Pregnant For The Royal Prince

Bumping Into The Prince

RINA was more than shocked. What had Prag just said? That she should take the Princess’s dinner to her?

Like, she was really gonna take up that tray, and go meet the Princess face to face, as in eyeballs to eyeballs? Hmm.

But hold on, she doesn’t even know her room, or the way to her room. So, how was she really gonna do this?

“Hey Tanu”, Prag called out to one of the maids cleaning up the kitchen. She turned to her immediately, looking up from the dishes she was arranging on the rack.

“Yes Prag”, she replied.

“Please show Rina the way to the Princess’s room”, she said and looked away, doing her job.

Jeez, Rina flinched, was this lady really reading her mind?

Anyways, she shrugged and got down the seat, then walked up to the counter where the tray was.

With her two hands she carried it up, looked towards the girl who was going to lead her, the girl was already on standby.

Together they walked out of the kitchen.

Tanu went with her till they got to the hallway leading to the Princess’s room, and she stopped.

“You should go from here”, she said.

“What?” Rina asked, her eyes widened in confusion.

“I should what?” She repeated the question.

Tanu smiled.

“That is the rule here Rina, I only am to show you to the hallway, then you are to complete the task”, she winked.

“Alright, which is her room?” She asked.

She really wasn’t in the mood to argue, her hands were already causing her pains.

“Just walk down this hallway, the third door by your right”, she explained.

“Thank you”, Rina nodded and began walking away.

Obviously, she wasn’t in the mood for long talks or arguments, or thinking, she just wanted to drop off the tray in her hands, it was a burden and if going to the Princess was going to lessen the burden at that moment, she was gonna go. She had no other option.




Raghav sat on his piano seat facing the window, playing soft melodies, singing alongside the tune.

His fingers moved to and fro the keyboard, his head moving in rhythm, as he played the tune of the popular Skylar Grey lyrics: ‘I’m coming home’.

? I’m coming home

I’m coming home

Tell the world that I’m coming home

Let the rain wash away, all the pains of yesterday ?

? I know my kingdom awaits me and they have forgiven my mistakes

I’m coming home, I’m coming home

Tell the world that I’m coming home ?

He was so engrossed in his world of music, traveled far into the lyrics world, and so everything going on around him at that moment, he didn’t know.

A knock came on the door, and it opened instantly, even without waiting for a response.

Alina entered carrying with her, his dinner. She glanced at him and smiled, then walked towards the dining and placed the tray.

She turned to him again, smiling sheepishly. He had drawn her into his world of music.

She proceeded to set the table for the meal but stopped, he might not be ready for dinner yet, he normally always wasn’t.

So, she just sat on one of the dining chairs, staring at him. She couldn’t see his face, he was backing her.

After a few minutes, he ended the music and Alina gave him a round of applause, startling him, he turned.

“Like how long have you been staring?” He asked.

She laughed.

“Your Grace”, she got up and bowed.

“I have actually not been staring but watching”, her arms went behind her.

He looked her over, his eyes twitched.

“Hey, are you supposed to be in that?” He waved his left fingers at her.

She looked down at herself, changing the look on her face.

“Um actually Maharana, you know I have outgrown my uniform, so the tailor was making me another”, she said.

“Oh was, meaning she is done with it. And as for outgrowing your uniforms, don’t say I know, because I don’t”, he stood up, and walked towards the dining.

“What do you have in there?” He asked, eyeing the plates of food in the tray.

“Oh it’s Rice and veggie stew”, she clapped twice.

“And guess what my Prince, I made samosa for you, specially”, she smiled.

“Mm”, he licked his lips, shoving back a seat.

“Can I set the table now?” She asked.

“Oh shit!” He cussed, getting up.

“What is the matter my Prince?”

“You have to leave now”, he said.

“Maharana”, she called, “you are still in your royal attire, it’s evening, why not take it off?” She asked.

Raghav scoffed and looked down at himself, damn that! He was going to take them off later.

“Sure”, he shortly replied and began walking towards the door, Alina instantly followed.




Prisha stood facing her bedside and brushing her hair. She had just had a refreshing evening bath.

She hummed softly as she did her thing. She was still brushing when she heard a knock on the door.

“Come in”, she softly replied. That must be a maid with her dinner.

The door opened and Rina entered, closing the door behind her with her butts.

She saw a little pretty pumpkin brushing her hair and humming softly.

Wow, her hair was damn long and she wondered what products she used on it.

They were damn sparkling, smooth shiny and long. She looked at her dress, it was a sleeveless long flowing gown which covered all down to her toes.

“Good evening Your Grace”, she greeted, bowing.

“Your dinner”, she added.

“Yes please, drop it on the dining. Thank you”, she replied, still brushing and not bothering to turn to her.

Hmm, Rina shrugged and walked to the dining, then placed the tray.

Hold on, a dining in a bedroom? She almost laughed out, there was nothing her eyes wouldn’t see at the palace.

“Um my Princess, should I set the table?” She asked.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“No please, thank you”, she was still backing her.

Rina wondered what her face would look like. Maybe as beautiful as an angel, or as pretty as Cinderella. She chuckled, then began walking out.

“Hey”, the princess finally turned and called at the instant she got to the door.

Rina turned to her.

“Yes my Princess”, she replied.

“What!” The princess shouted, much to Rina’s amazement, the hairbrush in her hands fell off.

Huh? What was wrong? Why had the Princess behaved that way?

“You… you are the new maid?” She slowly asked, smiling.

“Yes my Princess”, she nodded.

“Wow”, a big broad smile played on her face.

Like seriously, this was her saviour, yes, this was the lady who had saved her from the hands of her abductor in the woods. Yes, this was her. Life and blood.

But hold on, if this was really the girl, why was she behaving like she knows nothing? Or is she trying to feign ignorance? Why would she?

“Um, did you remember meeting me anywhere before?” She was forced to ask.

Meeting her? Like was she kidding? Rina looked confused. How could she have possibly met with the Princess of Shimla kingdom without knowing? How?

Nah, the princess must be joking or something, she looked at her.

“I’m afraid no my Princess, as much as I can vividly remember, I haven’t for once met you”, she said.

“So, you mean you didn’t remember seeing me, like… seeing me like this close before?” She pressed on, not wanting to reveal the main issue though.

Rina shook her head in the negation. She was damn sure she hadn’t met one on one with the Princess anywhere.

“No my Princess, maybe it’s a case of a mere coincidence”, she said, her gaze lowered to the floor.

The Princess smiled it off and waved her hand.

“You can leave anyway. I wanted you to help me deliver a message to Prag, but no qualms, you can go”, she dismissed her.

Rina bowed and nervously walked out of the room.

What exactly was that which the Princess had just displayed? Like, she wasn’t getting to the whole thing.

Met her before? She racked her brain, trying to go down memory lane. She shook her head, nah, she was sure she hadn’t met with her before.

On getting to a bend in the hallway, she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her forehead and splayed her right hand on it, jeez, the sudden pain was killing.

Her eyes twirled and without notice, the next thing she saw was herself falling. She closed her eyes to fall to the ground, but instead she felt herself fall on someone.

“Hey, are you alright?” She heard a voice ask, and she fluttered her eyes open, and holy moly! It was the Prince!

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