Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 66 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 66 Anything For You

Clay’s POV

A tenuous peace settled over us for the next few weeks. Cary and I went to work during the day, though less of our time was spent on actual pack duties in favor of discussing our future and how to move forward without Colton. Our parents thought he was away gathering intel on Alpha Quade and none of us disabused them of that notion.

Mallory spent most of her days with our mother, determined to perfect her future role as Luna by absorbing every detail the current Black Moon Luna had to impart. The three of us spent our nights together, Cary and I wrapped around our mate. And from the outside, it would appear that we’d never been happier.

But despite her best efforts to hide it, and our best efforts to reassure her, a tinge of self-loathing permeated Mallory’s otherwise vibrant scent. Others might miss it, but as her mates who lived just to breathe her in, it was unmistakable.

“It’s killing me to watch her beat herself up this way.” Cary mentioned for the hundredth time today.

“I don’t know what to do. She seems happy enough when we’re together. If we bring it up, she’ll just feel guilty for making us worry.” I repeated my earlier point.

“Maybe we should start planning our bonding ceremony.” Cary suggested enthusiastically.

“We’ve talked about that, bro. It’s not a good idea to open our borders right now. We need to deal with Alpha Quade first.” I reminded him.

As Alpha’s, it was pack tradition to hold a bonding ceremony where we would mark our Luna in the presence of our pack and all our allied pack leaders. But we had no idea how far Alpha Quade’s reach extended and it just wasn’t safe to risk him or one of his men slipping in with the other guests.

“Fuck! I know!” Cary conceded, slumping in his chair in defeat.

A bouquet of lavender and jasmine wafted into the room seconds before Mallory poked her head in, putting a temporary end to our debate.

“Hey! Lunch is ready.” Her sweet voice made my heart race.

“We’ll be right there, little wolf.” I winked at her and she nodded before slipping out the door.

Our parents had insisted we move into the Alpha apartment when Mallory came to stay with us. Most days we still went to our old offices since most of our files were there but Mallory had wanted to cook lunch for us today and who were we to deny our Luna? So we decided to work from our home office.

We both locked down our computers we’d only pretended to be working on and made for the kitchen, the mouthwatering aroma drawing us in.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

“It smells amazing in here, darling.” Cary announced, stepping up behind her and burying his face in her neck. ” The food smells good too.”

“Go sit down!” She swatted him away playfully, laughing at his little quip.

“What?” He put his hands up, feigning innocence. “Just stating facts.”

“Hey, little wolf.” I stepped into the space he vacated, kissing her cheek. ” Can I help?”

“No, I got it. Go sit down. I want to serve you.” She insisted.

“I can think of a way you could serve me.” Cary suggested as I walked by, smacking him on the back of the head. ” Ouch!”

“Quit being an ass! She worked hard on this meal for us.” I growled in his head.

“Sorry, love.” He apologized out loud.

A knock on the door drew our attention and I pivoted on my heels to answer the door.

“I got it.” I hollered over my shoulder, but I could sense Cary following behind.

I swung the door open to find Colton standing there wearing an apprehensive expression. I swallowed the growl threatening to burst out, knowing it would draw Mallory’s attention. Seeing him was the last thing her already fragile heart needed.

“Is she here?” He asked softly

“What the fuck do you want, Colton? Why the fuck would you think it would ever be okay to show up here? Haven’t you hurt her enough already?” I snarled under my breath.

“I know she’s here. Please just let me talk to her. I need to explain-,” He pleaded but I wasn’t in the mood to listen to his bullshit.

“Fuck off, Colton! You’re not getting anywhere near her again. You lost that right when you used her to sate the bond then left her for that cunt you call a girlfriend.”

I was so pissed, all I could hear was my own heart beating in my ears. So I missed the sound of Mallory’s footsteps heading in our direction until it was too late.

“Guys, what’s taking so long?… Oh.” My head snapped to her in time to see her face contorted in anguish the minute she saw Colton standing there.

“Mallory.” Colton breathed her name, but she ignored him, her gaze bouncing between Cary and me instead.

“I’m going to lie down for a bit.”

Mallory’s hushed voice was laced with sadness. “Lunch is on the table.”

I walked over to where she stood before she could make her escape and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll be right there to tuck you in.” I told her softly.

Mallory left the room and Cary followed her while I held Colton in a furious glare. Colton stared wistfully over my shoulder, his eyes following the direction Mallory had gone. I waited to speak until I heard the bedroom door close, the sound seeming to jolt him out of his longing.

“Are you proud of yourself, seeing the devastation your choices caused? I hope you lie awake every night, seeing her face the way it looked just now. And I hope the shame and regret rots you from the inside out. You’re a fucking disgrace!” I blared at him.

“Clay, please. Just let me explain.” He tried again.

“No!” I stated flatly, spent of any emotion I might have spared him, then closed the door in his face.

I rushed to the bedroom, anxious to check on my mate. Mallory was lying on her side facing the wall, her scent marred with guilt and grief. Cary had climbed in behind her, holding her when the dam broke and her tears spilled over.

“Please talk to me, darling. I can’t stand to see you cry.” Cary implored.

“You shouldn’t be so nice to me. I’m a terrible person. I don’t deserve it.” She choked out.

“You could never be a terrible person. Why would you say that?” He coaxed.

“I made a mess of everything! I let him fuck me when deep down I knew he’d lied about leaving Darcy. He may have been my mate but he still belonged to her and I let him cheat with me. What kind of person does that make me?

“And if that weren’t bad enough, you’ll definitely hate me when I tell you the next part. I won’t pretend to understand the intricacies of the mate bond. Because I don’t see how you could still want me knowing after everything you did to protect me, I still want him?” The shame in her voice sliced into me with searing intensity.

Two low growls filled the room, both our wolves angry with her for thinking we’d ever not want her. If I hadn’t hated Colton before, I surely did now. I’d never forgive him for making her doubt herself that way.

“This is the last time I’m going to tell you, Mallory. Don’t ever so much as hint that any of this is your fault or that you are anything less than worthy of our love! Next time you do, I’m going to paint your ass red! You are our mate! And you’re fucking perfect! We could never hate you!” Cary exclaimed.

“Would perfection still want him after everything he’s done? Because my traitorous bitch of a heart was actually happy to see him. My wolf is throwing a fucking party right now.”

“What?” The question slipped out, Mallory’s eyes finding mine where I leaned against the doorway, listening to their exchange.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered apologetically.

I stalked over to the bed and inserted myself between her and the wall, pulling her chest to mine. I feathered soft kisses over her lips while Cary left a trail of them down her neck, the two of us holding her from either side.

“I’m not mad, little wolf. Just surprised.” I assured her. “I guess it makes sense that you would still want him. It wasn’t your choice to go your separate ways. It will get better with time.”

“But what if I never stop wanting him? What if I’m this shell of a person for the rest of my life? You deserve a mate who is happy and whole, who never makes you feel like you’re not enough. It’s not fair to you that I’m left pining over someone I’ll never have when the two of you are right here, giving me everything a mate could ever ask for.” Her words seemed more contemplative than literal but I answered her anyway.

“Cary and I will take you any way we can get you. You are so much more than we ever hoped for just the way you are. But when you find yourself longing for him, please try to remember he doesn’t deserve you, love. Promise me you won’t let him hurt you again.”

Mallory’s eyes welled with sadness, telling me what she was afraid to say. She couldn’t promise me that. But when she did speak, her words took me by surprise.

“Please make love to me. Make me feel everything I need to fill this aching hole in my chest he left behind.

“Are you sure?” Cary asked. “You’re hurting, darling. We can just hold you.

“Please .” A low keening followed the word that tortured my soul and I knew I could never deny her.

“Anything for you, little wolf. Always.”

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