Shattered Souls (Guardians of the Maiden Book 3)

Shattered Souls: Part 1 – Chapter 30

With each step of her dragging feet, Dyna felt the saddle tighten on her back. Len and Novo forced her along the muddied path. No one spoke as Von led them away from Tarn’s tent. The air was heavy with the thoughts she could sense from them and her own growing fear.

When Benton’s tent came into view her heart rate spiked. “Please, Von. If he gets the Unending, we’re all finished. Every life within these shores will be wiped out.”

The Commander’s pace remained steady onward.

“Is this what you want?” she asked him. “You know what he plans. You know what this will mean for Azure. You have to help me stop him.”

“Kata,” Len hissed in her language, telling her to be silent.

“He serves the master, lass,” Novo said under his breath. “His hands are tied.”

“No, they aren’t.” Dyna kicked out, nearly making contact with Von’s leg, but they hauled her back. “You fear the consequences of disobeying the holy law? The only law is the one of the soul. You know what this is doing to you, but do you know what will happen if you don’t fight? Yavi will die.”

Von whipped around, his expression with a warning to shut her mouth.

But Dyna picked at that wound, knowing it was her only chance. “She will, Von. And not because of the fates or judgment of the heavens. Because you’re holding on to some devout belief that this is right, that you owe him something. You don’t. Tarn stole your will and he will steal her from you, too.”

His expression wavered, fear flickering behind the anger.

Benton peered out his tent. “Ah, you’re here. Good. Bring her in.”

The interruption was enough to settle Von’s manacles back in place.

She thrashed, digging her feet into the ground. “You have to stop this.”

You can stop this, Dyna.” He exhaled heavily. “Merely tell him what he wants to know. Where is Mount Ida?”

“You know I can’t tell him.”

A somberness fell over Von and he moved back for Novo and Len to drag her forward. She screamed at him, and his features creased as he watched her be taken. He knew it was wrong, but he had been chained to Tarn for too long.

Well, she wasn’t going to take this.

Dyna elbowed Len in the face and punched Novo in the kidney. He released her with a curse. But she only took two steps before Benton snapped his fingers. Her limbs locked in place and her mouth sealed shut as she was carried inside the tent on a mist of red Essence. He deposited her in a chair. Dyna tried to fight against his power, but she couldn’t move.

Captain again to someone else’s whim.

Clayton and Dalton lingered in the shadowy corner of the tent, silently watching.

Von came in and stood by the entrance. “You’re only to extract the location of Mount Ida from her mind. Nothing else. She isn’t to be harmed.”

“Yes, yes I know.” Benton waved him away as he flipped through his grimoire.

“Painless, Benton.”

“Of course.” He smiled at her over his shoulder, but it was unkind and scheming. “I’m not a barbarian.”

Dyna shook her head at Von, her bravery starting to drain away. Pure panic was taking its place. She was helpless. Restrained. At the mercy of a mage that saw her as an object and not a person.

“I will be right here,” he said.

The reassurance did nothing to quell her fear. Sweat trickled down her neck, the thud of her heart pounding loud in her ears. She tried to think of a way out but nothing came to her.

Why had she come back?

She had escaped. Her plan had worked. If only she hadn’t spared any sympathy for that man, she would have reunited with Cassiel. He would have found her by now. She knew it. A piece of her shriveled up and died to know her freedom had been right there within reach.

If only she had let Tarn die.

For once, Dyna wished she had been heartless enough to let him suffer an agonizing death. And a dark thought wanted that now. But she had saved him because she wanted to believe he might have been someone worth saving. And he betrayed her.

I can hardly be to blame…

No, she was.

The amethyst crystal above their heads spun, and a soft voice called from outside.

Von swept the tent flaps aside to reveal Elon. “What is it?”

“A word, Commander.”

Dyna shook her head, silently begging. She was more afraid to be left alone with Benton than anyone else in this camp.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I will be right back,” Von promised and glared at the old mage. “Don’t begin the spell until I return.”

Benton waved him away in annoyance. “Make it quick then. I don’t seek to earn more of the Master’s displeasure.”

Von shot her one last look and stepped outside. The tent flap settled in place behind him, and Dyna dropped her head. Tears dripped onto her lap.

“There, there.” Benton tsked, lifting her chin. “No need to cry, child. I will never let Tarn get what he wants. That man deserves much, but not that.”

She blinked through her blurry vision, staring up at him in confusion.

At the flick of Benton’s finger, his magic released her so she could speak. “We’re leaving this place.”

“You’re setting me free?” she asked once will returned to her body.

“Unfortunately, you’re too valuable. The perfect token to escape this place and return to where we belong.”

Clayton’s eyes glowed faint yellow, wearing the same, slithering smile as his father. Dalton couldn’t quite hold her gaze. He looked away to his feet, fidgeting with his staff.

“I helped you!” Dyna shouted. “This is how you repay me?”

Benton shrugged. “You have our many thanks.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

“Your family is gone, but if you could see them again, would you want to?” he asked gently. “I can give you that.”

Her mouth trembled. “How?”

“Through a deep and everlasting dream. And I promise, it will be painless.”

A horrible feeling sank in her stomach when she realized what he was about to do.

“Father.” Dalton took a step towards them. “We don’t have to do this. It isn’t right.”

“Quiet.” Clayton shoved him back.

“It needs to be done, son. This is the only way we stop being slaves.” Benton looked back at her. “I will do what I must to stop Tarn from becoming immortal. With your mind gone, no one can ever reveal Azeran’s map. Don’t pretend this isn’t what you wanted.”

“I would never show it to him,” she said. “You have to believe me.”

“After what you pulled, I cannot take that chance.”

This was all wrong. She had to think of a way out.

You haven’t the means nor the will to fight me.

It had always come down to that. Her ability. Her will. In everything she faced, she always felt weak and too scared to act. It had gotten her here. It wasn’t a question of good against evil anymore. But what she was willing to do—to survive.

“What if…I choose to go with you?” Dyna asked. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? To bring me to Magos. My Astron lineage will restore your position with House Slater.”

A new path was forming before her. The steps needed to cross it would carry a heavy cost. There was no debate anymore. Knowing what awaited, the choice had already been made. She straightened in the chair. Tarn’s last words continued circling in her head, each one fortifying her decision.

You haven’t the means…

“Would you come willingly?” Clayton asked, taking a step forward, intrigued.

Dalton shook his head, his brown eyes distraught.

Aware of the crystals above, Dyna nodded without speaking.

“Stop!” Dalton rushed forward. “Father, please don’t do this!”

…nor the will…

Clayton hit his back with a blast of yellow magic, knocking him down. Dalton rolled over and punched his brother with a glowing fist. The tent filled with the sounds of their curses and blows.

“You would submit?” Benton pressed.

Swallowing, Dyna nodded again. Her heart sped and her legs braced.

…to fight me.

The old mage gave her a mocking chuckle. “Did you truly think I would believe that?”

Dyna glared up at him. “No.”

She snatched the hindrance arrow from her boot and shoved it into his throat. Benton stared at her, choked sounds escaping his open mouth. Dark blood gushed out of the wound and his lips, coating her hand red. There was so much blood. Benton crumpled to the ground. Gasping, she leaped out of her chair, stumbling away from what she’d done. She killed him. The stain of its cost settled over her as it marred an integral part of her being.

The veils were gone—both of them. They vanished off the camp and her body at the same time, and it struck her all at once.

Freedom. The bond. Cassiel.

He was near.

She felt his shock and his utter relief that made her want to weep. The bond sparked in her chest like a small bud of warmth.

Dalton jerked forward with a strangled sound at his father on the ground. Clayton bellowed a furious scream. He thrust his hand and Dyna dove for the exit, landing outside.

Meet me at the cliff! She sent through the bond, praying he was coming from that direction.

She scrambled to her feet when Clayton stormed out of the tent. He tossed a blast of Essence yellow for her head. She threw herself out of the way. It missed her by inches, its heat searing her skin. The blast hit the ground with a boom so powerful, it shook the earth, tossing debris in the air.

Dyna scrambled to her feet as the ground began to open out from under her. A scream tore from her throat. “Von!”

He was her enemy.

The one to deliver her here.

But in that moment, in that last cry of desperation, she called his name. Because she knew, in her heart, he was the only one who could help her now.

Von caught her hand before she fell in the hole and hauled her back onto solid ground. Elon was close behind. But either could ask what happened, a force blew out, skittering yellow magic through the air. It hit them all, slamming her body into the dirt. Sharp rocks bit into her chin, dust coating her teeth. Clayton pinned her with his magic and she screamed, clawing at the ground as he dragged her back to him. He threw himself on top of her and his hot hands clamped around her skull, yellow light flaring.

“Get off me!” She threw her head back and smashed it into his nose.

Clayton’s hold slipped. Dyna rolled away from him and swung her boot into his jaw. The blow knocked him to the ground. She saw past him to Dalton holding his father’s limp body in his lap. Tears streamed down his face as he looked at her, his gaze full of heartbreak and questioning why.

Heavy breaths shuddered out of her lungs, her mouth trembled. “I-I’m—”

“She killed my father!” Clayton bellowed, the accusation punching her in the stomach. “The veil is down!”

Von’s wide eyes fixed on her where he and Elon were rising to their feet. Raiders already gathered behind them at the commotion.

Dyna bolted for the forest. On her third breath, she heard them give chase. The camp was a blur of tents and shouting voices. She sprinted past the perimeter and cut into the forest. Her lungs burned for air.

Don’t stop! She bit back a sob at the sound of Cassiel’s rich voice in her mind. Run! Keep running!

Her legs pumped as she sprinted as fast as she could. The enchanted bangles beat against her ankles with every step. She couldn’t think about that now. Branches whipped at her face as she tore through the bushes. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, urging her onward. She ran and ran through the dense trees, leaping over logs and dodging low branches. The voices were closer. Her fear doubled at the sound of neighing horses joining the hunt.

Dyna surged out of the forest onto the flat, rocky clearing ending in a cliff with a five-hundred foot drop. But the dark sky was empty. It held nothing but the moon obscured by clouds. She whimpered and whipped around as the Raiders came up behind her. They had her surrounded with no place to go. The men parted as Tarn rode forward on his horse. He dismounted with Von and Clayton coming up behind him.


She looked out deep into the forested ravine and spotted figures with colorful wings headed in her direction. Moonlight glinted on their golden scaled armor. The white flame of their weapons glowed brightly in the night. The Valkyrie. But she focused on the one dressed in black, his ebony wings flaring behind him. The sight broke through her adrenaline and she let out a relieved cry.

“Jump!” she heard his shout in the distance.

“Stop her,” Tarn commanded.

Flaming spears and arrows zipped past her head, swiftly taking down Raiders like tumbling pillars. Von yanked his Master out of range from the attack and used his body to shield him. That one small action bought her an opening.

Von looked back at her over his shoulder and mouthed one word: Go.

Dyna didn’t hesitate. She sprinted for the edge and leaped. Her arms and legs whirled through the air in a groundless run. Cassiel soared towards her, and she reached for him. Their fingers swiped past each other, missing by centimeters. And she plummeted against the roaring wind, her red hair trailing after her.

Cassiel’s frightened shout reverberated through them both.

His beautiful large wings tucked against his back, and he dove, speeding against the roaring wind. Their hands strained to reach each other. All she could think about was that this was how they had met. With a cliff and the open sky.

Cassiel latched on to her hands and wrenched her tight against him. His wings snapped open right before they hit the ground, and they soared into the sky. The Valkyrie circled to join their flank.

Passing the cliff where the Raiders stood on the edge, she met Tarn’s hard gaze.

Let me go, she prayed. Please, let me go.

His silhouette grew smaller and smaller as he watched them fly away into the night. Then the man who had kept her captive turned and strolled back to the woods. Tears welled in her eyes. She was free.

Dyna looked at her bonded. “Cassiel.” His name caught in her throat as she sobbed. The bond continued to weave itself together piece by piece, at last falling in place. Filling her with all the emotions. His thoughts. His touch. The relief. The joy. So overwhelming she wept into his chest, clutching him tightly. “Cassiel.”

His own eyes shone wet as he held her close. “Lev sheli—”

A blow crashed into her back. Yellow light swarmed her body, and pain cleaved through her skull stole her breath.

Cassiel screamed her name. He lost control, the impact sending them rolling through the air. The wind slashed at them and she didn’t know if they were falling.

Clayton struck her with a spell. She recognized his magic penetrating her. This was his revenge for his father. To leave her a broken shell after she had finally reunited with her mate.

Dyna tried to fight the mage. To keep him out of her head. She tried so hard to build her mental shield—but he was in. His magic slithered through her very being, immobilizing her body as he took over her mind and buried all of her in a dark corner of her consciousness. She tumbled through the chasm of her mind leaving the sky and the moonlight above to fall further and further. Cassiel’s cry followed her into the darkness, as the last spark of magic swept her away.

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