Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 483

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 483

Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 483

Chapter 141: My Heart Screamed “Yes*


The air was cool today but not in a way where it wasn’t pleasant to be outside. The last few days had been weird, to say the least. I had settled into the palace well even though it didn’t feel like I needed to settle in. This place, as strange as it sounded, offered me a certain peace.

My mind wandered to a pair of mesmerizing dark eyes and the way that they tried to lure me in.

I shook my head, trying to rid my mind of King Theo’s presence.

Jake said to trust him but I didn’t know why I just couldn’t. There was something familiar about him but I couldn’t bring myself to take that leap.

I had just turned the corner when I was nearly toppled over by one of the servants who were sprinting in the opposite direction from me.

“Forgive me, my lady.” She bowed before sprinting past me.

Three more servants followed after her, brushing past me.

“What’s going on?” I muttered to myself as I walked into the square and searched for what they were running from.

“Why the hell is it so damn big?” I heard Jake’s muffled voice in the distance.

I hid behind one of the finely pruned hedges and looked through the small opening. There was Jake, approaching the square. But he wasn’t alone.

Was that a… leopard? I squinted my eyes and zeroed in on the moving object.

Yep. That was a leopard, all right.

Why on earth was there a leopard on the loose in this grand palace?

Jake looked around the area and then turned to the leopard that was now moving toward the large oak tree.

“Here kitty, kitty, kitty…” He moved to the animal slowly and groaned, “Why didn’t I recommend a normal gift? Like a diamond or a damn handbag?”


“Did you find it?” Warren came out of seemingly nowhere. “Of all the things this man could have bought, he decided to get her a leopard?”

“She likes animals.” Jake scratched the back of his neck.

“Then get her a cat, not a freaking predator of the jungle,” Warren panted. From where I was hiding, I could see his face was red from trying to get on the tree. It was rare to see the elegant and graceful prince frustrated like this.

“Believe me, that was what I meant when I said a cute cat. Sir, can we please just get it down before we ruin the surprise for her?”

“Alright. You go to the left, I’ll be on the right to corner this baby,” Warren instructed. As they slowly moved to the tree, Warren commented. “But I’m pretty sure that Ciana will love it. She has always had an affinity for animals.”

What? This leopard was a gift for me? From the king?

That same light fluttery feeling returned to my chest. It happened whenever his name was mentioned or when he was close to me. I didn’t fully understand my bodily reaction to him. It unnerved me.


Jake was staring right at me.

Oh well, they saw me.

I stood to my full height and hoped my cheeks weren’t flaming red.

“Prince Warren, Beta Jake, fancy seeing you two here.” I cleared my throat and came out from behind the bush, plastering on a fake smile, looking at both men.

My eyes flicked to the leopard that had now settled at the base of the tree. It was unlike its nature to not climb, but then again it probably felt safe here. I pointed to the predator on the ground, “I see you both are quite busy on this fine day.”

The two men exchanged a look between themselves.

“Anyone going to say something?”

Jake snapped out of his trance as if a lightbulb had just gone off in his head. “Can you watch him for a second? I need to run and get the king, I will be back real quick.”

“I also have a meeting to run to,” Warren, smiling nervously, also started to back away. “You are good with animals, right? He won’t bite, at least I don’t think.”

“Wait,” I looked at them both.

“See you around,” they both said in unison.

“Okay…” I waved robotically, “…bye.”

They skittered off like two little pups that had been caught red-handed.

I then turned to the leopard that was looking directly at me.

I’d always had an affinity for animals, it wasn’t a secret. Seeing the leopard reminded me of my friends in the woods back home. I missed them.

“You are gorgeous.” I looked at the majestic beast, the apex predators-the kings of speed. I thought back to the servants who had run away with fear in their eyes.

“There’s no need to fear you.” I smiled at her. “Don’t worry about all those people that were running from you. They just don’t understand your beauty.”

The sun hit her in just the right spots to truly highlight her fur. “You are magnificent.”

I walked over to her slowly, closing the distance inch by inch. When I was about a foot away I stopped, not wanting to spook her or make her think I was coming to attack her.

Patience, slow movements and being friendly, those were the keys to dealing with animals.

I held my hand out to her and waited for her to allow me to approach her. Then she raised her head and sniffed my hand. When she was sure that I was not a threat, she placed her forehead on my palm.

I relaxed a little and settled in next to her.

I laid my back against the bark and looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful day.

The leopard placed its head in my lap and nuzzled up close to me. I stroked her fur and we just enjoyed each other’s company for a quiet moment.

I looked down at the animal and she was already staring up at me. “You need a name, sweet girl. What should we call you? Leapy?”

She purred and scratched behind her ear.

“No? Alright, Aurum? It matches your coat.”

She scratched her face.

“Um…What about Neava? It means strength and resilience. Do you like that name?”

She purred and I knew we had found our winner.

“Good girl! Let’s have some food, Neava!” I jumped up from the ground and went straight to a little shed off to the side. “I will be right back. You stay here.”

By the time I returned with food, it struck me again, I just knew exactly where to get food. It was what I had been feeling for the past few days. These halls, these walls and even the people working in the building. I just knew them even without specific memories.

There was no doubt that I’d been here and people around me did seem harmless to me. I just wish I could remember exactly what happened.

The vibe of the palace felt strange to me. On one hand, I didn’t particularly like to be trapped within the walls, but on the other, there was something attracting me here.

I sighed, and decided not to get bogged down in the fog in my head after a few tries.

“Enjoy it,” I smiled as Neava lifted her head and then looked at the meat treats in my hand. Animals don’t smile but in that moment I swear I saw Neava smile. I could see the happiness in her eyes.

I leaned my head back against the tree and looked up at the sky.

Had Theo really gotten Neava as a gift for me? Why would he do that? It wasn’t my birthday nor was it any other special occasion.

“Beautiful day isn’t it?” A deep and smooth voice sent a frenzy of flutters into my chest.

I snapped my eyes open and looked at the king.

“Your Majesty,” I cleared my throat.

He stared directly into my soul, his gaze intrusive and sharp. “Theo. I’m only ever Theo to you.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” I insisted on keeping the formality.

He didn’t fight me back on it, only walked over to the leopard and crouched down. He reached into the bag of treats beside him and offered them to Neava, who gladly accepted the food and purred at his presence.

“I’m impressed, Your Majesty,” I smiled, trying to find a common ground for us, “Few people get along with large animals like Neava this easily.”

“What is there to fear?” He rubbed Neava’s forehead. “Wait, you named her?”

I nodded, a small blush heating my cheeks. “Yes, Neava. It’s an ancient name from her ancestral land that means strength and resilience.” I looked down at her. “A beautiful name for a beautiful creature.”

“Yes,” his voice came out much softer than before.

When I turned to look at him I saw him staring directly at me. My breath hitched.

I flusteredly looked away. “Who taught you how to handle animals?”

“A very special person in my life.”Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“I bet I could be good friends with that person then. We both love animals!”

His face softened. “I’m sure you would.”

I found myself staring at him longer than what would be considered polite, so I cleared my throat and looked away from him. “I feel much better now. I think now it’s time for me to return back to my home pack. Thank you for your hospitality, it was greatly appreciated.”

“I don’t think you should leave…” I shot him daggers with my gaze. What did he mean? I wasn’t a prisoner! “…Yet,” he added, after seeing my unfriendly glance. “Your father is on his way here. He sent word yesterday and should arrive shortly.”

“My father?”

“Yes. So instead of rushing back maybe you can wait for him here.”

I nodded with my face heated a little, feeling guilty that I misunderstood him, “Okay. Thank you. Your Majesty.”

He gave me a pointed look. “I told you, it’s Theo.”

It was still weird for me to say his name out loud in his presence, but if that was what he wanted then I would do it.

“How about you join me for a walk?”

I didn’t immediately say yes.

“You will be gone in a few days and I won’t get to see you anymore. Besides, would you really turn down the king s invitation?”

He was right.

“Okay,” I stood from my place next to Neava. “Please lead the way.”

Theo nodded and called to Neava to follow him. I fell into step with him and we walked to the back of the royal gardens.

“It’s such a beautiful day and these gardens are magnificent,” I breathed in the fresh air and let out a low sigh, “they really are.”

The green grass and the pruned hedges just added to the grandeur of the entire area. “I know you have all these wonderful expensive plants closer to the center, but this part of the garden has to be my favorite.”

“It always has been,” Theo said with a distant look on his face. “You always felt better in nature. You seemed to be calmer there.”

One side of his lips tilted upward as he watched Neava walk ahead of us.

“You would sometimes spend hours here in the garden.” He flashed me a quick glance before turning back ahead. “I think out of all of the women who came to the palace, you were the least excited one to be there. And you made sure that I knew it even from day one.”

“Your Majes-I mean Theo,” I corrected myself. “I don’t remember any of these moments you are talking about.”

He let out a heavy sigh before turning toward me. “I know you don’t. I hope one day it will all just come flooding back.”

Then he scoffed at himself and muttered something. I thought he said, “Or maybe not.”

I didn’t mistake the sadness in his voice, even though he didn’t display it on his face.

“Tell me more about…our time together.” I relented thanks to the subtle sadness in his tone. It broke my heart.

“I didn’t meet you for the first time when you came here.”

I thought of something important so I asked aloud, “Why did I come here in the first place?”

He studied my face, as if he was weighing on whether to tell me the truth or not. Eventually, he sighed. “The late king wanted me to have an heir, so he gathered some consort candidates for me.”

“Wait, you mean, I am one of the consorts?”

No wonder everyone felt it was okay for him to kiss me!

“Yes, but usually, you tried to get away from the rest of the consorts and me.”

He was smiling. Oh, my goddess. I couldn’t peel my eyes off him!

If I had thought Theo was handsome before, now I just thought he was breathtaking. Who knew the goddess could create such wonders?

He realized that I was staring at him so he held his gaze on mine. With a faint smile still

on his face, his hypnotic eyes captured my soul, and I stopped breathing.

For a few seconds, the world around us faded away and all that remained was him and 1.1 didn’t know how to describe it as it was a new experience for me, but I felt tense.

Not the “I was going to lose a limb” type of tense, but the “somehow the air between us crackled and electricity shot out all around” type offense.

He moved in closer, his muscular frame enveloping me as my body trembled.

“I want you, Ciana,” he said in a husky voice. “You will be the mother of my child.”

I noticed that he was wearing his gloves, like always. All of a sudden, I was curious how it would feel if they touched my skin.

Then his strong hand caressed my arm and his warm breath blew against my neck as he whispered, “I know you feel it, too.”

My heart screamed, “Yes.”

But as he leaned forward to find my lips, all I could breathe out was, “No.”

No. I couldn’t be thinking of the king in such a way. He was the king and I was not his and he was not mine. We didn’t belong together.

I looked at the tall walls around us. No, I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life here. Royalty life might sound glorious for some, but for me, I belonged to nature and the vast world. There were new places I would like to visit, new people that I would like to meet, and being confined within a few acres for the rest of my life wasn’t what I wanted to sign up for.

Besides, how many girls were in this consort? How would I ever allow myself to share my husband with others?

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