Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox)

Chapter Thirty Nine: The Smell of Death

Chapter Thirty Nine: The Smell of Death

Knox's piercing gaze bore into Adeline as he awaited her reply. The weight of his impatience was

palpable in the tense silence that enveloped them. Adeline blinked, her eyes fixed on him, unyielding.

"You are not my Alpha, so I do not answer to you," she retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

A dangerous smile tugged at the corners of Knox's lips, betraying a hint of the threat that lurked

beneath his demeanor. "So, who is your Alpha?" he inquired, his tone low and calculated.

"My loyalties lie with Julian," Adeline responded, her voice steady, revealing a steadfast allegiance.

Knox took a step back, his gaze sweeping over her form as he pondered her words. Confusion etched

across his face as he struggled to comprehend the situation. "So why are you here? I don't

understand," he admitted, genuine curiosity seeping into his words.

Taking advantage of the respite, Knox settled into a seat and gestured for Adeline to join him. "Please,

enlighten me. Help me understand," he implored, a subtle edge threaded through his request.

Adeline hesitated for a moment, her gaze locked with Knox's. A flicker of fear danced within her eyes

as she finally spoke, her words laced with resignation, "You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

A smile played upon Knox's lips once again, but it held a warning that wasn't easily overlooked. "Make

me understand," he repeated, his tone carrying a weighty undertone that hinted at dire consequences

for noncompliance.

Resigned, Adeline acquiesced and took a seat across from Knox, preparing herself to share her

harrowing tale. "I survived the attack on my pack. I was the only one left," she began, her voice tinged

with sorrow. "I searched relentlessly for my daughter, but I never found her. I lived among lone wolves

for years, barely surviving. Until one day, deep in the woods, I was ambushed by a savage wolf. Left for

dead, Julian found me. He took me in, tending to my wounds and nursing me back to health."

Knox listened intently, his body tense with anticipation, as Adeline continued her account. "He kept me

hidden within the caves, away from his Alpha's knowledge. Julian believed his leader wouldn't approve

of a stranger in the pack," she revealed, her voice tinged with a mix of bitterness and understanding.

"How long were you hidden in the caves?" Knox inquired, his voice holding a blend of curiosity and


"For a year," Adeline replied, her gaze steady.

Knox leaned back in his chair, absorbing the weight of Adeline's words. Every muscle in his body

remained rigid, betraying the intensity of his attention. "And you never met Aria?" he pressed,

Confusion furrowed Adeline's brow as she contemplated Knox's question. "Who is Aria?" she asked,

her voice laced with genuine curiosity, her mind struggling to make the connection.

Knox nodded, realization dawning upon him. "Aria is the marked wolf. She is one of the Alpha's

daughters. The one you speak of." he clarified, a note of significance underlying his words.

Adeline's features softened with understanding. "I only met her sister," she admitted, her voice tinged

with a hint of melancholy.

"Okay, continue," Knox urged, his curiosity now tinged with a touch of suspicion. "What led you here?

Did Julian send you to spy on us?"

Her arms folded in defiance, Adeline met Knox's gaze head-on. "Why should I tell you anything?" she

challenged, her voice steady despite the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

Knox's expression hardened, his patience wearing thin once again. He rose from his seat, his imposing

figure casting a shadow over Adeline. With deliberate steps, he closed the distance between them until

he stood directly in front of her, their eyes locked in a battle of wills.

"When Ryder is done with you, you will wish for death," Knox warned, his voice a low, dangerous

murmur that reverberated through the air.

A flicker of fear coursed through Adeline, her throat tightening as she swallowed hard. Her defiance

waned, replaced by a resigned acceptance. The weight of her survival weighed heavily upon her, and

she relented.

"Wait," she called out, her voice laced with a mixture of apprehension and determination. Knox's smile

returned, tinged with satisfaction at her compliance.

"Yes?" he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of triumph.

Taking a steadying breath, Adeline slowly resumed her seat, her gaze fixed unwaveringly on Knox. The

room seemed to hold its breath, its very air thick with anticipation, as she mustered the strength to

begin recounting her haunting tale. Her words, like delicate threads, wove a tapestry of profound loss,

relentless survival, and a desperate search for answers that had consumed her every waking moment.

"The attack on my pack," Adeline began, her voice trembling with the weight of immeasurable sorrow

and lingering trauma, "was swift and brutal. I bore witness to the devastating destruction of everything I

held dear, and in the midst of that unforgiving chaos, I was cruelly separated from Melody. I made a

heart-wrenching sacrifice to ensure her survival, trading my own well-being for her chance to live. And

though I managed to cling to life, a flickering ember amidst the ashes, I became a lone wolf."

Her eyes now seemed distant, lost in the painful recesses of her memories. "Years turned into an

endless procession, and as time etched its mark upon my weary soul, hope began to wane. Surviving

as a lone wolf was a constant battle, a desperate struggle to secure even the most basic necessities of

life. In this unforgiving realm, it became painfully clear that self-preservation ruled the hearts of those

who crossed my path. Trust was a luxury I could ill afford, wolves are not keen on outsiders. So, I NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

continued my relentless search for Melody."

A momentary pause hung in the air, the weight of her past bearing down upon her frail frame. "And

then, one fateful day, I caught a glimpse of her. I watched her for months, my heart aching with a

mixture of joy and longing as I observed her interactions with another wolf, sensing the bond they

shared. Patiently, I waited for her, day after day, until destiny intervened, altering the course of my life

yet again. I was attacked, vulnerable and alone, and it was then that Julian. found me."

Adeline's voice trembled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability as she continued, "Julian became my

lifeline, my guardian in a world that had turned its back on me. He sheltered me from his Alpha, fearing

the consequences of harboring a stranger. For a year, I remained hidden, relying on Julian's kindness

and protection to survive."

Knox, his interest piqued by Adeline's heartfelt account, leaned forward intently, his piercing gaze fixed

upon her. "So why were you locked up?"

The weight of the question hung heavy in the air, and Adeline's expression faltered briefly, her eyes

betraying the burden she carried. "I... I told Julian that I yearned to see my daughter once more," she

admitted, her voice laced with a mixture of regret and longing. "When he learned that Melody was a

part of your pack, so close to home, he came up with a plan to use her."

Knox's brow furrowed, a mix of curiosity and skepticism etched upon his face. "And you allowed him to

use your own daughter as a pawn?" he asked, his voice tinged with incredulity.

Adeline's gaze flickered with a complex blend of emotions—guilt, anguish, and a deep-rooted sense of

powerlessness. "I had no choice," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "Julian... he saved

my life. He offered me a glimmer of hope in a world that had grown so dark and desolate. The weight of

his favor rested heavily upon my shoulders, and I couldn't bear to deny him, even if it meant sacrificing

my own desires and the safety of my own flesh and blood."

As Knox absorbed her words, a mixture of pity and frustration surged within him. He stood up abruptly,

his tall figure casting a shadow over the room as he began to pace, his thoughts racing like a turbulent

storm. "I hope," he declared, his voice laced with a tinge of resentment, "I hope it was worth it. Worth

the pain, the heartache you caused her."

A somber silence enveloped the room, each moment laden with unspoken thoughts and unyielding

tension. Adeline's heartbeat quickened, a mix of anxiety and anticipation coursing through her veins.

And then, in a sudden surge of motion, Knox crossed the distance between them, his footsteps

purposeful and determined.

Standing mere inches away from Adeline, he leaned forward, his eyes locked with hers in an unyielding

gaze. "There is one question that gnaws at me," he stated, his voice low and measured. "Are you the

reason they infiltrated our pack so easily? Are you the one who allowed them to breach our defenses?"

Adeline's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest as she met Knox's penetrating stare. Slowly,

she nodded, a flicker of remorse and fear crossing her features. The weight of her admission hung

heavily in the air, casting a pall over the room.

It happened in an instant, a surge of raw fury emanating from Knox. His hand shot forward, piercing the

air with a menacing speed, and before Adeline could react, his fingers plunged into her chest with

brutal force. A sharp gasp escaped her lips, mingling with the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in

her ears.

"I will tell Melody," Knox's voice, laced with a chilling coldness, seeped into the void of silence, "that you

said you were sorry."

Adeline's eyes widened in a mix of shock and agony as she desperately clutched at her chest, blood

staining her trembling fingers. The pain was unbearable, searing through her veins like liquid fire. And

in that final, harrowing moment, as her life force slowly drained away, she gazed into Knox's eyes, an

unspoken plea for forgiveness etched upon her face.

With a swift, merciless motion, Knox ripped her heart from her chest.


Shana stepped into the room where Aria and Sophia were immersed in arranging dresses. Her eyes

flickered with a hint of curiosity as she surveyed the colorful array of fabrics and intricate designs

spread before them. The air was filled with an electric sense of anticipation.

"Do you think we're finally done?" Shana inquired, her voice tinged with a mixture of eagerness and


Sophia, her face adorned with a satisfied smile, turned to face Shana. "I believe so," she replied. "I've

managed to find the perfect dress."

A surge of excitement coursed through Shana's veins as she eagerly awaited Sophia's response.

"Well?" she pressed, her voice filled with anticipation. "Can I see the dress?"

Sophia's smile deepened, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "You will see it on the day of the mating

ceremony," she teased, teasingly withholding the desired information.

Shana's face contorted into a slight pout, disappointment evident in her expression. "I don't think that's

fair," she retorted. "Aria got to see it."

"I never said she did," Sophia calmly clarified, her voice laced with amusement.

At that moment, Aria gracefully interjected, stepping between the two of them with a dress in her

hands. She raised it up to Shana's face, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "This is the dress," she

announced, unable to contain her excitement. "Are you happy now?"

Shana's pout transformed into a half-hearted smile as she observed the dress, her eyes gleaming with

curiosity. "Not really," she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of jest.

Sophia rolled her eyes, playfully exasperated. "You are a piece of work, Shana," she teased, her tone

carrying a mixture of fondness and exasperation.

Just as the atmosphere in the room began to settle into a comfortable camaraderie, Melody entered the

room,"Aria, could you please come help me with this zip?"

Surprise flickered across Shana's face as she turned towards Melody. "Why are you asking Aria?" she

questioned, a perplexed expression adorning her features. "I was just with you. Why didn't you just ask

me to help you out?" She folded her arms with a frown on her face.

"Why are you so bitty today, Shana?"

Melody asked and the two other she wolves concurred.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

Aria stepped forward, leading Melody out with one final glance at Shana.

Sophia turned her attention back to Shana, her expression a blend of curiosity and concern. "What's

wrong with you, Shana?" she inquired, her voice soft yet probing. "You've been acting strangely over

the past few weeks. Is something troubling you?"

Shana released a heavy sigh, her eyes clouded with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. "When is

Jackson coming?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Surprised by the sudden change in topic, Sophia furrowed her brow. "What? This is about my brother?"

she queried, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and concern.

Shana's gaze dropped to the ground, her voice barely audible as she confessed her fears. "My wolf

has been calling out for him," Shana admitted, her voice laden with vulnerability. "I don't understand

her. With your upcoming mating ceremony, they were supposed to come, and I don't know..."

Sophia's eyes softened with empathy as she placed a comforting hand on Shana's shoulder. "You're

scared that if you see him, you'll feel something more," she gently finished Shana's sentence, her voice

filled with understanding.

Shana nodded, her gaze fixed on a distant point in the room. "Yes," she replied, her voice barely

audible. "After Mathias, my mate... I promised myself I would never let myself experience that much

pain again. My plan is to avoid him for as long as possible which includes avoiding the pack."

Sophia's concern deepened as she realized the weight of Shana's apprehension. "You're planning to

avoid Jackson until they leave? That's your plan?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Before Sophia could respond further, Aria hurriedly stepped into the room, her eyes widened in shock

and her hand stained with fresh blood. The atmosphere shifted instantaneously, the previously

lighthearted ambiance now engulfed in a thick cloud of tension and confusion.

"Aria?" Sophia called out, her voice filled with concern as her eyes went to Aria's hand. "What

happened and where is Melody?"

Aria continued to stare, her usually composed demeanor shattered by the gravity of the situation. Her

voice quivered as she struggled to find the right words. "I... I don't know," she stammered, her voice

barely audible. "It just happened..."

Fear and worry etched deep lines on Sophia's face as she exchanged a quick glance with Shana. The

two of them moved as one, pushing past Aria to uncover the scene that had unfolded in the adjacent


There, amidst a pool of crimson, stood Melody, her normally gentle countenance marred by shock and

devastation. Her trembling feet were stained with blood, and she stood over the now lifeless body of

the shopkeeper.

Silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of their ragged breaths. Finally, Melody raised

her head, her voice laced with anguish and accusation. "She killed her," she whispered, her words

carrying the weight of unbearable truth. "Aria... Aria killed her."

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