Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 492

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 492

Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 492

Chapter 150: White Queen to the Rescue


Sitting in my cozy cabin in Winter Forest, I glanced out the window at the beautiful scenery around us. The snow was falling softly, adding to the peaceful atmosphere inside. Big fluffy flakes gently swirled through the air as they danced their way to the ground. The white blanket that covered the ground outside was pristine and untouched, except for the tracks of the occasional animal.

The room we were in was small but warm and inviting, much cozier than the castle I used to live in here in Winter Forest. The walls were made of wood, painted a deep red color that matched the braided rug on the floor.

It was getting dark outside, but the family room was bright. A fireplace made of stone took up one wall, and a fire was crackling happily inside, casting a warm glow over the room.

“I love these family gatherings,” I said, sighing contentedly. ‘ It’s so nice to be all together, especially during the winter solstice.’

“I agree. Mom,” Maeve said from her seat nearby. “It’s a nice change from our annual reunion at Avondale. While that was fun for a few years, I really do miss seeing snow during winter.’

Troy gave his wife a kiss on the cheek before he sat down. “I bet you’ll miss the beach in about three days.’

My daughter laughed, “Oh, I’m sure I will, but right now, nothing beats a sip of warm cocoa by the fireplace.’

Rowan and Hannah sat next to one another on a smaller couch across from Maeve, their fingers interlaced. I sighed contentedly, ‘There’s nothing like being surrounded by loved ones to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.’

Ethan and I built this house when Maeve and Rowan were just kids. We had so many memories of their adventures together in the woods nearby. Sometimes it was still hard for me to believe that Maeve and Rowan were all grown up and had children of their own.

My husband sat by my side, holding my hand as we reminisced about the old days. It was hard to believe how fast the grandkids were growing. I could hear Maeve’s three boys playing upstairs in one of the larger bedrooms, along with their cousin, Selene, who had turned eight not long ago.

“Here,” Ethan said, raising his mug of cocoa in a toast. ’To family, the greatest gift of all.”

We all clinked our mugs together and took a sip of the warm, chocolatey drink.

“Speaking of family,” Maeve seemed to suddenly think of something, ‘I forgot to tell you that Selene said something interesting. It was last year, around the same time when you guys came to Avondale.”

Immediately, she got all the attention in the room, especially from Hannah. Maeve gave Hannah an assuring smile, “Don’t worry, nothing bad.’

Troy’s brow slightly creased, it was obvious that he also remembered that incident. Maeve continued, ‘Selene said someone who looked like her grandpa was coming home. Dad, I could only think of one person who looks like you and is similar in age as you.”

That was when a loud knock at the door startled all of us. I looked up to see Ethan had already gotten out of his chair to answer it.

Who would be visiting us at this odd hour?

The rest of us got to the door just in time to watch Ethan’s face go pale and he took a step backward, shock written all over his features. I couldn’t see who was at the door from where I was, but I heard Ethan’s gasp.

“Soren?” Ethan muttered in disbelief. “Is that really you?”

“Hello Ethan. It’s been a while.’

No matter how many years had passed, I could never forget that voice!

Happy tears brimmed my eyes as I ran up and saw a face that looked extremely like Ethan’s. “Oh goodness! Soren! It really is you!”

I opened my arms and tried to give the man who had accompanied me through some of my worst days a welcome-home hug, when I saw there was someone in his arms.

A young woman. She was unconscious. While there were no visible wounds, she looked distressed.

“Yes, it’s me.” Soren smiled. “Rosalie, it’s wonderful to see you. You haven’t changed a bit.’ Then his smile faded quickly. “I know it’s been a long time, but I need your help.’

“It’s cold out, come on in.” I gestured to him. Assuming that the person who needed help was the young lady he brought, I directed my kids, “Maeve and Rowan, help Soren put her down in the bedroom at the top of the stairs.”

‘Yes, mom,” they responded in unison.

Without being asked, Soren explained as we laid the young woman down on the bed, “This is my daughter, Ciana. I wish I could introduce her to you all in a much less chaotic manner.”

Soren had a daughter and she was absolutely gorgeous.

I had a thousand questions to ask him, but I had to pick the most urgent one right now. ‘Tell us, what can we do?”

He looked stricken. His face was etched with worry and guilt. It looked as if he blamed himself for what had happened to his daughter, and I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for him.

Soren’s gaze locked on me.

“Long story short, Ciana lost her life essence and her soul. She needs help from the White Queen!”


It took all of us a while to digest the information that Soren brought.

Who would know there was a whole separate realm out there? No wonder we hadn’t seen him for years in a row no matter how hard Ethan and Georgia tried to get in touch with him.

“It’s been so long since we had any trace of you. I thought you were lost to us forever,” Ethan said, his voice laced with emotion.

“I’d used the portal to go back and forth a few times, but I had no idea that the portal wasn’t always in the same spot,” Soren explained, pacing back and forth across the room.

“But you managed to locate it at the same time that Ciana needed help. Goddess must be watching out for her.” I smiled, glancing over my shoulder at him, and saw Ciana in her sleeping form. She was a lovely girl, and I figured she got her blonde hair from her mother.

Soren nodded. “Very true. Not only did we locate the portal, Ciana also happened to be in possession of another Moon Stone, that’s why I was able to bring her over. The Goddess has indeed blessed us with everything working in our favor this time, including the fact that when I stepped through the portal, I was so close to Winter Forest.”

I listened to Soren’s explanation, my mind racing with questions. It was clear that there was still so much we didn’t know about the Realm of Shadow and the power of the Moon Stone. But right now, our focus needed to be on Ciana and finding a way to cure her.

“We ll do everything we can to save Ciana,” I said, standing up and placing a hand on Soren’s arm.

Soren let out a sigh. “Thank you so much, Rosalie. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.’

Rowan asked, “Based on what you said, uncle Soren, Ciana would need help to restore her life essence first, and then we also need to figure out a way to restore her soul?”

“I believe so.’

“The life essence part seems relatively simple,” Maeve analyzed, looking at me. “Mom’ s blood or my blood will do. But how can we restore her soul?”

Everyone turned their gaze at me. I smiled lightly at them and asked, “Family, are you ready for a trip to the sacred temple?”

Ethan paused for a moment. “You mean, the temple where your mother was buried?”

“Exactly.” I nodded.

After a short moment, Ethan stood up from his seat. “Then we’d better get ready! I’ll get some supplies pulled out for the trip. Rowan, come help me, would you?”

Rowan followed his father while Hannah went to put the kids to bed. Maeve stayed with me and we worked together to do a final assessment of Ciana’s physical condition and get her prepared for what would need to be done at the temple.

Troy had been abnormally quiet the entire time. His gaze never left Soren ever since Soren had arrived. I heard from Maeve that he might have seen Soren when he was young and he probably had been wanting to get an answer.

“Troy, why don’t you show Soren his room? We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and I’m sure Soren could use some rest.” I suggested.

“Sure!” My son-in-law gestured for Soren to follow him. As they walked away, I overheard him ask, “So… are you the Soren I met when I was younger? Or was that someone else with such an unusual name.”

Soren chuckled. ‘That was me. I knew your parents had become my enemies, but you were still family to me. Behar was my cousin. I wanted to make sure you were safe. I’m sorry I couldn’t have done more.”

The conversation brought a smile to my face. I was glad Troy was finally able to get some closure.


We reached the sacred temple of the Moon Goddess before sunset the next day.

It hadn’t changed much since our visit many years ago when we needed to restore Ethan’s soul. The trees surrounding the temple were tall and majestic, their branches heavy with snow. The tranquil pond in front of the temple was frozen over, the surface slick and shiny.

Ethan and Rowan pushed the heavy, wooden gate open and I could feel the energy of this sacred place pulsing through me. This was where my mother. Queen WiIla, had been crowned the White Queen, and where she and the other White Queens were buried.

As we entered the temple, our footsteps echoed off the stone floor. The altar at the center of the temple was surrounded by flickering candles, their light casting a warm glow on the room.

“Soren, let’s lay Ciana down on the altar,” I suggested. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Soren flattened Ciana on the altar and Maeve began to prepare for the ritual.

Behind the altar was a beautiful statue of the Moon Goddess. She was depicted as a woman with long, flowing hair and a peaceful expression on her face. She was surrounded by a halo of stars and a crescent moon, symbols of her power and divinity.

When I looked upon her gleaming marble statue that radiated a sense of holiness and serenity, I knew that the Moon Goddess was watching over us and lending her power to our cause. Years ago, we came here to save Ethan from his doomed fate as a rogue. Today, I prayed to the Goddess that the same ritual could restore the soul of our innocent Ciana.

We formed a circle, centering the altar. I took a deep breath and turned back to the group, their expressions somber as they waited for my instruction.

“Maeve and Hannah, come to my side, I’ll need your help.”

My daughter and daughter-in-law stepped closer to stand by either side of me.

With my eyes closed, I held Maeve’s hand, and started the ritual.

“Oh, holy Moon Goddess above, we beseech thee today to look down upon us and bless us with your undying love as we celebrate the life of those we love. We thank you for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon us, and we ask you to please be with each of us as we continue to do the work all of the former White Queens would expect us to do.”

I took a deep breath and continued, my voice growing more urgent. “Goddess, we ask for a miracle from you. We ask for your holy grace to rain down upon the one of us who has lost her soul.”

Hannah handed me an exquisite but sharp knife, and I gently sliced it across my left palm, and then Maeve did the same with her right. We held our bleeding hands over Ciana’s lips and hoped that the magic within our veins could flow into her and help her regain her vitality.

Seeing the healthy glow returning to her face, I reached out and touched Ciana’s forehead, channeling all of the magic within me into her. ‘Goddess, please lend me your power and help the soul who is desperate for your guidance!”

As I spoke the words, I could feel the energy of the temple shifting and pulsing around us. The Moon Goddess was answering our call. It was time.

I began the ritualistic chant, the same one Cerina had used to save Ethan all of those years ago.

“Dieta de Lune, ma devo ti solasta gor libertia du essencia de ma harte de surita enilationa de ula exestian!”

Maeve and Hannah also joined me in the chanting, our voices echoing off the walls of the temple.

Ciana’s breathing started to get heavier. I felt dark power beginning to gather and try to push my hand off of Ciana’s forehead. I held strong, resisted the force and maintained the connection to Ciana’s forehead.

Seeing beads of sweat seeping through my own forehead, Maeve placed her hand on top of mine, and I gave her an appreciative smile.

Together, our chant grew louder and louder.

Dieta de Lune, ma devo ti solasta gor libertia du essencia de ma harte de surita enilationa de ula exestian- Moon Goddess, I channel your power to free our loved one from the fate of a doomed life.

I didn’t know how long it took. Finally, Ciana’s breathing started to calm down, and the resistance that tried to break our physical connection slowly dissipated.

Confident that I had done everything I could, I opened my eyes and looked at Soren.

“It is finished. All we can do right now is wait.”

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