doing?” he sighed.

“No, no!” Sam said, quickly hugging him tight. “It was me, it was my fault!” she said, desperate to make him feel better.

“You’d probably better go,” he said, “before I do something else to sabotage our friendship.”

He patted her on the back and turned back to sit in his desk.

“I’ll see you soon, okay?” she asked. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You’re very sweet, Samantha. Thank you letting me get that off my chest.” He smiled as best he could and turned back to his computer.

She frowned, but knew that she should leave him alone, but definitely feeling bad about leaving him in his current state. Driving home, she felt like she’d led him on, or done something to cause him to think she wanted to comfort him in a different way. She promised herself that she’d talk to him sometime during the week and make sure he knew that he’d done nothing wrong and that she was sorry.

Still, the kiss was surprising, but it had made him feel better. Was that wicked of her? She turned the thought over and over in her head, but knew that she needed to talk to one of her sisters. Toni was promiscuous and freer with her body than Sam was comfortable with. She knew her advice would probably involve pushing her deeper into a bad situation.

Alex would be a good person to talk with. She was always a good listener and had helped her work out lots of awkward problems.

She drove home, went upstairs and poked her head into Alex’s room. Seeing that she was still asleep, she headed back downstairs and made her a couple of turkey sandwiches and a drink.



Feeling much better after her cleansing run, Alex went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water to quench her thirst. Her brother, Danny, snuck around the corner and slapped her hard on the ass.

Squealing in pain and clutching at her stinging butt cheek, she yelled at him and threw the water bottle.

“You son of a bitch!” she yelled.

Danny laughed as she slapped him a few times while he got in the fridge for something to drink.

“That fuckin’ hurt,” she said, wincing.

“Good,” he said, heading back upstairs. “Love you!” he called back down.

“Fucker,” she muttered, turning and following.

Halfway up, he farted loudly and she swore again, holding her nose and her breath as she finished walking up the steps.

“Fuckin’ cave man,” she yelled. She walked down the long hallway toward her room, but as she passed Toni’s she heard low voices. There were clearly two people in her room talking, and one had a much lower pitch than the other. It must be Wade and Toni.

She sighed and passed by quietly, but could hear them through the long adjoining closet that they shared. Unique in design, their two rooms were the last at the end of the house, on either side of the hall with doors facing each other. The closet door was set in the very end of the hall, but formed a “T” shape between the two rooms with a door in each.

Alex’s room was on the left, and Toni’s the right. She laid down on her bed and pulled out her homework. Soft moans started to come from Toni’s room after a few minutes, and caused Alex to laugh and close her eyes. Standing, she kicked off her shoes and crept quietly into their closet. The louvers on Toni’s door were only slightly opened, so Alex snuck as quietly as she could through the closet until she’d reached her sister’s door.

Cringing, she reached out and gently opened them. Toni was at the end of her bed, facing the closet. She looked up, seeing Alex peering through and immediately held up her hand to shush her.

Alex covered her mouth, and froze, her heart pounding. Wade’s brown hair was between her sister’s legs and he was bobbing his head back and forth. Toni winked and laid back further, her legs spreading. Alex couldn’t see what he was doing exactly, but knew that her sister was really enjoying him going down on her. She saw his hand appear then, as he reached up and began to pull at Toni’s nipple, his fingers squeezing and rolling it before he began to fondle and rub the entirety of her breast.

“I know you were getting pretty friendly with my sister last night. Did you behave yourself?” Toni asked, flashing Alex a grin.

Wade looked up from her crotch and chuckled. “Of course I did. You didn’t talk to her yourself?”

Toni giggled and shook her head. “She’s been sleeping all morning I think. Why? Do you wanna go in there and slide something into her?”

Alex hoped Toni could see her look of shock as she stood in the darkness. She held up a single middle finger for good measure.

“No way, baby,” Wade said. “You’re the one I want,” he said.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

She felt her heart sink then, feeling insulted and started to turn back to her room.

“You don’t find my sister attractive?” Toni asked. “Why wouldn’t you want to have sex with my sister?” She looked down at him sternly, as if he’d said the wrong thing. She moaned softly and moved against him. Alex couldn’t be sure, but she thought he might have his finger inside of her.

“Oh, quite the opposite, baby. If I got to have sex with you and then your absolutely stunning sister, I think I could die a happy man. But seeing as I don’t want to die yet, and having sex with the two of you would most likely kill any man, I figured I should decline.”

“So you do want to have sex with my big sister?” Toni asked.

Wade smirked. “Yes, Toni. I’d love to slide in bed with her right now and then slide into her without waking her up.”

Toni snickered and pushed his face back down to her pussy. Her eyes were on him mostly, but she checked every once in a while that Alex was still watching.

A few minutes of Wade’s rhythmic licking and head bobbing at her crotch had Toni arching her back as an orgasm washed over her body. Alex couldn’t help but watch in amazement as her entire body seemed to tense up at once, her nipples looking painfully erect atop her breasts, and her hands clutching desperately at Wade’s hair. Finally spent, Toni lay there in bliss as Wade stood and began to remove his pants.

Her eyes going wide, Alex turned and began to head back to her own room, but something stopped her. She’d never seen an erect penis in person before, and as much as she wanted to deny it, seeing her sister have an orgasm was a turn on. Biting her lip and fighting briefly against the urge, she sighed and turned back. Slinking back into the racks of clothes, she tried to disappear into the fabric.

Wade was standing naked, his well-formed buttocks towards the closet. Swearing internally, Alex willed him to turn. Toni’s eyes and forehead peered around his hips as she bobbed forwards and backwards. Mirth in her eyes, she winked and turned him, pushing him towards the bed. Sliding back against the wall, he was perpendicular to the closet door.

Subconsciously licking her lips, Alex gazed out from her hiding spot at her first real penis. The first thing she noticed was that it looked like it was in pain. It was ridiculously hard, standing angrily atop his groin as he shifted backwards in the bed and smiled down at Toni. His hand was slowly stroking it as he looked towards her.

Toni slid forwards and to her knees, smiling up at him seductively. Alex couldn’t help herself, and slid her hand into her panties. Feeling how wet she’d become, she immediately felt shame wash over her, but still couldn’t look away.

Wade’s penis looked big, but she didn’t really know for sure. It was her first one, after all. All she’d ever seen was her brothers’ when they walked in on her in the bathroom or when they walked around in their underwear, and they weren’t ever hard when that happened. It was definitely bigger than they were when they were soft, but that wasn’t anywhere near a fair comparison.

She began to rub herself gently, biting into one of the hanging shirts to muffle her whimpers.

Toni was running her tongue across the tip of his cock, up and over the head, pushing it to a point and running it along the slit. Smiling, she lowered her lips over the tip, causing him to moan loudly and close his eyes.

Alex stood transfixed, her eyes glued to his cock. Toni lowered her face onto the shaft, slowly taking it into her mouth, as far as she could. Pushing her finger into herself, Alex slowly began to rub, eliciting a quiet sigh and closing her eyes for a moment. She sighed and looked back into the room. Toni was bobbing up and down on him faster now, her lips pursed and sliding wetly up and down his shaft, leaving a wet shine on his skin. Seemingly unable to take it anymore, he shook his head and quickly stood, pulling Toni up and onto the bed. She squealed in excitement and spread her legs quickly.

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