Shattered Souls (Guardians of the Maiden Book 3)

Shattered Souls: Part 3 – Chapter 73

After breakfast, there wasn’t much they could do but continue watching the blizzard come down harder. Lucenna alternated between napping, sipping Azeran’s tea, and speaking to her brother though the orb. In the evening, she noticed Rawn was gone. Movement from the corner of her eye drew her to glance at the window. Rawn stood outside in the snowfall with his face pointed at the gray sky.

Their Guidelander was not all right. She could see it in the line of his shoulders, and silhouette. He had always been there to support them when they needed him. It was her turn now.

Brisk wind blew against Lucenna when she opened the backdoor. Her boots sank into the deep snow as she waded out to him. The snowstorm whipped through them mercilessly, blowing her hair across her face. Rawn was unmoving, his eyes closed, letting it beat him as though wishing it would carry him away.

“From the moment I left Greenwood, I have sent Aerina a letter every month without fail,” Rawn said. “Mere words on a page. It was all I could give her in the place of my absence. I could never receive a reply, but I sent them. I gave my word. I think…she asked it of me, for it would be the only proof I lived. Yet for the first time in twenty years, I failed to send my letter. And I will fail to do so for the next three months. I fear she will think me dead.” Emotion crossed his face before he wiped it away with hand. “This is merely another storm. A path of endless hurdles. Hardship is what gives us the greatest opportunity to grow stronger…”

Rawn had always been the strong and wise one of the group, always knew what to say. But now it sounded as if he was attempting to give himself a speech of encouragement.

“It’s all right not to be strong all the time, Lord Norrlen,” she said softly. “That must sound ridiculous coming from me when I struggle with the same. We have relied on ourselves for years, so it’s hard to accept setbacks or to allow others to see it. But I understand.” Lucenna patted his arm. “And your wife will not think you dead. I’ll get your letter to her.”

Rawn turned towards her. “Pardon?”

“I can open a courier portal.”

He met her eyes, startled. “You have the power to do that?”

Lucenna shrugged. “My brother taught me how.”

Rawn furrowed his brow. “Except a moonstone is needed to open portals.”

“Yes, but I can open a small one without a moonstone. I’m not supposed to use those types of spells because they require a vast amount of Essence, but I already cloaked this area. I spoke to Lucien earlier, and he said Enforcers have returned to Magos for the winter. My father isn’t looking for me at the moment either, so I’d be happy to be your courier.”

After staring at her for a moment, Rawn dropped his face in his hands and laughed wetly.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mention it before.”

He shook his head and smiled at her through his tears. “Thank you, my lady. You have eased my burden.”

“Of course.” She smiled back and held out her hand. “You have locked on her Essence before right?”

Chuckling, he took her hand. “Yes.”

Lucenna blushed, realizing it was a silly question. To lock on someone’s Essence, was as simple as touching them. Rawn had obviously touched his wife.

“I will teach you how to open your own portal, so all you need is a crystal to keep in contact with her. First, search for her Essence in your mind,” she instructed. “We will essentially do a location spell first. Have you done that before?”

“I must admit, I have not.”

“It’s simple. It’s similar to a tracking spell. The difference being you would use your Essence as a net and cast it forth in your mind’s spatial dimension to locate her, but we won’t form a tracking spell. We need to be careful. Mage magic and elf magic cannot mix.”

“I understand.”

Rawn breathed in deeply and his body began to glow blue as he drew magic from the natural energy around them. They closed their eyes as their Essence linked together. Lucenna exhaled a low breath, letting herself sink into the Essentia Dimensio. Lucenna could feel and see his Essence spark wildly with excitement in the black void of magic. It took form as a dancing teal light. Her purple Essence appeared next to his.

“I want you to picture your wife in your mind, where she is, what she is doing. Her face, her voice, how she makes you feel.”

Lucenna couldn’t see but she knew he formed the image of her in his memories when his Essence sparked bright.

“Cast it forth like a net,” she said.

They watched his Essence flow forward. It spread outward like a blue web in the darkness, searching all points in the distance. As it stretched, the color of his untrained Essence waivered. Lucenna lent him the strength of her magic, her purple Essence lined up next to his, causing his aura to brighten.

They sat that way for a long while as they searched and extended their Essence across the country of Urn. The snow chilled their bodies and soaked their clothes. Time passed slowly. They were growing tired until they saw a tiny spot of white in the horizon of the dimension in their minds.

Ron’s breath caught. “Aerina.”

“Her Essence is white?” Lucenna asked, her mouth slacking in surprise.


“Lord Norrlen, that is extremely rare. Your wife has a pure soul.”

He sighed happily. “That she does.”

“Go get her.”

Lucenna pulled back her Essence. The teal light shot forth with renewed strength and latched onto the white light. Aerina’s Essence jolted with surprise at first but then it tightened around his. Their Essence entangled together, swirling like two vines. Her white light sparkled and danced brightly around his with joy and relief.

“She feels you,” Lucenna told him. “She can use magic?”

“Yes,” He whispered faintly, distracted by his wife’s presence engulfing his mind.

“Rawn, now we need to open a portal in the spatial dimension and it will reflect a portal in ours. It’s going to require a lot of power to open a portal big enough to send your letter through. We expended most of our Essence so it will be taxing.”

“I’m ready.”

Lucenna’s purple Essence rejoined the connection and it swirled in a circle in their minds. She pressed against the fabric of the dimension. The more her purple Essence spun, it seemed to slowly form a small rift in the space. Rawn’s Essence joined hers, spinning together. The rift grew leisurely, letting through a silver light. The color of their aura faded as they lost strength. Rawn’s Essence fell away having used all he could muster. Lucenna continued pushing open the portal, forcing it with all her might until her Essence died away too. It left her body feeling weak and her bones hollow.

“Open your eyes,” she said breathlessly. Rawn obeyed and they saw a sliver of black mist in the air in front of them. It was no bigger than a fist. “Quick, send it through!”

Rawn shoved his crumbled letter inside and they fell backward in the snow, completely drained of Essence. They couldn’t move. A chill fell over her and Lucenna’s body trembled uncontrollably. The only warmth came from their numb hands linked together. Her mind felt stretched and dull.

Rawn laughed blissfully. “Thank you, my lady.”

“Think nothing of it,” she said through chattering teeth. Her power hadn’t fully recovered from yesterday and now she had pushed herself at her limits. “I’m spent. I may not be able to move for a few minutes.”

“Forgive me, I should have considered that first.” Rawn’s brows scrunched and his leg twitched. “The feeling is returning to my limbs. I may be able to rise soon.”

“That’s good…”

Elves didn’t live off of their Essence like mages do. Rawn would be fine as soon as his energy returned but it would take Lucenna a lot longer to recover. She used too much power.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes…” she mumbled faintly. “I’m only tired. I could use some sleep.”

“My lady, do not fall asleep,” Rawn said, suddenly sounding alarmed.

But Lucenna’s eyelids felt heavy, she fought to keep them open. Hazily she listened to Rawn grunt with irritation as he struggled to move. Her lethargic eyes gazed up at the overcast sky, watching the gentle snowfall fall.

It’s beautiful.

“Lady Lucenna…”

At Rawn’s shock, she glanced at the portal still in the air. It trembled and grew, ripping through the fabric of reality. She forgot to shut it.

Lucenna cursed and used all of her willpower to lift a shaking hand. She pushed the last tendrils of her power to sew the seams back together. But the portal shoved against her feeble strength, growing bigger. Lucien’s alarm pulsed in her temples.

“Not now,” she gritted out. Her entire weak body shook with the effort, draining the last of her Essence rapidly. If she lost control of the portal, it would spiral out of control and burst a rift through the Spatial Gate into theirs. Why did she try to do this when she wasn’t at her full capacity?

“Close…please…close.” But she felt her Essence fading and she gasped for breath. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears. She only needed to hold on a little longer.

“Lucenna!” Rawn threw out his hand and clamped on her wrist. His Essence clashed with hers and purple and blue exploded through the portal hitting the edge of the house.


Lucenna fell back into the snow. Her vision blurred and she lost consciousness in spurts. She caught the brief sound of screams, the orange flare of fire, the stink of smoke, and her utter helplessness to stop it. Somewhere in the distance, she heard the horn blare twice.

It was so cold.

Someone was shouting her name.

A bearded face leaned over her, dark blond hair tickling her cheek. Deep blue eyes that normally held mischief looked afraid. Was he afraid of her? Lucenna tried to say sorry but she couldn’t speak. Voices milled all around, running, begging.

“The mercenaries are coming.”

“Are you hurt?”


“What happened?”

“We have to put out the fire.”

“I think I can do it.”

“Lucenna.” Hands cupped her cold cheeks, calloused and warm. That voice grounds her as he speaks, earnest and deep and worried, and firm. “Don’t close your eyes, lass. Open your eyes. Look at me.”

Look at me.

He had said that to her before. Lucenna blinked up at Klyde, perplexed by his concern and annoyed at how gentle he held her face. It gave her the strength to weakly glare at him.

Don’t touch me… she hoped it said since her mouth didn’t work.

“Good. Stay awake.” He slipped his arms underneath her body, one around her shoulders and the other beneath her knees. Effortlessly, Klyde hoisted her up, cradling her protectively against his chest protectively. She fit comfortably in his hold and she was finally warm. “Shite, you’re nearly frozen to death. What happened?”

What…her magic. Her mind sluggishly tried to put it together. She had tried to close the portal but then her magic had mixed with Rawn’s and…

“Lucenna?” Dyna called anxiously. “Is she all right?”

“Where are you taking her?” Cassiel demanded.

“I need to get her out of the snow,” Klyde said. “Your other companion there needs help. He’s unconscious.”

Lord Norrlen?

Lucenna could hardly think straight. Klyde’s arms were like hot coal against her icy body. She welcomed the warmth and could feel that rippling strength beneath his coat. Strength he was using to protect her against the cold. As she was rocked with his steady stride, a new scent reached her. Something that smelled like cedarwood, leather, and the salt of the sea. A fresh, crisp scent that reminded her of cold, misty mornings. It was soothing, but only for a moment, because she shouldn’t be anywhere near this man. His warm breath drifted over her scalp, and she tried to suppress a shiver but failed.

“Put…me…down…” Lucenna garbled.

It was barely perceptible but Klyde must have understood her because he said, “No.”

Was this another one of his services? She didn’t want his help. When he had come for her at the cave, she stupidly believed it had been done out of his own good will. But now his sudden presence made sense to her. He saved her because it was his job.

Her eyes drifted closed. “How…much…?”

“Oi, keep your eyes open, Lucenna.” He jostled her gently. “No sleeping.”

She glared up at those rough-hewn features that were irritatingly attractive. “How…much?”


“How…many coins…is this worth?” she mumbled.

Klyde’s mouth curved again in that vexing smile of his, dimples winking at her. “We can settle that later. Keep those gorgeous eyes on me.”

His brogue lilt was pleasing to her ears. She could fall asleep to his thick Azure accent babbling his nonsense. Her eyes grew heavier.

“Lucenna, stay awake.”

Her head lolled to see where he was taking her. Klyde headed towards a wagon where his sister and nephew already sat inside, under a mound of blankets. Eagon and Tavin quickly loaded the wagon with their belongings. Lucenna tried to peer back at the house, but all she saw were mercenaries running toward it and the flash of blue lights as black smoke spiraled into the sky.

She did that.

Klyde jerked to a stop at the sight of a large black wolf in his way. Zev’s yellow eyes widened at the sight of her lying limply in his arms.

His fur receded in a black blur and his broad, naked body stood steaming in the cold. “Give her to me,” Zev snarled.

But instead of shock, Klyde only looked amused. “I was wondering when you were going to come out, mate. I knew what you were by the looks of you.”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

A menacing growl rumbled in the night, and he snatched Klyde’s coat in his claws. “Then I should warn you of one thing. Werewolves are known for their fierce loyalty and violent protectiveness. Would you like to know what I do to those who provoke that instinct?”

A flash of metal zipped past Zev’s cheek and he snarled.

Lieutenant Eagon took out another throwing star. “You must recognize that burning sensation. These are made of silver. Release him now or the next one goes in your throat.”

“Stop,” Lucenna tried to stay, but it came out as a whimper.

Silver would kill Zev.

“Stand down, Lieutenant.” Klyde’s command vibrated where she was pressed against his chest. “That’s an order.” To Zev, he said, “This was not my doing. I found her lying in the snow with the elf, and she’s freezing. I need to get her warm.”

“I will do that.”

“While nude?”

She barely had the energy to blush. There was a rustle of fabric and the crunch of snow before she was yanked away from Klyde. The heat coming off Zev’s bare chest was sweltering. He was so hot, the snow melted when it landed on his tan skin. It was almost too uncomfortable after being held by Klyde.

“Gods, your lips are blue, and you’re shaking.” Zev looked her over worriedly, his voice growing distant. He held her closer, rubbing her back to heat her body.

Lucenna tried to tell him she was fine. But she could barely move. Her power…

“Rawn?” she managed to whisper, though it was barely perceptible even to her.

“Dyna has him. I think Cassiel put out the fire.”

Thank the God of Urn.

The weight of exhaustion was too much. It dragged her under a heavy fog and her vision went dark.

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