Owning the Mafia Don



I felt the white light around me fade away gradually.

A sense of being in unexplored lands overcame me.

I saw myself turning away, facing a land that lay in front of me, familiar and new, all at once.

And then I was opening my eyes slowly.

My heart swelled with trepidation and a deep unrest, a disquiet. And with it, a longing. A desire to return.

Return where? asked my rational brain, kicking in at once.

I opened my eyes slowly.


My first thought was,” Where was I?”

The room was unfamiliar. White walls, cool air…

I squinted and winced. My body, especially my stomach, felt as though I had been under a road roller.

The thoughts began to swirl in my head.

What was I doing, lolling about in bed?

I needed to fix breakfast; where was Claude…?

And the twins? What about them? Was Lucien back home from wherever he had gone?

Urgently, galvanised into action, I tried to swing my legs over the bed, but my body was too heavy.

My legs refused to cooperate.

And a large, dark hand pushed me gently back onto the bed.

“Good Evening, Woman…’ growled a familiar voice, and I turned my head in surprise.

The sudden action made my head swim, and I shut my eyes before opening them again.

Lucien sat beside me, holding my hand.

I frowned in puzzlement.

And then, everything seemed to come flooding back into my mind.

The kidnapping, my imprisonment, Dmitri Rudenko… OLEG!

I shuddered and turned my face into my husband’s hand, the large hand that was cupping my cheek lovingly and tenderly.

‘Don’t cry…’ he rasped soothingly.

I smiled in spite of myself.

He simply could not sound gentle.

He sounded like a schoolmaster instructing a particularly irritating child and I giggled shakily.

I felt his hand stiffen.

I could almost see his thoughts.

Is she alright? Why was she smiling and crying all at once?

Lucien, I love you, I whispered, my tongue feeling thick and unused to speaking. He reached down and kissed me gently on my forehead.

‘Thank you.’ he said, a trace of an unfamiliar tone in his voice as he spoke.

“Thank me? For what?’ I murmured, my voice still tremulous. I had begun to fathom that I was safe.

I could remember the smoke, Oleg collapsing…

And Schwartz, stepping forward like a dirty blonde avenging angel, green eyes glittering dangerously.

“Where’s James?’ I asked, dimpling slightly.

My best friend. I wanted to see him.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Lucien looked at me with a deep look that seemed to be studying my soul.

“You do know you just gave birth five days ago to my beautiful, strong triplets, don’t you, woman?’ he growled.

The words sank in slowly.

‘Three children,’ I cried, my eyes misting over, the tears flowing down my face, my cracked lips hurting as I smiled in joy.

‘Did you say THREE?’

I smiled and said almost to myself,

” I did feel…’

And then I had a deep urge to hold my children in my arms, to see them, and to have them at my breast.

My eyes filled, the tears spilling over with my desire.

I stared at him and then began to laugh.

It hurt me, and I heard the beeping of the monitor beside my head. I was still attached to a box of tubes.

A large Amazonian nurse bounded into the room, speaking in rapid Spanish. She skidded to a halt on seeing me with my eyes open, crying.

Then she turned to Lucien, her large, hefty arms akimbo as she surveyed my husband, shaking her head disapprovingly.

‘Mr. Dello, ‘she said firmly and I felt the laugh begin in my chest.

DELLO? Had she just called him Dello???

‘Look, Mr. Dello, you not disturb your wife, understood?’

She was a large and handsome Latino woman, and her fierce stance and tough voice would have had Lucien at her throat earlier.

Now he meekly raised his hands in surrender and sighed.

“No.’ he said quietly, and I blinked. He was sitting like a little chastened boy, his eyes lowered.

What had happened to my fierce Mob Boss?

HE was taking lip from a NURSE?

She strode away and he saw my incredulous look.

He sighed.

“She is the one who monitors the visits to the infants’ ward.’ he grumbled, avoiding my eyes as he went on,’ if she gets annoyed, she might not allow me to see my three children.’

There was a gleam in his eyes as he said my three children and I knew he was already in love with them.

This time, I laughed out, at least I tried to but all that emerged was a chuckle.

Poor Lucien Delano, the Great Mafia Don, had been humbled.

He stroked my hair, his grey eyes soft with tenderness, saying softly,

‘Sleeping Beauty. You have been asleep for almost five days now. Know that?’

I stared at him.

‘ Our children, Lucien,’ I asked, tremulously.

‘The three..?’

His lips twisted into a smile as he growled.

‘Which three, woman? The three here or the three at home?’

I saw the teasing light in his eyes.

His expression changed as he ran his eyes over my face, my smiling, happy expression..

‘Ah, f*ck. Woman, I want to kiss you, want to f*ck ..’

I held up a hand, tubes and all.

“NO! Mr Dello.’ I said, hiding my smile as he scowled.


He smiled, which made my heart beat faster.

“I cannot help it if you are so temptingly beautiful and sexy. And so fertile, woman.’ he said in a hoarse whisper.

I sighed deeply as a wave of weariness swamped me.

“I am so done with giving birth !’ I continued, grumbling and lying back against the pillows.

I was beginning to feel drowsy, and my eyelids were drooping.

He studied me for a long while, and then he grunted, his eyes on my face and my mouth.

Leaning forward, he kissed my cracked lips, smiling as I winced.

Lifting his head, he added, stroking the tendrils of hair off my face,

‘The others want to see you. And yes, they will bring in our children in a while.’ he growled hoarsely.

‘But I want you to rest now, woman.’

I blinked as I tried to stay awake.

‘Lucien,’ I murmured sleepily, trying not to doze off again.

‘Lucien, which three children of ours?’

And then I slid into a dreamless sleep again

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