Reaper's Word

Chapter 28: No You Can't, Yes I Can

Chapter 28: No You Can't, Yes I Can

Clair found the next two days to be rather, uneventful. Though that was fine for her. She'd gone to the library to try and see if she could figure out just what Isaiah was. Doing so, she'd heard a man scream somewhere as she walked down the halls.

She'd been eating toast with peanut butter. Hadn't even paused in walking until three steps after the scream had stopped. She'd given a rather depressed sigh. She was getting so used to it. It didn't shock or terrify her anymore. It just let her know that it wasn't her and about where they were. This group was a little better than the last. Some looked at her with distrust and disdain, fine with her. Others badgered her for long periods of time asking her about the house. About Isaiah and the wolves. Which she corrected them, they were hell hounds.

"All I can tell you is that if he makes you a deal take it. Even if it's unfair or not very promising. Otherwise you'll just be dead where you stand."

"What deals have you made with him?" One had asked her and she'd looked at them. An odd sensation going through her.

"I don't make the deals. I just do what he says to the best of my ability." With that she'd turned and left them. The thought of what she'd done still made her face burn. Her mind started to dwell on a sharp conflict inside that she refused to let eat her. So she'd left and going through a few of the corridors had ran into a couple more people. Carlos and Leanne being the two and they were looking a bit pale and withdrawn. The short chat that she'd had with them, they'd told her of the pool game.

"But we're alive." Carlos said. Clair had given a smile and a nod. They'd only bought themselves more time in hell. Just like Clair was doing. Clair went to a portion of the house she knew wasn't visited all that often. She did this a lot, because all the rooms wanted to be used. Any reason would do. She already knew that befriending the house, or giving it purpose pleased it. Which gave her perks, just like doing what Isaiah wanted.

She went into a large bedroom. It had an attached bathroom. She took a chair and put it against the bedroom door. Then she moved to the bathroom. All it had was a stand up shower, sink and toilet. The floor was a peach colored stucco tile. The shower right ahead with frosted glass and curved silver handles.

The walls were tiled white as was the decent sized shower. She closed the bathroom door and locked it. Then stripped quickly and grabbed a towel moving to the shower. She pushed the door open and then stepped in closing it with a click. This was the best. Clair hated being grimy and this was better. Besides Isaiah seemed to remark on it. If she was caught she didn't want to displease him, she saw how that went.

She flipped the towel onto the metal bar and looked at the shampoo and conditioner here. This stuff was scented unlike the rest of the bathrooms she'd been in. She figured that she didn't have to rush, but should be quick about it. After all she had Isaiah's word. She saw what happened when he broke it, or was close to. Clearly something happened, so that gave her a slight sense of security.

"Ooh tangerine mango, how interesting." She said taking a smell of it, "Not bad."

Clair turned on the water but stepped out of the shower for a second and brushed the thick mass of hair untangling it. She looked at herself for a moment. No bruises marred her skin anymore, which was nice. She just studied herself thinking.

She thought that she looked a bit healthier too now that she could eat and drink with more choice. Rather than a granola bar here, a box of juice there. She was still on the thinner side though, but that was a good thing to a point. It let her get into places that were a tight fit.

Clair got back in the shower and scrubbed. She started to wash her hair, counting the time she spent here. She didn't want to stay more than ten minutes. She could always find a different bathroom to finish up in.

She had a song stuck in her mind at the moment and sung it very softly feeling a weight lifting just a bit off her shoulders. She had three weeks, well drawing closer to two now. Still that was a long time. She wasn't even thinking about the after, she did sigh though because she would never celebrate a birthday again. Her birthday was January seventeenth, she'd slept right through it.

Not wanting these kinds of thoughts to dampen her mood, she finished up. Shutting off the spray and squeezing out her hair. She was humming to herself now and grabbed the towel pulling it around her. Clair pulled the door open and gave a small cry of alarm. Isaiah was just standing right there. She hadn't heard anything, and she hadn't felt anything.

She mentally kicked herself. She hadn't been keeping her guard up as her mind wandered. Son of a bitch, she'd wanted to avoid him as much as possible for the three weeks. It had only been a few days. She felt her mouth go dry. Why was he in here? Her heart started to beat harder.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the grip with her one hand on the towel was very tight as was her hold on the door handle. She'd have slammed it in his face if that wasn't trapping her in the shower. That would just be a stupid move. She should have put the chair on the tile. She'd have heard it then. Clearly the carpet hid the sound with running water.

"Looking for you. I was listening to your voice. I enjoy the sound of it." He said his gaze moving over her and she wished badly for the clothes on the counter. He noted her quick gaze over in that general direction and his knowing smile just made her feel angry. It must have shown on her face because of his next words.

"What a quick temper you have." Though he was clearly amused.

"It's just you, nothing personal." She responded in her calm quiet tone. Though he knew she was being sarcastically rude. He couldn't do anything to her to harm her, and they both knew it. However he knew that she was thinking of immunity like the first time. That wasn't what he'd said, he'd said from any real

harm and to him real harm was life threatening wounds. He stepped forward coming into her space. Clair took an involuntary step back, his hand came up taking hold of the back of her neck.

"What are you doing?" She asked her voice shaking slightly. He didn't stop his forward movement until her back hit the tiled wall and he pressed against her. His mouth coming down on hers. He ripped the towel away from her tossing it. His hands moved to touch her sides and she felt her skin prickle at the sensation.

Clair refused to give him access to her mouth, but his hand moved to slide between her legs. She jumped as he touched her. His fingers playing with her and she let a gasp escape. He took advantage of that, his tongue sliding over hers. She felt her body respond and was mad at it that it did so. What was wrong with her? She felt confused, why was he able to touch her? He shouldn't be able to touch her right? Shit what had he actually promised?

He continued to touch her, play with her. His thumb sliding over her most sensitive spot while his fingers stretched and toyed with her. He was pressed to her keeping her there. While he was aggressive, he wasn't moving fast either. She felt the rush between her legs and her stomach clench tighter along with her lower body. It was accompanied by that wet needy rush as well. He raised his head from her moving it to her neck. His tongue moved over her skin, and fast beating pulse.

"You're not supposed to be able to do this." She said as he took her hands and forced them flat to his stomach. Then pushed them down to the edge of his pants. He made a darker amused sound against her ear before his head lowered a bit. Clair felt her mouth go dry. Why? Why was he so fascinated with her? There were other women in this house.

"Of course I can." He said his teeth scraping across her neck. "I said I'd give you immunity from any real harm. I'm not causing you real harm by doing this. Even your body says so Clair, responding to my touch." She swallowed, and cursed her traitorous body, why? Then again it was probably best it did.

He brought his left hand up to cup her breast and his thumb rubbing over her sensitive nipple. It was taught and hard in moments. He moved lowering his head to take it in his mouth and she bit back the moan unsuccessfully. How could he get such a response from her when she didn't want him? Didn't want him touching her or looking at her? Yet she responded, her body growing needy, growing wet wanting him. At least it was what she told herself, but then again maybe she did. Maybe knowing he desired her kept her safe.

"Undo my pants Clair." He said putting his hands on either side of her head. His gaze meeting hers, he could see how torn she was. How she didn't want to want this, but couldn't help it. He grew harder at the thought of it. That he'd have her body in moments. Hear her breathless sounds as he drove himself deep into her. Her perfect little body giving him what he wanted, and not just a surface need.

Her hands finally moved and did as he asked pushing them from his hips far enough to free him. He dropped his hand to her thigh, taking hold and gripping her backside. It was easy to lift her where he needed her. With one hard thrust filled her body completely. Which felt so fucking good after such a long time of not really enjoying it. Of not being satisfied and being left more than frustrated. It was her mistake to think she was free of him touching her.

She gave a short cry, and he brought his mouth to hers as he started to take her slowly. Every stroke deep and hard. He pressed her to the tile, holding her there as his body slid in and out of hers. He felt the deep growl in his chest, more it wanted more.

He just couldn't seem to take her deep enough, hard enough. Isaiah wanted his body so far in hers that she'd never get him the feel of him out. When you went so long with your body in a kind of tortured hell, never satisfied, it was incredible to finally have it. Easily addicting, more so than any drug. She was so damn tight, and it was an exquisite torture to be honest. Slick hot silk gripping him harshly.

She moaned softly gripping him harder and he thrust up into her faster. Wanting the feeling of completion that only she could give him. He dropped his mouth to her throat, he couldn't take and he

felt ire at this. He should be able to take anything he wanted from her. Not with the promise though, draining her of blood was real harm. He should really think of these things before he made the deal.

Her hips moved in time with his own. Her muscles gripping him so nicely. So firmly. Her body tight and hot, like a slick silk glove. Fuck it felt amazing, his own body felt like it was wound to tight. His muscles all tense. Her body was still wet from the shower she'd just taken and it soaked the shirt that he wore. He wanted her skin sliding against his, but he wasn't willing to stop long enough to remove his shirt.

"I want to hear you cry my name Clair." He said against her ear. Her scent filling his nose. Egoistical, yes. Still he wanted to hear her say it. Admit who was doing this to her, and her sounds were clearly agreeable. He kept his hands on the back of her thighs using it to hold her in place and to him, as he slammed into her. His fingers digging into the flesh. She had her legs wrapped around him holding herself there too. The thought of coming inside of her, what he knew it felt like nearly tipped him over the edge.

She moaned. The sound clearly a half plea, half distress, because she would give him what he wanted. Whether it was her desire to or not. He lowered his head back to her throat, his teeth scrapping her fast beating pulse. Her body so close to coming apart around him. It felt incredible, those little ripples. How tight she grew. He bit a little more harshly than he meant to against her neck and her one hand moved to the back of his head.

"Yes, do it. Take from me." Clair gasped out and he didn't need to be told twice. He nearly let go right there with the thought of sinking his teeth into her throat.

His teeth grew sharp and he bit down. She jerked slightly with the pain of it but that wouldn't last long. Only when he took a human like this did they feel pleasure instead of pain. No other time would it feel this way. She was no exception, her blood was thick and rich flowing into him.

Clair cried out for him as he had asked, as he demanded. Her body shattering into a million pieces. His grip on her grew tighter. She felt the first wave of his orgasm. The sudden swelling of him once again. He wouldn't let go or stop until he sated himself in her fully. His body was still moving at a hard fast tempo and it was difficult to pull in a decent breath. She just held on to him feeling her body staying on a high. This was far different from her first night. Her orgasm felt so much more intense and she enjoyed it. He was still so hard and thick inside of her driving her to peak again and she just let it happen. There was no reason to fight it.

"Isaiah," She said trying to form words but couldn't. He just pressed her that much harder to the wall. Grew that much more forceful taking her. There was a sharp pain mixed in the pleasure now at is pace and frantic movement. The sharp sound of their bodies coming together was the only sound for a moment.

"Please." She couldn't keep this pace with him. He needed to slow or finish. However she knew that he wouldn't stop. So she was pleading for him more to just bury himself inside her and come in her. Just a one word plea and he knew what she was asking for. His mouth was near her ear again having taken what he wanted from her throat. His tongue had slid up slowly along the soft smooth flesh of her neck.

"You belong to me Clair." He growled in a harsh tone to her. Easing his movements just a bit. He pulled from her slowly, but then slammed back into her in a harsh stroke before doing it again. She sucked in a sharp breath and let out a deep moan.

"Yes." She gasped out tears in her eyes. He brought up a hand and gripped the hair on the side of her head holding her there with his mouth pressed to her ear. His breath rushed across it and made her shiver. Her body clench which he clearly liked as he moved faster again.

"Only I will do this to your body Clair, yes?" It wasn't truly a question. It was a demand.

"Yes." The word came out in a rush, at his possessive and dark tone. "No one else, ever." Like she could ever let anyone ever touch her after him. She couldn't picture letting anyone ever touch her. She let him because she had to, because her body said yes.

"Swear it Clair." He said his grip moved more to the side of her throat. His thumb pressed harder, threatening to make it hard to breathe. It was very near pain, as close as he could get without breaking the promise.

"I swear on my life." She told him. She couldn't take much more of this she thought. She would just crumble a part against him. Her body was soaring high, and her nails were digging into his skin. He plunged his body into hers fully holding her tightly against him. A harsh cry caught in his throat. After a moment, his body relaxing he moved his head back to look at her. His exquisite little female satisfied him again. Even more so than the last time. Yet a darker dangerous part of him wanted to cause harm if she were to think about taking another. Even if it was survival.

"I will take your life Clair in the most painful and degrading way that I know how should you ever let anyone else touch you. Ever let another attempt to please your body. I'll tear them apart first and then start on you. What is mine will not be touched by others." He would not share what was his, end of story. He wasn't going to stand for another defiling her. He wanted her as she was now. His marks, his scent.

Clair met his black gaze for a moment. His threat was well understood but there wasn't anything to worry about. She knew that in this way she would always belong to him. He would mark any kind of sexual or needful thought she had. It would be Isaiah that she thought of first. Right now it wasn't even possible to picture a nameless future stranger having her this way. She was never leaving this house. His statement was unfounded in her opinion, but they did not see the situation in the same manner either.

"In this Isaiah, whether I want it or not I completely belong to you." She might as well say it and admit it. Her eyes fixed on the glass behind him. He took hold of her chin forcing her head up.

"Look at me!" He snapped when she refused to meet his gaze. Her eyes jumped to his. His gaze not so black anymore and it was searching hers. He seemed to find what he wanted. He pulled his body from her and let her feet touch the ground but kept her caged against the wall.

His thumb moved over her lower lip for a moment and then he lowered his head to take her mouth. He took his time tasting every inch. Tasting everything that she was, she let him this time and participated. Clearly trying to get him to understand as he was her. Yes he would kill just for one wrong glance at her from another. He'd marked her and so it was. Isaiah pulled his pants back on, grabbing the towel he tossed it to her.

"Come." He said to her moving from the shower and she followed.

"You don't need those clothes." He said over his shoulder and she held the towel to her more firmly. Her face was flush from sex, but it grew deeper and he felt body respond slightly. If catching her wasn't so satisfying and entertaining he'd just tie her to his room. He didn't want to kill that spark she had yet.

He felt a smile come to him and he moved from the room leading her to where he wished to go. She was looking around clearly uncomfortable in the towel. No one was going to come out and none were in this area. He stopped in a hall facing a wall that had no distinguishing marks on it then pushed the panel. It popped open and he motioned for her to go first.

Clair went in and found herself in a room that she knew. The one that had no doors. The closet off to the left had the dresses in it. This was where he took her. He stood behind her and she looked at all the different dresses here. She was slightly confused, why? What did he care what she wore?

"Pick one and wear it. I much prefer the sight of you in one of those than the clothes you normally wear."

"Maybe I prefer those clothes. You said I can have what I want." She responded more to be difficult. He stepped over to her. His hand gripping the edge of the towel for a moment. He pulled her closer looking at her. A thousand thoughts running through both their minds at the simple movement.

"I'll give you a choice then. Either you chose to wear what I say, or you can stand here as you are in nothing." He pulled at the towel a bit. "I prefer as you are, much easier to get at your body. It's exciting to think how easy it would be to just take you." He stated his hand sliding under the towel along her inner thigh. Clair moved back letting him have the towel as she turned and grabbed the first dress that caught her eye.

He gave a soft laugh. Isaiah bunched the towel in his hand. The smell of her clung to it and had his body beginning to react even more so. His reaction to her just seemed to be getting worse not better. However he didn't feel like complaining. He was better at manipulation too. If she’d demanded the other clothes he’d have had to give them. However she hadn’t, and he knew his words would make her do it.

She slipped on a dark blue one that had spaghetti straps and a slit up the side that went nearly to her hip. It fit her well, complimented her well. All of the dresses in here would. The house would see to it as no other would wear them and it seemed rather fond of her at times.

"Satisfied?" She said keeping her distance from him.

"For now." He replied, his mind was still stuck on her being naked and pressed against him. What a delicious thought. A second later he heard something that tainted the good mood he was in. There was the sound of items shattering and Isaiah turned his head. It was some distance away but he could hear it. Clair couldn't. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

He turned and moved from the room. Clair stepped out following him. He heard what sounded like wood being smashed with something. Then he heard the odd musical off key note and clenched his

jaw. Whichever human was destroying the piano room wasn't going to be alive much longer. It was his favorite room in the house.

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