Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan

Chapter 68

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan Chapter 68

Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan By Kellie Brown

Chapter 68 Marco’s Memory Comes Back

Third POV:

Mr. Barlow’s burial is a quiet one, but the old man has wanted it that way, and it seems to suit him. After his many years on earth, living two very different lives. It made sense that he was surrounded by those that were a part of the latter end of his timeline.

Even being the recluse alcoholic that he was, Mr. Barlow was known as the wise drunkard of the pack. Not everyone got along with him, but everyone did heed his advice when he chose to give it.

Title of the document

Even now, Tanya smiles at the thought as she stands beside Marco. Watching solemnly as the coffin is slowly lowered into the ground. It reminds her that life is short, and at any moment it can be taken away from anyone. There is no escaping death. Mr. Barlow’s words ring through her mind.

“Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter. You gotta chase after your own happiness Tanya. Chase after it with all your heart.” NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

At that moment, she decides she’s going to finally tell Marco the truth. Both good and bad. She had intended to tell Marco the truth, but was interrupted by an accident. This time, she is going to tell him everything no matter the consequences. Even if she somehow dies soon, it means she has gotten everything off her chest, and he would know the truth about who she really was.

After Mr. Barlow’s funeral, Tanya asks Marco if he’s willing to meet for a conversation under the Blue Moon tree, to which he agrees. Little does she know he is coming across some of the truth on his own.

Back at the capital, Lily is reminiscing over past five years. Despite her plans with Marco initially going well, Joseph suddenly fainting before declaring Marco as the next heir, disrupted everything. Eric became the temporary ruler, and Lily could only continue being his fiance.

Much to her bewilderment and humiliation, Eric has yet to consummate their wedding ceremony, leaving Lily to befall victim to ruthless rumors over why. She couldn’t understand it herself. Why not just make her his wife already?

And with regards to Marco. Although he was no longer hostile and defensive towards her after losing his memories. When finding out she was Eric’s fiance, he once again put some distance between them, only angering Lily further.

The only good thing that had come out of this, was getting rid of Tanya. Joseph was at least able to cover up Lily’s plagiarism of Tanya’s work, as another requirement for Lily to cure Marco’s curse. Of course, since people in the royal family knew the truth, Lily was no longer allowed to work as a perfume designer.

The public were made to believe that her sense of smell was so damaged that she could no longer work. This at least meant her reputation was preserved, and Lily of course, took the opportunity to deceive Marco into thinking that Tanya had been the one to destroy her sense of smell.

However, Lily hasn’t been too keen on Marco’s trip to the Blue Moon Pack. And he has been there for a while now, only to reappear for a moment to retrieve a special ingredient, before rushing back without a word. It is strange to her, to say the least.

She now plays with her crystal necklace, twisting it round with her fingers as she tries to understand her upset. And choosing to trust her instincts, she decides to call Marco.

“Hey, is everything okay?”

She’s slightly surprised by the calmness of his voice. “Yeah, I’m well, why? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. I just wanted to check in, see if you were all okay.”

“Yeah, don’t worry. I’m alright. Nice to hear from you Lily. I’ve got to go. But will talk another time, okay?”

Lily smiles, now completely at ease. “Yeah, definitely.”

Little does she know, this is simply an act, and all is not okay in Marco’s world. Despite the tone of his, his expression is blank and cold. He stands beneath the Blue Moon tree when he hangs up the phone.

Somehow, someway, he has finally strung together all his lost memories. His gaze befalls on a ribbon that hangs on one of the branches. And he goes to gently untie it and pull it down. The ribbon is so familiar, and he soon understands why as he extends it to reveal his and Tanya’s recognizable initials.

Just then, lightning flashes across the night sky and rain pumpless down hard. A clap of thunder splits the fog like a knife, and inevitably uplifts the final veil that suppressed Marco’s memories. He sees clearly now. Sees that woman in his dreams, who is in fact: Tanya, n

Tanya’s POV:

My hand swirls the sponge over the plate, cleansing the dishes of the evening. The sink backs against the window, so I’m given clear visual of the rain that hammers down relentlessly against the glass pane. I don’t know if it’s the weather, or just a fleeting thought that stirs something within, but a pang of panic sparks somewhere beneath.

In response to this feeling, my fingers go to feel the strands of my hair. I rea*s*sure myself that there is nothing to panic about, till my w*et fingers drift down to the uneven skin on my neck. I trail the pattern, recognizing the mark on my skin.

Marco’s mark…

I’m now given a valid reason to panic, I haven’t even thought about it before. But I now understand why Marco brushed my hair aside on the day of the wedding. Why he was taking so long, why he was intensely focusing on my neck.

I couldn’t believe it. But could have Marco regained his memories?

I can’t wait until morning to confirm this revelation. I need to speak to him now. I leave the dishes in the sink and rush out into the pouring rain. I knock at his door desperately, but there’s no answer. The rain drenches my clothes and my hair as I stand waiting, hoping. But Marco clearly isn’t home.

So, I go in search of him, but I don’t find him anywhere. The last place I look is the Blue Moon tree, it’s hard to see in the dark, and I’m left slightly lost amongst the overflow of forestry. I suddenly hear footsteps from behind me. And I spin around to face the towering and intimidating form of Marco.

He too, is drenched from the downpour; his normally angelic hues of blue have darkened likening them to rough stormy waves. His lowered brow bone hardens his gaze, whilst his jaw clenches firmly. With him brings a chill, and my body shivers as the previous adrenalin is washed away by the rain.

“You remember?”

He nods, tilting his head unnervingly. “And if I didn’t remember, were you even going to bother to tell me?” I flinch at the sickening sarcasm that laces his tone.

I shake my head, panic-stricken by his accusation. “No, I was going to tell you-”

But Marco interrupts me. “You were going to tell me tomorrow, weren’t you?” I can only nod weakly. “Then what about five years ago? Were you going to tell me about how you left me five years ago? Or were you going to hide that from me too?” The iciness in his tone is incrementally soul destroying.

“Or were you even going to tell me you had some other reason that you left me five years ago? Well, I’m sorry Ms. Tanya, I don’t believe that! All I know is that you are a woman who chose to abandon me for money when I was going through the most difficult time of my life!”

I shrink away as he dominantly steps closer, his anger dispelling off him in waves of rage. “I’m so sorry Marco. I’m sorry.”

But he barely reacts or acknowledges my sincerity. “Does it even matter anymore if you apologize? No. I want you to pay for what you did!” I back away as he begins to encroach on my space.

“She’s my child, isn’t she? That’s how we can communicate through the mind link. Claire’s my daughter!” he scoffs. “At least you have some conscience in that cruel and despicable heart of yours not to abort your child. But she’s mine. And I will take her away now, so you can also experience the pain of losing someone so precious to you. It’s exactly what you deserve.”

My breathing escalates as I comprehend the words coming out of his mouth. My eyes widen in panic. “What? No. Marco no, please. Please don’t take Claire away. She’s all I have!” But Marco doesn’t care to hear my pleas, he’s already made up his mind.

Just then, before I can react, his arms shoot out at me, and his hands suddenly wrap coldly round my neck. I can’t bear to fathom the thought that Marco would want to k*il*l me. But I couldn’t see any form of empathy from his eyes that look fiercely into mine.

However, he holds me like that for a couple of minutes, and I can feel his hesitation as barely any pressure is applied to my neck. I even feel the slight tremble of his fingers. He scoffs. “You deserve something worse than death. I’ll take everything you cherish most. One by one. And I’ll start with your necklace.”

He then drops his grip around my neck, letting a shaky breath burst from my lungs. But his arm shoots up to snag my necklace and wrenches it away from my body violently. As the chain snaps and Marco

snatches the pendant, a crisp clang emits at that very moment. We both follow the sound, gazing down into the soaked blades of gra*s*s. And there lies my wedding ring, glinting its silver hue back at me and Marco.

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