Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


Running a hand through her long, curly hair, Toni shrugged and lay quiet for a moment. “I just worry about you, you know?” she said. “You just seem so angry about little things.”

Alex sighed.

“I know what you’re going to say,” Toni said. “You hate that our parents treat you like me, even though the only thing that’s the same about us is how we look.”

“You know me so well,” Alex replied sarcastically.

“Well, we are twins,” retorted Toni, not one to be out smart-assed.

Alex closed her eyes as Toni continued to run her hands in her hair. She reached up with her own hand and curled her fingers in a lock of her sister’s hair as she’d done when she was a baby. It was a comfort thing and it was one of the few that brought her complete peace. She always seemed to be able to think better when she was holding onto her sister.

“Talk to me,” Toni prompted.

Alex inhaled deeply for a moment before letting it out in a long, drawn-out, breath. “Well,” she began after a few moments of silence, “I just.. I’m not happy. School is half over and I don’t feel like anything special has happened, you know? Besides the fact that I can’t seem to think of my family as this awful group, I can’t figure out why the kids at school seem to like you more. It’s like I can’t win.”

Toni sighed and continued to stroke her fingers through her hair. “Alex, you should hear yourself. “You complain that your family treats you like me, and that you get angry at them for it and think awful things about us…”

“Not you,” Alex said. “Them.”

Toni smiled and kissed her forehead. “That’s sweet, Alex, but we’re all family. Besides that, you complain that the kids at school treat you different than me and you don’t know why. I know you don’t like that I’m more popular than you. I’m not saying that to be condescending, I promise.”

Alex sighed. “No, I know, I just… I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“Aww, Honey,” Toni said, hugging her. “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just shy.” She continued stroking her hair. “Look, how about we try something new. Tomorrow we can get Daddy to give us his credit card and we can go and try on some new clothes for you, and then tomorrow night, we can go out to a party that Wade told me about.”

Alex sighed. “What are new clothes going to accomplish?” Alex sighed, knowing where this was going.

“Sweetie, you dress like you don’t want to be noticed. Is it any wonder that in conversations around school people can be heard addressing us as Toni and her sister and not Toni and Alex?”

She couldn’t argue the point.

“If you wouldn’t wear such baggy clothes, if you put on makeup, and made an attempt to smile at the boys around school, they would start to notice how much of a knockout you really are!”

She snickered quietly. “I’m identical to you, you’re just complimenting yourself.”

Toni shook her head. “They’ve seen me. When you transform from this… ”

“Ugly duckling?” Alex prompted.

“Shy duckling,” Toni corrected. “You aren’t ugly, Alex. When they see that, they are going to lose their shit.”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Alex sniffed quietly in the dark. “How do you always know how to cheer me up?”

“Because I’m your sister and I love you and I’m awesome,” she answered.

Alex nuzzled her again and brought her knee up. Toni shifted quickly, but Alex had already moved and she accidentally moved her knee up into her sister’s crotch. Feeling nothing but skin, she recoiled quickly.

“What the hell, Toni?” she whisper-yelled. “Why don’t you have panties on?”

Toni giggled and shrugged, reaching out and pulling at Alex’s shirt.

“Gross, Toni, can’t you masturbate after I get out of your room?” She turned and began to leave, opening the door as the light from the hall poured in.

“Alex,” Toni called. “Please don’t leave!”

Sighing, Alex felt the odd pull that she always did when her sister wanted to change her mind. Toni had some weird power over her, something neither of them could easily explain. Whenever Toni wanted something, should could somehow convince her twin, her older twin, to do whatever it was that she was wanting, no matter how much she protested against it. Alex would be trying to tell her no, but Toni just kept at it. Then suddenly, something in her brain would flip and she’d suddenly be all for it. It was fucking infuriating, sometimes.

She’d made her admit to breaking something Toni had broken when they were younger, more than once. She knew that her sister loved her, and wasn’t doing it to be mean, she’d just never been in real trouble and Alex figured that the thought scared the shit out of her. If anything bad ever happened, Toni wouldn’t know what to do without her. That’s why Alex really didn’t mind taking all the difficult stuff on. She was the older sister and even though her twin wasn’t physically frail, she still couldn’t stand to think about her being upset, and honestly didn’t think she could handle real adversity. Alex was very, very protective of Toni, and the younger twin used it to her advantage, especially when it came to getting her way, which she always did.

Still, being able to will your sister to do what you wanted was a powerful tool when she wanted it to be.

“Toni…” Alex begged. “Please don’t ask me to get in bed with you while you’re masturbating.”

Toni giggled and opened the covers for her.

Sighing, Alex came over and started to climb in, pausing to turn on the lamp as she did so, though she didn’t snuggle up against her.

“I just hadn’t finished when you came in, is all,” Toni explained. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it after you leave.”

“You’re disgusting,” Alex said, turning over and facing the door.

“Don’t act like you don’t do it too,” Toni said, wrapping her arm around her and pulling her close. “Here, you can even use my little friend,” she said, and rummaged around under the sheets for a second, producing a long, pink cylindrical object.

“What the hell, Toni?” Alex asked. It was then she noticed how nude her sister actually was, having only a tiny shirt on. “Why are you so gross, sometimes? We were having a nice talk.”

“You were in here with my dildo and with me being nude and were just fine. You only know now because of the light. It’s your fault, dummy.”

Toni liked to be the big spoon when they would lay together, or jet pack, as their dad liked to call it. She had to admit, albeit grudgingly, that it did make her feel safer. Sighing contentedly, she relaxed and closed her eyes. A minute later she felt her nude twin wriggling behind her.

“Please tell me you aren’t masturbating again,” she whispered.

Toni giggled and wiggled around even more.

“Gross,” Alex sighed and moved to get up, but her sister pulled her back.

“I’m just kidding, jeez,” she said. “I’ll behave.”

Alex sighed and relaxed.

“So what’s the big deal anyways? It’s just masturbating,” Toni said, playing with her hair again.

Alex, suddenly getting nervous, shrugged but was silent.

Toni sat up in bed and pushed down on her sister’s shoulder, a shocked look on her face.

“No…” she said.

Alex rolled her eyes and turned back over.

“You don’t masturbate!”

She sighed and tried to get up, but Toni pushed her back down saying, “No, no, no, you’re not getting out of this that easy.”

Alex rolled over face-down and tried to ignore her.

“How… why don’t you?” Toni started.

“Ugh, why do you care? So I don’t play with myself all the time!” Alex rolled over, but then turned away when she saw her sister sitting there almost naked.

Toni giggled. “Well, because, it’s weird!”

“Not everyone is as sexually experienced as you,” she replied, turning back over. She didn’t roll over again, though, and her sister seemed to accept that she wasn’t going to get anything else out of her. She slithered back under the sheets and pulled her into the little spoon position instead.

“So what’s wrong then?” Toni asked. “I think you should try it at least once. I do it to clear my head. It seems to make everything seem a little better. Makes it easier to sleep and you don’t worry about stuff so much.”

Alex sighed, ready to change topics.

“What’s with you?” Toni asked. “I thought we talked about your issues. We’re going to the mall tomorrow and spending lots of Daddy’s money.”

“I know we are, it’s just… something happened today at school,” Alex said.

Suddenly serious, Toni, drew her face up to look at her. “What happened? Did someone hurt you, because I’ll kick his ass…” she said.

“No, it’s not that,” she replied, chuckling softly.

“Well, what then?” Toni asked, only slightly less defensive.

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