Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 35: Ch.34/ Scared To Lose You

Chapter 35: Ch.34/ Scared To Lose You

Anupama's POV:-

Nothing seems to be real anymore because of the unimaginable things happening in my life after the sudden marriage with Alessandro. Once a scared and timid girl has become a strong, independent woman because of the encouragement her husband has shown on her. A husband who can turn the world upside down if something goes wrong with his wife. Yet, I know that the secret I am keeping deep inside my heart can break the faith Alessandro has in me. It's not like I don't want to tell him but I am afraid of the reaction he will give after knowing everything. Will he still care for me the way he does now? Will he still want me after knowing the secret of my past life?

I have been having these crazy thoughts from some days that something will go wrong and I will lose the person who can sheer the unknown emotions in my heart. I don't know what's happening to me but I do know one thing that I can not live without Alessandro. I can not put a name for the feeling that is thriving in my heart because I have never felt something like this before. That's why I want to live every second of my life cherishing the moments that can get away from me after the revelation of the secret.

"Mum-mum!" Advira yells out for me from the kiddie pull Samuel has set up for her to play. I stand up from the swing before going in from the happy little girl.

She can not swim well despite her Uncle Sam giving her swimming lessons twice a week. So, she is using a unicorn floaty to swim around the pool.

"Yes, baby?" I ask after crouching down to her level. However, the naughty girl doesn't reply instead she starts to throw water at me. My eyes widen in response because I am not expecting her to do something like this. She gives me a mischievous smile before she again throw water at me.

"You little miss naughty Advira Bianchi, just wait and watch what mum-mum will do to you." Saying this I start to tickle her making her screech and giggle loudly. The dogs come running out of the house as if thinking their little sister is in danger, but upon seeing that she is playing with me they lay down on the

ground grass. After some time I pick up Advira out of the pool much to her whining and take her inside the house. Zeus and Fonsie follow me however the other decided to stay out in the backyard.

"What on earth happened to her?" Mama Melody asks when she sees the pouty look Advira is giving me.

"Your lovely granddaughter didn't want to leave her kiddie pool and that's why she is being mean to her mum-mum." I reply with a fake sad tone.

"Me no meanie Nonna. Mum-mum no cry." Advira replies while trying to wipe my cheeks with her tiny hands.

"Your mum-mum is not crying, sweetie. She is just sad that you are angry with her." Mama Melody tells Advira who looks like she is having a dilemma about what to do.

"Me sworry mum-mum." Advira mumbles while hugging me.

"It's alright baby. I know you are just playing with me. Let's get you into some warm clothes or you can catch cold." I reply before bidding goodbye to Mama Melody who goes into the living room where she was watching tv earlier. I take Advira to her room and dry her with a towel. I put lotion all over her body before dressing her in a warm onesie not wanting her to catch cold.

She is looking so adorable that I click a picture of her before sending it to her papa who I am sure going to love it. I have already told one of the maids to bring warm milk for Advira so when she brings the milk in a sippy cup, I give the cup to my baby who drinks the milk without any fuss. Of course, I can not forget about the dogs so I give them homemade treats to eat.

I leave them in the room and go to my room to change out of the wet clothes. I hear my phone ring from the bathroom so I hurriedly put clean clothes before picking up the call to see that it's Dadabhai who is calling me.

"Anu there is a problem with the deal we were talking about earlier. Can you please come to the company right now?" Dadabhai says after I receive the call.

"Okay, I will be there in half an hour." I reply and cut the call. Thankfully I have worn decent clothes so I don't need to change again. I get inside the closest and pick up my purse before putting the necessary things inside. I call the driver to let him know that I will be going to the company asap.

"Mama Melody I am going to the company." I inform her after coming downstairs.

"But what's the rush dear?" She asks while standing from the couch.

"I don't know exactly what happened but dadabhai just called and asked me to come to the company. So, I need to go there as soon as possible." I explain.

"Oh then you should go dear. Don't worry I will look after Advira till you come back." She replies. I smile at her and bid her goodbye.


After arriving at the company I directly go to dadabhai's cabin where I find him yelling at some of the employees. Upon seeing me he dismisses them and they get out of there after greeting me.

"Why are you shouting at them dadabhai?" I ask after sitting across from him.

"They can't do anything correct Anu. They were supposed to complete the assignments by today but they are not halfway complete. Now, you tell me how can I not scold them for such misdeed?" Dadabhai replies while running his hands through his hair.

"Calm down dadabhai. They are all new in this field so they need time to learn everything. I am not saying that you are wrong in scolding them but I think currently they need your guidance more." I explain in which he nods his head in understanding.

"I know I am overreacting about the whole deal but I have a feeling that this deal can make our company known or it can become our downfall. The most irritating thing about this deal is the owner who doesn't want to back out of his demands. Our company might be a branch of the Sengupta Enterprise but we're not as popular as that one. Also, I don't have much contact in here so I don't know what will be good at this moment." He replies looking defeated. I can understand his point of view and his tension about the project but I think I know who can help us.

'Why don't you ask for Alessandro's help? I am sure he will be happy to help you." I suggest but he shakes in head in denial.

"No Anu, I can not just ask for his help. He has already done so much for us and I don't want him to think that I am incapable of handling this company. I will see what I can do to solve everything." He answers back.

"Okay fine you can do whatever you think right but why did you ask me to come here?" I ask.

"I want to discuss the presentation we are going to show to our clients. I think we should make some changes because there are so many important factors are missing in the presentation." He replies before showing me the presentation on his laptop.

After a lot of discussion, we come to the conclusion that we need to make a new presentation because this one has a lot of mistakes in it. However, I assure him that this time I will be making the presentation by myself. I ask him if he has his lunch yet but he tells me that he is extremely busy eating anything. So, I order a chicken sandwich and juice for him before bidding him goodbye. On the way out of the company, I stop by the finance department and ask for the important documents that will help me to make the presentation. After collecting everything I leave the company to get back to the mansion because the sooner I can go home the sooner I can start on my work.


The next day

Tomorrow is the ball night at the Bianchi enterprise so Alessandro is extremely busy with everything. I have heard from Mama Melody that this is one of the biggest ball nights in entire California so Alessandro has to overlook everything by himself. That's why he has been busy for some days, he even comes home late so he doesn't get to spend much time with Advira. So, I have thought that I should surprise him by going to his company with our daughter. I am sure he will love to see his darling princess with the stress he is going through.

Although I have met some of his employees on the day of our reception party but I have never gone to his company before, so I am kind of nervous to go there. I know there is nothing to be nervous about because Alessandro and Bianca will be there. With that thought being in mind I get ready before going into Advira's room to get her ready. She starts to throw tantrum because she wants to play with her barbies but when I tell her we are going to see Papa, she instantly abandons her dolls with a big smile on her face.

Samuel is also going to accompanying me as he doesn't want me to get lost in the big company. I don't deny him because I don't want Alessandro to know about my surprise visit to the company.

"Wow, Advira you are looking very pretty." Samuel comments after I buckle up Advira on her car seat.

"Me go see papa. Mum-mum pwetty me." She replies while giving him a toothy smile.

"That's good. Papa will be very happy to see you there." Samuel answers back making me smile at him.

Soon the car starts moving toward our destination. I open my laptop to do some work because Samuel has informed me that it will take twenty minutes to reach there. So, I spend the next twenty minutes reading some essential documents for the new deal. Upon arriving at the company premises Samuel

gets Advira out of her car seat but I keep stuck to my place seeing the huge building in front of my eyes.

"Let's go inside Mrs. Bianchi." Samuel says to me.

"Are you sure I am not doing anything wrong?" I ask kind of unsure of my sudden decision.

"I am 100% sure that you are doing the correct thing. Forget about everything else and focus on your surprise." Samuel replies gently making me feel a little better.

I get out of the car and take Advira in my arms. Samuel starts to walk beside me showing me some of the area on the way. When we get inside the company building everyone stops talking and starts to look at us with wide eyes. But then Advira gives them a little wave which brings them out of their shocking poster. She starts to greet whoever comes on our way making me feel proud of my daughter. It seems my daughter has become a well-known person in her father's company.

When we arrive at the personal ballroom of the company I notice that Alessandro is talking to some of his employees while Bianca is giving instructions to others. He still doesn't notice us so I tell Advira to keep quiet and give her to Samuel. She nods her head as if she knows what's going to happen. I walk towards Alessandro before stopping behind him. I clear my throat making him turn around and when he sees me his eyes widen in surprise. He engulfs me in a tight hug before kissing the top of my head.

"What are you doing here Cara?" He asks after pulling away from the hug.

"I wanted to surprise you so I have come here. But I haven't come alone, Alessandro." I reply making him give me a confused look but soon his face lit up with happiness when he notices Advira in Samuel's arms. Samuel puts her down and she straight runs to her papa's arms who picks her up without any ease.

"This is the best surprise I have ever gotten till now. Thank you so much, Cara." Alessandro comments after he is done hugging our daughter.

"This is the least I can do for you because I know you're not getting much time to spend with our daughter." I reply with a smile.

"So finally you have decided to come here I see." Bianca says after coming in front of me. She hugs me and put a kiss to Advira's cheek.

"Hmm, I think I was just waiting for the right moment." I reply sheepishly making her laugh.

"I don't know about others but I am super happy to see you after so long." Bianca says while glaring at Alessandro who glares back at her.

"What's going on between you two?" I ask because it's very rare to see these two have conflicts with each other.

"This dumb husband of yours is not listening to me. I am telling him that we need to give the employees bonus for New year but he is adamant about it." Bianca replies with a huff.

"We have already given them a bonus for Christmas so what's the need for another bonus? She is not making any sense." Alessandro argues back. They start to bicker like two children making me roll my eyes at them.

"If you two don't stop arguing at this moment I will leave from here." I threaten when neither of them ready to stop their argument. But when they hear my threat they stop immediately.

"Come on Bi let go. I want to look at the arrangement." Samuel says coming towards us before leading Bianca away from there.

I glance at Alessandro who looks very tired so I take Advira from him and ask him to take us somewhere vacant where I can talk to him. He leads me in the elevator and soon we reach his very huge cabin. I put Advira down when she starts to squirm in my arms. She runs towards a huge pile of toys and starts playing without a care in the world.

"Why do you have so many toys in your cabin?" I ask after sitting down on the couch.

"As you know, she sometimes comes to the company with me so to keep her occupied I have arranged a play area for her in the cabin." Alessandro replies while taking a seat beside me on the couch.

"You are spoiling her too much." I say making him laugh loudly.

"I am not spoiling her Cara, I am just giving her some toys so don't worry." He replies while taking my hands in his hold.

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Alessandro's POV:-

"But she is so little to have so many toys." My lovely wife complains trying to look intimidating but to me, she looks like a little kitten.

"Okay fine I will try to give her less toys." I reply making her pout in return. I peck her pouty lips because they are looking so delicate like petal. She hides her face between her hands however I can see her blush because not only her cheeks but her ears are also looking red by now.

"You still get shy whenever I kiss you. What will you do when I do more than-" she puts her hand on my mouth while her eyes widen comically.

"Shh, why are you saying such bad things?" She whispers angrily. I signal at the hand that is covering my mouth.

"So what do you want me to do with you?" I whisper in her after she removes her hand. I don't wait for her answer before starting to put feathery kisses on her neck. When She starts to tremble I stop my torture because I know she is still not ready for more. I pull away from her neck to see that she is avoiding eye contact with me. I put my finger on her chin and make her look at me.

"I will not do anything you don't want Cara. You are more important to me than anything else." I tell her gently.

"I believe you, Alessandro." She replies softly with a small smile. I stand up from the couch before going towards my desk to call in the canteen and order them to send some snacks. After that, I pick up my princess from her playpen and sit down on the couch putting her on my lap.

We spend the next two hours talking, laughing and of course devouring some snacks. Little moments like these are the reasons for my happiness after the long days of working. I have never thought that my Cara is capable of giving me such surprise but I am to see her and our daughter in my company. I am sure that everyone in the company is going to talk about this sudden visit from my beautiful wife. But I don't care what they say because I have gotten to see my wife and our daughter.

When the clock hit 6 o'clock I decide to return home. I pick up my princess before getting out of the cabin while Anhuphama walks beside me. We reach the ballroom and once again I give the necessary instructions before we leave from there. I get us inside my car and tell the driver to take us home. Home, a word that used to be a foreign word to me but now it feels warm to call the huge mansion home. Because my wife had made me look at things differently and I can not be happier.

Soon the car stops in front of the mansion and we get out of the car. I pick up my princess while her mother rings the bell of the mansion. Melody is the one who opens the door and when she sees us a

full-blown smile makes its way to her face.

"I am assuming that you have liked your surprise very much." Melody comments after serving us glasses of water.

"I didn't like it, I loved it, Melody." I reply with a smile while caressing the fur of King's head. He is the first dog I have rescued from a dogfighting arena. He was extremely vicious at first and didn't let me get close to him. But that didn't stop me from trying my best to tame the beast in him. He is still a beast to others but for me he is always going to be my first child.

"He was waiting for you to come home but then I think he got tired and fall asleep." Melody says while taking a seat beside the sleeping King who looks like he is smiling in his sleep.

"I am such a horrible father. I don't even get much time to spend with them. I am sure they are angry at me." I mumble feeling guilty.

"You are not a horrible father Alessandro and I am sure none of your babies think anything like that. They all know how much you love them and care for them." Melody assures me with a gentle tone as if she is talking to a child. I don't reply because I feel a lump forming in my throat so I get up from the couch before going upstairs to change my clothes.

While standing in the warm spray of water I let the tears run down my cheeks. I am not someone who likes to show my emotions but after marrying Anhuphama it is becoming hard to control my emotions. I used to say that I don't believe in love because there was no one to show me love in the past. Yes, Melody was there but I used to be so cold towards her so despite her caring nature I had never let her love me like other kids in the orphanage. Whenever I saw her playing with other kids, I wanted to reach towards her but my ego was the main barrier between us.

I want to call her Mama like everyone else does but I don't know how to initiate it. I want to enjoy her motherly hug she gives to others. I have never gotten jealous of anyone but when I see her with Marco,

a spark of jealousy stir in me because he gets to call her Mama.

Anhuphama is correct in assuming that I see Melody as my mother and I don't even know how she has gotten to know about my feelings. That why I call her my cara because she is truly my beloved or how else she gets to know the things I don't even tell her. However, I am scared for the first time in my life because of something unknown to me. I don't know why but I have a feeling that there is something I don't know about Anhuphama. I am not saying that she is lying to me about something but I think she is hiding something important from me.

She is a mystery that I am discovering little by little, still there are more to know and I just hope that nothing will be able to take her away from me. Because I will surely die if she goes away from my life.

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