Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 437

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 437

Chapter 95: Farewell, Dear Maggie

• Ciana*

I stared at the empty spot where Theo had been standing seconds before. He’ d been like a zombie, so distant and dazed. I’d never seen him like that… almost like he was scared.

Theo was the Dark Prince, he didn’t get scared! Did he? Had he even heard me shouting his name?

‘Luther!” a new voice shouted.

Some of Luther’s men ran to the stage. I recognized them from when I stayed at his mansion. Thankfully, they didn’ t even look my way. They just helped Luther to his feet.

“Won’ t be long now,” Luther chuckled as his wolves helped him off the stage. “Soon, even Sebastian will find that monster too destructive to keep, then it’ Il be our time to strike.”

My heart quivered. Would Sebastian turn on his own son?

“Maggie, my dear, sweet love,” Demarco crooned.

I watched as he kneeled beside her. Tears continued to streak his face and he sobbed. He kept rocking her, like he was hoping that she could hear him and open her eyes magically, but she didn’t respond.

“Maggie… my love,” he sobbed.

Suddenly, he threw his head back and let out a long, grief

stricken roar. His body shook and in the blink of an eye, he shifted, his roar becoming a long, mournful howl.

I imagined he was too devastated. He’d risked everything to try and save her.

It was all for nothing.

Again and again, Demarco howled, sitting awkwardly with his broken leg out to the side. He sniffed Maggie and whimpered, even nosed her gently. But after he touched her once, he scurried into a corner, whimpering with his tail tucked be tween his legs.

l’ d never seen a wolf lose their mate before. My heart screamed in my chest and tears wet my eyes, just from seeing Demarco’s reaction. I knew he was working with Luther and he’d betrayed us, but the loss he was feeling… It was overwhelming.

My mind drifted to Theo… I refused to believe that Theo would choose to kill Maggie on purpose. Knowing him, even if they weren’t close, he wouldn’t go after his own family like that, would he?

He wasn’t the most in touch with his emotions, and I knew he could be ruthless. I’d seen it. But he’d always acted in selfdefense, or in defense of me and others.

Was he really so far gone that he’d kill his own half-sister?

No! I didn’t think that.

Looking around at Demarco in the corner and Warren, Who dragged himself with his good arm over to Maggie, I knew it wasn’t the right time to defend Theo. Neither Warren nor Demarco would want to hear it.

“Why?” Warren asked. He sat up, unsteadily, and pulled Maggie’s body into his lap.

Crying and rocking back and forth, he clung to her lifeless form, sobbing as tears dripped from his cheeks onto her dress.

“Why would he do this to you? Why, Theo? Why out of everyone would you kill Maggie?” Warren wailed, shaking his head.

“Warren,” I said. I came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

He Whimpered and pulled away from me.

“She’s gone. My sister is gone. Theo took her from me! Why?” he cried again. He trembled and crumpled forward, heaving as he passed out again.

I looked around. Demarco was still in the corner, but he needed to be alone. Luther and his wolves, the ones that had survived, were all gone. There was nothing left but corpses.

Warren still had a knife wound in his shoulder. I needed to get him somewhere safe to rest and heal. “Alpha Demarco, Prince Warren needs some rest, do you think I can use one of your rooms?”

However, I got no reaction from Demarco. With Luther and Theo gone, Demarco had no interest in Warren or myself. He was still staring at Maggie, barely blinking once in a while.

So I sighed and decided to take the liberty and move War-

ren into one of the guest rooms.

“Come on, Warren,” I murmured. I shook him a little.

He perked up enough for me to get my shoulder under his arm and he stumbled along as I supported him all the way back to his room. I got him into bed and put the covers around him.

“Rest here. I’ll be right back,” I said, touching his forehead.

Once I got Warren settled, I sent someone to help Demarco and handle the rest.

Demarco’s mansion was huge and there were plenty of servants and maids working there. I found some maids in one of the mansion hallways. They didn’t seem to know what had happened.

“I need medical supplies for Prince Warren. Alpha Demarco is still in the theater where we put on the play. He’s going to need your help, and any other spare hands you can find,” I said with enough authority to get them to obey me.

“Medical supplies are in the closet down the hall,” one of the maids said, pointing the way.

I grabbed what I needed and went back to Warren’s room. His eyes were open and he was propped up on the pillows. Blood was seeping through his shirt at his shoulder. I wished he hadn’t pulled the dagger out. There seemed to be a lot of blood for the size of the wound.

“Maggie is…” Warren sighed and shook his head. He groaned suddenly and coughed, blood spewing from his mouth, down his shirt.

“Warren! Take it easy,” I said. I rushed to his side and rubbed his back. “You’re okay. Let me just see that wound.”

“No, it doesn’ t matter anymore,” Warren groaned. He slumped down on the bed and closed his eyes.

“Of course, it matters!” I touched his forehead. He was pasty with a fever.

Warren mumbled something and he seemed unconscious. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut his bloody shirt off. The wound in his shoulder wasn’t that bad, but it was bleeding a lot and it already looked infected.

I got a cool washcloth from the bathroom and draped it over Warren’s forehead to help with the fever. I pulled his covers up as far as I could without covering the wound and tucked them in around him.

With another wet cloth, I wiped the blood away from his mouth and found a third one to start cleaning out his wound.

Between this injury and his grief, Warren would need days to recover. I wasn’t going to leave his side.


“I’m here, Warren. I’ll take care of you,” I said, grabbing his hand and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Warren coughed a little again. No blood came up this time.

“You don’t need to. I’ll be okay.

He sighed and passed out again in his fever.

‘S Maqq•e

Some water and a warm lunch. I made a mental checklist.

I didn’t know when he’d be awake again, but I wanted to make sure he had everything he needed.

It worried me how depressed he was. Maggie was his twin, so they had to be close. Still, I’d never seen Warren like this. Shaking my head, I sat next to him again and took his hand.

I once heard that losing one’s twin was like losing half of oneself. I didn’t know whether me staying there and comforting him would make him feel less depressed and lonely, but that was the least I could do to feel I was doing something.

His fever started to go down and after I’d taken care of the wound, it started healing quickly. Warren slept mostly, but when he was awake, he would just stare into space and remained silent.

I practically had to force feed him just to make sure he was getting the nutrients he needed.

“I’m going to stay by you until you get through this,” I assured, giving him some soup.

Warren just stared at me and shook his head. Then he laid down and rolled away so his back was facing me.

He was starting to worry me.

Several days had passed and Warren had not shed a sin gle tear.

I hated seeing Warren like this. The kind, warm eyes I had

Maybe he was holding it in, but he needed the release. I feared that if he didn’t let it out then, it would fester inside of him like poison and morph into something dark.

I didn’t want that for him.

I looked to the side and saw Warren looking out of the car window.

We were traveling to Warren’s vacation home.

I reached my hand over the console and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. The action caused Warren to look at me with a blank expression. He hadn’ t spoken a word for the past three days.

He had dark circles under his eyes and his cheeks had hollowed slightly. The only thing he could stomach lately was soup. As a wolf he needed more than that to suffice his body’s basic energy needs.

“Thank you.” He whispered and then turned back to the window. He didn’t let go of my hand. Instead, he threaded his fingers through mine and held on a little tighter.

I rubbed my thumb across the back of his hand and sighed,/l would be here for him in any way he needed and for however long he needed, as a friend, to provide the support he needed.

The car wound around a narrow road deep within the mountains completely surrounded by pine trees. All that came into my sight were serene views.

The body had already been transported there and now waited for our arrival to finally lay her to rest. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Demarco was in the car behind us. I sighed at the thought of him. He wasn’t eating, nor did I think he slept at all. He looked like the shell of the man he used to be.

He went from having hope that his wife would be healed one moment only to lose her the next.

I closed my eyes as my mind wandered to the third man who lost his soul in this accident.

Theo. I wondered where he had been, what was he doing, and how was he feeling? I remembered when the bloodlust had ended in his eyes, I saw the shock and devastation. That also ached me to the core.

What a terrible accident…

Yes, I chose to believe that the entire tragedy was an accident. However, accident or not, how could Warren and Demarco ever forgive Theo?

Maggie and Warren were the most innocent ones in this whole situation, yet, they were the ones who were hurt most.

Life,was too cruel.

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