Reborn Heart of Steel

Chapter 11: Damaged

The next morning I woke up with confusion probably due to lack of sleep. Suddenly the penny dropped and I found myself sitting on a bench late one Saturday afternoon with clothes that didn’t belong to me. This was followed by a sudden replay of all that had transpired and I woke up with a groan, burying myself under the duvet.

A gentle tapping on the door somehow pulled me out of the room. “Lucy?” Chase’s voice sound came from behind the wooden door. “Are you finally awake? I cooked something to eat if you feel like eating it. ”

My stomach suddenly rumbled, it was only then I realized I’d not eaten since yesterday.

“Yeah… please give me five minutes…” A blush grew on my cheeks as I got nervous.

Taking a deep breath and preparing myself, I walked down the stairs. Chase was in that kitchen laying plates of pancakes and bacons. It’s quite surprising to see things get back to normal after such events.

“Morning,” Chase greeted me politely, though he also flashed his teeth in what could be best explained as a smile. “How’d you sleep?”

“Okay.” I said as I took out a stool and sat. “I guess.” I completed before eyeing the pancakes on the table. “Thanks for the breakfast. It looks, delicious.” I smiled sincerely.

We ate in companionable silence for a while. I was grateful that Chase didn’t immediately start grilling me about what had happened. But I knew we couldn’t avoid the topic forever.

Sure enough, as we were finishing up, Chase cleared his throat. “So, uh, I was thinking. About your situation.”

I tensed, but nodded for him to continue.

“I did some digging last night,” he said. “That photo? There was no party, I know it happened in the locker room.”

I nodded again. “Yeah, but I swear, Chase, I wasn’t drinking. I wasn’t taking drug and I swear I didn’t sleep with… I was…” Tears stung my eyes realizing I became a victim of rape.

He held up a hand. “I believe you, Lucy. But here’s the thing. I was at that party too, remember? And I distinctly recall seeing Brittany messing with your drink.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

Chase’s face was grim. “Yes, I didn’t take much significance into it then-thought it was just her normal intolerable self again! But with this photo and all that history, I think she did lace your drink. ”

The truth in the things that he was saying knocked me out something like a truck. “Oh my God”, I murmured. “If that’s true, then. .. ”

“Then we can demonstrate your innocence,” Chase concluded. “Well, you know it will not be that easy, right? Her father sits on the school board and Brittany is quite influential person too But we have the facts on our side. ”

My soul ached to trust him but cold, bitter words flowed through my mind, “Even if we sue, the harm is done. The world has that photo out there. My mom kicked me out. How do I come back from this?”

Chase extended his arm across the island and slowly grabbed my hand. It was an unexpected move that did not make me wince back. “Let’s do this one step at a time,” He said in a calm and determined tone. “First we will visit the school. I will join you in visiting the school’s principal. Try and convince him to remove that photo because what happened was not as it was portrayed. ”

“And then what?” I wondered, gulping and hating how quiet I was. ”

“Then we deal with your mom,” he said. ‘When she starts knowing the truth she will have to listen and if she doesn’t…’ He clutched my hand tightly. “Well, you are welcome here anytime you want or for as long as you would require a home…”

He stared back, an unmistakable glimmer of triumph under the cold surface.

Chase had never been unkind to me but this was different, the guy cared about me.

Some of them were at the cost of his reputation as he was willing to put his reputation on the line just to aid me.

“Why are you doing all that?” I whispered.

He looked at me in a challenging manner. “Because, Lucy, you deserve it; you are one of the best people I know and I would not allow Brittany, or anyone else to ruin your life; and because…” There was a momentary pause where he blushed slightly. ‘Because I care about you. A lot. ‘

I would like to say that it made my heart flutter when he said that. But before I could respond, suddenly, Chase’s phone vibrated. He looked at it and his scowl deepened. “It is from Tyler,” He told me. “Well, it seems that Brittany is not finished. She continues to start rumors. ”

Sense of hope faded away, as it was rather short-lasting. “What now?”

Chase’s jaw clenched. She’s saying… she’s saying you’ve been selling drugs on campus That is how you’ve been affording all those expensive cloths and paying for your good grades.

I squeezed out a laugh that sounded like something from a horror movie, it was that pathetic. “Pretty dresses? Has she seen my closet? And I’ve been ‘maintaining my grades’ by stressing over and acing every damn test. ”

“I know, I know,” Chase stated reassuringly. “But this is good, in a way,” I tell her. “This way she’s hungry for attention and she starts making stuff up. In this case, it will be very easy to make her look like a liar. ”

Part of me wanted to trust him, but it seemed too difficult when put into perspective. “I can’t do this, Chase,” I said with a new round of tears welled up. “I can not defeat her. She is too strong, too influential. Perhaps… perhaps it is time for me to go. To move somewhere and try to build anew. ”

Before I knew what was happening Chase was by my side, sweeping me into his arms like I had never seen before. “Don’t you dare,” he growled out, those stern features pinning him and making it impossible for me to look away. “You seem to forget I’m also very influential and if she dares to cross me, she won’t hear the last of it.” His jaw clenched. “You belong here, Lucy. This is your home, your school. You worked to belong here, and that won’t go down the drain because of someone’s else’s selfishness.”

I rested my head against his muscular chest and felt the heat of him as if he was trying to help me heal, and for the first time, since all this started, hope flickered in my veins.

Perhaps now that I had Chase by my side, I could manage it. We stood like that for a long moment, not really wanting to separate at all. Lastly, I gently moved away slightly and met his eyes. “Okay,” I said softly. “Okay, let’s fight. ”

Chase’s expression was similar to a sudden warm spring day with blossom and lively sunbeams: there was a feeling of life and joy with nothing oppressive. “That’s my girl,” he stated and then visibly turned red as he probably realized what he has just said. “I mean, uh. .. ”

I laughed, a real one this time. “It’s okay,” I said. “You know what, I kind of like that sound. ”Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

He flushed even deeper but did not shift his gaze. Rather than saying that, he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, looking at my lips. Suddenly my breathe was left halted at the back of my throat. Was this really happening?

But before any of us could move nearer, there was a shrill sound of the doorbell and we both sprang apart. Chase shifted in his seat uncomfortably and attempted to clear his throat. “I should, uh, get that,” he said.

I gave him a nod that I tried my best to cover my nervousness together with the rapid beating of my heart.

Before Chase could go open the door, I inhaled a deep breath.

Whatever was coming next, whatever battles we had to face, I knew one thing for certain: It felt like I didn’t have anyone when I lost them; however, that was not the truth now.

But I was in, for a shock. It was just the beginning.

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