Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


“So Amanda, how has school been?” Frederick left few minutes ago saying he wants to check something and he won’t be too long, leaving I and his mother In the hospital room.

“It’s been surprisingly good” I honestly replied, it was the truth afterall. School this week has been absolutely amazing, people minded their business and didn’t disturb me. Even Silver suprisingly hasn’t tried anything yet, and this was all before Frederick even did that announcement. So I wonder how tomorrow will be.

“That’s good to hear” She smiled. Although she’s been trying to convince her son that she’s been feeling a lot better and all, I’m sure Frederick could see through her lie. I mean the naked eyes could clearly see it. Mrs Zikora was getting paler and paler by the day. You could include getting a lot more thinner and weaker to. Even today although she desperately tired to hide it, the hand she was using to hold the book that she was reading was shaking slightly. You would have to be paying close attention to be able to notice it.

“How about your parents, are they back yet?” as soon as I heard the question I remembered that my parents really did travel and that they were still out of the country. Honestly how won’t I forget? Even when they were around I rarely saw them so them being away didn’t really change a thing.

“No not yet” A sour taste was left in my mouth as I recalled my parents. Just like I predicted, they haven’t called me, not even once, to check up on me. They were most definitely parents of the year, don’t you think?

Wanting to immediately change the topic I asked.

“So ma has the doctor said anything else concerning your health?”

with a sad laugh she said “Sadly no, the situation is still the same as when last I told you” I heaved out a sad sigh.

“I’m sorry but I will have to tell Frederick about this. I can’t keep this from his any longer” I truthfully told her.

She released a sigh of her own “If you tell him it might break him Amanda”

As respectfully as I could I countered “But if he finds out much later, it will break him even more. Do you really want to take such a chance?”

With a sigh of absolute defeat she smiled “No I do not”

“Your a wonderful girl Amanda” she told me next “A girl with a big heart. I knew you were the right person for my Frederick” I Just smiled, wasn’t too sure about the ‘right person’ part though.

“You look like you have another question for me, you’re free to ask” She was as quick as ever in noticing things.

“Ma the question might be a little uncomfortable for you, do you still want me to ask?” she nodded her head giving me a goo ahead.

Letting out a breath I finally asked the question that has been bugging from the first day I met Frederick’s mom in the hospital.

“Where is Mr Zikora?”

She didn’t even seem fazed by my question, instead gave me a grin “I was wondering when you would inquire about that” God knows I wasn’t expecting the next thing that she said.

A melancholy look bedizened her entire face “But to answer your question Amanda, your future Father-in-law is sadly not with us anymore. He past away few years back”

“Frederick wasn’t always this optimistic in life” I listened attentively as Frederick’s mom continued talking.

“He was once in a very bad place” She narrated sadly.

“It was when his father passed away, that that’s when it all started” eagerly I wanted to ask ‘When what started’ but I immediately stopped my hasty self.

“My baby went into drugs” She choked out a sob. My body automatically moved and I went to her to comfort her, though I didn’t really exactly know how to comfort a person. Not a single clue.

To say I was shocked by her words was an understatement. Sure I was surprised by what she said, but the first thing that came first was to comfort her.

After gathering herself she gave me a small smile, indicating that she was alright now. I removed my hands from her and went back to sit down.

“Sorry about that” she tried to joke “As I was saying, Frederick went into doing drugs. One time he overdosed and I had to rush him to the hospital. One of the worst days of my life if you ask me” A bitter smile covered her face as she spoke.

Truth be told I didn’t even know how to react to what she had told me. I just couldn’t imagine Frederick doing something like that, pretty sure nobody could imagine it. But just like I personally know, you don’t judge a book by its cover. A person might be miserable or maybe even dying inside but the fake smile and behavior you see could easily mask it. It never really occurred to me that Frederick might be hurting or has gone through something like this. I’ve always thought that he was too positive, I didn’t just know that maybe he just had to be that.

Mrs. Zikora continued “You see Frederick and his father were like this” she joined her two forefingers to demonstrate “So my husband passing away really hit him hard, hit ‘us’ hard” She corrected. “It took some time, but through a lot of counselling and therapy Frederick stopped it. After that we moved abroad for like a year before coming back” She finished with a relived sigh.

“Wow” was all I could mumble out. Couldn’t really think of another thing to say.

“it’s a lot to take in I know” adjusting herself a little on the bed she spoke “Frederick wouldn’t have told you, because he wouldn’t have wanted you to feel sorry for him or see him in a completely different light. But do you know the reason why I told you Amanda?”

“No” I whispered.

“I told you because you needed to know Amanda” I wasn’t really getting what she meant but I continued listening intensely. “We both know I’m not going to be around much longer, and I need someone to be there for Frederick when that time comes. And that someone Amanda is you”

“But…” I wanted to counter her statement but was stopped.

“That time ‘will’ come Amanda, no matter how much we both try to deny it, it will”

“I just have one request Amanda, will you do this old lady a favor?” She joked with a wink.

“What is your request ma?” My throat at the moment felt scratchy, it always feels like that anytime I was close to tears.

“I want you to always be by Frederick’s side, will you do that for me?” I just had one question still lingering behind.

“Why me?” I asked “Trust me I’m not the right person for this job. Frederick deserves a whole lot better than me” As sad as that sounded, it was honestly the truth. There were better people out there, people that were not me, that were not trying to fix there broken selves.

“Frederick was right” Mrs Zikora frowned. She looked… angry? This was the first time I had ever seen such a look on her face. Usually she was always smiling or laughing. This was definitely new. I gulpedNôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Right about what”

“You conceal your worth way too much young lady. You might not know this but your worth is much greater than jewels and mere gems honey. I thought Frederick had talked some sense into you” She muttered her last words.

It was like Frederick and his mom just had a gift of making me cry.. strictly in joy though. What did I say, this woman was an absolute gem. I gave her a watery smile.

“And to answer your question dear, the reason why it has to be you is because I trust you. We met in the past Amanda, you might not remember me or maybe you do… but we did meet” Confused I stared at her. What did she mean by that. I don’t recall ever meeting her before the hospital.

As I was about to find out more on what she said Frederick entered the room.

“So mummy I’m done with what I wanted to do. it’s already getting late I have to go drop Amanda. But don’t worry I will be back as soon as I can” I couldn’t read the accurate emotion on Frederick’s face, but all I knew was that he was definitely faking the smile on his face. What was he hiding?

“Let’s go Amanda” He stretched his hand out for me to hold. That same fake smile was still plastered on his face.

I still took his hand. I guess I would find out what’s wrong when we get in the car.

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