Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


I wasn’t in any way expecting the next thing I saw when we entered the room.

Immediately we entered, I spotted a woman not looking older than 35 years laid stiffly on a hospital bed. The lady wasn’t really what got my attention no, it was the number of tubes that were connected to her that immediately got my utmost scrutiny.

“Oh, it seems like she’s sleeping” I heard Frederick mutter beside me. And indeed she was. Her eyes were shut softly giving rise to her eyelashes sweeping her cheeks, Her skin looked awfully pale for a black person, and her hair was covered making It impossible to see her hair. But all in all her looking pale and sickly didn’t hide the fact that she was exceptionally beautiful.

“Your mom is gorgeous” I whispered to Frederick not wanting to disturb his mother’s slumber.

With a genuine small smile, he responded “Thank you”

I took my time to glance over the room. I knew Frederick’s parents were pretty much loaded, so the extravagance of the hospital room didn’t all that shock me.

“Is she okay?” Immediately the question came out of my mouth, my eyes automatically widened at how stupid my question sounded.

I tried to rectify my words quickly “Sorry that was a very silly question. I mean obviously she’s not okay, seeing as she is in the hospital and all….” I rambled on in a soft low voice. Pretty sure I sounded ridiculous.

Frederick only released a low chuckle at this, and a shake of the head. “It’s okay Amanda, I know you didn’t mean any harm by your question” I released a relieved breath at his words.

“So what exactly is wrong with her?” I finally mustered up the courage to ask for a second time.

He heaved out a sigh before talking “She has malignancy”

I raised a eyebrow in surprise “She has Cancer!?” I mumbled out in shock.

“Ah, You’re a smart one after all” He joked with somewhat of a forced smile.

“Frederick” I said In a serious tone.

Releasing a long sigh he then spoke in an apologetic tone “Sorry, I tend to tell bad jokes when I’m tensed”.

There was one thing I liked about Frederick, and it was that he blunt and truthful not only to other people but also to himself. It made him all the more appealing as a person.

He didn’t wait for a reply from me before he continued talking. “And yes like you’ve rightly said, my mom does have cancer. Appendix Cancer to be more specific”

At that moment I didn’t know the right words to use. Using either ‘Oh I’m so sorry to here that’ or ‘That’s horrible’, really didn’t sit well with me. But after much contemplation I finally came up with the best consoling words I could offer.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll get through this” I said to him with all determination, trying to encourage him. Because he might have tried to hide it from me but his eyes looked undoubtedly sad, and I didn’t like it. I liked the cheerful, playful happy Frederick, not the sad one in front of me.

Turning his gaze to his sleeping mother he responded “I hope so”.

“I’m going to the vending machine to get something. Do you want anything?” He asked out of nowhere after a short time of silence.

I shaked my head signaling a ‘No’.

“Okay then, you can just sit down on the couch and wait for me” Finishing his words, it then occured to me that we had been standing since when there was a place for us to sit all along.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really like the idea of Frederick leaving me in the hospital room with his mother. I mean what if she woke up to see a stranger in her room, that would most definitely call for the raise of an alarm. And most importantly I hated invading people’s privacy and space, him leaving me there would be somewhat doing the same thing.

Before I could even utter another word Frederick was already out of the door. I sighed in defeat.

“Well then” I muttered to myself before sitting down on the couch.

“I was wondering when he was going to leave” I heard a feminine voice call out suddenly.

Surprised I automatically turned to the direction were the voice came from, wanting to detect who the owner was. And boy was I in for a surprise.

Frederick’s mother struggled a little before positioning herself in a sitting position on the bed. See her awake made me to even confirm her beauty all the more.

I quickly stood up from the couch, bending my knee slightly and greeting her in a respectful manner….. I thought she was sleeping.

“No need for all that dear” She waved her hand dismissively with a kind smile. The drip that was contacted to her hand moved in the same manner as her hand.

“You can sit down” She said.

Her voice sounded incredibly soft and delicate. She had that kind of voice that if she sang a lullaby to you, you would immediately doze off.

“Thank you ma” I muttered then sat down. I didn’t really know what to say or do next.

“You seem a little tense dear, Why don’t you relax a little, I don’t bite” still with that soft tone of her’s she spoke to me.

I didn’t say anything in return as I didn’t have anything to say. I was a naturally awkward individual, I never really communicated well with people.

After some time she spoke again, this time in a teasing tone “It seems like you have something you want to ask your mother-in-law? be free to ask me” So she did know who I was. I was beginning to wonder if she did, seeing as neither of us have seen each other before.

The truth was that I didn’t have any question I was dying to ask her or anything like she thought I was. But for some reason I didn’t want to disappoint her expectations, if that even made a grain of sense, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

“Where you pretending to be asleep this whole time?” She did say be free, didn’t she?

She surprised me by giving me a smirk. “Not the whole time” she said. “I was actually sleeping at first before I heard you two come in”

There were a lot of ways I imagined Frederick’s mother to be. But the thought of her being this playful wasn’t in the list. For a woman that was sick with cancer, she seemed awfully cheerful. Not that I didn’t want her to be cheerful and all, it was just a wonder to me.

Confused I asked “Then why pretend to sleep?” It was kind of refreshing to be able to talk to an adult so freely.

A sad look immediately covered her face. Familiarity suddenly engulfed me whole as I spotted the look on her face. At that moment in time it looked like I have met someone that looked exactly like her in the past. She looked awfully familiar.

“Because I couldn’t face Frederick after the news I got today” I was immensely curious to know what the news she got was, but I didn’t want to ask as that may seem rude and It wasn’t any of my business to know what it was.

“Oh” was all I could mutter out.

“I like you” She suddenly said out of nowhere. I looked at her confused as to what led her to that statement.

She continued “You could have easily asked me what the ‘news’ I was talking about was, but you kept your questions to yourself. It shows that you’re not an Amebo” She laughed, her eyes crinkled at the edges.

“Thank God I’m leaving my son in good hands” With a small smile she said. Although it was said with a smile, I could easily see the grim sadness in her eyes as she spoke. From her statement it shows that she was already prepared for if she died. That act alone easily showed that she was a strong woman.

I don’t know where the sudden confidence came from but I told her in an assuring tone “Ma you shouldn’t say things like that, I’m sure you will get through this” It’s funny how I was trying to encourage a woman that I barely know, when I couldn’t even encourage myself to do certain things like stand up for myself. What a joke.

“I would love to believe that too dear, trust me. But the news the doctor gave me, was unfortunately a sad one. I now have stage III appendix Cancer, and the doctor said it’s only going to get worst. Chemotherapy isn’t going to help me anymore. He said I and my family should be prepared for the worst” My mouth having a mind of its own released a gasp of shock.

The sadness that engulfed me was totally unexpected. I felt sad for her but most importantly I felt sad for Frederick. People might say otherwise but the truth was that if a person passes away, the love ones that are left behind, are truly the ones that faces more pain. Because they continue to live on with regrets and sadness, missing the person that is gone oh so desperately.

I didn’t want to say ‘sorry’ as o felt it was inappropriate. So instead I said to her.

“Don’t lose hope. God always makes a way” a bright genuine smile took over her face.

“You are really a kind person Amanda. I knew you were the right one for my son” at her words I became intrigued. Wait she was that arranged our marriage? I truly thought it was all my greedy parents hand work.

I was about to question her on that when Frederick bragged into the room, two drinks were placed in his hand.

As soon as Frederick saw his mother awake a full grin adorned his face.

“Mommy you’re awake?” he asked rhetorically.

With a smile on her own face she responded “Yeah I just woke up not too long ago” She smoothly lied. I didn’t say anything as it wasn’t my place to.

“So mommy you’ve met Amanda abi?” With a cheeky smile Frederick gestured to me.

“Of course na, my iyawo” At her words I automatically blushed. Once again I thank the Lord for blessing me with the pigment melanin.

(Iyawo- means new wife in Yoruba a Nigerian language)

“Mommy stop teasing her na” Frederick joked with a mild laugh. I have seen playful and cheerful Frederick a lot. But this Frederick right here looked more cheerful than I have ever seen him. It did something that my organ that pumps blood round the body. Yes I was talking about my heart.

“Oya I will stop” She said. Then in not less than a few seconds she added “For now” in a playful tone. She even added a wink on top sef. Frederick’s mom was a character so to say. she really didn’t behave like a normal parent. Or was it my parents that were the problem?

After he stopped laughing Frederick proceeded to ask his mother about her health and everything. If she had any body pains , or if anything didn’t feel right in her body. The list went on.

I saw another side of Frederick that day and I absolutely loved it. Now I had another thing to add to the list of things I knew about him. Not only was he Intelligent and athletic, he was also a good caring son.

But looking at the both of them as they joked and laughed, sometimes even including me in the mix, made me all the more sad. Two of them had limited time together. I know I said ‘God will always make a way’, but let’s be true to ourselves. I have heard of cases when the cancer suddenly vanishes like it was never there to begin with, but it was quite rare especially when it was approaching the last stage of cancer. I can only hope that a miracle of some sort could happen, for her and Frederick’s sake.

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