Shattered Souls (Guardians of the Maiden Book 3)

Shattered Souls: Part 2 – Chapter 50

When the sun was beginning to rise, a knock came at the door. Zev was already awake, sitting by the fire because he hadn’t slept. Couldn’t bring himself to when he was so wrought with worry. He glanced across the room where Lord Norrlen stood on the balcony nursing a cup of tea. They both shared a wary look.

“It’s us,” came Lucenna’s soft voice.

Zev rushed to the door and yanked it open. The sorceress was there, but she wasn’t with Dyna, nor was she alone. Cassiel blended within the shadows of the hall, dressed in black robes with tapered sleeves that came to a point at his middle fingers. His trousers were black, as were his boots, as if he cared for no other color today.

Zev had nothing kind to say to him. “I don’t want to see you if—”

“You know, I’m quite tired of you growling at me.” Cassiel strode in and shut the door.

“Where is Dyna?” Zev asked Lucenna.

“She is still sleeping.” Her lilac eyes flickered to Cassiel. “He called on me before dawn. Said it was important and to dress like a murderess. His words.”

She wore tight, black leather and heeled boots, accentuating her every curve. Her eyes were rimmed with black kohl, lips painted dark red, and she’d braided her silvery white hair into a high tail. Knives glinted at the sheathes strapped to her thighs.

She looked striking, if not deadly. But why?

Cassiel came to stand in the middle of the room. “All you need to know is that Dyna and I have told my uncle about everything. Today, he has called parliament, so I may declare her before I do so publicly at court.”

They all fell in shocked silence. Zev dropped to sit on the edge of his bed. Gods, it was happening. She would be acknowledged. The tight knot of worry around his chest loosened with his exhale.

“Dyna is now part of the royal family by marriage,” Cassiel continued, looking at him. “By this time tomorrow, all of Hermon will know it, and soon the news will spread throughout the Realms. Our marriage will be a contentious issue, especially in regards to her race. We have no real support here at court.” He sighed and flicked a hand. “But I am now Lord of Hermon Ridge, and that ascension will also be made known today. Another thing that won’t be taken well.”

It’s what Zev wanted, for Dyna to be given her place, but now to hear how serious it was, he suddenly felt on edge. The knot tightened again.

“There is much stacked against you,” Lord Norrlen agreed.

Lucenna leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. “You need supporters. I have seen the nobles at court and how they survive on power and favor. Without that, it will be very difficult for you both.”

Cassiel nodded. “Which is why I will need to create that illusion for her until real support at court can be made.”

Zev’s eyes bled to yellow. His wolf paced inside of him sensing the battle that was coming. He was more than eager to fight when it came to protecting his cousin’s happiness. “And how do you plan to do that?”

“By making you Alpha.”

The Hermon castle shook as the massive stone doors to the war room banged open from a sheer gust of electrifying magic. Cassiel strolled in with his massive wings arched like veils of black smoke behind him. Zev’s paws clicked against the stone floor, flanked by Rawn and Lucenna at his sides. Court nobles quickly moved out of their way as they strode through the room. The guards standing in the corners stiffened and reached for their hilts.

Nobles filled every seat at the long meeting table. Some purebloods, the majority of them Nephilim. The room was so crowded with legislators, they filled the alcoves and the gallery. Every one of them gawked at Cassiel and his looming entourage.

Long black robes billowed at his feet as he marched forward in the silence and came to the front of the table where his uncle waited. He slid into the head seat and leaned back, lounging on the armrest. Baffled murmurs buzzed in the room by the statement that action made.

Zev and the others took their places on either side of him. The beating hearts of everyone in attendance resonated in his ears, and he smelled their nervous sweat. The war room was the perfect meeting place, as they were in a sense at war. Cassiel had to fight for his position. And he could only do so with the best at his side.

Cassiel crossed his ankles up on the table, contemplating his people with mild interest. “Are your legs broken, or have you forgotten how to bow before a prince of Hilos?”

It was a casual question, but his dark smile could only be a threat. The room shifted with the rustle of wings as everyone reluctantly lowered into stiff bows.

“That’s better.”

A silence settled over the still room as everyone stared back at them.

“What is this?” one of the pureblooded nobles demanded. His short hair was combed out of his squared features. By the splendor of his dark golden robes, he was high ranking. On his shoulder, was the sigil of a sun fanned by six wings. “Who are they? Why are they here? This is highly unusual, Lord Jophiel.”

“These are unusual times, Lord Gadriel,” Cassiel replied for him. “Please take your seats.”

If Zev recalled correctly, Lord Gadriel lorded over the floating islands of Nazar.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

The rustle of fabric and perfumed scents filtered through the room as they were seated. He studied everyone, listening to their faint whispers and beating hearts, as he knew Rawn was, too. He kept track of every movement and noted the sigils they wore.

Even without them, it was easy to tell who belonged to which Realm. The Celestials of Edym were tanned, so exposed to the sun as they were, and they dressed in various shades of red. The Celestials of Skath were pale with lighter features, wearing purple clothing lined with fur. Those from Nazar wore yellow tunics, and those of Hilos were in long white robes embroidered with gold. But they were all the same with blond hair, blue eyes, and pearlescent wings.

The citizens of Hermon had a variety of skin tones from pale to dark brown, hair in all colors and textures, wings with vibrant patterns and shades. They dressed in blue.

“I have called this meeting today to make an official announcement before the court.” Lord Jophiel’s voice projected in the room. “I have stepped down as Lord of Hermon Ridge, and Cassiel ascended last night.”

The nobles responded with more shocked murmurs. Zev growled at the slurs secretly hissed by the purebloods about the dark prince.

“Asiel is the rightful inheritor of Hermon Ridge,” Lord Gadriel said. “You would slight your own son?”

“Where is my son?” Lord Jophiel asked. “Do you see him? Because I do not. If Asiel had shown even the slightest interest in matters of state, he would be in my seat now. Who better to take my place than someone elected by the High King? It’s done.”

“Then he is to wed Sarrai. You gave your word she would be the mate of the next Lord. For that reason, she was raised here.”

Zev flattened his ears. Over his dead body would he ever allow that to happen.

Resting his elbow on the armrest, Cassiel laid his chin over his curled fingers. “Odd. I was under the impression you abandoned your niece in Hermon because you didn’t want to bear the shame of a Nephilim in your court.”

The Lord of Nazar flushed red. Cassiel’s uncle shot him a warning look. But this was good information, Zev mused. Lord Gadriel was insisting on this union because he stood to gain leverage here.

“As for Sarrai’s hand, it’s an honor to receive such a generous proposal.” Cassiel brushed a speck of dust off his knee. “Unfortunately, I must decline. I already have my bride.”

Zev tensed at the sudden return of shocked quiet blanketing the room again.

“To whom are you promised that we have not received any word?” asked the pale Celestial standing beside Lord Gadriel. He was tall, and well-built—a warrior if Zev ever knew one. Deep purple robes stretched across his broad chest. The sigil of a fire shield was embroidered over his heart.

Cassiel crossed one leg over the other. “Lord Hallel, you have come far from the Realm of Skath.”

He was giving them names and locations, Zev realized, of those he most noted as a concern. Hallel was a considerable one since he’d deposed his brother to lord over his Realm.

Cassiel’s gaze traveled over the stares waiting for an answer. “If you must know, my chosen is Dynalya Astron.”

They blinked at him in confusion.

His mouth hitched in a smirk. “The young woman who leveled the throne room yesterday. I intend to marry her before the court, and she will become the next Lady of Hermon Ridge.”

Celestials jumped to their feet, shouting in outrage. They demanded Lord Jophiel reverse the ascension. Demanded Cassiel be exiled for breaking the law. They threw out insults, each one stabbing Zev’s ears like knives. Lord Gadriel suggested the human should be done away with.

Zev’s snarl ripped through the room, silencing them immediately.

“There, there.” Cassiel petted his fur, reminding him to keep his wolf calm. “I’m sure Lord Gadriel did not mean to threaten your cousin.”

Zev snapped his teeth, taking a threatening step forward. The sound of their thrumming hearts sped as they gasped and the closest ones to him jumped out of their seats. Only one heartbeat was steady. It belonged to a Celestial in dark red robes who lingered in a shadowy corner. He was partially hidden behind the wings of two guards in white. That must be the Lord of Edym.

Lowering his legs, Cassiel sat up straight and rested his hands on the table. “Oh, where are my manners? I neglected to explain the presence of my companions. This is Zev Astron, Alpha of the largest werewolf pack in Urn.” The lie was delivered with smooth idleness. “If you find his family name familiar, it is. You see, Dynalya is most certainly a noble, as she is the descendant of Azeran of House Astron. One of the most revered names in the Magos Empire. Who currently, rule the Lunar Guild. Her other cousin, Lucenna Astron, is also present.”

Lucenna’s eyes glowed soft purple, electricity crackling around her.

“Some of you may not recognize him, but you have heard of him.” Cassiel nodded to the elf in black armor standing beside him. “May I present Lord Rawn Norrlen, renowned warrior of the Greenwood Kingdom, general of its armies. These are the head leaders of Dynalya’s guard, gentlemen. Each of them would defend her with a might to rival the Realms. Speak against me, I may forgive you, but if anyone else in this room wishes ill will against her again, I promise it will be the last words you speak before you meet the gods.” Cassiel’s smile took a sharp edge. “Now, who will escort you through the Gates depends on which one of us is the fastest. Venture a guess on who that would be.”

All eyes landed on Zev. Well, at least they were smart.

He released a deep menacing growl that promised however fast they ran, he would rip into them before they could scream.

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