Please Give Me Another Chance Mrs Hamilton

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 

Brad gazed down at the stunning woman under him, noting the hollow look in her eyes. 

le couldn’t quite describe the feeling that seized him at that moment, but his heart tightened when he law the defeat and resignation in her gaze. 

He felt like he had lost something important that he had taken for granted before this. 

Nadine had always been careful and quiet around Brad. She did whatever he asked of her to the best of ner ability, regardless of how difficult or near–impossible the task might be. 

She would always put in her best efforts and put up with his cruel nitpicking. 

Brad had never seen Nadine like this. Pinned under him, she did not so much as move a muscle. 

She kept her eyes closed, her long lashes casting shadows on her cheek that reminded Brad of broken butterfly wings. 

She showed no emotion other than disappointment. It was as if a great despondence had enveloped her. As she lay there with her eyes tightly shut, Brad felt her sorrow seep out of her and stab him in the heart. The inexplicable feelings that coursed through him made him lose the last of his patience. Still hovering. above Nadine, he moved so that his towering frame shielded her completely. 

He slid his cool fingers under his thumb and asked, “Who do you think you’re fooling with this martyr act, huh? 

“You were the one who wanted to marry me, and now you want a divorce? Do you think you could toy with me like that? All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who do you think you’re dealing with?” 

Nadine did not once open her eyes as she lay under him, looking as if she was ready to welcome death. 

She said nothing, though her brows were knitted so tightly that she looked as if she was going through intense sorrow or agony. 

When she spoke, it was with a pleading tone. “I was wrong. I shouldn’t have married you five years ago. Please, Brad, just let me and Sean go.” 

If she had known this would happen, she would never have wanted the Hamiltons to repay the so–called favor they owed her. 

Right now, all she wanted was to get away from Brad and the immense suffering he had caused her. 

Unfortunately, if she had been hoping that Brad might snap out of his wrath for long enough to see reason and let her go, she would be greatly disappointed. 

He pinched her chin so hard that she frowned in pain. Do I need to repeat what I told you the other day, Nadine?” he ground out. 

The tips of his fingers dug into her skin. Nadine winced at the sharp pain that felt like her chin had been licked by flames. Arching her back, she tried to push his hand away. 

However, Brad did not intend to let go of her at all. He pinched her chin harder until he was sure the skin would bruise, and still he would not release her. 

He stared into her eyes as if his icy gaze could pierce through her soul. 

“Do you want to divorce me so you can marry Tyler?” He paused before sneering, “What makes you think he would want a woman who’s had a child? 

“Why would he want secondhand goods like you?” 

The scathing insult cut through Nadine’s heart like the cold blade of a knife. From the moment Brad called her “secondhand goods“, her heart shattered into dust. 

She never knew Brad saw her as secondhand goods. 

She operfed her eyes and met Brad’s gaze, snorting derisively as she pointed out, “Secondhand goods, huh? Apparently, I’m not good enough to remarry, but good enough to warm your bed for the last five years.” 

He might hate being married to her, but that hadn’t stopped him from bedding her whenever he pleased in the last five years. 

Since the first day of their marriage, Brad had treated Nadine as an outlet for his frustration. 

He was demanding and unyielding while she was expected to oblige him. If she didn’t, he would force himself on her. 

And yet, as unhealthy as the arrangement was, it had held out for five years. 

There were times when Nadine was surprised at how much she was willing to put up with. They should give her an award for being so tolerant of a tyrant. 

Presently, Brad was taken aback by Nadine’s retort. He had always known Nadine as a quiet and gentle person, so timid that she wouldn’t even raise her voice. 

Now, she was sneering at him with loud and pure defiance. 

He was baffled, and he found himself wondering if her timidness and gentle quietude were just an act. 

Refusing to let him pinch her chin like she was some helpless kitten, Nadine shoved him away and flipped 

on her side

Standing up from the bed, she said with ferocity, “I’m going through with the divorce whether you like it or not, Brad! If you object to it, I’ll take the matter to court 

With that, Nadine threw open the bedroom door and scurried out. 

She knew she would be on the losing end if the confrontation with Brad were to continue. After making her intentions clear, she bolted in hopes of finding a quiet corner to lick her wounds. 

Unfortunately, she had barely taken a few steps out of the bedroom when Brad caught up to her and grabbed her arm. 

He did not give her the chance to make a break for it. Gripping her arms to hold her in place, he swiveled and pinned her against the wall. 

Nadine reached out to try and scratch his face, struggling to break free. She thrashed wildly, her arms waving in the air like a crab that had been caught. 

The more she struggled, the tighter Brad gripped her. 

In the end, Nadine was so worn out that she had to stop. Glowering at Brad with a dark fire burning in her eyes, she demanded, “What the hell do you want, Brad? 

Brad had bedroom eyes that could make anyone swoon. Nadine knew this, and yet her heart couldn’t help skipping a beat when she met his fathomless gaze. 

That only lasted for a brief moment, for she willed her traitorous heart to calm down. 

“Divorce, huh? Fine.” Brad scanned Nadine from head to toe devilishly, an icy gleam shining in his eyes. 

For a second, Nadine thought she saw a starry night sky in those eyes. 

“Really?” She stared at him in disbelief, her gaze full of hope for a better future. 

Brad pursed his lips and merely hummed in response. 

Not at all expecting him to give in and say yes, Nadine beamed and said, “Great! If you have any conditions, I’ll be more than happy to fulfill them.” 

Brad’s expression hardened when he saw how eager she was to divorce him. He shot her a frosty look as he asked, “Do you love Tyler that much? 

On Brad and Nadine’s wedding night five years ago, Tyler had shown up outside the Hamilton Estate and waited there the whole night like a lost puppy. 

Only a fool would believe there was nothing between Tyler and Nadine. 

Nadine didn’t want to drag Tyler into this mess of a relationship. She glowered at him balefully and said through gritted teeth, “Don’t bring someone else into this, Brad. 

“This divorce is just between us and has nothing to do with Tyler, so I’d appreciate it if you could stick to the topic at hand.” 

Her voice rose toward the end of the sentence until she sounded like she was snapping at Brad. 

Brad frowned at the high pitch of her voice. “Sean bears the Hamilton family name, so he will stay here after our divorce is finalized. Also, I want ten million dollars in compensation for my loss of youth.” 


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