Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 445

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 445

Chapter 103: Claiming Ciana Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.


I took a deep breath outSide my father’s door.

This was a long shot, to say the least. The man didn’t have a single sympathetic bone in his body. The likelihood of him helping Warren was slim to none but I had to try.

His life was on the line. I’d done what was irreparable to Maggie, but for Warren, at least, there was still a chance.

Bitterness and guilt wormed their way into my chest and refused to let go. Words could not describe how sorry I was, but sorry couldn’t make anything better. As long as I was breathing, I wouldn’t give up on Warren.

It was a promise I made to Ciana and myself.

I raised my fist to the door and knocked.

“Come in.” My father’s muffled oice came from behind the door.

His suite was mainly decorated with simple and warm colors, such as light gold and clean cream. It looked dignified and classy like most of the other rooms in this palace. However, the bright room couldn’t lessen he callous and vicious vibe of its owner.

“Theo, you rarely come here. I’m hoping you’re here to bring me good news, not trouble.” He didn’t lift his head from his

document, nor did he seem interested in what I was about to say.

“l need your help.”

“Oh, my help you say? Interesting.” He finally put down the documents he was reading and took a sip of the half-drunken amber liquor from a cup on his Jesk.

“Tell me, what exactly do you need help with?”

“Warren is dying.”

Not even a single twitch. That fucking psycho remained completely passive.

He took the horrible news about his second oldest son no differently than a report about upcoming inclement weather.

“Okay. If he is sick, Dottie is a better person to talk to.” He lowered his head and was about to pick up his paper again.

A rush of anger boiled inside of me, but it wasn’t the time to unleash my fury. I took a deep breath, “No, she can’t help. No healers can. Warren was injured.. by me.”

“Oh? And how exactly did he end up in this uh…unfortunate predicament.”

I balled my fists at the side of my body. “l touched him by accident. I drained the life out of him.”

“Then he should be dead by now. Your touch is lethal.”

“He isn’t dead, but he isn’t awake either. That’s why I’m here.” He stared at me and silence gre between us.

It was no secret I loathed him. He knew that but he didn’t care. Why would he care about what a tool felt about its master? However, I would hope that after all the blood I had spilled for him, he would do this one thing for me as a courtesy.

“No. I’m afraid I can’t help.”

“You didn’t even know what I about to ask before you turned me down.”

He nodded slowly, “That’s correct. I don’t need to know.”

“What do you mean you don’t need to know? Warren is your son!” I tried my best to control my volume, but I knew it was getting very difficult.

“Warren is my son, that’s true, but with or without him, my country won’t be different.” He khrugged. “The strong should survive in this world. Even if he makes it through this time, it won’t be long before he runs into another problem. And I don’ t have the time and energy to babysit a useless weakling.

My fists clenched so hard that I could hear my knuckles pop. I bit my tongue so hard to hold back my burning fury that I could taste the blood in my mouth.

This was not for me. It was for Warren, for Maggie, and for Ciana. I had to try harder.

“How about you treat this as a favor for me? Father, a reward for your obedient, useful… weapon?”

He let out an aloof chuckle and shook his head. His lighthearted tone was like oil pouring on my already burning

fury. “Theo, to be honest, I’m qu te surprised to see you here today. What happened to you? You ‘re never the sentimental type. If anyone, I’d think that it would be Maggie who would come and beg me.”

“Maggie is dead. She was killed by me.” I was amazed that I was able to say those words in such an even tone. “Your

Majesty, You don’t have many children left. With the tasks you assign me, who knows when I’ll die? Simply for the sake of securing a successor, wouldn’t you want to have Warren there in case one day I

can’t return?”

“Maggie’s dead?” He was a little surprised. But only surprise, there wasn’t any additional emotion whatsoever.

-l nodded, hoping he would reconsider my request. I wasn’t afraid of him, but killing him right now would not help us accomplish what we were looking for.

“Okay,” he acknowledged mildly and thought for a few moments before looking me in the eye again. “l agree. What you said was quite right.”

Holy shit, did I fucking persuad him?!

I was just about to let out a long breath of relief when I heard him add, “That’s exactly why yo need to give me an heir. The time is ticking. And it’s actually perfect that you arrived. I have a present for you. Greta, sweetheart, you can come in now.”

The door to his bathroom opened and in walked a half-naked woman. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was the scent that wafted in the air.

I did my best from inhaling it because I knew exactly what it


An aphrodisiac, curated by mag c to arouse the wildest, ugliest desires!

“She has hips suitable for childbearing and she is a little easy on the eyes too. I’ve tested her a few times and I don’t mind sharing. She is good at what she does and she will make sure you are pleasured well.”

My father walked out of the door of his bedroom. “You will produce an heir for me tonight, Theo. If you are obedient and do as I say then maybe I’ll consider helping your brother. But if you choose to defy me then your brother is as good as dead.”

The strength in my body dissipated, and I felt dizzy and warm.

Guards ran over to the door as the king peered over his shoulder and said, “The door wili remain locked until you do as I say. And it’s been charmed so not even you with all your strength can break it down.”

I growled and charged toward my father but only in time to slam my fist against the hardwood.

My wolf was on edge and begging to be released but I fought back the urge to release it as I knew my beast would be even more tempted due to the drug.

“Your Highness,” the half-dressed woman said from behind

“Shall we begin? The king will not release you until you bed me.”

I didn’t dare turn back to her.

The scent of the aphrodisiac was already stirring up feelings that were only meant to be reserved for a special person. However, even thinking about her at this moment was an unforgivable insult to her.

I felt the woman’s hand on my shoulder and I tensed. She trailed it all the way down and then she made her way to my front.

I felt a tingling sensation on every inch of skin she touched. Blood rushed to my groin on its own accord.

“Can’t you see how much you want me, Your Highness?” She giggled, pressed her body against mine, and whispered in my ear, “l can make you feel so good.”

She placed her hand over my growing length and I jerked away. I was disgusted despite the burning pain in my cock that ached for release.

I pulled away from her and ran straight for the large window and plunged out of it without even thinking it through.

My father’s room was on the third level and I was sure I would break a few bones. But I didn’t c re. I had to get as far away from that ugly succubus as possible.

I shifted mid-air and did my bes to land on my paws but I misstepped.

My wolf let out a low whimper as I heard some sickening cracks.

Shit! I growled as I toppled to the ground. To my pleasant surprise, the pain helped clear my mind.

My body was still on fire and 1 k ew what I wanted. I only prayed that the effect of the apÅrodisiac wore off quickly.

Without any delay, I took off running to the western side of the palace, so I could wait for th drug to run its course undisturbed.

I shifted back and slammed the door of my suite closed, panting heavily with my naked body pressed against the door. More than ever, I was grateful for my dark, cold and deserted sanctuary.

However, I immediately realized that someone was already there, and the next moment, I was immersed in the most delicious, sweet and alluring scent.

My heart started to pound frantically. What was she doing here?

A shiver traveled down my spin as I stared at her. The aphrodisiac’s effects hadn’t wor off and I couldn’t control myself when I was like this.

Her usual soft and elegant scent of water lily was now irresistibly intoxicating, drawing me in. I couldn’t stop my feet from moving in her direction.

“Theo?” She gasped, and her eyes were wide open and her adorable cute mouth slightly ajar. I knew I needed to get out of there as soon as I possibly could.

But it was too late.

In a blink of an eye, I had her pinned against the bed and I was hovering over her. I dipped my head down and nuzzled my


nose in the crook of her neck. I breathed her in more deeply. Mine.

That was all I could think about. I wanted to make her mine. I wanted her to wear my mark and bear my pup. She was the one I wanted. She was the one I eeded.

“Theo… ‘

Her voice quivered, and I could sense fear in her tune.

She was afraid of me! That thought struck me and chilled me to the core.


I ripped myself from her hold and covered my body with a blanket. But the burning need within me was too strong to bear, I bit down on my forearm, hoping the pain would cleanse my mind again.

“STOP!” she screamed, pulling my arm away from my teeth. “Oh, Goddess, What happened?

The initial shock in her voice faded, replaced by concern.

“Theo, your body is burning! What did they do to you?!”

“Aphrodisiac…he… the king… wants an heir and he locked me with a woman. l… I jumped out the… the window… FLICK!” I could barely articulate, and all I wanted to do was feel her pure, cold, delicious body against my burning skin and make her mine.

“Leave…” I begged, the heat wasspreading all over my body. I could feel the beads of sweat accumulating across my forehead, and the taste of bloo spreading in my mouth.

“No, I can’t leave you like this!”

Her voice was gentle but determined. Then, the next second, her arms circled around my neck, she drew me in closer and whispered, “l… I want to help. Theo, let me help you…”

Without warning, shekissed me

Her scent invaded my senses and her presence excited every cell of my body. My brain became a burning mess.

Her delicate tongue gently licked my cracked lips, and she opened her cute little mouth to welcome my tongue, which claimed and tasted every inch of her luscious mouth without hesitation.

Her soft breasts were against m naked chest and her core against my hard erection. I coul nit suppress the moan that escaped my throat.

“Theo…” she panted, her face was pink and her eyes were moist. However, when I looked iÅto them, I saw my own reflection—a horrendous beast efeated and driven by a stupid aphrodisiac!

It was like a bucket of ice-cold ater dunked over me.

Yes, l,wanted her, but this was n t right.

Not like this. Not in this way. No at this time.

I thrust myself away from her and jumped out of the bed, didn’t even dare to look at her.

If I did, I knew I would stay.

After slamming the bathroom door closed, I threw myself into the running icy cold shower.

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