PHB 21

For the past three days, Deasy had secluded herself in her apartment. Taking advantage of the fact that she had suddenly fainted earlier, she chose not to go to work, citing illness as the reason.

However, physically, Deasy was perfectly fine. It was her mental state that had been shaken after hearing the medical diagnosis.

“You’re pregnant, Deasy! Remember, you’re P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T,” she said, emphasizing each letter. “Finally, what you feared has happened. So, who are you going to hold responsible?”

She had repeated that sentence countless times. Deasy tried to deny the reality that she was pregnant. Many thoughts crossed her mind, from finding a potential father to support and take responsibility, to hiring a husband or, worst of all, terminating the pregnancy.

But one thing was for sure: Deasy did not want to marry Lucas Orion under any circumstances.

“No,” she shook her head repeatedly. “Even if it’s doomsday, I will not marry Lucas Orion. No way!”

Despite Lucas’ earlier offer to take responsibility before she knew about her pregnancy, Deasy had vehemently refused. And now that the situation had become a reality, she remained obstinate.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.


Lost in her thoughts, Deasy heard a half-shouted call from someone she knew very well. Turning around, her intuition was right. Veronica, her friend, strutted into the apartment and took a seat without waiting to be invited.

Moreover, Veronica had an easy way of entering the apartment. From the beginning, Deasy had given Veronica access to her apartment keys to make visits easier.

For the past few days, Veronica had been trying to contact her. From sending text messages to phone calls. However, Deasy ignored everything, needing time to contemplate and calm down.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you sick? Feeling unwell? Upset? Why haven’t you answered any of my messages or calls? Are you angry with me or something?”

Veronica bombarded her with questions the moment she arrived. Deasy’s head began to ache from her friend’s rapid-fire inquiries.

Ignoring Veronica’s questions, Deasy remained silent.

“Deasy!!!” Veronica reached out and turned Deasy’s face to make them face each other.

“Des, what’s wrong? If there’s a problem, just tell me as usual.”

Deasy could only take a deep breath. She gazed at Veronica’s face for a moment before finally speaking.

“I’m pregnant, Ve.”

Those were the only words Deasy could utter. However, instead of being shocked or surprised, Veronica remained nonchalant, as if Deasy’s pregnancy was something ordinary.

“Oh, so you disappeared because you were upset about being pregnant?”

Deasy turned to her, unable to comprehend Veronica’s remarkably casual response.

“Ve… I’m pregnant, and you’re acting so casually about it.”

Veronica pursed her lips, still smiling, and replied with the same expression.

“So, how do you want me to react? Cry? Or laugh? Besides, I’ve always emphasized to you to be careful. Whether it’s the third time, second time, or the first time you have intercourse, if you don’t use protection, there’s a 90% chance you’ll get pregnant. And now? My words have been proven right. So, when you engage in sexual activities, be responsible. Remember to be safe, Des. Now it’s complicated, right?”

Deasy let out a long sigh. Instead of receiving comfort, she got a long lecture.

“Please, Veronica Ashborne. I need support, not a lecture. Aren’t you sympathetic to my situation? There’s no ‘women supporting women’ here. It’s like you’re delighted that I’m facing this difficulty.”


Veronica immediately shook her head.

“This isn’t a difficulty, Des. It’s a blessing. Good news. Besides, why should I feel sorry for you? You’re perfectly healthy. If you want someone to take responsibility, just contact the guy who got you pregnant. Didn’t you say he repeatedly assured you he’s ready to take responsibility if anything happens to you? So, why should I be worried?”

Deasy felt like she was going crazy. Swearing for anything, Veronica’s current attitude was so annoying. She must have caught it from her husband, Darwin.

“Are you okay with me marrying a guy who-”

“Is ugly and nerdy? Why shouldn’t you be okay? If I were you, I would just accept his offer to take responsibility. It’s better than having a fatherless baby. It’s more pitiful and embarrassing.”

Deasy sighed. She disagreed with marrying Lucas, a guy she didn’t like at all. Were there no other men in the world?

“I’d rather hire someone to be a temporary husband. The important thing is this baby has a father, right?”

“Renting someone like that would be too complicated,” Veronica scoffed, dismissing Deasy’s argument once again. “The biological father is clearly ready to take responsibility. Why are you still in denial? He’s alive and ready to be your husband whenever you want.”

“I don’t want to, Veronica. I really don’t want to! Instead of having to marry my super nerdy and unattractive subordinate, I’d rather terminate the pregnancy.”

Veronica shook her head vigorously. She couldn’t believe Deasy’s current train of thought. How could she be so casual about ending an innocent life growing inside her?

“Are you out of your mind?” Veronica asked in a displeased tone, staring intensely. It was as if she wanted to dissect Deasy, who was sitting in front of her. “You’re already committing a big sin just by conceiving. Now that it’s happened, you want to throw it away like that? Do you have a brain? It’s your own flesh and blood, Deasy Winterborne!” Veronica’s voice filled with anger and frustration. She openly vented her emotions and irritation. “Out there, many people struggle to have children, but they’re still not blessed. And you? You can have a child easily, and yet you want to get rid of it just like that.”

“This is a different case, Veronica,” Deasy retorted, not accepting the debate. “Those people who want children out there, they make the decision willingly. Based on love with their life partners. Not like me, accidentally getting pregnant with someone I don’t like at all.”

“Even if you don’t like him, you still enjoyed it, didn’t you? You made out with him twice. With the same person. What does that mean? You’re meant to be with him.”


Deasy groaned in frustration, running out of words to respond to Veronica’s piercing statements.

“Enough, don’t go crazy thinking about getting rid of it all. It’s a sin and dangerous, Des!” Veronica reminded again. “If you really don’t want it, then after it’s born, just give the baby to me. I’ll take care of it and raise it. Better than getting an abortion. It’s pitiful.”

Deasy turned to Veronica, staring intently.

“You want me to keep this baby? I’d be so ashamed, Ve. What will people say if they find out I’m pregnant with Lucas Orion’s child? Right now, I can still hide my pregnancy. But later, when I’m four or five months pregnant, everyone will know and suspect.”

“It’s even more embarrassing if you’re pregnant and there’s no father,” Veronica retorted immediately. What was wrong with Deasy’s thinking? “Besides, you’re funny, you know. The other day, you weren’t ashamed in front of God. You were showing off and reveling in it. Now that you’ve been given a baby as a bonus from the Almighty, you’re suddenly ashamed of what people say. I can’t wrap my head around your thinking.”

Deasy let out a long sigh. Someone, please take Veronica away from her right now. Instead of calming her down, Veronica was making her more stressed with her endless ranting and nagging. And to make matters worse, her tone sounded more snarky and judgmental over time.

“Fine… I won’t terminate the pregnancy. But I still refuse to marry Lucas in the end. I just won’t do it!”

“Is Lucas Orion really that repulsive to you? Don’t be so sure, Des. You never know, God might be displeased, and you might end up pursuing him in the future. Remember! It’s not difficult for God to change your feelings for him. Besides, hate and love are just a thin line apart.”

Deasy scowled. She was determined in her decision.

“Oh, please! Whatever. Until the end of time, I won’t ever want to get married, let alone fall in love with him.”

Veronica nodded. Tired of arguing, she decided to end this never-ending conversation.

“Whatever you want to do from now on is up to you. Just be careful not to dare to abort the baby in your womb. Be careful! I won’t stay silent and let you commit a grave sin.”

Deasy just sighed. She was no longer interested in responding to Veronica’s constant warnings and nagging.

“Alright, I’m going home now. If you need anything or if there’s anything, contact me immediately. Tomorrow night, you have to go to the obstetrician for a check-up on your pregnancy. Don’t worry, I’ll accompany you.”

Deasy simply nodded, letting Veronica prepare to leave her apartment unit.

“Remember, Des! Don’t mess around.”


“Just be careful not to even think about aborting your pregnancy.”

“Okay, Veronica. Okay! I know.”

“Be careful. I’ll keep monitoring your condition.”

Veronica then left Deasy alone. However, not even five minutes after the apartment door closed, the doorbell rang again.

“Oh, come on, Veronica! What else do you want? Rest assured, I won’t abort my pregnancy!”

As soon as she opened the door to her apartment unit, Deasy immediately retorted with the same words, as if she was fed up with Veronica’s constant warnings.

However, as the words left her mouth, she was shocked. It wasn’t Veronica standing in front of her; it was the man she knew too well.


The man in the black shirt blinked in confusion.

“W-what? Did you just say Miss Deasy is pregnant?”

Deasy widened her eyes. She made a mistake speaking without looking around first. Now, her secret that she should have kept hidden was known to the one person she wanted to avoid the most.

“No. You misheard,” Deasy denied, trying to close the door to her apartment unit. “Next time, if you want to visit, please ask for permission. I’m not feeling well and need some rest.”

Lucas didn’t let Deasy close the door to her apartment unit. He intentionally blocked her way and walked in without asking for permission.

“Could I discuss Miss Deasy’s pregnancy in front of your neighbors?” he said.

Deasy swallowed her saliva. She regretted her earlier words, as Lucas’s response had caught her off guard.

“To be straightforward, what do you want here?”

“I originally came here for work-related matters. But after finding out that you’re pregnant, I changed my mind.”

“What do you mean? Besides, who’s pregnant?”

“Miss Deasy. You just said it, didn’t you?”

“You misheard,” Lucas shook his head. “I actually suspected that this would happen. That’s why I offered to take responsibility from the beginning.”

Deasy shook her head. She was firm in her decision not to accept Lucas’s offer to take responsibility, let alone marry the man.

“No, I don’t need your responsibility.”

“But there’s my potential child in your womb that I have to think about and care for.”

“No need,” Deasy rejected again. “You don’t have to bother with taking responsibility. Just consider that we never did anything. And consider that I’m not pregnant with your child.”

“That’s impossible,” Lucas protested, unwilling to accept her rejection.

“Why is it impossible?”

“Regardless, there’s my potential child in there,” Lucas pointed directly at Deasy’s belly. “That’s why I have to take responsibility.”

“Lucas, strawberry mango donuts, I’m not interested. Anyway, I won’t ever marry you.”

Deasy then grabbed Lucas’s arm forcefully, pulling him and leading him to leave her apartment unit.

“Whether I’m pregnant with your child or not, just never dream that I’ll accept you.”

“But —-”

Before Lucas could finish his sentence, Deasy had already closed the door. Leaving Lucas to sigh and silently pray in his heart.

“Just wait, Deasy. You’ll see, you’ll be the one chasing after me.”

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