Shattered Souls (Guardians of the Maiden Book 3)

Shattered Souls: Part 3 – Chapter 93

Cassiel dug his nails into his palms, flames winding through his fingers. His father was here. He’d come. To Skelling Rise. Was it time for his sentencing? Or had he come for something much worse? He looked at Dyna and her eyes grew wet and the same thought passed between them.

Had his father come to wipe their minds again?

“I saw him flying overhead with a flock of Celestials, including armed Valkyrie,” Zev said, his voice growing distant. “I thought there might be trouble, so I ran to town. But they arrived not shortly after. Rawn and Lucenna have gone to stall. I hear Klyde greeting them now.”

“Thank you for the warning,” Dyna said softly. “Are you back?”

There was a perceptible pause that made Cassiel look at Zev. By the look on his face, he didn’t know what to say. Other than leaving for himself, the townsfolk didn’t want a Lycan around.

She looked up at her cousin, eyes watering. “I’m happy for you Zev.”

Cassiel saw it then, too. The dark cloud that usually followed him was gone. He defeated his Madness.

“Whether you decide to stay or not, I am grateful you came,” she said. “Could you let them know we will be down shortly? Don’t leave until we have a moment to speak, all right?”

Zev’s expression softened and he patted her head. “All right.”

The reminder of his father waiting for them was sliding the ground under Cassiel’s feet.

As soon as the door closed, Dyna’s cool hands came over his face. “I’m with you.”

Somehow, it’s what he needed to hear at that moment.

“Don’t worry,” Cassiel said, even though he could feel it overflowing from them both. He kissed her forehead and held her to him. “It will be all right. Whatever he has come to say, I will always put your life above my own, Dyna. Without a second thought.”

“I won’t let him break us apart.” At her fevering promise, the vow she had marked on his spine pulsed. “We fight, if that’s what it takes.”

Cassiel tried and failed to smile. “My little warrior. Always so valiant.”

If it came down to it, he would fight whoever it was to protect his mate, even his father. But Cassiel had little hope they could defeat him, if it came down to that. Not even he knew the extent of his father’s abilities.

“But how did he manage to come?” she asked. “I thought Celestials couldn’t fly in this weather.”

“We can but not for long. The colder it is, we risk our wings freezing and falling out of the sky.” It had happened to him before. “Well, we should get dressed.”

They both looked down at the flimsy black fabric she wore last night, left forgotten by the bed.

“Except…I can’t wear that to greet the High King, can I?”

Cassiel smirked. “I would rather you didn’t.”

A soft knock came at the door. They exchanged a look and Cassiel went to answer it and exhaled a relieved breath at the sight of the two standing there.

“Noemi,” Dyna exclaimed when she saw her lady’s maid.

“I thought you might need her,” Lucenna said with a sly smile. She handed him Dyna’s pack. “I brought some clothes but I think she’s more than prepared.”

The dainty female rushed inside with her arms full, orange wings fluttering behind her. “I brought everything you may need, my lady. And for you as well, my lord.”

Lucenna started to back out. “I will wait downstairs with the others.”

“I’m sorry I disappeared last night,” Dyna said, following her to the door. “How was the celebration?”

“Uneventful.” Lucenna smiled but it looked forced.

Cassiel figured it was nerves regarding their visitors. Within minutes, Noemi had them both appropriately dressed in regal clothing. She was very efficient and knew exactly what he preferred to wear, unless his valets informed her. He caught Dyna’s reflection in the mirror where Noemi had her sitting to brush out her red hair in soft waves. The bond was shielded on her end, but the nerves were clear in the way she bit her lip.

“I brought your crown, my lady. I shall get it.”

Uncertainty crossed Dyna’s face. The skirts of her silvery gown glimmered as she stood and it reminded him of starlight. “Oh, um, no crown today. Save it for a grand occasion.”

She looked like royalty even without it.

Cassiel held out his hand. “Ready?”

“As I will ever be. Thank you, Noemi. You saved me.”

She dipped in a curtsy. “It was my honor.”

Cassiel took a step but Dyna went to her pack. She took out a small, dark green bag made of velvet. He barely glimpsed the embroidery before she stuffed it in her pocket.

“What’s that?”

“A sachet.” A shaky smile surfaced on her lips. “The scent helps to calm my nerves.”

They left the room and made their way down the hall, arm in arm. Zev, Rawn, and Lucenna were already waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs all dressed in black, arms crossed behind their backs, standing at attention. It wasn’t simply a role to play anymore. They were Dyna’s guardians. The statement of support straightened Cassiel’s spine.

“They are waiting in the hall,” Rawn informed him under his breath when they reached the main floor.

Cassiel nodded. They followed a few paces behind as he led Dyna into the grand hall. The sofas had been pushed back out of the way. Valkyrie stood in two rows, forming a path leading to the wingback chair placed before the fireplace where the High King of Hilos and the Four Celestial Realms sat. Klyde and Eagon were speaking to him quietly, their broad shoulders blocking Cassiel’s view.

On the right of the chair stood Lord Jophiel, on the left were two members of the King’s Royal Guard. The hall had become an impromptu throne room. But any retorts Cassiel had about it died when the mercenaries excused themselves and moved aside.

Dyna’s fingers tightened on his sleeve. God of Urn.

Cassiel nearly stopped at the sight of his father. He had changed since they had seen each other last. Age had found him and rather unexpectedly quick. His blond hair had thinned, fading to yellowed gray. His face was timeworn with many more new wrinkles around his mouth and sapphire eyes. Even his body looked thinner, shoulders almost hunched.

They stopped a few feet away from him and deeply bowed. Rising, they kept their heads lowered. The silence stretched, the only sound being Klyde and Eagon’s retreating footfalls as they left the room.

Cassiel felt his father’s gaze on him, and it was every bit as powerful as his voice. “Son.” The stern tone stiffened his spine. “There is much to discuss, but if you don’t mind, I wish to speak to Dynalya first. Alone.”

Cassiel met his stare and he worked to keep his voice level. “I do mind. And I’m not going anywhere, sire.”

The King’s eyes narrowed. “Very well. You may stay, but you will not interfere.”

The command settled on him like the roots of a tree. It wove through his body and mind, holding him in place.

Dyna’s hand on his arm faintly trembled. A soft pink colored her cheeks. For a fleeting moment, she looked small, scared, but it quickly disappeared under a determined expression. Shoulders straight, she stepped forward with elegance and poise. That bravery. It filled him with such pride.

But then his father next statement slapped Cassiel across the face. “Dynalya Astron, I’m here to annul your marriage to my son.”

King Yoel’s words echoed through the manor, or it was the sharp disbelief reverberating inside his head. Cassiel attempted to shout he would never allow that to happen, but he couldn’t open his mouth, let alone speak.

His alarm climbed. Why couldn’t he speak?

Unlike him, Dyna didn’t appear shocked. She held his gaze head on. The sunlight streaming in through the windows fell like a soft halo around her head. “With all due respect, Your Majesty—I refuse.”

Everyone stared at her, astonished by the blatant response.

One of Yoel’s eyebrows inched up and he canted his head. “You would refuse a King?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Only in regards to my bond. The one thing I do know is that marriage is for life, at least for Celestials. If it’s my heredity that you find intolerable, or my lack of nobility, you will also find that I’m very determined to prove myself worthy to stand by his side.”

“As I understand it, there was an attempt on your life for the position you now hold.”

Cassiel’s fire stirred in his veins at the reminder.

“Our people do not regard change well, and think very little of humans,” his father continued. “Any discordance you may have experienced will pale in comparison to what awaits you should you choose to remain his wife. Your union will be laden with backlash and burden.”

“It would be a lie to say I didn’t fear their hatred, sire. But for him, I would gladly face whatever the future may bring,” she said.

King Yoel studied her. “I’m told this marriage came about through mishap, a bond forged by illegal endowment and neglecting all proper rites. Could you have truly cultivated this level of faithfulness in such a short time for a half-breed who took your hand by force? I have a mind to think it infatuation or interest in your sudden station.”

Whether it was said as a test or to provoke her, it still drove a spear through Cassiel’s chest. To not only call him that but question her integrity was beyond reprehensible. Anger roiled through the bond, and it took him a second to realize it wasn’t his.

Dyna’s expression remained perfectly neutral, but her neatly folded hands flickered green. “Would you call the events in the Port of Azure, and the destruction of the throne room at Hermon Ridge, infatuation? To lay down our lives for each other, to fight by whatever means, that is not merely faithfulness but devotion.”

“Are you saying you love him?”

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation. And that one simple, ardent reply, melted the tension rising inside of him. “Regardless of how it came to be, we’re True Bonded. That means we were meant to be. Take my title and whatever wealth comes with it, but you cannot have him. He’s mine. By your sacred laws and that of the Heaven’s, nothing will change that.” She took a breath before adding, “And I would kindly ask His Majesty to please not refer to my mate as anything other than by name.”

Her outward claim and possessiveness were flint to his fire. If Cassiel could move, he might have kissed her right there and damn whoever it offended.

A slow smile crossed his father’s face and he rose to stand. “Valkyrie.” The females stood at attention and the sound of their golden armor clanking rang in Cassiel’s ears. “Here stands the Lord and Lady of Hermon Ridge. Will you serve?” They beat their fists over their hearts three times in perfect synchronization. His smile widened. “Welcome to the Soaraway family, my dear.”

The rigidity that had tethered Cassiel in place released and his lungs expanded with a full breath. All this time, since he had bonded with Dyna, he had carried a load of fear of how his father would react. He didn’t know how heavy it had been until it was removed.

Dyna’s shoulders slumped, her expression falling to a mix of relief and surprise. “T-hank you, Your Majesty. Does this mean you approve?”

“I can imagine no other who could stand by his side. He will need you.”

Cassiel frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“One thing at a time.” King Yoel motioned to female warriors. “Now, Lady and Princess Consort of Hilos, you require a Royal Guard.”

“Oh…but…” She glanced at Zev, Rawn, and Lucenna standing by the doors.

“I do see that you have your Guardians, nevertheless, it stands. Someone in your position can never be without too much protection.” His father looked calm, amused even, but something about the statement made Cassiel’s heartrate spike. “Yelrakel is bound to protect her Lord, otherwise you may assign whoever you wish among the Valkyrie to guard you.”

Dyna glanced at the warrior females then at Cassiel. He could sense she didn’t feel comfortable giving any type of orders, let alone assigning positions.

“My King.” One of the male Royal Guards stepped forward and lowered to one knee. “If it would please you, it would be a great honor to serve her highness.”

His father’s eyebrows rose high but he did look pleased. “Well, Zekiel, if that is your aspiration, I would trust none other than the guard who has protected my family for many decades to now protect my daughter by law.”

Except Cassiel didn’t share the same sentiment. He studied the pureblooded male with long blond hair and amiable demeanor. Zekiel had been part of the Royal Guard for as long as he could remember and had never shown him any contempt. But Cassiel wouldn’t simply allow anyone around her.

“Sowmya.” At his call, the female stepped forward. “You are hereby tasked to lead Dynalya’s Royal Guard.”

She bowed. “I’m honored, Your Highness.”

“Glad that is settled.” His father returned to the chair. “Please excuse us, my dear. It’s time for my son and I to have a talk.”

“Of course.” Dyna took the ends of her dress and curtsied.

You could stay, Cassiel said through the bond.

But I shouldn’t. The back of her fingers brushed his as she passed. Try not to lose your temper.

He would try.

Cassiel kept his eyes on her as he watched her go. Zev and Rawn opened the doors for Dyna, then they and Lucenna followed her out, her two new Royal Guards bringing up the rear.

“We will have the room,” his father said to the others.

The Valkyrie marched out in a line and Lord Jophiel patted Cassiel’s back on his way out. Then the grand hall soon emptied until only the other male guard remained. He was a stoic Celestial with short hair, and a sharp demeanor. He took his duty very seriously and was always protecting either the High King or the heir.

“You as well, Amriel. Leave us.”

Amriel’s mouth slightly thinned, the only sign of displeasure. But he obeyed and the echo of the heavy door closing settled in the quiet. Cassiel faced forward. Perhaps it was cowardice but he couldn’t look his father in the eyes as he waited for the consequences for his actions to at last befall him.

“Why do you think I have come?”

Cassiel paused. “Is this a formal inquisition or may I speak freely, sire?”

Yoel waved a hand. “Why follow propriety now when you have done what you wished thus far? Speak, then, and explain to me your reasoning. Jophiel has told me more than enough, and I have pieced together the rest.”

“If you are not here to break our bond, then I assume you came to punish me.”

“For which crime, exactly?” he asked sharply. “There were several. Violating my confidence and venturing across the country without permission, giving divine blood to a human, exposing your people, avoiding the Valkyrie, defying my summons, using Seraph fire without reservations, destroying rooms in the Hermon castle, threatening your council, nearly killing your brother, banishing him next, and abandoning your duties as Lord.” His voice grew harsher as the list went on. “Your every action was a wanton show of disrespect toward me and to the Realms.”

Cassiel couldn’t help but notice the accidental bond wasn’t on the list of crimes. Nor was there mention of the challenge won. “I had my reasons.”

“Oh, of that I’m sure, and she walked out that door.”

Dyna was the reason for everything, and the reason why his blood began to heat. “Whatever your verdict, it will fall on me alone. She will not be held accountable for any of it.”

“That is for me to decide.”

“No one will decide anything regarding my wife,” he snarled.

The High King stilled in his chair. It took Cassiel a second to notice the blue light bathing the walls. He caught his reflection in the windows to see his eyes were ablaze. His father glanced down and Cassiel looked at his clenched fists encompassed in flame.

He quickly stepped back and put out the fire. “I’m—forgive me, sire. I didn’t mean…”

King Yoel rubbed his face. “It’s worse than I feared. You cannot help it, can you?”

Cassiel didn’t know what he meant.

“This power you have, it’s not normal.” Sighing, Yoel looked at him again. “The only purpose of Seraph fire is to protect and destroy. With that ability, in addition to the fierce instinct to guard a True Bonded mate, you are a danger to anyone who presents a perceived slight against her in any way. When I was speaking to Dynalya, your eyes were already lit aflame. Your attention did not leave her once. Break your bond?” He scoffed airily. “I would not dare. For I think not even I would be spared your ire.”

Cassiel swallowed, a new sort of fear cooling him. “I would never…”

“You did not spare Malakel.”

He clenched his jaw. “He threatened her life. I had no other recourse than to stop him before he could try.”

“Well, you certainly stopped him, Cassiel. But your performance in the throne room put many on edge. Some believe it’s a sign the First King has returned.”

He rolled his eyes. “Since when have you taken interest in gossip?”

“When it presents a real concern,” his father said sternly. “One thing is certain. If you were enraged enough, nothing would stop you from eliminating anyone or anything you deemed a threat towards your mate. You would forget your principles, your family, and yourself. I know because our people have lived through this once before. At the first hint of history repeating itself, you not only placed a target on your back but on hers.”

The vision of fire raging through the council room and the echoes of his people screaming in the commons room swam through Cassiel’s mind. His show of force only indicated he was a danger to his people. The scheming whispers in the halls, the attempt on Dyna’s life, the kidnapping. He was responsible for all of it.

“Welcoming her, granting her a Royal Guard, bringing the Valkyrie here…” His body burned inside as flames climbed up his arms like living serpents. “Leaving Hermon did not matter.”

Dyna was the other half of his soul, and now every Realm knew it. No one would attempt to confront him directly. The only way to eliminate him was by eliminating her.

His wrath evolved into feral animosity. The feeling consumed him with one thought that concluded the best way to protect her was to burn—

Cassiel? Dyna’s frightened voice in his mind yanked him back from the brink of his madness.

He gasped and his fire died away. His hands shook at the vehemence behind his thoughts. His plans.

“Their fear…it’s valid.” Cassiel rubbed his face. “Because when she is threatened…”

His only instinct was to attack.

King Yoel looked at him somberly. “I have not come to punish you, Cassiel. I came to give you a chance. Because if you do not place your Seraph fire under control, it will consume you, and then you would become the destruction of the Realms.”

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