Rejected Little Secret by Lisj

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Sitting next to Nadia’s hospital bed, I could feel the suffocating atmosphere in the room, the tension making the air heavy. 

Lying there, she remained completely silent and immobile, her unwavering gaze fixed on a distant corner of the room. Her gaze bore into me, making it impossible to ignore the intensity of her emotions, even though her face remained impassive, concealing her true feelings. 

I squirmed in my seat, feeling the uncomfortable silence between us stretch out like a tightrope. I wanted to say something. anything to break the oppressive stillness that surrounded us, but the words caught in my throat, choking me with their weight. 

Opting for a different approach, I settled back in my chair, releasing a prolonged, deliberate breath while keeping my arms firmly folded. The ceiling loomed above me, its white paint blurring in my vision as my mind became overwhelmed with a torrent of unspoken thoughts. 

Time crept on, with each passing minute feeling like an endless stretch as we remained silent, consumed by our own contemplations. The room was thick with tension, a heavy presence that seemed to hang in the air, ready to explode at any 


The silence became unbearable, and I felt compelled to break it. Clearing my throat, I spoke in a hushed voice, barely above a whisper. 

and I 

“Nadia,” With hesitancy and uncertainty, I mustered the courage to begin speaking, “L… I just wanted to say that I’m sorry, hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I’m sorry for everything that’s happened, for all the pain and hurt that I’ve caused.” 

Nadia’s lack of response was evident as her eyes remained fixed on something imperceptible in the room. Undeterred, I pushed forward, resolved to shatter the wall of silence that stood between us. 

“I’m aware that things haven’t been smooth sailing between us lately – there’s been a strain in our relationship. Do you ever think about why we turned out like this? We used to be best friends, after all.” My voice shook with emotion as I pressed on, blinking rapidly to hold back the tears streaming down my face. “Just wanted to say I’m here for you and I’m really sorry for what I did. I get that you didn’t wanna come, but you had no choice. If you need anything, I’m here for you, no questions asked, Just… Why can’t you just stop being a bitch every now and then?” 

Nadia stayed quiet, her face giving away no emotion, even in the midst of it all. With each passing moment of silence, my frustration grew stronger, a weight pressing down on my chest, craving even the slightest indication that she was listening. 

“Nadia, please,” I pleaded, my frustration evident in every word. “Say something. Anything. This silence is driving me crazy.” 

The weight of my emotions became almost unbearable, and tears threatened to spill over as I struggled to keep them at bay. I felt an overwhelming sense of isolation and helplessness, unsure of how to connect with Nadia or anyone in the town of Blackacre. Once, I felt completely embraced and accepted, but now it appeared that my perspective was skewed, only seeing what I wanted to 


Other than Axel and Axton, I’m not sure if I’m acquainted with anyone else from Blackacre. 

Overwhelmed with sadness, I hunched over in my chair, my face buried in my hands, tears streaming down my face without restraint. Utter defeat washed over me, weighing heavy on my shoulders. 

20:18 Thu, 20 Jun W 

Chapter 71 

After a long pause, Nadia finally found her voice and spoke. 

Her words were like knives, cutting through the stillness of the air and leaving a trail of anguish in my already hurting heart. 

“Are you happy now, Maya?” 

Her voice lacked any hint of emotion, each word she spoke oozing with bitterness and resentment. She didn’t meet my gaze when i looked at her. I was still hunched over, my eyes filled with tears, while Nadia lay on her bed, her eyes fixated on the ceiling, lost in her own thoughts. 

“Does this align with your expectations? It does, doesn’t it? After all, is it not desirable to experience freedom, breaking free from the restrictions of Thornholde, and finding one’s rightful place within the wolves of Blackacre?” 

Her words landed with the force of a blow to my stomach, stealing my breath and leaving me dizzy. I felt as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath me, leaving me suspended in mid–air with nowhere to land. 

With tears clouding my vision, I stared at Nadia, wanting to say something, only to find myself unable to speak a single word. How could I make her understand the internal struggle I was facing, the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to unravel me completely? 

Nadia continued, her voice dripping with iciness, completely indifferent to my tearful state. 

“Maya, you have always had a thirst for more. More freedom, more love, more everything. And now, you possess it. So tell me, are you happy? Are you satisfied? I am curious to know if you are.” 

Like a physical blow, her words stung me deeply, serving as a painful reminder of the things I had given up in my pursuit of independence. The weight of my emotions hit me, causing a lump to form in my throat, making it nearly impossible to reply

But still, was it wrong for me to want more, when I had grown up with nothing to call my own?. 

“Nadia, that’s not.” 

There was more that Nadia wanted to share. 

“Maya, have you ever paused to contemplate the consequences your actions might have on those surrounding you? Concerning the fact that I was compelled to come here against my wishes. Despite my lack of desire for any of this, you have miraculously remained intact while I am now burdened with a mangled leg. Do you possess any degree of care? Huh, but then I find it hard to believe, considering your tendency to prioritize your own interests, the selfish woman that you are.” 

Her words pierced through me like a thousand daggers, leaving wounds that went straight to the core. Anger surged within me, burning and intense, but I forced it down, suppressing it like a bitter taste. 

“Nadia, please.” 

Whispers escaped my lips, barely reaching the air, as I held onto the rails of her hospital bed, my knuckles growing increasingly pale. She refused to make eye contact, but her trembling body and bloodshot eyes revealed her struggle to hold back tears of anger. Nadia’s pride was so strong that she would prefer death over showing any sign of vulnerability in front of me. 

“I never intended for any of this to occur. My intention was never for you to get hurt, I swear, I always wanted for all of us to be safe. But all these things you’re saying, they’re unnecessary and completely untrue. So what if I wanted more? Is it really so terrible for 


Chapter 71 

someone like me who had nothing to dream of a better life? With everything handed to you, it’s impossible for you to grasp the hardships and struggles of a life like mine, where I had nothing.” 

How could she find the courage to speak those words aloud? How could she accuse me of being greedy and selfish, when all lever wanted was to find my place in the world and feel a sense of belonging? 

Sitting there, my mind was a jumble of confusion and disbelief, swirling and whirling, I couldn’t fathom how Nadia, a person who had known me for years, could unleash such hurtful words. Each word felt like a sharp blade, twisting in my chest, causing deeper pain with every utterance. 

She scoffed, her bitter laughter filling the air as she shook her head in disbelief 

“Stop putting on an act, Maya. It’s not a good fit for you. Since our childhood days, you have consistently sought to take on more than you were capable of managing. You were always in pursuit of something more, never finding true satisfaction with what you already had.” 

“Nadia, that’s not true,” In a state of absolute disbelief, I protested, my head shaking uncontrollably. “I’ve never been greedy or selfish. Why are you even saying such things?” 

“Oh please.” 

“Nadia, you’re mistaken,” My voice quivered with emotion as I protested, pointing at her with frustration evident in my trembling hand. “You’re the one who had everything handed to you on a silver platter. You were fortunate enough to be born into a life of privilege, whereas I had to struggle and fight relentlessly to achieve even the smallest victories!” 

However, Nadia’s smile spoke volumes as it curled into a chilling expression, making me shudder. Her eyes seemed to possess an uncanny ability to uncover the hidden truths buried within my soul. 

“Oh, Maya,” With a sarcastic tone, she placed a hand on her chest where her heart was, her voice dripping with disdain. “You have always exhibited a certain level of naivety, haven’t you? Forever maintaining the conviction that the neighboring side’s grass is greener, while in reality, it bears the same withered and pallid appearance as the patch on which you currently stand.” 

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, leaving me gasping for breath. 

Nadia, literally what are you even saying?! Every ounce of happiness I have is hard–won, a precious treasure that you have no concept of the lengths we go to obtain-” 

With a dismissive shake of her head, Nadia’s eyes turned icy and unforgiving. 

“Oh, but I do understand, Maya,” With a sneer on her face, she uttered the words, her voice oozing with contempt. “I understand all too well. You see, while you were busy fighting for your place in the world, I was fighting to escape mine.” 

“That’s… That’s not true-” 

A bitter and mocking laugh escaped Nadia’s lips, resonating through the empty room. Looking around the empty room, she waved her arms up in the air, clapping her hands loudly to emphasize the sheer emptiness of the space. 

“Throughout, your unwavering belief has been in your own exceptionalism, setting yourself apart from the rest, including myself. Nevertheless, the fact remains that you and I are alike. Experiencing the same level of confusion, despair, and isolation. I believe that is why you are here, am I mistaken? Given the choice, you preferred to spend an hour in solitude with an individual you 

20:18 Thu, 20 Jun 

Chapter 71 


strongly hate, rather than endure another moment in that cabin that you falsely present as a home.” 

Her words cut me to the core, each one a painful reminder of everything I had lost and everything I had yet to find. I felt tears. welling up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I struggled to make sense of what had just happened. 


I swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in my throat as I struggled to find the right words to respond. Nadia’s gaze bore into me, her eyes cold and piercing, as if she were searching for some hidden truth buried deep within my soul. 

“Take a moment to consider it, Maya.” Ignoring the way my tears stained my cheeks, Nadia carried on without hesitation. “If I were truly the one who received everything I wished for whenever I wanted, then what is the purpose of me being here? How did I end up in a place I have no desire to be, separated from my mate and family? Why I am here? Especially as it appears to be solely because you wished to be here.” 

In that moment, I found myself at a loss for words. 

With a wicked smirk, Nadia’s eyes narrowed in satisfaction, relishing in the moment. 

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