Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 112

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 112

Chapter 112 How Rosalie Managed To Get Out?

**Ethan’s POV

My time on the frontline was fruitful. We were able to win several victories and reclaim two bases that the enemy had taken from us. Leading my warriors into battle was invigorating. Letting my wolf run, sinking my teeth into the flesh of my enemy feeling the thrill of victory. I had missed all of that.

Now, with the enemy’s supplies jeopardized and his troops in disarray, many of them breaking ranks and retreating, 1 decided it was time to leave the frontline and go take care of some of my other pressing matters.

Returning to the capital without Rosalie was heartbreaking, but I couldn’t focus on that at the moment.

When I reached the castle, I stayed focused on the information I needed to tell James.

I didn’t let my mind slip back to her- I didn’t let my mind return to that night we’d spent in the woods together, locked in each other’s arms amidst a thousand fireflies…

Soldiers and guards rushed in dozens of directions as I made my way down the hall toward the war room, knowing that’s where I’d find King James and the others who were waiting to hear everything that i’d discovered while I was gone. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I hadn’t accomplished the assassination I’d hoped to, but then, I questioned myself, deep down inside, would I really kill Soren?

The information James needed, though, I had that.

“Alpha, welcome back!” Talon said, spying me at the entrance of the castle.

It was good to see my Beta. However, I couldn’t even bring myself to smile at him, even though I truly was happy to see him.

The carefree, happy version of myself that I had been learning to embrace while I was with Rosalie had vanished without a trace.

I only nodded in response and continued to walk. “How are things?”

“Other than the recent victories, nothing new. Rogues have been attacking sporadically as of late, but so far, we have been able to manage it.”

“What about Romero? What has he been doing?” By now, I knew those from the islands were not real friends, and we had been keeping an eye on them.

“I have had someone following him. It seems he has been more interested in making new friends in the capital than worrying about the war.”

That wasn’t unexpected. The war hadn’t impacted the islands much, so he was less concerned about the war than the rest of the group. However, if he ever wanted to establish power on the mainland, he would need to rely on someone else.

Speaking of the devil, I saw Romero and his Beta, Damian, turn the corner and walk towards us.

“What a pleasure to have you back, Alpha Ethan!” Romero greeted me cheerfully. His Beta, Damian, lowered his head to show his respect.

“Thank you!” I simply nodded. I really had no interest in socializing with the cunning bastard who had enabled Soren’s deeds on the islands. “Excuse me, but the King is waiting for me.”

Romero smiled understandably. “Of course, of course, carry on!”

I nodded and walked past them.

Those from the islands were not friends; we were already fully aware now.

However based on Romero’s reaction, I doubt he knew I ever set foot on his island. I wondered whether Soren would tell Romero what happened on Papeno.

If I were Soren, why would I alert Romeo about my failure, knowing Romero would work with the side that had a higher likelihood to win?

I sneered. Romero might think he was smart playing games with both sides, but in reality, he was more likely playing with fire on both sides.

“Talon, from now on, keep an eye on everyone from the islands. Not just Romero.”

“Yes, Alpha!”

We stopped talking as we approached the war room.

Talon sniffed a couple times. “Are you… injured?” he asked, coming up beside me.

He probably smelled the blood on my shirt, or maybe I was limping slightly. It didn’t matter. I only grumbled in response.

“You should go to the infirmary,” he said. I turned and glared at him. Knowing what my reaction would be, he added, “After you’re done speaking to King James, of course.”

“That isn’t necessary.” I turned down his suggestion.

“If you don’t get treatment, the wound could become infected, and you could become sick. You don’t want to be taken out of commission.”

I said nothing, though he had a point.

I pushed through the door of the war room but was surprised it was only James.

James’s eyes focused on my face for a moment before I saw both recognition and relief. He extended his hand, and I crossed the room to shake it. “Welcome back to the capital, Ethan. Great victories, well done.”

I nodded to him as a greeting. I wasn’t really that happy to be back though,

“I’ve been waiting for you.” James looked down at the map he had spread on the table in front of him.

“We figured out it’s Soren,” I got to the point, watching James’s eyes widen as he processed what I was telling him.

“Soren?” he repeated. “I thought he was up north… What do you mean?”

“He’s also in charge of the supplies for Kal’s army on the islands. Everything that goes through there is flowing right through him, James.” I looked straight into his eyes, and a moment of unspoken sentiment passed between us.

He understood the gravity of the situation as much as I did.

“So Soren fights for Kal and goes against his own people?” James said through clenched teeth, “And we confirmed that Romero is working with both sides.”

I nodded. “Talon will sort out the detailed reports later today-”

James held his hand out to stop me. “Then tell me, Ethan, what can we do to turn the war around?”

“That’s just the thing, James.” Once again, I met my cousin’s eyes. “I need to go back to the frontline.”

James’s brow creased as he pointed out. “You’ve just come back, and I need you here.”

“But I’d rather go back to the frontline again soon. I know that I can lead our kingdom to victory and end this war once and for all.”

James shook his head. “You’re too valuable to me back here. No one else thinks as strategically as you do, and without you here…”

“With all due respect, James, no one else can lead the troops in the field like I can either.’

After a few seconds, James nodded. “All right… i’ll reconsider it.”

I wanted to argue with him, but I also knew there was no point at the moment. Eventually, I would persuade him to send me back to battle.

We both knew it was the best way for us to win the war and put this behind us once and for all. The rest of the generals were more than capable of protecting the capital.

However, he frowned soon after he said those words, looking at my side. “Ethan-are you bleeding?”

I glanced down at the most serious of the wounds I had gotten from Soren and from the recent battles. Some of them had reopened. I shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

“It doesn’t look like it’s nothing,” he said to me. “Get back to your room, and I’ll send for the doctor to pay you a visit. This is my order.”

Talon had just said nearly the same thing.

James’s eyes went to Talon before he addressed me again. “I think we can do fine for now without you. If I have questions, I will get the information from you later. The war is heating up, and we will need you in your best condition.”

“Yes, King James,” I managed to say before I turned around and left the room.

I walked down the hallway by myself, but I wished someone was with me so that they could drown out the thoughts in my mind,

The further down the hall I walked the closer I got to all of the places that held memories of Rosalie, images of her beautiful face I didn’t want to recall at this moment. I would get her back, I just needed a little time.

Doing my best to shut those thoughts off, I finally made it to my room. Opening the door, I went inside and immediately thought of her, however, she wasn’t there.

I was alone.

I sat down on my bed but didn’t get comfortable. I knew the doctor would be here soon.

I pulled out a small gift box from my pocket. It was stained with dust and blood.

I got it for Rosalie when I was on the island, but would I get the chance to give it to her?

I wanted to leave again immediately. Whether it was to go to the battlefield or back to the islands, wherever it was, I just didn’t want to stay here. However, I was back to take care of a few things.

A knock on the door signaled that the doctor was there to see me. I hardly paid attention as he came in and checked me over, removing my shirt and the old bandages, cleaning the wounds, sewing me up, and rebandaging me, giving me some advice about resting and that sort of thing.

Sitting some medication on the nightstand he said, “You should take some of this before you go to bed. It will help with the


I nodded, but I knew I wouldn’t take it. Pain helped to keep my mind clear.

Plus, the doctor didn’t have anything in his little black bag to help with the emotional pain I felt.

Once I was alone in my room again, I settled into bed, thoughts of Rosalie flooding my mind once more.

As much as I wanted to go back to the islands right away, it wasn’t the right time.

We were getting close. I knew what I needed to do to bring an end to the war, and as soon as the war was over, nothing could stop me from getting her back.

I would do whatever it took to keep her. I would never, ever let her out of my sight again, and I would never do anything to upset her.

The pain I’d fought so hard to get rid of was back, and it settled over me like a wet blanket, making it hard to breathe. However, I needed to force myself to rest and to get better.

Once I was finally able to get a few hours of sleep, I sorted through the items I needed to accomplish in my mind.

Once I confirmed the prioritization in my clear mind, I mindlinked Talon, ‘Talon, come to my room. Just you.’

‘Yes, Alpha. Anything in particular I need to be prepared for?’ Talon responded immediately.

I hadn’t told him anything about Rosalie yet, but now it was time. ‘I need to find out how Rosalie managed to get out of Mirage.

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